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The Neko Game ~robertita and KawaiiNekomimiBoy~ {18+}


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Lucas wags his tail while finishing his milk. "Yes I am ready when your ready," he perks his ears up as he heard Tony's phone ring. He walks to the door and opens the door, waiting for Tony outside while he looked for his shoes and holds onto his tail while waiting.

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Tony locked the door and smiled “Let’s go Lucas. You are being cute again. Try to not be so shy in front of boss” Tony suggested as they got downstairs “Why you come in person boss?” he asked seeing his boss was driving the car. “I want to take you two to a special place” boss explained holding the door for Lucas to get in the car.

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Lucas perks his ears up and nods his head with a smile, "okay I am ready to go." He tilts his head and blinks a couple of times, pouting and nudges Tony, "I will try not to," he sticks his tongue out and stood next to Tony, holding onto his shirt. Lucas tilts his head and flickers his ears as he wondered what this special place was as he crawls into the car, sitting on the seat and wags his tail, putting on his seat belt.

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“Boss you make us curious. I hope you won’t take us to your house, Lucas is not ready to meet your daughter” Tony said looking on his boss. “Nope Tony. We are going to the house we built for the game. Lucas can walk there and tell us if a neko can feel comfortable in it”. Tony nodded wondering why his boss was investing so much into that game.

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Lucas flickers his ears confusingly as he listens to Tony. He tilts his head, wondering why Tony thought he wasn't ready to meet the bosses daughter and lets out a yawn, rubbing the back of his head. Lucas blinks a couple of times and flickers his ears, "you built a house for a game?" He tilts his head slightly to the side and looks towards Tony, wagging his tail as he looks out the window.

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“Yes I did Lucas. I want this game to be played by many kids now that nekos are everywhere. Do you know they opened shops with neko clothes?” boss asked and Tony nodded “Of course, the clothes that Lucas wear are from there. The seller was a neko girl who teased Lucas”.

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Lucas tilts his head and flickers his ears, "I... am not going to be the only neko here?" He tilts his head confusingly as he looks at Tony and looks down at his clothes, wagging his tail while blushing and nods his head, "I.. think she was starting her heat cycle. Maybe that was why she was teasing me," he leans back within the seat and holds onto his tail as he looks out the window.

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Tony laughed "Boss means that lots of people are buying nekos lately Lucas. You are the only neko for the game. But maybe your mom will help us too as there will be female nekos in games" He petted Lucas head "Do you sniff each other if are in heat?" He asked being curious.

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Lucas tilts his head and flickers his ears confusingly, "so.. that means I am not going to be the only neko here," he holds onto his tail as he nibbles on the tip of his tail. He tilts his head and slowly nods his head, "maybe she will help if she knows what is to be expected for the game." Lucas purrs softly and looks up at Tony, flickering his ears, "well.. girl's heat are more.. erm... scented than a male's heat," he swishes his tail side to side.

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"Lucas friend who was like a mother for him will arrive Friday boss. Luna is pregnant but maybe she wants to join our project boss" Tony explained still looking on Lucas. "So that's why she sniffed you. She was thinking on you as a potential mate Lucas" Tony said knowing he has to take good care of his neko.

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Lucas wags his tail quickly to know his mom was coming to him very soon. He perks his ears up and nods his head slowly, "yes I am sure she will be glad to help, once she delivers the baby." Lucas looks at Tony while blushing and slowly nods his head, "yes..she could have done more if we weren't in such a public place," he swishes his tail and watches passing cars drive by.

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“A pregnant neko?” boss wondered and looked on Tony who smiled “Lucas was first to be sold boss and he had lots of friends there. All of them were created but Lucas get closed to a female neko and calls her mom. My aunt bought her and she will arrive on Friday. Lucas is excited about seeing Luna again” he explained. “We arrived” boss said stopping the car in front of some big gates.

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Lucas looks at Tony and lowers his ears, missing some of his friends he use to hang out with before Tony brought him. But he gets happy again once he heard his mom was coming very soon, nodding his head, "yes I can't wait to see my mom again." Lucas tilts his head and flickers his ears as he looks at the gates, "this is where the neko game is going to take place," he looks at Tony's boss with his head being tilted still.

