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*Private* Case 39 (AlphaZero & Alexia__)


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Character Sheet:


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"Good Morning Mr.Domotto, please follow me I will lead you to your department" said the human resource worker.

A week ago I got hired by one of Japan's top detective agencies, they rushed me to fill out all the papers and quickly begin work.


My soon to be department was in the 4th floor of the colossal building,and by the sight of it, people here knew how to keep organize, which wasn't completely horrible, also giving off a very mature attitude. A drop of water landed on my glasses blurring the visuality of my left eye, (Damn) the weather outside was terrible since early morning which had drenched a section of my hair when I exited the taxi


Removing the device to clean the water droplet allowed me to lose sight of the older man leading which almost made me miss the sudden stop he made, immediately I mentally thanked my quick reflexes.

"Why the sudden stop?" I asked putting my glasses back on.

Infront of us stood a rather tall man with black hair and a pair of vibrant blue eyes, almost as if he had taken the color of the sky for himself.

"A-ah this is Mr.Domotto Kaito the new detective I'll leave him to you Tokugawa sir" he then fled the scene.

I stared up at this slightly irritated face that watched me and waited for his move.

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"Come with me," I said to the shorter man before me and began walking him to his new desk. Unfortunately, it was right next to mine.


"This is your desk. This is my desk. Do not touch my desk or the things on my desk."

I stared at him to see if I got his attention.


"You will be assigned a partner. It will be announced later today." I left.


I was irritated. Even coffee and the rain couldn't make me happy today. I never liked taking care of new workers. This one didn't seem too different from the ones that always ran off and quit because they were intimidated by me. One thing I did like about him though were his eyes. They were beautiful... and very green.

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'As if I'd touch your stuff' I thought.


The desk was also very clean and dusted and I immediately began to put things in order. By the looks of it many of the workers here had laptop with them, which won't make me look out of place then.

I removed my laptop from the messenger bag I decided to bring in today and placed it on the desk, later followed by some books that were stuffed on the left drawer of the desk.

"Shakespeare? who was so bored they read this" I decided this one would not go on display. I spent about an hour double checking everything worked in the desk and waiting for my name to be called out by the man screaming into his phone on a further away office, he was director Madarame, the person in charged.

"New guy! come here! " he screamed from the slightly open office door. The introductions were brief due to the constant double conversation from me to him and mystery person on the phone. He handed me 4 packets, which were to be my cases, a detectives batch and a gun.

"I'll mention your partner late, go look through these, dismissed"


The cases varied from murders to deathly street gangs, none which looked too hard to solve.

'I'm itching for a smoke this is too easy' I though as I reached for my cigarette box and dumped it next to the laptop. Looking up I notice that other guy was not back yet.

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I sighed as I began to unbutton the top buttons of my dress shirt. I hated the heat and this black dress shirt wasn't helping. It was raining, but I couldn't afford to get wet. Going to the rooftop during work was a daily thing for me; it was a stress reliever. I was standing under an awning listening to Schubert's Piano Sonata No. 16 and to my annoyance; my phone rang.


"Tch. Shitty phones.", I thought. I hated things that caused disturbances, and such was this phone. But apparently, you can't go through life without one. I guess that was true.


The caller ID read Director Madarame. I picked up the call and waited for him to speak.


"Come down to my office immediately.", he said and hung up. I sighed and went down to Madarame's office, standing in there was the new guy.

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The Tokugawa guy walked in minutes after I, standing at a safe distance from me he waited for Madarame silently.

I could see he was sweating a little, perhaps due to his overly heavy shirt and its dark color, although I'll applaud the way the black brought out his features, he had gentle eyes but the frown did no good for him . 'How old was he 27, perhaps?' either way his childish face gave anyone a serious misconception of his age. He was a top detective and even I, a rookie, could tell, I'll be damned if I get intimidated by him.

"Well boys, guess what? " said Madarame as he laughed.

This laugh was the type that came from someone who just played the biggest joke on you, and not just played but got away with it. What ever was coming would not have a rose colored beginning I feared.

