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The Neko Game ~robertita and KawaiiNekomimiBoy~ {18+}


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Lucas wags his tail and looks at Tony's boss, tilting his head to the side as he crawls into the back seat, wagging his tail as he puts on his seat belt. He perks his ears while blushing after looking at the boss and looks to the side, unsure how to really response to what Tony's boss said so he just looks out the window, hoping Tony would explain it and not him.

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Tony laughed “Such a naughty question boss…I’m sure Lucas is embarassed now” he looked on his lover who clearly was hiding in the back. “They mate as humans do boss, they are transforming in cats just to save batery and to protect themselves…they are running faster as cats” he explained. Boss nodded “We don’t use that aspect in game Tony. I was simply curious. I hope Lucas is not upset on me”.

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Lucas flickers his ears as he listens to Tony explain to his boss. He slowly perks his head up and swishes his tail side to side, "n-naughty boss," he sticks his tongue out a little as he goes back to looking out the window with his hands in his lap, resting his back on the backseat while watching passing people and cars, holding onto his tail and licks the tip of his tail with his legs slightly spread.

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Boss laughed and apologised “I’m sorry Lucas, I was only curious” Tony looked on Lucas and giggled knowing the neko was getting horny. “Let us here on the supermarket boss. We have to buy food as our fridge is empty”. Boss stopped the car and nodded “See you two tomorrow then”. Tony got out of the car and helped Lucas with the door. “Don’t forget the ice cream boss” Tony reminded to his boss.

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Lucas looks at Tony's boss and flickers his ears, tilting his head and wags his tail, "naughty boss," he giggles softly. He perks his ears up as he looks at Tony, blushing as he heard him giggle and slowly closes his legs. Lucas perks his ears up as the car stops and looks at Tony, taking off his seat belt and gets out of the car. "I like all kinds of ice cream," he wags his tail and then starts heading towards the supermarket, looking at Tony, "how are we going to get home while we have groceries," he tilts his head to the side.

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"Oh right, we need to take a taxi Lucas. We can't ask boss to wait for us. He already left" Tony said as they entered into the supermarket. "I can't believe he asks us such personal question my neko. I know mom and auntie knows about us having sex...boss knows too now. In a way he must be happy I have someone as he hated the fact I stay in home so much. He would like me to work in his office..." he explained to Lucas.

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Lucas flickers his ears as he looks at Tony, slowly nodding his head as he nibbles on the tip of his tail as he looks around the supermarket, wagging his tail. He perks his ears up and blushes softly as he slowly nods his head, "he must be very curious to ask about it," he flickers his ears while his cheeks were bright red, "is it weird that your mom and aunt know that we have sex," he tilts his head to the side. He slowly nods his head and holds onto his tail, "my.. mom already knows too before I was brought by you," he sticks his tongue out a little and giggles. Lucas tilts his head and flickers his ears, "maybe he wants you to get a different experience from being in a office instead of playing games at home," he swishes his tail and walks to get a shopping cart, "what should we get first?"

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"You were virgin Lucas when I bought you. So Luna has no clue yet you are mine. Since we are lovers is normal mom and auntie to know we have sex. But I think they didn't expect us to do it in their house" Tony said and looked around "The list with what we need is in your pocket Lucas. We should buy fruits first, bananas, kiwis, oranges. Then we need milk, meat and fish, some bread, cream and ice cream" Tony said waiting for Lucas to give him the list.

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Lucas looks at Tony and shakes his head, "n-no I don't mean sex wise, I mean.. I use to masturbate with my tail a lot, I didn't do it long enough to break me in, just long enough to satisfy my heat. My mom didn't want me to really sleep around with the other nekos." He nods his head slowly, "yeah we have our own house to do it," he swishes his tail but puts his tail slowly in between his legs. Lucas perks his ears, "oh, right," he sticks his tongue out giggling and takes the list out of his pocket and gives it to Tony, slightly rubbing himself against his tail and lowers his ears a little, perking his ears up and sniffs around, getting distracted by the smell of fish and runs over to the fish section.

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“Yes you told me about it before my neko. And Luna was right – you couldn’t simply sleep with other nekos. They sell you first anyway - no time for you to make big friends there” Tony said reading the list “Vegetables too, Lucas” he gazed on his neko. He laughed realising the neko was horny. He followed Lucas to fish section “Take how much fish you want Lucas. I will cook it for you tomorrow. And let’s hurry with the shopping, I saw you are horny already and need me”.

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Lucas flickers his ears and slowly nods his head, "and then .. you took care of my virginity and heat," he giggles and wags his tail. He looks at Tony as he was looking at him, blushing with a pout and slightly nudges Tony. Lucas looks at Tony and tilts his head, "but which kind of fish should I pick? There are so many." Lucas perks his ears up embarrassingly and softly nudges Tony, "s-shh someone will hear you," he blushes and bends over to look at the different kinds of fish.

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“Not sure what fish you like Lucas. You only eat salmon and tuna until now. Should we try a new one?” Tony asked and petted Lucas’ head. “You are right – we will speak about it once we are home” he said slowly and looked on the fish “What about seafood? Should we try shrimps?”

