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The Neko Game ~robertita and KawaiiNekomimiBoy~ {18+}


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Tony closed his eyes and yawned as well “Night night my neko” he said before he fell asleep. He woke up in the morning and heard a strange noise outside – he stood up carefully not to wake up the neko and looked on the window. The kitties were playing outside and one of them fell into the pool. “Lucas wake up. A kitty is on the pool. We need to rescue him” but as he said so he saw that his mother ran and took the kitty out of the water.

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Lucas wags his tail and smiles, "good night," he purrs before falling asleep. He was purring in his sleep when it was morning time, turning on his side with a whimper as Tony got out of bed and pulls the blanket over his head, swishing his tail in his sleep. Lucas perks his ears up and gets up, walking to the window and notices Tony's mom rescues the kitty, looking at Tony and lowers his ears, "I hope the kitty is okay."

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"Let's go and see" Tony said looking for his clothes on the floor. He got dressed in an instant and went downstairs. His mother was drying the kitty with a fluffy towel "He's ok. Just scared. " she explained as the cat was purring louder wanting to lick her baby. Bella let the kitty on his mother side and turned to Tony. "She will take care of it now". Tony nodded with a smile.

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Lucas nods his head as he puts on his clothes. He follows Tony downstairs and watches Tony's mom drying off the kitty. He looks at the kitty as he was set down next to his mom and looks at Tony, wagging his tail, "that is good to hear," he nods his head slowly and sighs with relief.

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“Good morning boys. Are you two hungry?” auntie asked as she came from the garden. “My flowers are in a good mood today” he said and Tony laughed “See Lucas, auntie always treat the flowers as humans.” He turned and faced his mother “Yes we are hungry. And mom will prepare my favourite breakfast, doesn’t she?” Bella nodded and ran to the kitchen.

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Lucas wags his tail and nods his head, sitting at the table with his head tilted and flickers his ears. He lets out a yawn, scratching his ears as he looks at Tony's mom and back on Tony, rubbing his eyes and lets out a yawn, mumbling softly and rests his head on the table.

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“Here you have boys. Omurice” Bella said putting the plates in front of them. “Are you still sleepy Lucas?” she asked and Tony nodded “He’s a neko mom so he likes to sleep lots” Auntie entered into the kitchen with few roses and looked for a vase. “Do you like flowers Lucas? These are for you” she said with a smile.

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Lucas looks at the plate and sniffs the Omurice, wagging his tail and perks up his ears, tilting his head as he starts eating, "well .. I wanted to make sure the kitty was ok.. so i didn't go back to sleep after getting interrupted from sleeping." He then looks over at Tony's auntie and looks at the flowers, sniffing them and then nods his head slowly, "sure.. I like flowers," he wags his tail as he goes back to eating.

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“You should eat then Lucas and after take the kitties and have a nap together. Bella and Tony can chat while you have your nap” auntie suggested and Tony nodded. He was curious now that his mother had to say. “I didn’t know you like flowers my love” he said petting Lucas’ head.

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Lucas looks at Tony's auntie and nods his head as he was eating. He looks at both Tony and his mother, wagging his tail as his head was getting pet while purring, "of course I do," he continues eating and leans forward, sniffing the flowers.

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“Then you should come with me in the garden to see my babies” auntie said with a smile. “It’s a good idea auntie. Lucas won’t feel sleepy anymore” Tony teased the neko before he continued to eat in silence. “I may even name one after your name Lucas, what do you think?” auntie asked.

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Lucas continues eating and pouts a little as he looks at Tony, sticking out his tongue, "I-I don't sleep like 24/7," he grumbles a little and continues eating. He perks up his ears and wags his tail, "o-only if you want to," he finishes eating and hiccups.

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“Awww, you are so cute Lucas” Bella said being happy. “He is indeed. Why do you think I love him?” Tony smiled to his mother. “Do you really like my lover?” he asked. “Yes I do. I know once I was egoist and thought it’s wrong you to be gay but after your father left I realised I was wrong…” Tony yelled “Where he left?” Bella sighed “He divorced when he found out I’m sick. He didn’t want to stay near a woman who can die anytime, a woman who bore him a gay son. He said so” Tony hugged his mother tightly. “I thought you hate me”.

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Lucas perks his ears up as he looks over at Tony's mom and wags his tail as he lets out a hiccup. He covers his mouth and drinks some juice as he listens to Tony and his mom talk, tilting his head as he wondered what they were talking about and finishes his juice. He wags his tail with a smile, happy to know that Tony and his mom made up.

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“I can’t hate you. I’m your mother” Bella said and Tony was about to cry. “Come on you two. Enough of sad things. Let’s go in my garden. Lucas is bored already” auntie said as she stood up. “Ok auntie. Let’s go. Did you finish your meal my neko?” he asked his lover smiling shyly.

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Lucas watches Tony and his mom, wagging his tail and perks his ears up as he looks at Tony's aunt, tilting his head slowly but then nods his head, "yes I am full now," he stands up and starts to walk out the backdoor, looking around outside and sniffs a couple of times, leading himself to Tony's aunt's garden.

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“You do have many flowers here aunt - I mean roses” Tony said being impressed by the flowers. His auntie had not only many roses types but they were of different colours. “Look at that one Lucas. The colour it’s like your fur” he said getting closer to the roses. He cut one and offered it to his lover.

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Lucas wags his tail and lets out a yawn as he looks at all the flowers, perking up his ears. He looks at Tony as he cuts the flower and looks at it, wagging his tail and sniffs it, "it smells so good," he purrs and goes back to sniffing the flower.

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“Yes it is my sleepy head” Tony teased him and looked on his auntie. “We will go to have a nap auntie until lunch. “ She nodded “Go then. Bella and I will stay here to prepare the flowers I must deliver in town tonight for a wedding”. Tony took Lucas into his arms and left the garden.

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Lucas rubs his eyes with a pout, shaking his head slowly, "I-I am not that tired," he frails his arms. He tilts his head as he looks at Tony's mom and aunt, perking his ears up as he was picked up suddenly. Lucas blushes and rests his head on Tony's chest while purring, swishes his tail.

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“Your battery it’s almost over my neko. Do you want to faint in front of some ladies?” Tony teased Lucas as he entered in the house and headed upstairs.” I’m lucky I took the charger with me.” He said as he let Lucas on the bed slowly and went to look in the luggage for it.

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Lucas perks his ears up and lowers his ears while pouting, shaking his head, "no.. I suppose I don't. I don't want to make them worry about me." He flickers his ears a couple of times, watching Tony and wags his tail slowly, smiling softly as he wondered if his mom was baring a baby girl or a baby boy.

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“We need to explain to auntie about it. Your mother needs to be charged as well, not to mention she will have a baby neko soon. I hope to be a baby girl so we can spoil her with dresses and bows”. Tony said smiling as he found the charger and went back to bed.

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Lucas flickers his ears and nods his head, "well.. she will figure it out once my mom comes in the mail since she is like me, we will both need to be charged," he wags his tail. He tilts his head as he looks at Tony, flickering his ears, "w-what happens if the baby is a boy," he looks at Tony and lays down with a yawn, rubbing his eyes.

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“I hope she will arrive soon my neko so my auntie and mom will look after her. Mom says she will stay here from now one, not alone in her flat. Plus this air is fresh and perfect for her asthma” Tony explained as he connected Lucas to the charger. “You can have you nap in my arms now Lucas. Don’t worry, if the baby is a boy, we will teach him to play football”.

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