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I knew that laugh. I never liked that laugh. Whenever Madarame laughed, I knew I was screwed.


"You both will be partners with each other from now on.", he said in a pleased tone.


As I processed his words, only one thing came to mind, "Fuck."

In this field, I've always worked alone. I was never assigned a partner so I figured I would never have one. I was completely fine with that, happy even. As I felt a headache coming on, Madarame uttered a few more words for good measure.


"Be nice to each other now. You will be assigned a case soon enough."


I simply glowered at him. I turned and looked over at my new compeer.

Once again, I was mesmerized by his green hues. I noticed that they were a shade darker than before.


"Tokugawa Hisao." I don't know why I took the initiative to tell him my name.

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'damn' I though.

I had expected for this guy to be my guide or get me used to the program but not become my partner!

I felt a frown start forming in my face 'It's okay, don't worry this is just the start' I repeated myself

"Tokugawa Hisao" he said.

His sudden forced introduction popped the can of my anger.


"I'm assuming this is not your typical 'nice to meet you' but do refrain yourself from sounding so forced when speaking to me, I don't need your so called kindness what do you take me for a child?" I snapped.

" I am Domotto Kaito, I hope we can make this work" *bows*


I have a feeling this guy and I will not get along at all

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I completely disregarded his sudden flash of anger. I didn't want any more headaches today. The good thing was that, he didn't seem to be intimidated by me. That's new.


"Hn. Likewise.", I said. I seriously needed coffee.


"You're dismissed. Wait for further instructions from me.", I heard Madarame say. With one last look to the man next to me, I proceeded to walk out the door and to the coffee machine.


Domotto Kaito... I was going to have a problem with his eyes. No doubt about it.

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I worried after it came out and there was no way to stop it, I usually blur my ideas out when I feel they need to be said but it is my first day.

Luckily for me he dismissed it, which in a way helped my internal conflict. After Madarame's dismissal I headed to my desk and checked out the files given to me. One of the cases included a hospitalized woman after an attack, normally such a simple case would stay in the police department but with so many suspects it was passed on to us for ideas.

I quickly analyzed the case and jotted down who the police should keep a close eye on. This continued for the rest of the day until all 4 files were reviewed and done.

"5:00 already time flies here" I whispered. I grabbed my pack of cigarettes and headed to Madarame with the files.

"Hey I'm done with these, I'll go get a smoke and then I'm heading out, okay?" I said casually

"Sure" he answered keeping his eyes on a packet titles CONFIDENTIAL in black bold.


Making my way to the roof top, I brain stormed on what to have for dinner 'I can't cook...and I have to stop eating fast food' I lit the cigarette and closed my eyes 'perhaps I'll have pizza again'

"Living this way really sucks" i said without realizing.

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I was tired more than usual today. Despite it being an easy day, I couldn't seem to get myself to focus.

It was around 5:00 P.M when I decided to go to the rooftop to clear my head. Next to the railing was a lean figure looking up at the stars and smoking. As I walked closer, I realized that the figure was talking to himself. Curious as to who it was, I decided to softly walk closer.


"Living this way really sucks.", the figure said. I figured out who it was from the smooth and silky voice; it was Kaito. I noticed that the sun was setting and the sky began to glisten with an orange hue. It was close to my favorite time of the day.


"Oh? And why is that?", I heard myself say.

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The sudden shock of hearing a voice made me drop my ciggerate and I watched as it feel from the roof.

"Man what the hell! Don't sneak up on people! .... o-oh it's you"

I really didn't expect him to be here

"Since I'm done here I'll head out, I have to make dinner" I lied. Due to my existing embarrassment from snapping at him I decided to not formaly begin a conversation yet.

As I walked away I saw the way the, already disappearing,sun's rays mixed themselves with his face, and I caught myself admiring him.

