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The Neko Game ~robertita and KawaiiNekomimiBoy~ {18+}


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"Then you should go to kitchen Lucas" boss suggested "The fridge is full of food. Tuna,milk, eggs, even pizza and ice cream" Tony nodded and stood up "Then let's cook something for you my neko" Boss smiled "I'm going to my office here to look on photos you choose" Tony gave the envelope to boss before they hurried into the kitchen.

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Lucas flickers his ears as he nods his head, tilting his head and wags his tail, "o-okay," he holds onto his tail and stays in the bean bag since he was stuck. He lowers his ears and squirms a little to try to get out of the bean bag, pouting as he had no success. He perks his ears up as he watches Tony give the envelope of pictures to his boss. Lucas pouts as he watches Tony and his boss went to the kitchen, turning into his cat form and got out of the bean bag, running after Tony and his boss.

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Boss opened the fridge and show the food to Tony "What Lucas wants to eat?" He asked smiling. "I will do some fish for him boss. We didn't eat it by few days and I'm sure he misses it" he looked around but didn't see his lover. "Where is he?" He wondered and boss laughed as he found a cat and was petting his head. "Go and look for Lucas. Tell him he has a new friend" Tony gazed on the cat "I think you are holding Lucas into your arms boss. He's into his cat form".

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Lucas sits next to Tony's boss's foot and swishes his tail side to side. He looks up at him and tilts his head to the side, purring as his head was getting petted. Lucas glances over at Tony, wagging his tail and then looks at Tony's boss, leaning over and licks his nose before jumping down on the kitchen counter, sniffing the air and sits on the counter, lowering his ears as his stomach softly grumbles and lets out a giggle, "I like fish," he wags his tail.

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"He even talks" boss said laughing. Tony nodded "I never saw him like a cat. He does sleeps in his cat form but when I wake up his back to human form". Tony cut the vegetables while boss was cooking the fish. Lucas was purring louder sniffing the food. "Hurry boss, Lucas seems to be very hungry. We ate only some sandwiches when we left out flat".

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Lucas tilts his head and sticks his tongue out with a giggle, "of course I do, I am not the average cat," he flickers his ears as he lets out a yawn. He looks at Tony while blushing since he knew the reason why he usually slept in his cat form, since it takes less energy after losing a lot while having sex. He purrs and sniffs around, perking his ears and wags his tail, "all the smells are making me very hungry," he jumps down off the counter and rubs against both Tony and Tony's boss but mostly Tony.

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"Oh well boss, you can see Lucas behaves like a real cat just that he can speak" Boss nodded "I will use this for game, the nekos are sleeping into their cat form and washed themselves as cats. It will be funny for kids. So they like to eat fish and drink milk. And are shy around people" Tony nodded loving the fact Lucas was rubing his body against his leg.

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Lucas tilts his head to the side and then giggles, wagging his tail. He tilts his head, wondering how him turning into his cat form helped Tony's boss plot up some more ideas. He tilts his head and flickers his ears, "there can be like cat mini games, kids like mini game type video games too. There are a good variety of mini game type games." Lucas purrs against Tony and then perks his ears up, blushing, wanting to turn into his human form but knew he was naked when he turned back to his other self as he sits near Tony's feet.

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"Yes Lucas. We will do such game if Neko's world is a success. That's the game name" boss explained and looked on Tony. The fish is ready. Did you finish the salad?" he asked smiling. "Yes boss. Lucas, go and transform yourself in human form, your clothes are in room we were before. And wash your hands too" Tony said to Lucas.

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Lucas looks at Tony's boss and nods his head slowly, wagging his tail, "aww.. but mini game type of games are fun," he wags his tail. Lucas flickers his ears and nods his head to the side as he wags his tail, tilting his head to the side and sniffs the air with a purr, glad to know the food was done. Lucas blushes and nods his head slowly as he starts to walk towards the other room, turning into his human form and starts putting on his clothes then walks to the kitchen, going over to the fridge to wash his hands.

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Tony arranged the plates and smiled seeing the neko was back “Take the milk out of fridge Lucas” he asked as boss was tidying the table. “I hope you will like the fish Lucas. I’m not sure how Tony prepares your fish usually…” Tony laughed “Lucas eats everything after he sniffes the food boss. He likes ice cream lots”.

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Lucas perks his ears up as he looks at Tony, nodding his head as he walks to the fridge and takes out the milk. He puts it on the counter and wags his tail slowly, tilting his head to the side with his ears flickering, "I like fish regardless," he giggles with a soft purr. He pours milk into one of the glasses and sits down at the table and wags his tail, "it smells really good," he swishes his tail and perks his ears up, listening to his stomach let out another growl.

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"Here you have Lucas" Tony served the neko and smiled. He sits on table and served his boss too. "What do you think about the photos boss? Are they enough to create Nekoto?" Boss nodded "Yes Tony and Lucas seems to be more comfortable around me. Would you like to come tomorrow at office as a cat Lucas? I wish they draw you" Tony smiled "We will be there boss. Just prepare some ice cream for us".

