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Pay-per-view (Ayakashiu&Teesie)


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Pay Per View




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Muse A and Muse B share a one bedroom apartment as it’s all the two could afford in the neighborhood with available homes. Despite their cramped quarters, they’re happy with the living arrangements and more importantly they love living together. They’ve been together (roommates/lovers/dating/) for a little over a year now and both had a healthy intimate life behind closed doors. When Muse B comes home with a brand new video camera, the couple is quick to put it to use by making their own sex tape. The frisky pair have a blast performing for each other and for the camera. When enjoying the end results after playing it back, curious and turned on by the steamy footage, Muse B decides to post their video online and see what others think of it. When the feedback is overwhelmingly positive, the man couldn't wait to get started on their next video. Eventually, he ventures into the adult industry by starting a live webcam show without his partner's consent.

How will their rising popularity as online sex stars affect their relationship?




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Character Sheet




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Muse A//Aya


Name: Aiden Parker


Appearance: Light skin, white colored hair; one eye blue, the other one gold, but wears contacts so they both appear blue.


Height/Weight: 5’6” (167 cm)/ 128lbs (58kg)


Age: 25


Personality: Easy-going, loves to have fun, but only in his free time; when it’s about his work, he gets really serious and uptight. Prefers to keep private things private and isn’t a very open person, although he is easy to talk to. Likes kids and is good at working with them.


Bio: His mother died at child birth and he never knew who his father was, so he was raised by various family members, moving around a lot, and later on he lived with his two big brothers. He worked hard through school to get a good job, so he could repay his brothers one day and they were the ones who gave him the idea to become a doctor. Currently trying to get a specialization in pediatrics.




Name: Kelix Lexton


Eye Color: Emerald Green

Height: 5'11 Weight: 145lbs


Personality: Adventurous and free spirited. Willing to try most things at least once. Calm and demanding. Can act quite spoiled, in an angry nature, when isn't given what he wants. Seeks for excitement in every situation. Loves animals, albeit haven't been very good at keeping any.


Biography: Had a family of six with being the only male in the home. With his father's disappearance, Kelix appreciated his mother even more; especially as she worked multiple jobs to meet the demand of their needs. Growing older, the brunette was finally able to get himself job. This was one of the most difficult decision of life, even though it seemed quite simple. With being a superb student, and loving school, the teen, at that time, had to choose between college and a job. Watching Anastaja, his mother, struggle wasn't an aspect he was fond of, therefore he skipped college to assist the woman who cared for him. College wasn't meant to be.


Now as an adult, as well as his sister, all off to college with part time jobs, he was able to meet the love of his life and settle into a healthy lifestyle with the other.





Kelix body shivered, as a nearly inaudible groan escaped. Emerald green eyes clouded heavily by lust, the older man leaned forward to press his lips against the soft pair before him. After a moment he pulled away. With a shift, the brunette fell onto the bed next to the smaller figure. Sex had just ended.


Sighing harshly, kicking away the covers, Kelix glanced to the blue eyes beauty. The younger male had seemed to have enjoyed himself, as well as he. Sitting upright, the green eyed man wiped away the sweat lingering amongst his face.


"Damn Aiden, why do you have to leave?" The elder of the two asked, the question being rhetorical. It didn't hurt to try and persuade the other into staying. With a stretch, the twenty-eight year old stood with a grunt. He also had to ready himself for a day out. The man had to go to the mall for a variety of things.


Strutting to the dresser, Lexton rummaged through to see what to wear. Once again he noticed, like always, that he didn't have enough comfortable clothing. Being a salesman caused him to buy formal clothing with forgotten intentions to buy casual. An exhale was heaved, Kelix reaching inside to pull forth a green blazer, khacki pants, and a black dress shirt.

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What a glorious feast for senses. A drop of sweat slowly slide down the nicely build body raising above him, making Aiden want to stick his tongue out and slowly lick it. He came a moment ago and as his body was still enjoying the aftermath of the orgasm, he was able to observe his lover. A shiver..a soft groan..then pleasure written all over the other’s face; Aiden couldn’t help but bite his lips at the sight. I could come again only from looking at him making that face.. The mismatch eyed guy did love the face of his lover too much. It was beautiful, but manly beautiful, while his was kind of girlish.


Enjoying the moment as their lips met, he sighed softly as cold air rushed over his heated body, now that Kelix wasn’t there to keep it warm anymore.


"Damn Aiden, why do you have to leave?"