'W-what the hell! You're checking other guys out! Moron' I though

And although I tried to lie to myself, by saying that I was not impressed by his face on the afternoon light, my dreams had others plans because that night I dreamt of Hisao-San

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As I watched him leave, I refrained from asking any further. It was his business, not mine. His sudden outburst was amusing. Although his words say otherwise, his eyes speak the truth. It was obvious he was lying about making dinner. Curiosity overwhelmed me as to why he would lie, but I wasn't the type to push and pry. Glancing back to his retreating form once more, I began to notice his handsome features. He didn't seem like the type to weaken under pressure, but instead grew stronger the more he was pushed. It didn't frighten me to realize that I was checking him out. I was not the type to deny what I really felt; I just never pursued any of it.


I checked the time on my phone. It was about time to clock out for the day. All I wanted to do was go home, shower, eat, then sleep. And so that was what I did. Things went differently then expected though for me. Instead of immediately conking out like a light like I usually do, I began to think about a certain man and why he seemed to interest me so much. All I knew was that, I didn't want to get too close to him. Nothing good would ever come of that.


Sleep soon hit me 45 minutes later.

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Remember when I mentioned that the office was nice and clean.... well I'll take that back now.

This morning it was in turmoil, there were so many papers untop of other papers that I didn't know what was what anymore.

As I made way to my desk I noticed two papers had been placed on my desk,or more like landed on it, both dated 1999.

"This is so old, why is this out?" I said

Usually such old records were taken out when a higher up team was assigned an important case.

'I guess someone is working on that CONFIDENTIAL file after all.'

The two papers of course did not belong to me and I quickly returned them to the owned, I remembered he didn't like others touching his things.

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The sun shining through my grey window curtains was blinding. Mornings really weren't my thing and the sun wasn't either. I grudgingly attempted to get out of bed and very slowly got ready for work. Knowing my usual attire at the back of my hand, I grabbed a pair of my grey dress pants and a black dress shirt without caring to look at what I grabbed. My usual morning routine consisted of waking up, bathroom, coffee, and breakfast. I left the house at approximately 7:00 A.M.


The office was in turmoil and it irritated me to no end. Papers were strewn everywhere and the place was a trash dump. Madarame had called me into his office this morning to announce that Kaito and I had our first case together. He handed me a case dated 1999. It was old and it was never solved. It had been about a serial killer that was never found and arrested. Kaito wasn't there and so I was trusted with the responsibility of telling him about the case.


I was just talking with a few of my co-workers when I noticed Kaito standing looking at the case files. He was about ready to leave it on my desk. Apparently he knew I didn't like people touching my things.


I began walking towards to him.

"Madarame assigned us that case today. Look over it. We'll be heading out today to investigate it.", I said.

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I was about to place the papers on Hisao's desk when I heard him say it was our case.


One thing i didn't mention about such old cases, other than being essentially important, is that they were the best and only headaches i welcomed into my life.

I could tell that at that moment, I had the biggest most terrifying smile I've worn all week on my face. This case was going to be more than superb I would make it so extraordinary that I would be thinking of it all month.

"Finally something good" I said


The case included a serial killer called 'the rose murdered' officials named it this way due to the 8 women , After every death he would leave a rose and a hand written note saying,

"my beloved"

2 out of the 8 women were sisters, another women worked in front of where the first victim also worked.

'Which means those 2 ladies had something in common'

the 8th victim was an older woman on her 40's that often walked by that street where the first victim worked.

"So why kill them? was it because of were they worked" i said out loud "no the 4th victim didn't even live in the same town she was visiting" I answered to myself .

"So then why kill three students with a gun if you used a knife for the others"

Reading this was making me sick to my stomach but I loved it, this feeling this terror, i loved it .Because i promised i would rid Tokyo of guys like this.

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I stood behind Kaito as he looked over the case files. These types of cases were major headaches. Since they weren't touched in so long, evidence was exceptionally hard to locate. I do like these cases though. It was like a personal high for me every time I succeeded to complete the investigation. And by the looks of it, Kaito couldn't wait to get on it as well.


Being a few inches taller then him, I easily peeked over his shoulder and came across a terrifyingly happy smile. His teeth were white and straight to the point of perfection, in my eyes at least. It was a nice contrast to his usual negative facial expressions. I dare say he was pretty attractive.


