AlphaZero Posted January 27, 2015 Share Posted January 27, 2015 [table=width: 200, class: grid, align: center] [tr] [td] [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] Name: Furukawa, Akio Age: 18 Position: Uke Sexuality: Gay Occupation: Literature student at the International University of Japan [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Height: 5'5 Weight: 140 lbs Appearance: green eyes, short brown hair, slender build, physically fit, slightly tanned, usually wears whatever is comfortable[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Personality: hyperactive, short-tempered, impulsive, very quiet when in a bad mood, curious, humorous, kind, occasionally pessimistic, optimistic[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Likes: manga, video games, running, fish, literature Dislikes: math, death, vegetables, grammar and punctuation mistakes [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Biography: His dad left him when he was 10. He has never seen his dad since. He was an only child until his mom decided to adopt a girl around his age. He was very protective of her and her with him. He grew up loving life and was a very optimistic person. He loved literature and was intending to major in it once he got to college. When he was 16, his mom and his adopted sister had died in a car accident due to a driver swerving in order to avoid hitting a cat. Despite being in the car as well, he escaped with his life intact and has a scar on his shoulder from the accident. Ever since then, he has lived alone and worked his way to college. [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] Favorite Quote: “Too weird to live, too rare to die!” [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td] Character Song: Reveal hidden contents Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. [/td] [/tr] [/table] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ariesa Posted January 27, 2015 Share Posted January 27, 2015 Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Name: Yukanna Tsuyo Age: 23 Height:5'9 Weight: 120lbs Position: Seme Sexuality: Pansexual Appearance: Dark hair with blue undertones so dark they appear to be purple. Has light purple eyes and a lean broad body. Pale milky white skin. Is always seen weary long sleeved anything. Occupation: Literate student at International University of Japan. Personality: He doesn't like people, so he comes off as rude and cold. Always having a blank expression on his face no matter what the situation. Negative( says he's being realistic more than living in fantasies), quiet, sarcastic to the point that it seems mean, keeps to himself. Always lost in his mind at random times of the day. Likes: Sweets, reading, Autumn, soft instrumental music, animals Dislikes: closed spaces, yelling, being at home, loud people Bio: Tsuyo wasn't always this cold distant person. He use to be, as unbelievable as it seems, a very bright individual. Always worrying about other people. He came from a small family, him, his father, and mother. And, the Yukanna family was rich, filthy rich. But, his parents were mostly away. He had no siblings, so for the first 4 years of his life the maids raised him. One summer night, he lost his father. It was said to be a terrible car accident. After that day....Tsuyo wasn't the same. Now being this person who hides behind a mask. But, he wasn't the only one who changed drastically.... Character Song: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ariesa Posted January 29, 2015 Share Posted January 29, 2015 It was snowing, once again, at the university. But despite the cold air blowing without mercy, Tsuyo really didn't mind it at all. Though he preferred the Fall,the gloomy weather was a lot better than the hot sun beating down on his body relentlessly. And to be honest, people are a little more wild when it's even a little bit warm inside. Well, in his opinion that is. The male walked down the corridors of the school, the scent of heavily sprayed on perfume and poorly covered smoke in the air. He kept his head down, not making contact with anyone that past him. A habit he's had for years. Tsuyo never really had friends. Mostly because people avoid him since he was the 'outcast' of the school. But, he honestly doesn't like people. Not one bit. They lie, cheat, so quick to turn their backs on you and abuse you. Seeing you more as an accessory then anything. People just rub him the wrong way, irritated him with their yelling and immature behavior. The male let a sigh fall past his pale lips, expression still blank as he walked to his next class. Well, it doesn't matter. He doesn't have to deal with them until he accidentally runs into 'the group' again. But they mostly skip their lectures, so he's safe. Fixing the strap on his backpack, he continued his quiet walk to his destination. Getting stares,and whispers of rumors about him tossed his way. Again, this is why he hated people with such a passion. Their so quick to gang up on someone so that they won't become the victims next. Such a cowardly thing to do in Tsuyo's opinion, but, that's life. When he finally made it to his next lecture, the room resembling an auditorium, he saw that no one was here. Not even the professor. Seeing this as a great chance to wallow in the new book he got, he went to the back of the room. Walking briskly up the stairs to sit high up and in the corner. Away from the other students that'll come soon. Sitting down, he put his black bag on his lap. It was heavy but the weight didn't bother him as much as it did the beginning of he year. Opening it up, he searched through his cluttered bag. Moving different books, most not even school related, back and forth. Reading different titles from every genre of books before finding the one that he was invested in at the moment. With another sigh leaving his mouth, Tsuyo put the book on a nearby seat so he could move his bag from his lap. Replacing it with his one have his treasures. Putting the book in his lap, he looked at the cover of the book with eyes of soft interest and curiosity. The book was huge, the front and back cover was a dark, forest like color. The pages were still crisp and white. Not one stain one them. The title in gold letters, reading: 'Mind Over Heart.' A disturbingly realistic horror with complex plots and crimes that even Sherlock himself could solve. With careful movements, he opened the book to the page he left off. After finding his place, he was gone. Leaving reality completely in only a few milliseconds. Purple eyes moving across the paper at a frantic fast past, consumed in the world the book had to offer. This was one of the two ways he escapes people. And one of the only hobbies that he have, and his only friends. This was all he needed. He didn't need companionship, just the stories from authors who also want to escape irritating people and the music of Wolfgang and Bach. Friendships are an easily replaceable thing, so why have it? It's just a burden, and it always will be to Tsuyo. Nothing more, nothing less. