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The Neko Game ~robertita and KawaiiNekomimiBoy~ {18+}


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Lucas flickers his ears as he looks at Tony, wagging his tail, "when do I get to turn back to my human form?" He lets out a yawn and then crawls up Tony's shirt to his shoulder, jumping onto Tony's head with a purr and curls up while still on Tony's head.

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"He's speaking" the team yelled and boss nodded. "Back to work team. And we are going to eat icecream in my office". Tony nodded and said to Lucas "We need to go to bathroom to change yourself. You are heavy on my head".

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Lucas flickers his ears and rubs his face on Tony's head while purring, enjoying the scent of Tony's hair. He looks down at Tony and giggles, sticking his tongue out, "maybe it is just because your not use to having a cat on your head." He jumps down from Tony's head and starts walking towards the direction of the bathroom.

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“Don’t stay long boys or the ice cream melts” boss said as they left to bathroom. Tony opened the door for Lucas to enter and smiled “Of course I’m not used with a cat on my head, only with kitties all over my body” he giggled taking out Lucas’ clothes from the bag. “You were so calm today, no shy as you are in your human form”.

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Lucas flickers his ears as he looks at Tony's boss, wagging his tail and continues walking to the bathroom. He enters the bathroom after Tony open the door and looks at Tony, sticking his tongue out a little, "all the kitties like you," he purrs as he rubs himself against Tony's leg, perking up his ears as he looks at his clothes being taken out of the bag. Lucas tilts his head to the side and blushes as he looks to the side, "you don't seem to mind when I am shy, especially when I am under you, taking your cock deep inside me," he sticks his tongue out with a giggle and turns into his human form, starting to put on his clothes.

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“You are such a meanie Lucas. Of course I like when you are shy and me deep inside you. You are so sweet then. But you behaved well today, don’t forget we will get lots of money for it” Tony kissed the neko as other finished to dress. “Let’s go to eat the ice cream”.

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Lucas giggles a little and shake his head, "your the meanie... in the bedroom," he sticks his tongue out a bit. He wags his tail and nods his head, "well.. I did my best," he finishes putting on his clothes and kisses Tony. Lucas nods his tail as he walks out of the stall and out of the bathroom, heading towards the direction of Tony's bosses' office.

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“You are a naughty in bedroom” Tony said as he neko kissed him. He opened the office’s door for Lucas to enter. Boss was eating ice cream already “Come on boys, I have your favourite ice cream”. Tony nodded and took a spoon. “You really try to impress Lucas boss”.

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Lucas blushes and pouts a little, "n-not as naughty as you," he sticks his tongue out and giggles. He perks his ears up as Tony's boss was already eating ice cream and follows Tony inside. Lucas sniffs the ice cream with a purr and starts licking his ice cream without using the spoon.

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Tony looked on Lucas and smiled "He likes it boss" The other male nodded "Do you want to see your character Lucas?" he asked taking out of his office some papers. Tony dropped the spoon as he looked on the draws. "Oh, with his tongue out, biting his tail, eating ice cream. It definitely looks like my neko".

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Lucas continues licking his ice cream and perks his ears up as he flickers his ears. He tilts his head to the side and nods his head slowly, scooting closer while he continues eating his ice cream with a purr and looks at the drawings. Lucas giggles and finishes his ice cream, "my character is just like me," he wags his tail, "will he turn into a cat to," he tilts his head confusingly while he licks his lips to make sure he got all of the ice cream.

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“Of course it will Lucas. And I hope your mother to accept to help us for a female character” boss said and Tony nodded “I’m sure she will boss. But we have to be careful as she’s pregnant”. He continued to look on the photos and one draw his attention “I like this one boss, a redish neko is so sexy” Boss laughed “We plan to do all colours for the game”.

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Lucas flickers his ears and tilts his head to the side, "my mom is going to help to? Is the female character going to be my character's mom or love interest?" He shivers a bit, couldn't really think of his and her character's being in a relationship. He looks at Tony looking at the photos and wags his tail, "there are so many different characters with different colors," he sits on Tony's lap so he can get a better look at the photos.

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“No Lucas. It’s a game for kids. There should be male nekos and female ones. They won’t be lovers” Boss explained smiling. Tony giggled as Lucas sited on his lap “What do you think Lucas? Will you like them to change something on your character?” he asked hoping the neko won’t realize he was getting hard.

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Lucas flickers his ears a bit and nods his head slowly, "okay that is good to hear I suppose," he sticks his tongue out a little. He looks over the photos and looks at Tony, swishing his tail, "I think they are really good," he tilts his head and shakes his head slowly, "no I like how he looks already," he pouts and then rubs his butt slowly on Tony's crotch, blushing a little and tries not to moan.

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Tony smiled trying not to moan "Then boss you can create the animated version of the character so we can see it next time we visit". Boss nodded "That means on Monday. You 2 are free until then as we already established. And for the cat character we will keep the same eyes and fur colour that Lucas has. I think we will use the idea of a town for nekos but once they want to be in human world they will use their cat form".

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Lucas looks at Tony's boss and wags his tail, couldn't wait to see his character once he was 100 percent done. He looks at Tony with a purr, shivers a bit when he felt Tony's cock poking directly where his entrance was and it was getting harder to resist to moan. Lucas looks down to see he was getting erected as well and purrs a bit as he looks back at Tony's boss, "I am sure the kids will enjoy this game a lot," he wags his tail a bit.

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"I'm sure they will Lucas. Are you two ready to go home?" Boss asked and Tony nodded quickly. "We are boss, Lucas needs to rest more and I need to cook" he said hoping boss won't realised they were horny. "The driver will take you home then".

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Lucas nods his head while wagging his tail, wondering this will boost sales in everyone wanting nekos so he wouldn't be the only neko in the neighborhood, other than his mom. He gets off of Tony's lap and nods his head, "I am still very sleepy.. waking up too early makes me just want to go back home and sleep," he rubs his eyes and lets out a yawn.

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Boss nodded "We have to draw a sleepy neko too, I will speak with the team about it. See you next week boys". Tony nodded and dragged Lucas out of the office "Let's hurry home before he change his mind".

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Lucas nods his head and wags his tail as he covers his crotch with his tail but holds his tail to not make it like he was hiding a erection. Lucas looks at Tony and follows Tony, "are you sure that is the only reason you want to hurry home," he giggles and sticks his tongue out.

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“You know why I want us to go home quickly. You feel it when you were on my lap, don’t you?” he asked and smiled seeing the driver was waiting them. “We finished. Boss said to take us home”. The driver nodded but was confused “Where is the cat? And when you came here Lucas?” Tony giggled “Lucas was the cat”.

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Lucas looks at Tony and giggles as he blushes, "your so naughty. I could feel you poking my butt through my pants. You must be very horny if your that hard." He sits in the cab, wagging his tail a little. Lucas looks at the cab driver and giggles, "were you surprise not to see me in my typical form," he tilts his head to the side.

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The driver smiled “Yes I was. As I never saw Tony with a cat before and he never leaves his flat without you” Tony giggled “That’s true. And I said Lucas it’s home sleeping when he was sleeping in my arms actually”. The driver nodded “You are like a real cat Lucas, purring and everything”.

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Lucas looks at Tony and giggles a little while wagging his tail, "Tony likes to have me around," he purrs and licks Tony's cheek, nuzzling his chest a bit. He perks his ears up as he looks at the driver while he sneakily rubs Tony's crotch, "well... that is only because I can transform in both a human form and cat form, I think Tony prefers my human form more," he swishes his tail while he continues rubbing Tony's crotch.

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