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The Neko Game ~robertita and KawaiiNekomimiBoy~ {18+}


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“True. You are the first neko to be here Lucas so she wanted to dance for you. Mei Lei is an old friend of mine” boss answered and their ice cream arrived. “Can you guess the flavour Lucas?” Tony asked the neko smiling.

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Lucas looks at Tony's boss and tilts his head to the side, "I think I am the first neko ever though," he lowers his ears a little, perking his ears up as he notices the ice cream. Lucas looks at Tony and tilts his head to the side, "chocolate or strawberry," he wags his tail.

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“Nope, it’s a Chinese fruit flavour: Lychee” Tony answered wondering if Lucas will like it. “Plus soon some special cookies will arrive. You have to open it and read the text from inside. They are called fortune cookies” the boss said calling a waiter.

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Lucas tilts his head to the side and lowers his ears, "it sounds.. very interesting," he crosses his arms and pouts a little. He tilts his head to the side and flickers his ears, "fortune cookie? Why do they have paper inside of a cookie here," he looks at Tony's boss confusingly.

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"A fortune cookie is a crisp cookie usually made from flour, sugar, vanilla, and sesame seed oil with a piece of paper, a "fortune", on which is an aphorism, or a vague prophecy" the boss explained smiling. "I wonder what message will you find inside Lucas" Tony said looking on his neko.

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Lucas perks up his ears as he listens to Tony's boss he explained about fortune cookies and tilts his head, flickering his ears and slowly nods his head, "hm.. they sound like a interesting cookie," he swishes his tail side to side. He looks at Tony and wags his tail, nodding his head slowly, wondering what would be in the message in the cookie as well.

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“They are indeed my neko. I never get one before so I’m excited about it” Tony said starting to eat his ice cream. The boss excused himself and went to bathroom. Tony looked on Lucas “What do you think about him love? He seems to like you lots”.

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Lucas looks at Tony and tilts his head, flickering his ears a little as he starting to eat his ice cream. He perks his ears up as he watches Tony's boss out away from the table and looks at Tony, tilting his head to the side, "he seems pretty nice," he wags his tail as he continues eating his ice cream.

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"He pays you lot as well. I never received so much for one game" Tony explained seeing the owner was bringing the fortune cookies. "Welcome to my restaurant Lucas" she greeted the neko smiling. Tony took the bow from her hand and showed it to Lucas. "Aren't they cute?"

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Lucas flickers his ears and wags his tail, "but ..I don't even work, you should be getting all the money," he tilts his head to the side. He perks his ears up and looks at the fortune cookie, slowly looking at the owner, tilting his head to the side, "u-um hello," he lowers his ears as he started to get shy. He looks Tony, looking at the bow and tilts his head, poking at the bow and nods his head slowly while wagging his tail.

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"Choose one Lucas" Tony asked with a loud voice. The lady and the boss were waiting for him to choose one as well. Tony let the bowl in front of Lucas so the neko could sniff them. "Don't be shy" the lady smiled.

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Lucas perks up his ears as he picks up one of the ribbons. He looks down at the bowl and wags his tail, leaning down and sniffs the bowls, purring as he start to open his fortune cookie wondering what kind of message he would get inside.

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"Read it, read it" Tony asked but his boss laughed "Choose one as well Tony and open it. Let's see what you get" Tony nodded wondering what his boss planned. He opened it and took the small piece of paper into his hands. "You will marry your lover" he read loudly.

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Lucas tilts his head as he looks at Tony, wagging his tail as he starts eating the cookie, perking his ears up as he looks at Tony and swishes his tail side to side as he looks down at the paper. Lucas lowers his ears and whimpers softly, looking up from the paper, "it is too small.. I can't read it."

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"Then give it to me and I will read it for you" Tony said and took the paper from his lover's hand. "It simply writes to kiss me" Tony said wondering if Lucas would dare to kiss him in public. "Come on Lucas, kiss Tony" the boss asked.

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Lucas perks his ears up as Tony took the piece of paper from his hand as he continues chewing on the cookie. He wags his tail and then tilts his head, "t-that is all it says," he lowers his ears embarrassingly while blushing and perks his ears up, looking at Tony's boss as he was encouraging him to kiss Tony and slowly nods his head, leaning forward and kisses Tony straight on the lips.

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“That’s all my neko. The cookie says to kiss me” Tony answered and was happy when Lucas kissed him lightly. “Are you happy now boss? My neko kissed me” he said and his boss nodded. “I am indeed. Since your cookie said you will marry Lucas, I hope to be invited to the wedding”.

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Lucas blushes softly and swishes his tail side to side,hiding his face within Tony's chest. He perks his ears up, blinking a couple of times and looks over back at Tony's boss, "w-wedding? A-Aren't we thinking about this way too much," he hides his face again within Tony's chest.

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“My boss is thinking Lucas, not me” Tony said and pulled the neko closer. “We finish our lunch boss so we should go home now” he added hoping the boss won’t be mad on him. “Sure Tony. I’m taking you two home. I have a meeting later so it’s time for us to go”.

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Lucas tilts his head as he nods his head, resting his head on Tony's chest and purrs. He perks his head up and tilts his head to the side, "aw its time to go already," he lowers his ears as he got off the seat, swishing his tail side to side as he stood in front of the table.

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As the boss let them in front of his flat Tony hurried to get upstairs. "My boss is a little ridden with you Lucas. But well, he's nice." Tony said thinking on the fortune cookie's message. "But I wanted to ask you: do you think in the future we can marry?"

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Lucas watches Tony's boss and tilts his head, flickering his ears as he slowly looks at Tony, blushing about the fortune cookie message that Tony got. He slowly looks at Tony while blushing and smiles, slowly nods his head and wags his tail, "I-I like that idea," he holds onto his tail embarrassingly.

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"So we can marry later. I need to meet your mom first and ask her to let you marry me. My aunt and mom will be happy about it, I'm sure" Tony explained taking Lucas into his arms. "It's time for our nap".

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Lucas nods his head while blushing, wondering what his mom would think if she learned his son was getting married to another male since she was never around when he got satisfy during his heat cycles. He looks at Tony and nods his head, licking Tony's cheek and then falls asleep.

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Tony took the neko into their room and let him gently on the bed. The laughed seeing the other fell asleep and was sleeping with his tongue out. He covered him with a blanket and went to bathroom to change into his pyjama.

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