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Lucas tilts his head and flickers his ears a little as he looks at the fish, wagging his tail. He perks his ears up as he looks at Tony, nodding his head, "I guess we can try a new one, it is good to try something new," he wags his tail slowly. Lucas blushes softly and nods his head as he tilts his head, looking at the shrimp, "it is so tiny," he giggles and wags his tail, giving it a sniff, "but it smells good," he purrs and nods his head, "okay we can try some shrimp this time.. I hope it is good."

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“Then we will prepare shrimp and rice Lucas” Tony took a kilo of shrimps and dropped the bag into the shopping chart “Ok Lucas, let’s go to meat now, we need pork and beef meat and some chicken” Tony said looking on the list “If you want you can go and take the milk and cheese while I’m taking the meat. It will be faster like that”.

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Lucas perks his ears up and nods his head with a purr, "it sounds really good already," he wags his tail as he watches Tony place the shrimp in the cart. He nods his head as he starts walking to the meat section, which was pretty close to the fish section. Lucas tilts his head and flickers his ears, nodding his head, "o-okay," he wags his tail and walks over to the refrigerated section was around the area where the milk was and grabs a gallon, walking over to where the cheese was. He lets out a whimper and walks back to Tony, putting the milk into the cart, "there is .. so much different kinds of cheese, I don't know what to pick."

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Tony laughed "It seems you still have issues with the cheese Lucas. You never know what to choose" he petted Lucas' head and headed together to the cheese section. "Wow, they have new ones indeed" Tony looked on them and nodded "Sniff them Lucas and tell me which smell you like more".

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Lucas sticks his tongue out and wags his tail with a giggle, pouting a little, "h-hey it isn't my fault they have so many kinds to choose from," he pouts a little while he softly blushes. Lucas looks at Tony and tilts his head to the side, slowly nodding his head as he sniffs the different cheeses. He starts wagging his tail as he picks up the mozzarella cheese and puts it in the cart, "found one," he purrs heavily and hides his face within Tony's back, "m..my heat is getting worst," he blushes as he rubs his face within Tony's back.

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Tony giggled "Then let's hurry my neko. It's not good your heat started and I'm not inside you yet" he whispered pulling Lucas closer. After 20 minutes they were home with 4 bags. "Go and wait me in bed Lucas. I'm quickly putting the food in the fridge and I'm joining you. You can choose what to use tonight from our toys" Tony suggested laughing.

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Lucas flickers his ears and blushes softly, nodding his head as he follows Tony back home. He walks into the house with Tony, perking his ears up and tilts his head, "you.. don't need any help putting the food away," he tilts his head and lowers his ears as he walks to the bedroom since Tony already said to go into the bedroom. Lucas walks to the bed and sits down, swishing his tail side to side and starts taking off his clothes.

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Tony managed to tidy everything in the kitchen fast and ran to bedroom where he found his neko naked and aroused "I wonder why your heat started Lucas. Could it be to the fact you transformed into your cat form? I have to fuck you all night to be sure you are satisfied" he explaned getting his clothes off as fast as he could.

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Lucas perks his ears up and looks at Tony as he entered the bedroom, flickering his ears and tilts his head to the side, shaking his head slowly, "I am not sure.. maybe because I was so close to you, your scent triggered my heat," he sticks his tongue out with a soft giggle, wagging his tail. Lucas perks his ears up as he watches Tony get undress, "if you do that, you will be very tired in the morning," he blushes bright red while holding onto his tail.

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"Then what should we do Lucas? Would you like to use your tail or your dildo to pleasure yourself?" Tony asked taking the neko into his arms and playing with his tail. "From what I see you didn't use anything while you were waiting me...hm...but you are about to explode Lucas. Your hole body is pink from your heat".

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Lucas flickers his ears as he looks at Tony, looking at his tail while blushing, "u-um how about the dildo this time, it can go deeper inside me and besides, I like feeling you touching my tail," he purrs and licks Tony's cheek. Lucas looks at his body while blushing and lays down on the bed, spreading his legs a little and puts his tail in between his legs while flickering his ears, "m..make it wet first so I can accept the dildo," he wags his tail and wraps his tail around Tony's wrist, pulling his hand closer to his butt and slightly moves his hips, feeling his butt brush softly against Tony's finger.

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Tony blinked and slided a finger inside his neko "You aren't shy anymore Lucas, you simply jumped on my finger" Tony said and leaned forward taking Lucas' cock into his mouth. He started to move his finger in and out of his neko while sucking the tip of Lucas' cock.

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Lucas squeaks as he looks at Tony, wagging his tail and shakes his head, "well.. at least not around you," he purrs and licks Tony's cheek. He spreads his legs more and starts watching Tony, arching his back with a moan, holding onto Tony's head and lowers his ears while Tony was sucking his cock, feeling his butt twitch around Tony's finger, "T-Tony it feels good," he purrs and swishes his tail side to side, starting to move his hips against Tony's finger to feel it slightly thrust in and out of him.

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