The younger of the two chuckled at the question, but the truth was he wanted to stay too. He loved his work but he loved the man who was rummaging through his clothes at the moment more. He sneaked behind the browned haired man’s back, gently biting his shoulder, tasting the slightly salty flavor of his skin. “You know if I don’t go, the kids might die from missing me so much, right?” he joked and smiled, heading for the bathroom.


His morning routine was to go run a lap around the block and then today, someone was in the mood for sex, so he was in a desperate need of a shower now. He didn’t have much time though, so he stepped in while the water was still cold, yelling out to his roommate, “Can you make me a cup of coffee to take with me?! Pretty pleeeease hon!”

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Kelix glanced over his shoulder to ogle Aiden. With a smirk, the brunette gave a nod before waltzing into the bathroom to set away his clothing. The love of his life, at times, was surely backwards. He, Lexton, was to take a shower, but the other asked for him to fix coffee instead; as if the white haired male couldn't do so himself.


Leaving the restroom and heading into the kitchen, the older male gathered the materials needed to compose the requested. Kelix arranged the coffee and waited around to transfer the liquid into a glass. With the next action, the brunette stretched all the while giving off a yawn.


"Coffee is nearly ready babe. Aiden.... Stay with me a little longer?" He pushed his luck, not wanting the other to have to leave so suddenly. A sigh escaped his lips, Kelix averting his attention once again to the darkly brown substance. With seeing steam and deeming it hot enough, the salesman finally conveyed the coffee to the crystal drinking vessel.


Emerald green eyes glanced to the clock. His snow haired lover had to leave pretty soon. It wasn't an act that he favored, albeit it couldn't be helped. "Mm, you should hurry. You'll be late." Kelix spoke, padding across the floor to once again accompany the capacity of the bathroom. He would take a shower after his other half left for work.


"Is there anything that you wished to have from the mall?"

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  • 2 weeks later...
"Coffee is nearly ready babe. Aiden.... Stay with me a little longer?"

The first part brought a grateful smile to the pale skinned man's lips. Coffee was something that enabled him to function properly when he came to work. While running woke him up, he usually started to get sleepy again soon after, so he needed his coffee! The second part made him softly sigh though. It was hard saying no all the time, even though he would happily stay. Turning off the water, he shouted back to his lover, “Thanks hon, you’re the best! You know I love you to infinity right?” He didn’t reply to the question intentionally; they both knew he had to go.


Stepping out of the shower, he dried himself efficiently and in the meantime, his roommate joined him too.

"Mm, you should hurry. You'll be late. Is there anything that you wished to have from the mall?"

»Ah damn, it's so late already??« Aiden cursed silently, throwing the towel away carelessly. “Actually, I don’t need anything beside coffee, if we’re running low on it. And buy me some junk food please.” Saying that, he gave a passing kiss to Lex. But as soon as he made a few steps away, he knew this won’t be enough for him, so he turned around, snuggled up to his lover and gave him a proper kiss this time, slipping his tongue in to get a taste. Aiden knew he didn’t have much time, but he wanted to make good use of it before he leaves.

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Relishing in the kiss, a hand gripping round globes, Kelix pulled away and smiled lightly to the white haired adult. Nodding slightly, the brunette motioned for the other to get dressed and go to work. Stepping around the shorter man, Lexton stretched as he spoke, voice sounding strained.


"Sure, then I'll get you more coffee. I'm sure having extra won't hurt. Though for me...I'm looking for a new toy. I need something to play with."


Kelix bought himself a present every now and then. Last having bought a desk set to place the computer, albeit having to build it himself. It always passed time. Taking a hold of his keys from the counter, the eldest waltzed out the door and toward his car. Entering the vehicle, inserting the key into the ignition, green orbs stared in the distance. The weather was harsh. The wind biting at his skin as he waited for Aiden.


Both had separate cars, though Kelix was unable to move until his lover's vehicle was relocated.


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  • 2 months later...

Quickly pulling on some jeans and a T-shirt, Aiden knew he probably won't make it in time if he will respect the speed limits. Though for him, speed limits were more like guidlines than actual limits. His car would be wasted if it couldn't be used to it's full potential.


Though for me...I'm looking for a new toy. I need something to play with.

The white haired male laughed at those words and replied, "I thought you had me for that."


Grabbing the rest of his stuff and his coffee, Aiden joined his lover, his car parked only a bit away. He shivered a bit when a gust of wind got caught in his jacket and quickened his step. His car was a beauty; a sleek, black BMW 5, given to him as a gift from a rich parent, whose kid he saved. His pay was still too low to be able to buy a car this expensive and he knew that if he would sell it, he and Kelix might be able to get a better apatement but..it would be painful to get parted from it.


