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How was your first love experience?


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My first love happened in High School, yes as strange and old fashion as it sounds, it happened. I met this beautiful girl that was a new girl in school, she was friends with my friends, and we became friends quickly. Her and I started talking more, she gave me her phone number, I called her all the time, and we hung out more and more; and I was beginning to like her more and more. She was a Junior in High School and I was a senior, and we basically just, clicked. In High School, I took her out on dates (I had a car then) like movies, coffee, ect. I finally asked her out and it was almost to graduate (a month), and she said yes! Even though I graduated and she was a senior, I took her to school, still go out on dates and such. We ended up growing up together, we had a son together (Max) and we had our break-ups, arguments, all of that.. But we always got back together. She's 24 years old now and she sadly passed away.


So.. My first love was unexpected I guess. And High School Lovers. XD

It was surely worth every moment being with Reita. Yup! I miss her dearly.

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my first love experience was kinda hurt. someone i fell in love is straight and he absolutely not a gay/bisex even we often acted like a couple partner.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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No, she was clear about why she broke up with me, it was just a bit personal y'know? haha

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So, does a newbie get a shot at posting too?


My first love was pretty intense, albeit somewhat standard. We met in university, and it was, for both of us, our first time out of our parent's houses (overe here, teenages usually leave home only when they go to university), in a strange city, knowing almolst nobody. We started as friends, similar background and all, and before we knew it, we were dating. Things got intense, we were young and stupid and had our very first time without protection. She got a false positive, we got scared while it lasted and things got even more intense as, instead of getting appart, we grew even more together during that time.


It ended with no real ending, rather, it ended because we both were changing courses and cities and, in a country the size of a whole continent with no real quality transportation besides planes, we wouldn't be able to see each other. In more than one ocasion we met after this and ended up kissing and staying a couple days together, but we kinda know that we're never gonna really be together. So, yea, that's my story.

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So, does a newbie get a shot at posting too?


My first love was pretty intense, albeit somewhat standard. We met in university, and it was, for both of us, our first time out of our parent's houses (overe here, teenages usually leave home only when they go to university), in a strange city, knowing almolst nobody. We started as friends, similar background and all, and before we knew it, we were dating. Things got intense, we were young and stupid and had our very first time without protection. She got a false positive, we got scared while it lasted and things got even more intense as, instead of getting appart, we grew even more together during that time.


It ended with no real ending, rather, it ended because we both were changing courses and cities and, in a country the size of a whole continent with no real quality transportation besides planes, we wouldn't be able to see each other. In more than one ocasion we met after this and ended up kissing and staying a couple days together, but we kinda know that we're never gonna really be together. So, yea, that's my story.


Probably the best thing I've read here in the past few days. Nothing out of the ordinary, but it has that special vibe.

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i were 16 years old and I had been intimate with some of my classmate...

hehe it was a great shock When He confessed to me

we have good time together for 6 month and then he forced to go to another city...

but in that time i recieved so much love...

it was sooooooooooooooo good

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I was 15 that fall in love with my best friend. I thought it's treason and i hate myself

we always been together and have fun

when we been 17 in a rainy day he tell me that he love me

it was my best day of life

after few month he lost his life in an accident and left me alone

now 7 years passed and i never could love someone else

I tried yo find someone but i can't

I miss his hands

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  • 4 weeks later...

It was total, like a storm, borderline insane and too deeply painfull.


Cause of him I found courage to leave my hometown and moved to city. First school and then wen't working.

We had, at least how I see it, a moment of absolute understanding.


I had already done my military service being couple of years older when it came time for him to go. It felt nice that he ended up serving in a near airforce base. We had good time to see almost every weekend. And well, i couldn't wait for that beautiful boy in an airforce uniform to get back home :) And things went fine for a while.


But then he got into trouble. Still I can't understand what exactly happened. I think he got bullied or something like that. But anyways, he just changed. Got so dependent of me. And so damn jealous. And we ended up fighting, a lot.


All things just turned into hell. My life...well i started drinking. Heavily. He started drifting away. Still doing his service that I begged him to stop cause i understood it was really killing him.

Still we tried to stay together, him trying to keep me close how ever he could and me trying to understand what happened and to find a way to help him. That symbiosis we had, turned into something draining. Both of us suffering.


Then it came one cold winters night. He called me saying he didn't know where he is. His voice so drunk and wasted. At that point he had drug problem too. Something i'm proud to say is past life for me. Never say never, but still never again.

I tried to figure out where the hell he is. But only thing i could do, was to tell him to look for any sign of people. Street lights, what ever...


Then it came, 2 days of silence. It was early morning his dad called me. Telling he had fallen asleep outdoors and found frozen to death near city. And my world just crumbled to dust.

He invited me to his burial later, but i couldn't go. No way i could let him go like that.

And I got lost for so long after it. Taking years before i could trust anyone so much again.


Love? Not sure do i love anymore, have i ever since? I do care of people.

And I really care of my bf now, even more when he started school in other city and we only see in weekends.

But love? I don't know.


