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The Neko Game ~robertita and KawaiiNekomimiBoy~ {18+}


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Lucas perks ears up and pouts a little, sticking his tongue out, "aw.. you know you like it when I tease you," he giggles softly. He tilts his head, "a punishment can be likeable? Is that even possible," he wags his tail confusingly. Lucas walks to the door and tilts his head while blushing, shaking his head, "even though I want to walk ... I am too sore so, we should go on the bus," he swishes his tail side to side, rubbing his tail under Tony's chin as he purrs.

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"Hm, why are you sore my neko?" Tony teased Lucas back. "The punishment is...sex" he whispered into Lucas' ear as they arrived on street. "Then bus to be. You can stay on my lap again" he said as the bus arrived and they got in."

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Lucas blushes and looks at Tony while pouting, looking to the side, "you should know, your the reason why it's sore," he sticks his tongue out while giggling. He tilts his head to the side and sticks his tongue out, "but.. how is that a punishment," he giggles and wags his tail. He nods his head while blushing and walks onto the bus, waiting for Tony to sit down and sits on his lap with his butt rubbing against Tony's crotch.

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"It's the perfect punishment for you. Using the ring...you can' t come so you have to beg me to let you come my neko" Tony said feeling Lucas' butt rubbing against his crotch. "You are teasing me again" he laughed playing with Lucas' tail. Even they were in public nobody pay attention to them.

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Lucas blushes and pouts a little, "ah so that is your plan," he sticks his tongue out. "Unlike must people, I can withstand it a lot better," he giggles softly. He purrs and sticks his tongue out, "aw.. but it feels good rubbing against my butt, its a good thing I don't have a hole in my pants or even your pants or it would sneak its way inside me," he giggles softly while blushing as Tony touched his tail.

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"We will see how much you can resist my neko. Usually you are sensitive everywhere. I know your weak spots. One touch here and there and you will be begging me" Tony answered and giggled on other' s words. "We may find such things on sex shop" he teased the other.

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Lucas blushes and giggles, wagging his tail, "I can't wait.. it sounds very exciting." He purrs heavily and leans forward, licking Tony's cheek as he lets out a soft moan and reaches down, "I can tell your enjoying the idea," he giggles and rubs Tony's crotch.

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"Oh course you are excited my neko. I can feel your head through my pants" Tony answered and moaned slowly into Lucas' ear. "Behave well Lucas. There are kids around. Plus we have to get off to next station".

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Lucas looks at Tony and giggles softly, nodding his head and purrs, letting out a squeak. "W-Well.. stop poking my butt then," he purrs and looks around, notices the kids and rubs his face against Tony, giggling softly.

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"It' s not my fault. It' s bus fault" Tony said looking on the kids. "They are curious about you Lucas. They think you are shy" he teased the neko. Once they were out of bus they entered the mall. "Look on the advertise. They say clothes for nekos" he showed a huge advertise to Lucas.

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Lucas blushes and nudges Tony with a pout. He perks his ears as he looks at the kids, tilting his head and flickers his ears a little, leaning back and holds onto Tony. He gets off the bus and follows Tony to the mall, tilting his head, "I thought nekos were rare here," he looks at Tony confusingly.

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"They are indeed Lucas. But look on advertise. The company which create you has a shop here for nekos. We should enter and check. Maybe we can buy more clothes for you. Or even baby clothes" Tony answered taking Lucas' hand into his and headed to the mall entrance.

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Lucas perks his ears up and looks at Tony, "so.. the company I was at is advertising to give away more neko androids?" He tilts his head to the side and nods his head, holding Tony's hand and walks into the mall, "so where should we go first," he tilts his head and holds onto his tail so no one grabbed it as he was walking.

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“We will go first to the neko shop. I’m curious what they sell there. And of course they plan to sell more androids. They can have even babies now so imagine how much money are they doing” Tony explained looking on Lucas. “You are so cute my neko…holding your tail”.

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Lucas flickers his ears and looks at the different shops, nodding his head. He perks his ears up and tilts his head to the side, "is it really okay to sell baby neko androids," he lowers his ears as he continues walking. Lucas looks at his tail and then at Tony, blushing and rubs his face against Tony's arm embarrassingly.

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"They don' t sell babies Lucas. They sell pregnant nekos like your mom". They arrived on shop and entered inside. "They only have clothes for adults here" he said looking around. "Let' s buy some dresses for your mom and some pants for you".

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Lucas looks at Tony and tilts his head, flickering his ears and slowly nods his head, "oh.. but what happens if they give birth while they are at the store," he tilts his head confusingly. He looks at Tony and nods his head, swishing his tail and looks around in the store, flickering his ears as he looks at the pants in the men's section.

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"I don' t think they sell nekos here. Just clothes for nekos. "Tony explained looking for for the seller. "Lucas look. The seller is a neko girl. Do you know her?" he asked smiling. "She' s so cute".

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Lucas flickers his ears confusingly and nods his head slowly, "oh.. hm... I see now." He holds onto his tail as he continues looking at the clothes. Perking his ears up and looks at Tony, slowly looking at the seller and flickers his ears, shaking his head, "I am not really sure," he looks back down at the clothes, "what do you think I should get," he tilts his head to the side.

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"Are you shy in front of her Lucas?" Tony teased his neko and looked on the pants. "Maybe two or three pairs of jeans. They look great on you and they have the holes. I don't need to make more holes for your pants" he explained going next to the neko girl. "I want to buy few dresses for a neko girl. But not sure her size. "Maybe same as yours".

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Lucas perks his ears up and looks over at the girl neko, shaking his head while pouting, "w-what? No of course not," he pouts and crosses his arms. He nods his head as he looks at the jeans, picking up a black one, a dark blue one and light blue pair, swishing his tail as he follows Tony.


The Neko Cashier looks at Tony and tilts her head, nodding his head, "oh so your looking for girl dresses?" She steps out from behind the counter and walks to the female clothes area, "so are the dresses for the neko with you? Or..." she interrupts herself and sniffs Lucas, "oh excuse me.. looks like that one is a boy," she swishes her tail and picks up a few dresses, giving them to Tony, "this should do, they are pretty much around my size," she wags her tail and walks back to the cash register.

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Tony couldn't believe the neko girl sniffed Lucas. Once they were alone he laughed "She's naughty Lucas". He looked on the dresses and smiled "They are all nice. Hard to choose my neko" he said and when he turned around he saw his mother "Mom. What are you doing here?" She kissed them "I come to look for some dresses for Lucas' mother. And you two?". Tony nodded "We too".

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Lucas perks his ears up as he watches the Neko girl sniff him, watching her walk away and flickers his ears as he looks at Tony. He tilts his head to the side, "n-naughty? How," he looks at Tony confusingly as he gives his pants he picks out to Tony and goes back to holding his tail. He perks his ears as he notices Tony's mom and licks the tip of his tail while purring softly as he starts to groom his tail.

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"Your auntie sent me to find things for the neko girl. We already prepared a room for her." Tony laughed "Lucas and I were doing the same. I plan even to look for babies clothes. They don't have here but we can buy from normal shops". He looked on Lucas and smiled "Let's pay for them mom. Lucas seems to play with his tail."

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Lucas looks at Tony and his mom, flickering his ears as he wondered how much longer it was going to take for his mom to arrive at Tony's aunt's house. He perks his ears a little as he follows Tony to the cashier with a pout, "hey don't leave me behind," he grumbles and pounces at Tony.

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