Getting in and driving out of his park place, Aiden flashed lights at his lovers car. The other was so sweet, always waiting for him. He drove out carefully, but once he was on the highway, he let the car show what it's made of.

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Kelix leaned toward the window, green eyes peering into the rearview mirror to study his lover. That lustrous, inky BMW 5 could always bring a smile to Aiden's features. It was slightly amusing to the brunette, causing him to shake his head with a grin. He, himself, drove a Camaro 1970 z28. It was the simple colors of white and grey. The vehicle had been owned by the family, in which no one, until him, had tried fixing or having it fixed by a professional.


Pulling from the pavement, the salesman drove in the same direction as his lover, albeit he knew the BMW would be out of sight. His white haired lover had a need for speed, even if there wasn't any speed needed. At times the elder man was sure the other had a death wish.


"So coffee and to get myself something to entertain me. Hm..." Slowing the speed of the Camaro to turn into the passage to the mall. Here he was sure to find an item that captured his attention.

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Actually managing to arrive on time, which surprised him, Aiden hurried to get changed into his uniform. Wearing a uniform at work was actually really practical, allowing him to wear the clothes he wanted to the rest of the time. He prefered the casual, comfortable clothes that fit him well, letting the suits to his lover, who looked sinfully good in them. Since he was late, he didn't have time to put in his contacts at home, doing so quickly, before anyone would notice anything strange; till now he had luck with nobody finding out about his mismatched eyes.


As soon as he was out of the wardrobe, people approached him. It was always like this, since people liked to talk to him for some odd reason. He smiled politely to the nurses, giving them a moment of his time before finally making his way to his patients.


Now his smile broadened, seeing all the little creatures bustling around. Most kids in this section weren't bedridden. One saw him and screamed, "Dr. Parker!" Officially, he wasn't a doctor yet, but it was easier for kids to remember him that way. "Hello there! I see you didn't miss me at all!" He was soon met with cries of objections and the little ones convinving him they missed him. He couldn't help but laugh at how adorable they were.

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The engine was cut; killed. Kelix had just pocketed the keys, about ready to strut into the store, before remembering his wallet. With a smack to the forehead, he turned to reach for the car's handle to open the door. With a nearly inaudible click, the Camaro willingly opened without an inch of resistance.


"...OK. So I also forgot to lock the door. Yeah I'm so smart." He mocked himself with sarcasm, snatching up the leather money holder. At least that's what the brunette called it; only in his head. With pushing the wallet to join the car keys, in his pocket, the salesman shoved the vehicle's entry shut. What an adventure this was that Kelix looked forward to. The man had never much been accompanied by luck. Mostly despair and grief.


The brunette now distanced himself from the car with long strides. Clicking the 'home' button on his phone to check for any messages, in which he hadn't received. Sighing and entering his messenger, he composed a text to send to his lover.


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[td]Recipient: My Love[/td]



[td]Hey babe. I wuz jus' check-in 2 see if u wuz OK. U shud let me kno dat u arrived safely 2 work otherwise I'd think u were hurt. Love ya. Cya wen u get home.[/td]




Though he didn't say in the reply, he expected a text back. At least an 'ok' so he could be sure that Aiden hadn't wrecked in his chase to beat the time.

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The young doctor-to-be managed to examine a few of his younger patients, which was the hardest part since they constantly got distracted and sidetracked. Aiden loved kids, but sometimes he wished they wouldn't just want to play with him. Just when he came to the older kids, he felt vibrations in his pocket. He checked immediatelly if it was his pager, but it was just his phone. He carried it with him all the time.


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[td]Sender: Hon [/td]



[td]Hey babe. I wuz jus' check-in 2 see if u wuz OK. U shud let me kno dat u arrived safely 2 work otherwise I'd think u were hurt. Love ya. Cya wen u get home.[/td]




The white haired male couldn't help but grin at the message; his lover was such a worrywart sometimes. But he liked that most of the time, since it felt good to know the other thought about him. The children noticed his grin and of course they wanted to know what it was about, so it took him some time again to calm them down and finish with his examinations.


This was the best part of his day, going around, seeing his kids. He knew he will miss them like crazy when he will be transfered. Heading to the toilet, to get a bit of privacy, he finally managed to pull out his phone again.


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[td]Recipient: Hon[/td]



[td]I arrived safely hon, u worry 2 much! :p Can't wait to get home and c ur new toy! Love ya.




Aiden hoped the other won't get annoyed because it took him some time to reply. But his job required most of his attention so he couldn't text whenever he wanted to.

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