"So why kill them? Was it because of where they worked?", I heard him speaking out loud. He then proceeded to reply to his own question. It was amusing. I began to realize that he had a habit of speaking to himself when he thinks no ones there.


"No, the 4th victim didn't even live in the same town she was visiting.", he said.


He was seemingly intelligent as well. It was a good thing that he wasn't an idiot. I don't know how I would have been able to handle it being his partner 24/7 if he was an incompetent fool. Thinking of that brought a small smirk to my face.


"They might have been his lovers.", I said.

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"They might have been his lovers" said Hisao from behind me.


There was a point in time where this would've been possible, "Perhaps, but how about the 3 girls shot by the gun? They were only high school students" I looked at him intensively.

"Notice how the murders happen in two areas" i said running to my desk and pulling out a map

"Report says it happened near the company the first victim worked in, then he changes to killing the 3 high school girls in the near train station"

With a red marker I marked the company and train station.


As i said this i circled the area of the 8th victims death.

"See here Hisao, no clean pattern, no weird shaped picture in made in the map, which means he wasn't trying to let us follow him like a game, he just wanted them dead" I became serious as i looked at the map.

I turned around once again and looked at his eyes, for the first time i caught a glimpse of excitement and adventure.

Lovely, beautiful eyes.

I smiled wickedly "Now Hisao tell me why would you want someone dead?"

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I watched with curious eyes as Kaito moved with posthaste; he grabbed a random map from his desk and quickly ran back to me. If I were to list off the number of times someone was this excited to get an unsolved case from 16 years ago, this would be the first. He began marking up the map with the location of the company, the train station, and the 8th victim's death.


"See here Hisao, no clean pattern, no weird shaped picture has been made in the map, which means he wasn't trying to let us follow him like a game, he just wanted them dead.", he said. This could either be the work of someone completely crazy or someone completely stupid. If they were smart or sane enough, covering these tracks would've been easy. Nevertheless, Kaito seemed completely absorbed into the contents of the map. It was a surprise when he turned around to face me.


"Now Hisao tell me, why would you want someone dead?" His smirk was jokingly endearing.

"Hn. For love, lust, lucre, or loathing.", I replied after some thought.

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"Really? Well Hisao allow me to say you're one possessive guy" I started laughing.

This was too funny I asked the question at random to break the ice but his sudden answer lit all sorts of scenarious for this case.

"I think crazy love fits the picture" I said as I placed the map into my back pocket.

If a case like this had any chance of being solved it would be done with background research due to the lack of field evidence, that obviously werent percent from 15 years ago.

"We can take this case 2 ways" I put to fingers in front of him. "One background research on every victim or Two some old video checks, paper checks etc. if anything, you pick" I said.

I honestly did like this case but I wanted to see Hisao in action, if he was indeed at the top of the top I wanted to learn a few things from him. Therefore I'll play newbie detective for a while and see what Hisao is capable of.

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"Really? Well Hisao, allow me to say that you're one possessive guy." Kaito seemed surprised by my answer, or by the fact that I answered seriously at all, then he began laughing. He didn't seem like the type of guy to laugh so wholeheartedly. I didn't get what was so funny about my answer, but I guess it didn't matter much. Being called possessive however, was something different. I've never been called that before. Most likely because people have never seen me with someone I could be 'possessive' over. I didn't like forming relationships. People always leave no matter how much you try to get them to stay.


"I think crazy love fits the picture. We can take this case two ways," two lanky but thin fingers were brought up to my face. "One, a background research on every victim or two, some old video checks, paper checks etc., if anything, you pick."

Who knew the guy could take charge so easily? He was new, so I'll let him. This was a chance to see how good he actually was. I let out a breath and fought back a small smile. It was difficult.


Stop it Hisao.


"We'll do a background check on every single victim. You should probably know this, but I'll tell you anyway. Conducting a background check can be as complex as ordering a series of reports and as simple as doing an internet search. The best method to use varies, depending on the intent behind the background check. We'll divide up the work. You do a check on the first four victims, I'll do one on the rest. Only take note of information you find important to the case, we don't want worthless information. It'll waste time.", I replied.

