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The Neko Game ~robertita and KawaiiNekomimiBoy~ {18+}


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Lucas perks up his ears as he heard Tony approaching him and wags his tail, pounce hugging him with a purr. He rubs his head against Tony's chest and wags his tail, "good morning Tony. I slept really good in your arms last night." Lucas looks up at Tony and tilts his head to the side, flickering his ears, "anything sounds good to me."

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"You look better this morning love. So yesterday you were tired and without energy" Tony said and smiled. "Then some eggs and bacon sound good for us this morning. " he added kissing Lucas' forehead before he left to the kitchen.

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Lucas nods his head and blushes, "usually when I am in heat... I get tired more," he scratches the back of his head a little. He nods his head and purrs, kissing Tony and follows him into the kitchen.

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“So every month you are in heat but that means we can do it only once in a month?” Tony asked Lucas being curious. “If you stay naked like this in front of me all time…I don’t think I can wait a month to have you” he teased his neko.

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Lucas blushes and shakes his head, "n-no I can do it whenever you want to do it with me," he purrs and swishes his tail slowly. He perks his ears up and pouts a little, leaning forward to rest his head on Tony's chest, "does that mean you want me to put on my clothes?"

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"Well that's good news Lucas" Tony said kissing his neko. "For now yes, go and take some clothes on you as we need to eat. You can't be naked. Soon the post man will come..." Tony explained smiling to his lover.

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Lucas tilts his head and nods his head slowly, standing up and walks over to his clothes, getting dressed. He looks up at Tony and holds onto his tail, flickering his ears.

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As soon as Lucas was back into kitchen full dress someone was knocking on the door. "Lucas please go and open. Your clothes and PC are here" Tony asked his neko while he was busy cooking.

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Lucas tilts his head as he looks at Tony, nodding his head slowly, "o-okay," he wags his tail. He walks to the door while holding his tail and opens the door, seeing a mailman and signs for the packages, bring them into the house.

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Tony put the food on the plates and went to help Lucas with the parcels. "We will open them after we will eat Lucas. I'm waiting my new game now" he said taking Lucas' hand into his and headed to the kitchen.

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Lucas looks at Tony and walks into the kitchen with him, wagging his tail. "I should wash my hand after touching mail," he goes to the sink and washes his hand. Lucas walks back to Tony and sits at the table.

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"Oh, you are right my neko. I'm happy you learn how to wash yourself. But you still didn't have any shower" Tony said wondering if Lucas is scared of water. "Do you like water Lucas?" he asked as he started to eat.

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Lucas looks up at Tony and tilts his head, "I don't mind water I just want to make sure my shower is with you," he looks down and blushes a little, flickering his ears a little. Lucas perks his ears up, listening his stomach growling and blushes.

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“Oh well, we will have one together then” Tony answered and smiled to his lover. “It seems you are hungry this morning. Let’s eat then. I’m hungry myself after I played games all morning. And I will play more soon”.

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Lucas nods his head while blushing, "o-okay let's eat," he grabs a fork. He flickers his ears and wags his tail, purring and starts eating, swishing his tail side to side while looking up at Tony. Lucas rubs his eyes and holds onto his tail, eating still, "what should we do after eating?"

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"We will tide your clothes first and then will install your PC my neko" Tony answered as he was eating. Seeing his neko was rubbing his eyes Tony laughed “Are you sleepy already Lucas? You are like a real kitty”.

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Lucas perks up his ears and nods his head with a smile, continues eating. He shakes his head a little and pouts a little, "n-no I was just getting sand out of my eyes," he blushes and scratches his ear, stretching out his arms.

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“Sand? From where?” Tony asked being worried and let his fork on the plate to run and checked his lover eyes. “You seem to be ok love.” He explained kissing Lucas lightly and touching gently his tail. But in that second the bell rang again. “It’s my game” he said and went to open the door.

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Lucas blinks a little and blushes, looking to the side, "from the sandman. He puts sand in your eyes when you sleep," he wags his tail and kisses Tony. He purrs softly and flickers his ears, watching Tony walk to the door and follows him, "oh your game is finally here?"

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“Hahahaha, does exist something like that? Sandman?” Tony thought smiling as he opened the door. “Hello Haru.” He greeted the boy. “Hi Tony. Here is the game. The boss asked me to give you this extra money for finishing fast the last game. “ Tony nodded and took the money and the game. Once Haru left he returned to Lucas. “Yes the new game is here my neko”.

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Lucas blinks a little and tilts his head, nodding his head with a soft smile and tilts his head when Tony was talking to another man. He sits near the couch and blinks a little, wondering if that other man was someone Tony worked with and perks his ears up when Tony walked back into the room, standing up and walks over to Tony, "is the game suppose to be fun?"

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“Of course it is Lucas. Let me wash the dishes first and then we can tidy your things” Tony said as he took the dirty dishes to the sink and started to wash them. “You are like my pet Lucas, following me everywhere. You are so cute my neko”.

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Lucas flickers ears and watches Tony wash the dishes. He blushes a little and swishes his tail with a smile, looking to the side, "d-do you like it when I follow you," he tilts his head to the side a little and rests his head on Tony's shoulder.

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“Yes I do like it baby. “ Tony said as he finished the dishes. “Done with the kitchen. Let’s move to bedroom now” he said and took Lucas into his arms. “Don’t you know how much I enjoy your company my neko?” he asked Lucas and kissed him.

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Lucas perks up his ears when Tony finished the dishes. He wags his tail and gasps when he got picked up by Tony, looking up at him. Lucas looks to the side and smiles softly, nodding his head, "y..you seem to like my company," he towards Tony, kissing him too.

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