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The Neko Game ~robertita and KawaiiNekomimiBoy~ {18+}


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Tony stopped the alarm and sighed. He felt sleepy but he knew they had to wake up to go to office. Slowly he got out of bed and headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for them. “I will do some pancakes. Lucas likes them and we didn’t eat for long” he thought rubbing his eyes.

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Lucas purrs in his sleep, swishing his tail as he turns on his stomach. He flickers his ears a bit as he could feel some movements, opening his eyes slowly and notices Tony walking out of the bedroom. Lucas rubs his face on the pillow with a purr, wagging his tail and yawns, rubbing his eyes and falls back asleep.

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Tony prepared few pancakes and wndered why the neko wasn’t up yet. He rushed to the bedroom and smiled. The neko was sleeping with his tongue out “The breakfast is ready Lucas. Wake up and dress my cute lover. We have to go to office”.

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Lucas continues sleeping with his tongue out and swishing his tail while he slept. He flickers his ears and looks at the clock with a whimper, "but it is still so early," he reaches out and stretches out his arm over the bed side, getting off the bed with a pout and starts putting on his clothes. Lucas sniffs the air and perks up his ears, walking to the kitchen.

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“I know it’s early for you Lucas but at 9:30 the car is coming after us. Plus you have to transform into a cat after breakfast. I did pancakes for us, I’m sure you love them” Tony explained starting to eat and gazing to Lucas. “You are very handsome this morning my neko”.

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Lucas lowers his ears with a whimper as he looks at his charging supply and then unplugs himself from his charger since he was fully charged. He pouts a little while blushing, "but then why do I have to get dressed? I am just going to get naked after transforming into my cat form," he sticks his tongue out with a giggle. He sniffs the air and purrs, sitting down at the table and starts to eat the pancakes. Lucas perks up his ears as he looks at Tony, blushing a little, "you.. really think so," he tilts his head as he continues eating.

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"Yes my neko, your skin is still pink and it's nice to eat your breakfast with a half naked neko around" Tony smiled adding more marple syrup on his pancake. "We need to take your clothes in a bag then. Maybe they need you in your neko form too and I don't want them to see you naked and aroused".

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Lucas flickers his ears while blushing as he continues eating, looking at Tony with a giggle, "oh? So you like seeing this sight while your eating," he sticks his tongue out. Lucas finishes his pancakes and his glass of milk with a purr, wagging his tail a little but then perks his ears up as he looks at Tony while blushing and slowly nods his head, "only you can see me naked and aroused," he purrs and leans over the table to lick Tony's cheek.

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"Of course my neko. Don't forget to lick my hand while I'm holding you. You have to pass as a real cat. Meow" Tony laughed and hurried into the bedroom to take some clothes for Lucas. "Give me your underwear and then you can transform" he asked Lucas

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Lucas flickers his ears while blushing and nods his head, "oh, don't worry, I know how to act like a real cat while around other people," he sticks his tongue out. Lucas flickers his ears as he follows Tony to the bedroom and blushes while nodding his head, giving Tony his underwear and turns into his cat form.

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Tony took the bag with Lucas’ clothes and turned around “It seems you do Lucas as you are already around my legs purring” He took the cat into his arms and kissed him “Ok, time to go my love, the car is waiting us. Don’t forget you can’t speak only meowed”.

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Lucas wags his tail as he looks up at Tony, purring while rubbing against Tony's legs. He looks at Tony and licks his cheek, nodding his head. Lucas pouts a little and lowers his ears, "yes I know, I will try not to talk," he sticks his tongue out and swishes his tail side to side.

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Tony locked the flat’s door and petted Lucas’ head “You aren’t heavy at all Lucas. Maybe I should feed you better” he laughed and smiled to the driver who opened the car’s door for him. The driver was surprised to see Tony with a cat but didn’t say anything.

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Lucas purrs softly as he wags his tail, blushing as he flickers his ears while he pouts, "I-I am only heavy when I run out of my battery energy." He tilts his head and then pouts, nipping Tony's nose as he sticks his tongue out. Lucas looks at the driver looking towards him and Tony, letting out a mew and licks Tony's hand.

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The driver kept looking into the mirror and Tony smiled "Is it something wrong Kazu?" The driver nodded "I was only wondering why you bought a cat since you have Lucas". Tony laughed "Boss asked me to come with this cat today".

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Lucas flickers his ears as he looks at the view of the mirror and lays on Tony's lap while purring, swishing tail side to side. He licks Tony's hand as he wags his tail, looking up at the driver and lets out a yawn, going back to sleep as he purrs in Tony's lap.

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Tony laughed seeing Lucas was behaving like a real cat and was even napping. Once they arrived he took Lucas into his arms and get out of the car smiling. "Hello boss, I brought the cat as you asked" Boss nodded and made a sign for Tony to follow him.

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Lucas purrs as he could feel the soothing movements of the car in motion. He perks his ears up as he felt the car stop and wags his tail as Tony picks him up. Lucas looks at Tony's boss and wags his tail, rubbing his face on Tony's chest while Tony was following his boss.

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Boss entered into the deasigners' room and smiled "Ok boys, you have to take photos of the cat Tony brought. We need it for the game". They nodded but gazed on the cat "And where is Lucas Tony? Did you let him home". Tony petted Lucas head and set him on a table "Yes I did. He's sleeping" he giggled looking on boss.

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Lucas looks at the designers and wags his tail a bit, tilting his head and lets out a mew. He looks at Tony as he was getting petted and purrs before getting set on the table. Lucas looks at the designers and sits on the table, licking one of his front paws.

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Boss and Tony had a sit as Lucas was behaving as a cat. “It works better than I thought Tony. None of them recognized Lucas”. Tony nodded and smiled “Lucas seems to be more comfortable in his cat form. He’s posing for them and meows”.

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Lucas looks over at Tony and his boss, tilting his head to the side as he swishes his tail side to side, licking his paw and goes onto his back. He rubs his back on the table and rubs his paws against his face while swishing his tail side to side with a purr.

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“Done, we have enough photos of the cat” one of the designers said and Tony smiled going to pick up Lucas “Good job kitty” he said petting Lucas. Soon the photos where in PC and the designers compared Lucas’ photos with the cat ones. “Where did you find a cat that has same eyes as Lucas?” one asked and boss laughed. “It was easy. None of you realised that the cat is…Lucas”.

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Lucas lets out a yawn after finishing up the photo shoot. He looks at Tony and wags his tail with a purr as he felt Tony pet him. Lucas perks his ears up as the designers were looking at the pictures on the PC. Lucas looks at Tony's boss as he told the designers who he actually was and rubs his face against Tony's chest with a soft giggle.

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"Let's go to eat the ice cream I promised you boys. My team gets nothing as they didn't guess. Anyway, you did a great job Lucas" Tony smiled and looked on the photos. "Don't forget to send us to them boss, Lucas looks great on them. I will frame some for my mother and aunt".

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