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I was assigned the first 4 victims, which in Kaito's hypothesis were the trigger to the entire case.

"There has to be something about these women that caused such massacre to start" he though out loud.

Kaito moved back to his desk and cracked open his laptop, 4 pictures were spread across his desk and each had the note left by the murderer next to it. All hand writings were the same so that's double the reason to see that the guy was the same. Research quickly turned into brain storming that lead to coffee breaks. Kaito had had about 8 coffee cups since 8am and it was now 5:50, most of the office was empty from the people either going home or to get dinner. But Kaito had already planned to stay late and come up with a reasonable thesis for Hisao in the morning.

Grabbing a pen he wrote:

Victim 1-

Printing company worker, killed with a knife, reason of death blood loss from hit of major artery. Married


Victim 2-

Sister of victim 1, college student , " "

So far those two victims could have more than a thousand reasons to be dead, but they were decent people didn't own anything to anyone. Hard workers. Weren't into any funny business...

Victim 3- Flower shop owner, clear record, single woman, killed 2 nights after the first 2 therefore what ever made the murderer kill her was because she saw something. Dammit she would've been the only witness.

Victim 4- was killed at a different location so this is where the change occurred, but why her? she was only visiting Japan killed 3 nights later .

"This guy must've been after her for a while before he could catch up...

Kaito checked the records of the 4th victim and discovered she had visited a friend who also left testimony. 'Good! she can tell us again what her friend might have mentioned' . With some quick look up the phone and address of the friend came up and relief overtook Kaito.

"Good now I'm getting somewhere" he whispered as his head was placed on the table. The time was about 8:30 and Kaito suddenly was taken by sleep.

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I had assigned the first four victims to Kaito, so the last four were mine. I looked outside towards the clear glass windows and the many lapses of dark blue sky. The night was dark and peaceful. To the left of me, Kaito was working diligently. He had a frown etched on his forehead.


Sighing, I noticed that I was being too observant with the features of his face rather then my work. Sipping my coffee, I began to look over the last four victims profiles and names. All I found were names, pictures, ages, sexes, and some extra information. Nothing else was decidedly written, so that meant researching was needed.


Victim 5: Echizen Usako

Sex: Female

Occupation: Student @ Central Tokyo High School



Victim 6: Ashikaga Ayumu

Sex: Female

Occupation: Student @ Central Tokyo High School

Age: 15


Victim 7: Edo Nanami

Sex: Female

Occupation: Student @ Central Tokyo High School

Age: 16


Victim 8: Kenmu Asami

Sex: Male

Occupation: Assistant manager @ Minato Enterprises

Age: 35


Nothing seemed all too important about these four victims based on their biography. The girls' deaths were simple, the three high school girls were shot in the head cleanly with one gun shot each, and the male frequently walked by the street where victim one and two were killed. He also reported signs of being stalked before being killed a few blocks from his apartment building. His death however, wasn't so clean; multiple knife stabs through the abdomen, chest, and groin. There were approximately twenty stabs in total.


Grunting, I pulled my glasses up to my forehead. My coffee had gone cold and the clock determined the time to be around 8:45 P.M. Looking to the left of me where Kaito was, I noticed he was sleeping... and occasionally snoring.


I raised an eyebrow before I quickly began to feel a shiver run down through my back. The office was cold. Since I liked the cold, it was perfect. Looking at Kaito however, he seemed to be feeling the opposite. I in turn, being the generous person that I am, took the liberty of putting my brown trench coat over his sleeping form. I leaned my face down to catch a glimpse of his face. I was repulsed.




He was drooling.

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At police academy i took the liberty to learn some extra military techniques with a few friends who had joined, due to the training i because second in my physical class and also a very very light sleeper. All it took to wake me up was making the smallest of movements.


I darted from my chair as I was suddenly awaken but took a wrong step and tripped on some files that had been layed next to my desk. My poor glasses flew from my face to a place in the office and I found myself laid out on the floor. My shirt slightly lifted showing some of my firm stomach and my back ached from the fall.


"Ug-hh damn" I breathed out "What the hell happened?" i asked Hisao who was standing in place .

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