Damn makes me cry even now writing this. It's been while since i've been thinking about these events. And loving.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was fun and extremely painful considering it was the first time I've ever fallen in love with someone.

We never even dated and even now I struggle to get over someone I never dated.


But I'd long accepted that it's not gonna happen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Akward. I couldn't even hold his hand... He kissed me plenty of times but I was very shy, soon he just left and I didn't care lol To this day I am srill shy but my new bf loves it <.>

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mine was really fun ^^ it was one of those summer things..i knew his brother since i was a kid and he introduced us, the guy was so cute i started chrushing on him right off the bat, he was one of the best kissers i know and he taught me basically most of the things i know now :p we parted as friends and i met him every year in the summer, when i was still going to the seaside with my family..we stayed friends, flirted a little..pretty nice experience :3

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I now admit I did liked someone before but I always say I don't have anyone I like because it will lead to a long ass story so no one's actually going to read it and I was always lazy but now I have the energy to write about it.



So, to make it short, I confessed to a friend that I even called 'brother' ten months ago and I got turned down right away. He didn't let me finish, he just totally shut down our communication. We didn't talk for a couple of months. There are times when I want to cry but since I am a good actress, I look like it's always sunshine to me so my friends and my mum don't really know about it but I did cry three times. Heck, that was the bravest thing that I have ever done in my entire life.


The situation now is, we talk because I am learning his language, Turkish. Teacher-student kind of formality. When he asked me one time where, how and why I am learning his language, in my head I was like, "HOOOOOOOOO MYYYYYYY GOOOOOOODDDDD!!!!!!!! THINK HOMIE! YOU BETTER THINK OF A GOOD EXPLANATION 'CAUSE IF NOT YOU'LL GO BACK TO FREAKING SQUARE ONE MAN!" I managed to answer and he believed it and he offered me help, he said I can ask him questions any time and I had a "Damn! I am so smart!" feeling right after. But the formality of our talks is like a hint that he's giving me no opportunity to go back to the old days and I don't even know if I we'll still talk after I learn his language. So now, I just enjoy what little I have from his time. Honestly, learning his language is just an excuse to talk to him at first but now I really am doing it.


He used to be a professional swimmer, he's really fun, he loves teaching so much, he never went to a university but he's extremely intelligent and he never back down from debates. He knows so many things that he can be a walking encyclopaedia. Now, he's learning Spanish because he loves his Argentinian girlfriend. By that, I guess we're the same. Haha.


If i'll have a rare chance to open the talk about my confession i'll only say the part where he didn't let me finish and that's "I love you, I really do. I am not saying this for you to turn your eyes towards me, I am saying this just to let you know. I don't want anything else, i'm already contented and happy that we have this kind of communication. You love your girlfriend so much, she's very lucky and she seems really amazing. I am happy both of you met and one day, if God allows it, I wish that she's the one for you and be together forever". And then, i'll slowly begone and then chill somewhere. Hahaha.





Man, this is not short.... I apologise for this long ass sto-- Oh well whatever. There are no short stories in life. Thank you for reading my pathetic love story. XD




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I never had a boyfriend b4, but fell in love with many .. ;x

Some people say that I'm still a child and don't know what love is,

but I think adore / fall in love with someone is a kind of love too.

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  • 1 month later...

*sighs. Love? such a foreign word. I had my fair share of daily crushes and vitamins to the eyes but I have not still found the courage to love again.


I don't know if it was a pathetic crush or an admiration at that time. There were feelings that just come and go. But what hurt the most was seeing him with one of my closest friend who happened to know that I really liked that guy. She even kept teasing us and acting like our bridge. But yeah right, the bridge is always the bearer.



*sighs. I don't know if that was the 'trigger' or not.

I've lost the ability to love someone.

I even ended up hurting the people who loves me.

I led them to games and chases that won't even end.

That pain in their eyes when they say that I have a heart of stone, heartless, prick, ruthless bastard.

I don't even know how to feel about those words.

I just felt numb...


So crushes or love or whatnot gives me rude awakening. LOL


*sighs. Oh the drama >_> the tragedy >_> *stares at the fckn onion.

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I could almost pity you

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. Love is about how much you can endure for the sake of another being. Even if it means getting hurt in the end, you must endure so much. At times we find ourselves thinking.. "What's the point? It's all going to end someday anyways.." Well the answer to that is that there is no point. Love is a drug that has so many side effects. From all the pain you get, you also get joy and happiness. Even from the smallest of things, such as a smile. Your day has been made. SO although it might be hard for you, learn to love again. Although it might be hard for you to place your trust and dependence on somebody other than yourself, you should endure. Because yes, in the end of love.. There is tears. But whether those tears are of appreciation or sadness, is ENTIRELY up to you. You remind me of a friend, which is why I tell you these words.

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I wish I could. Well I tried loving someone again but it just did not work. Then again and again and again.. and I am just like "what is wrong with me?" *sighs even simple notions of affections does not affect me. Is it evil to lead them and watch them hurt? I just don't know how to react.


I think I should just stay single. I guess :)

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