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The Neko Game ~robertita and KawaiiNekomimiBoy~ {18+}


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Lucas nods his head with a smiles, "yes you made me tired, I am still an android after all," he blushes with a soft pout. He looks at mirror and shakes his head, "I am sure they are smarter than that," he laughs a little. He looks out the window while Tony was driving. Once home, Lucas wags his tail, "we had .. to make sure we got everything and didn't forget anything." Lucas nods his head as he gets out of the car and goes to the back, grabbing the ice cream and walks quickly in the house to put the ice cream in the freezer before it would melt.

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Auntie laughed as she saw what Lucas was taking out of the car “You two were busy indeed. Bring here the meat Tony. I have to prepare it with spicies. Your mother is making a pie inside. Give her the fruits, she needs them” Tony nodded and quickly went inside the house with the fruits. “Here you have mom, what are you baking?” His mother smiled “Just a pie with fruits, Luna said she likes it and wants to eat. She has desires as any pregnant woman”.

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Lucas puts the ice cream in the freezer and wags his tail as he looks at Tony's aunt, nodding his head, "y-yeah we should have gotten the ice cream last," he rubs the back of his head and looks over at Tony's mom, watching her make a pie as Tony walks in with the fruit and wags his tail, "what kind is it going to be," he tilts his head. "Are you gonna put all the fruit we got into the pie?"

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"Not all of them Lucas. Just help me. Peel some bananas and kiwis, plus some peaches" Rose smiled to Lucas. Tony put the fishes on the fridge and started to cut the meat on slices for barbeque. "Should we fry some potatoes too?" He asked his aunt who came in house after spices. "Yes, we should. I know you like them".

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Lucas flickers his ears and nods his head as he takes out the bananas, kiwis and peaches from the bag. He washes off the peach and gives it to Rose for cutting. Lucas unpeels the bananas one at a time, throwing the peels into the garbage and gives the bananas to Rose for cutting as well. Lucas looks at the kiwis confusingly and looks at Rose, "how do I peel a kiwi," he tilts his head.

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Rose smiled "I will peel them Lucas. Please check how Luna is doing. The kitties are after her since morning". Tony was peeling the potatoes and smiled "You are very cute Lucas". He then cut the potatoes in thin pieces and threw them in the hot oil. "Would you like salad too?" He asked his mother. She nodded starting to arrange the fruits on pie.

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Lucas nods his head as he gives the kiwis to Rose, "okay I will go check on her," he wags his tail. Lucas perks his ears up and blushes softly as he looks at Tony, shaking his head, "a-am not," he pouts embarrassingly and walks into the other room to check on Luna. "The kitties seem to like you just as much as they like me," he wags his tail as he looks at Luna.

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Luna giggled "Yes they are. Plus they seem to like my tail. They keep climbing on it". She took a kitty into her arms and petted him. "How was shopping? I heard you bought lots of things". She stood up and sniffed Lucas "You smell of ice cream". She licked her lips "I'm getting hungry".

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Lucas laughs a little and wags his tail, "maybe they think your tail is some kind of toy." He looks at the kitty and pets him while Luna was petting him. He perks up his ears and nods his head, "yeah we had to get a lot of stuff, that is why we were gone so long." Lucas watches as Luna was sniffing him and nods his head, "I didn't have any, I just helped bring it into the house so it didn't melt." He looks to the side, glad that all his mom could smell was the ice cream and nothing else, "I am sure the food will be ready soon. You got to eat more right? Since your eating for the baby as well," he wags his tail.

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Luna nodded "I tried Lucas but we were lots of nekos there and we all fight for food. Here it's not like that. Rose and Linda said I can eat as much as I like. Rose already told me how she felt when she was pregnant with Tony". She sniffed the air and licked his lips as Tony came "You are smelling like fish while Lucas as ice cream". Tony giggled "Soon the food is ready. Steak with fried potatoes, then ice cream and pie and watermelon". Luna petted the kitties "And some milk for these little ones".

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Lucas looks at Luna and nods his head, wagging his tail, "well at least things will be different now." He tilts his head, "is.. it a nice feeling," he flickers his ears curiously. Lucas sniffs Tony and wags his tail, "it all smells so good," he purrs and looks at the kitties, "yeah they are probably getting hungry as well."

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Tony nodded "I smell like barbeque since I helped auntie. Go and wash your hands and I'm waiting you two in the garden. Mom arranged for us to eat there. I will get some milk for the kitties. They grew lots lately" he headed to the kitchen and took out a bottle of milk out of fridge. "The pie smells wonderful mom". She smiled "You always say so Tony" she took out the pie from oven and let it to cool off.