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“Yes, this is the house Lucas” boss answered and rang to the bell. The gates opened and he smiled “Will you do me a favor and enter first Lucas?” he asked the neko. Tony gazed on the building “This is a villa boss, do you plan to use this house for the game?” Boss nodded “It has 15 rooms, 3 baths and lots of special places for nekos to play”.

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Lucas flickers his ears as he looks at the house, wagging his tail a little. Lucas looks at Tony's boss and slowly nods his head, "I-I guess I can," he opens the door to the car and gets out, closing the door and then walks towards the building. He looks at the car where Tony and his boss were, walking inside the villa and looks around.

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"What do you think Lucas? It is big enough for a neko to live? The nekos in game should cook, eat, read, taking a shower, playing around, even drive. I want you to do all these things here in the house" Tony laughed "Better you show him the bed boss - nekos love to sleep".

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Lucas flickers his ears up and wags his tail, "yes it is really nice here." He continues looking around and tilts his head to the side, "I have to eat, read, play. and take a shower here? But its... not an adult game is it," he tilts his head confusingly. He looks at Tony and then giggles, wagging his tail and nods his head, "yes.. I like sleeping," he sticks his tongue out a little.

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"The kids like to do such things, you don't need to do those things. Just to tell me how it looks. For exemple, what you and your friends were doing after they created you?" Tony laughed "Lucas can play football boss, kids like that too. You have to create a place for such game here in this house. The nekos are not used with water, it took me ages to make him to have a shower".

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Lucas flickers his ears a little and tilts his head to the side, rubbing his chin, "erm... well we mostly just played different kinds of games, like tag and little kid games," he sticks his tongue out while blushing, "and.. the adults mostly just looked after their kids and mated with opposite sexes." Lucas looks at Tony and nods his head, "yes football is.. pretty interesting," he swishes his tail side to side. Lucas perks his ears up and giggles, "I mostly just.. went into my cat form to bathe myself, so I had no reason to shower, but.. Tony kind of fixed that," he wags his tail.

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"Cat form? Oh Lucas, you just give me some ideas for the game." Boss said and went to call his team to tell them his new ideas. Tony laughed "He let us alone Lucas. Let's explore the house, shall we? I never saw such huge house before".

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Lucas looks at Tony's boss and tilts his head to the side, flickering his ears and watches him go talk on the phone. He looks at Tony and flickers his ears confusingly, nodding his head with a smile, "okay," he wags his tail and holds Tony's hand to continue looking around the house.

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“Oh Lucas, it’s a very huge house” Tony said as they walked in the house holding hands. “I like the kitchen, it’s huge. I could cook there all the food you like” he explained as they entered into a new room. “This is the room for games. They have all kind of PC games in here” he yelled gazing on xbox.

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Lucas nods his head and wags his tail, "I can see myself getting lost in this house," he giggles and holds onto Tony's hand. He follows along side Tony, flickering his ears and wags his tail, "yes, don't mention food or I might get hungry," he giggles softly as he looks around the room full of games. Lucas looks at Tony and giggles, "this looks like your kind of room," he wags his tail as he sits on the bean bag chair, feeling himself sink into it.

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“If you get hungry we can cook Lucas. Boss said you can do anything here inside” Tony explains and he sits on a bean bag chair same as Lucas. “It’s a perfect place for me Lucas. These chairs are so comfortable. I could play games here all day” he explained and boss laughed when he entered the room “I thought I will find you two here”.

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Lucas tilts his head and looks around, "is there really food here then? It wasn't just built as a prop or something like that," he tilts his head while flickering his ears. He looks at Tony and giggles, wagging his tail, "I-I think I am stuck," he perks his ears up as he notices Tony's boss, wagging his tail and perks his ears up with a blush, listening to his stomach growl, "I think I am getting hungry," he holds onto his tail and nibbles on the tip of his tail while flickering his ears.

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