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The Neko Game ~robertita and KawaiiNekomimiBoy~ {18+}


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"Lucas you behave like a real cat" Bella said being curious about Tony's lover. "He is indeed mom. As you know I don't like pets but thanks to Lucas I like them now" he explained waiting to be served. "What do we have for lunch?" he asked smiling and playing with Lucas' ears.

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Lucas tilts his head to the side and looks at Tony, nodding his head, wagging his tail. He blinks and looks at Tony, tilting his head and lets out a yawn, perking up his ears, wondering what they were having for lunch too and purrs softly as Tony plays with his ears.

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"Just a food you liked when you were little: fish. That's why I asked if Lucas likes it" auntie explained serving them the food. "Lucas eats anything after he sniffes it" Lucas answered laughing. "Thank you mom for reminding my favourite food" he said before he took a bite from the fish. "Yummyyyy" he yelled being happy.

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Lucas perks his ears up and blushes softly with a pout, sticking his tongue out at Tony and rubs the back of his head. He looks at the fish and wags his tail before leaning down, sniffing the fish and purrs softly, grabbing a fork and starts eating as well.

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"And what we have at dessert? My favourite one? Pancakes with chocolate?" he asked enjoying his fish. Bella laughed "You got it right Tony. I did it myself while your auntie prepared the fish". Tony nodded "Thank you both. It's nice to have a family and a lover" he kissed Lucas' cheeks.

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Lucas tilts his head as he continues to watch Tony, flickering his ears and wags his tail as he continues eating while listening to Tony talk to his aunt and mom. He blushes softly as Tony suddenly kissed his cheek and smiles, wagging his tail and hiccups, blushing and covers his mouth embarrassingly.

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"My nephew is naughty Lucas. He misses no oportunity to tease you" auntie said as she served him with another fish slice. "Thank you aunt. It's very yummy with my favourite sauce" Tony smiled and looked on Lucas. "You made him blush again" he scolded his aunt. "It's not true, he blushed because you kiss him".

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Lucas looks at Tony's aunt and tilts his head, flickering his ears and lets a yawn as he finishes his plate and his drink. He rubs his hand against his face like a cat, purring softly and rubs his stomach, "I am full now, I should probably leave some room for dessert," he wags his tail and stands up, taking the plates to the sink.

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“You are right love. I should do the same after I will finish the fish. Not to mention that we both like pancakes” Tony said looking after his lover. “He’s responsible” auntie whispered and Tony laughed “He’s lazy boy usually. Maybe because two ladies are here he behaves like a gentleman”.

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Lucas nods his head and wags his tail, smiling softly and lets out a hiccup. He looks at his hands and lowers his ears since they felt sticky and washes his hands. Lucas tilts his head as he place the plates under the faucet, turning on the water to pre-wash the dirty dishes and sits back down next to Tony, wagging his tail and leans closer to Tony, letting out a yawn.

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Auntie brought the pancakes and put them n front of the boys. “Are you ready for dessert Lucas? You seem to be sleepy” she asked with a smile. “He’s always like that aunt. But don’t worry he will eat pancakes” Tony said wondering why Lucas was so sleepy.

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Lucas perks his ears up as he looks at the pancakes, wagging his tail and leans down to take a sniff. He purrs softly and takes a fork, starting to cut it into pieces, looking at Tony and tilts his head to the side as he eats some of the slice of pancake.

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“Do you like it Lucas?” Bella asked being curious. Tony laughed “Of course mom. If he sniffes and likes the smell, he will eat”. He ate two pancakes and smiled “They were yummy but I’m full now. I want to just lay in bed” Auntie nodded “You two can do so until I’m finishing with the roses. After we will go back to town”.

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Lucas tilts his head and looks at the pancakes, nodding his head and wags his tail as he was eating the pancake. He looks at Tony, hiccuping softly and blushes, rubbing his stomach while purring. He lets out a yawn and rubs his eyes, looking at Tony and stretches his arms over his head.

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“Come on Lucas. Let’s rest for a while” Tony said seeing his over was so sleepy. He headed upstairs followed by his neko. “Are you ok love? You seem to be very sleepy today” he asked once they arrived in his room. He was worried.

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Lucas perks his ears up and slowly gets off the seat, nodding his head and follows Tony to his bedroom. He looks at Tony and tilts his head, flickering his ears and nods his head slowly, "yes I am fine," he rubs the back of his head and crawls onto the bed.

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“You smell strange as well” Tony said taking Lucas into his arms and pulling him closer. “If I’m right maybe your heat is starting. Come on, let’s have a sleep for a while. Later we will be home and we can do it many times”.

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Lucas tilts his head to the side, flickering ears while blushing, "a-again? But didn't I just get over that," he lowers his ears and hides his face within Tony's chest embarrassingly. Lucas slowly looks up at Tony while blushing and nods his head slowly while holding Tony, purring softly.

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“Damn you are right. Then why do you smell strange?” Tony asked and then he realised “Could it be that the kitties pee on you? Those little ones are naughty” he kissed Lucas’ ears and closed his eyes falling asleep.

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Lucas blinks and tilts his head to the side, sniffing himself, "maybe it was their way of not wanting me to leave," he giggles softly and wags his tail. He blushes as he watches Tony fall asleep and tilts his head to the side, "s-shouldn't I take a shower or a bath," he flickers his ears a couple of times.

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Tony moved into his sleep seeking for Lucas’ warm but he couldn’t find the neko in bed. He opened the eyes in an instant and looked around “Lucas?” he called his lover but he didn’t get an answer. Just then he heard the water in the bathroom and realised the neko was having a shower.

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Lucas gets off the bed and walks into the bathroom. He moves the curtain to the side and bends over, turning on the water and steps into the tub, sitting down and closes his eyes while purring, washing himself and wags his tail.

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“To go or not to go after him?” Tony thought as he rose from bed. He looked for some clean clothes on the bag and then headed to the bathroom. He entered and smiled “Are you having a bath without me my neko?”

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Lucas watches his stomach and blushes, rubbing a soapy cloth on his crotch and moans softly, biting his bottom lip, trying not to get to loud and rubs his finger on his butt, flickering his ears and looks towards the door, blushing, "b-but you were sleeping," he slowly puts his legs together.

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“What are you doing my neko?” Tony asked knowing exactly what his lover did. “Hm, you are very naughty today and I should punish you” he teased Lucas and started to get undress to join his lover into the bath tube.

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