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Lucas purrs and wags his tail, nodding his head as he walks to the sink and washes his hands. He watches Arata get the milk for the kitties and looks down at the kitties with a smile, "looks like they are ready to have some milk too. They are rubbing against my leg and crying for their milk." He sniffs the air with a purr, "the pie smells really good," he wags his tail as he walks outside towards the garden.

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Tony laughed "I think they will follow us to garden. I think the bowl for their milk is there anyway" he ran to garden and poured the milk in the bowl. The kitties came quickly and started to eat. "They are hungry for sure". The cat came to look after them and Tony petted her head.

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Lucas looks at Tony and flickers his ears, nodding his head. He leans down and watches the kitties drink their milk, smiling, "they sure were really hungry," he wags his tail. Lucas looks at the kitty's mom and looks at Tony while he pet her head, "do you think she is getting hungry too?"

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"Yes, aunt will gave her some cat's food. Let's go and eat". He smiled heading to the dinner table and sitting down. His mom came with the fried potatoes and salad while aunt brought the pork meat and the sausages. Luna was already eating as Linda served her first. "I called my doctor Luna and asked her to receive you on Friday. We want to be sure your baby is fine". Luna nodded "Will I be able to see the baby?".

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Lucas looks at Tony and then nods his head as he follows Tony to the table, sitting down next to Tony. He sniffs the air as the food was getting set up on the table and was glad Luna got served first since she was pregnant and not just eating for herself. Lucas looks at Luna and tilts his head, "I am sure the doctors have something so you can see your baby inside you," he wags his tail.

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Tony giggled "Yes they have Lucas. Can we go too? We want to see the baby. Maybe the doctor will tell us if it's a boy or girl" he served Lucas and his mother while Linda get her food herself. "We will take you next time. On Friday it's Lucas upgrade".

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Lucas looks at Tony and nods his head as he wags his tail, "y-yeah I want to see if I get a baby sister or brother," he pouts a little. He looks at Tony, "well.. how long has the pregnancy been?" He sniffs the food and starts eating, looking up at Tony and nods his head as he wags his tail, "I wonder.. how long it will take," he lowers his ears and continues eating.

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Rose laughed "I think you two are very excited about the baby" she petted Tony's head. "Maybe you two can adopt a baby one day..." Tony nodded "First we have to get married mother. And I want to ask Lucas into marriage if Luna agrees". The neko lady dropped the fork "It's a great idea. I never was at a wedding. And Lucas we need to find you a bride dress". Tony giggled "Once Lucas gets upgraded we can marry. But Im not sure he will wear a dress, I will like him to choose what he wants".

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Lucas looks at Rose and nods his head as he wags his tail, "of course I am. I am getting a new sibling." He tilts his head as he looks at Tony, "how can we be.. naughty if we adopt a baby," he flickers his ears. Lucas looks at Luna while blushing and wags his tail when she agreed to the wedding. He perks his ears up while blushing as he looks at Tony, "I-I will see what the store has," he sticks his tongue out.

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Tony giggled "Lucas and I prefer to be alone as we have to work hard. I have to tell boss about the fact Lucas will be a human soon" he continued to eat "Maybe we can adopt a baby after Luna's baby grows" he laughed when Lucas sticks his tongue out "We have to go to a neko shop anyway".

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Lucas looks at Tony and wags his tail, blushing a bit, "yeah, weddings take a lot of prepping but it is worth it in the end," he continues eating. Lucas looks at Tony while blushing, "to bad I am not one of those male models that can get pregnant, then we can just have our own baby," he swishes his tail. "We can always adopt a neko baby at the agency." Lucas looks at Tony, "you mean to get Luna's baby supplies? Well maybe we should wait until we know the baby's gender, that way we don't get anything the baby won't want."

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Tony dropped his fork "Nekos male than can have babies?" Luna nodded "Yes Tony, some babies are deliever by males, how do you think they have so many nekos around. But Lucas is not one of them. He was one of the first nekos they create. I was too, that's why Lucas calls me mother". Tony nodded "Us to have a baby Lucas, sounds strange. I never thought to have babies". Rose laughs "We want a grandkid from you son".

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Lucas laughs softly at Tony's response as he finishes eating, "yeah but only certain male models can produce babies." He looks at Luna, nodding his head, "yeah the people at the agency discovered male pregnancy later on after I and a few others were created." He looks at Luna and laughs a little, "even if you were one of the first models, it's more normal for females to get pregnant than males, especially in heat season." Lucas perks his ears up as he looks at Rose, "the agency also makes baby models so.. we can always get one that way. But.. what should we do when we are feeling .. frisky," he sticks his tongue out and laughs a little.

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