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Lucas wags his tail as he looks at the food with a purr, leaning over and sniffs it. He sits up straight and picks up a fork, starting to eat, slowly looking up at Tony's boss and tilts his head to the side, "you want me to be in my cat form at the office?" He chews as he looks at Tony, wagging his tail, "Tony you make it sound like I work for food," he giggles while he continues eating.

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"Sorry Lucas. Boss forgot to tell you he gives sweets and ice cream to his workers. In their breaks they have food and desserts too. So why shouldn't us enjoy a nice lunch with the workers tomorrow?" Boss nodded "Tony prefers to work home Lucas but I spoil him with food he wants from time to time. He just wants you to feel comfortable around us".

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Lucas perks his ears up and wags his tail as he continues eating, "oh? Well.. then I don't have any complaints," he giggles and drinks some of his milk. He finishes eating as he looks up at Tony's boss, tilting his head as he flickers his ears, "I did notice he doesn't seem to go anywhere but his house when he works." He tilts his head to the side and rubs the back of his head, "well.. I am use to being around other nekos but not really around people, but it shouldn't be that much different," he drinks the last drop of his milk and purrs, licking his lips.

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“I won’t tell to workers about you coming as a cat. I want to see their reactions when Tony will appear with a cat” boss says. Tony laughed “As long as Lucas won’t say a word they will think he’s a real cat”. Boss nodded “Yes, and they will want to touch him. Do you have a basket Tony to put Lucas inside? That will be funny. Like a real cat” Tony smiled “I have boss. Send your driver after us then at 10 AM. Do you want more food Lucas?”

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Lucas tilts his head and flickers his ears, letting out a giggle and wags his tail, "I am sure they will be pretty surprise." He tilts his head to the side, "I can't talk to anyone? Would it freak out the employees if they hear a cat speaking," he giggles softly. Lucas tilts his head to the side, swishing his tail side to side as he looks at Tony, "I am going to be in a basket? But it will be boring in there," he lowers his ears with a whimper. He looks down at his plate and shakes his head, "nope, I am full," he purrs softly and rests his head on the table, letting out a hiccup.

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"I will hold him in my arms boss. It's better like that. And you can speak Lucas once they will realize it's you. But it will be fun to see their reaction seeing me with you in my arms" Boss nodded "That's a better idea Tony. I like it. Then if you are full Lucas tell me what do you think about the house? Can we take few photos of you playing soccer with Tony and his friends. Not this weekend, next week in an afternoon when the kids are out from school. The soccer field is big enough for you all to play". Tony laughed "Perfect boss I will speak with the kids".

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Lucas perks up his ears and wags his tail, knowing he wasn't going to be in a basket but in Tony's arms instead. He looks at Tony and nods his head, "hm.. I suppose, but how are they going to find out that I am a talking cat but secretly a human as well," he tilts his head to the side. He slowly looks over at Tony's boss and wags his tail with a purr, "I like it here," he flickers his ears and tilts his head, "I got.. to take more pictures," he grumbles with a soft pout and looks at Tony, remembering the kids from before, "do.. you think they still remember me," he tilts his head to the side.

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"I'm sure they do Lucas. We will go in park tomorrow. I'm sure we will find them there. Plus more photos is good for us. I plan to frame some for our house Lucas. Plus one to give it to Luna. Tomorrow after going to office we will go to frame them" Boss laughed "I will give them as a gift Tony. We can frame them at my office tomorrow". Tony nodded "Thanks boss".

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Lucas looks at Tony and nods his head, "okay, I sure hope so," he wags his tail slightly. He looks at Tony and tilts his head to the side, "hm.. I guess we do need more photos in our house and I am sure my mom is curious to what I been doing while she is not here." Lucas stretches out his arms with a purr, letting a yawn, "my full belly is making me sleepy," he swishes his tail side to side slowly and gets up from the table, "where should we take the new pictures first," he tilts his head to the side as he stretches his arms over his head.

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"Not today Lucas. Tomorrow at work. It's better to take us home now boss as Lucas needs to sleep and be charge" Tony explained taking Lucas into his arms. The boss nodded and opened the door for Tony. "Are you sure you can carry him until car?" He teased Tony. "Of course boss".

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Lucas tilts his head and flickers his ears as he looks at Tony, nodding his head as he lets out a yawn with a soft purr. He rubs his eyes as he looks at Tony, resting his head on Tony's chest and wags his tail. Lucas perks his ears up and blushes softly with a pout, "h-hey I am not that heavy.. I am only heavy when I am asleep or very low on battery," he swishes his tail side to side and rubs his face on Tony's chest.

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Boss laughed holding car's door so Tony could let Lucas on the back seat. "Are you two a couple? I know you two kissed yesterday but I thought you are friends" Tony nodded "We are boss, I told you before. Why are you surprised?" Boss giggled "I mean are you two having sex? I didn't know...I thought nekos are mating as cats".

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