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlphaZero Posted January 30, 2015 Author Share Posted January 30, 2015 Furukawa Akio loved books. He did not like having to lug them around everywhere he went however. It was already his second month as a freshmen and he still couldn't get used to the damn straps that kept digging themselves into his shoulder blades. His silent complaints turned into low grumbles as his bag prevented his usual, sturdy movements. His footsteps crunched as they met the snow-covered ground. The merciless storm irritated him even more so than usual. Despite being usually optimistic, Akio was just simply having an off day. Akio's footsteps resounded throughout the large hallways. With his hands in his coat pockets and his eyes cast to the ground, the young man looked as if he thought the world was dead to him. The thick book straps were causing even more irritation to his already irate mood. Even he didn't know what was wrong with him today, he just felt angry and sick. It was as if he knew it was going to be a bad day. "Fuck! Fucking cheap ass, shit straps!" His sudden scream shocked everyone to his attention and people began to murmur their disbelief. "What's wrong with Akio today? He's usually so cheerful." Other sentences had begun to take form, and Akio didn't take the time to hear the gossip about his bipolar attitude. He felt the need to have some time alone, in a place where it's quiet and empty. That would surely leave him in a better mood. He found a place. It was seemingly empty, with no one in sight. The room was probably a lecture auditorium, which seemed to be not in use as of now. Akio had his lecture in a half an hour, thus he decided to use this place as his resting point. With a slight sigh, he moved his tired body up the stairs to the back of the room. He could read a book, or even take a light nap. He sat down in slump and took off his bag. Relief overtook him as the weight was lifted off his shoulders; literally. Akio didn't seem to notice the harsh presence of another person in the room. He began to lay his head down, just for a light nap. I'll wake up in ten minutes. The soft wooden bench felt nice to his head. Wait... soft? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ariesa Posted January 30, 2015 Share Posted January 30, 2015 To anyone else, Tsuyo looked as if he was reading war plans at how intently he was looking at the book. The story was just so interesting to him. The detective was starting to figure out the riddles and clues the murderer left. Clues that the male solved already, not that he was bragging or anything. Just that even a mere child could figure it out. He was just a few more lines to seeing if the detective knew who the next unlucky victim who was soon to have a morbid end was, when he heard a noise. Hm? He looked up in time to see a guy come into the room. Looking as though he wanted to burn something alive. Eyes narrowing, he looked back down at his book. Great, people. Class doesn't start for almost another hour, what was this guy doing here? All Tsuyo wanted was to read his book of murder in peace with no other human in range. Is that too much to ask? The male decides to ignore the stranger who decided to come in so early, but was failing miserably. The other's presences was bothering him, and....oh no...was he coming closer? He tightened his hold on his book, body going ridged. Maybe he was being more paranoid then usual. No one dared talk to him unless it involved insults and not so subtle threats. Sighing, Tsuyo tries to focus back on the story. Wanting to be consumed by the world made up in a mind of author with a murder case complex. But again, he couldn't. He tried harder, body tensing the closer the stranger got. All the way until said stranger sat right next to him. Great, just.....fantastic. He was in close proximity with this person. Wanting to go as far as he could away from this guy, he moved his book off his lap. Trying to quickly pack. But leaving his lap free, was a fatal mistake. It seems the stranger decided to lay his head down, right on Tsuyo's lap. And give the male a mini panic attack from being touched. His heart was pounding, instinct telling him to run, to flee like an animal being hunted. Taking slow shallow breaths, trying to calm his fast beating heart, he pushed the guy off his lap. His impassive expression turning into one that would kill. "What in God's name are you doing?" He asked, an air of anger and disgust surrounding him. Not only did this person invade his personal space, he....he touched him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlphaZero Posted February 1, 2015 Author Share Posted February 1, 2015 "What in God's name are you doing?" Akio's startled scream was cut off by the voice of another's. All the exhaustion and the unrecognizable anger that Akio had built up his body disappeared in a blink of an eye. His eyes snapped open as the back of his head hit the sturdy seat behind him. Eyes widening at the intense realization of his mistake, his body snapped itself up despite the headache he had from the impact. The green eyed man was unable to form words as he took in the sudden appearance of the stick figure of a man. He must have looked like a fish out of water, desperately trying to save its own life. Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit! What the fuck is wrong me?! I tried to sleep on a random guy's lap! He must think I'm a fucking loon! An unknown force shook him out of his dumbstruck state, given him back the ability to move. Akio immediately tried to get up from the dreaded bench, falling to the ground in the process. His face turned a crimson red as his head craned up to meet the eyes of the angry man. If looks could kill, he would definitely be in his tomb right now or better yet, cremated. Scrambling to a standing position, he hastily thought of ways to enable the person in front him to forgive him or even forget this predicament and just walk away. Akio's back bent as his upper body fell forward, half bowing to the man before him. Eyes closed to the ground, he finally found the words that would hopefully get him out and save him from walking with a limp. "I'm so sorry!" He realized that he must have been severely embarrassed, or even terrified if he was begging for forgiveness to this extent. One eye opened just a fraction and his head looked up just an inch, looking for some reactions in those sharp, purple eyes. Murmuring was heard from the far side of the room. Akio felt faint as he forced his head to look to the doorway of the classroom. Class was starting and people were filing into the room. He felt curious stares piercing into his body, and at this moment, he wished that he had been cremated by those eyes the moment he laid his own on them. "Fuck." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ariesa Posted February 1, 2015 Share Posted February 1, 2015 Tsuyo didn't know if he should laugh at the stranger's misery or strike him where he stands. Despite him knowing that this was logically impossible, he wished his glare would at least make the green eyed guy disappear. For good. The male sat there, still glaring, and in wonder at how the guy was failing about without falling over. He let out a suffering sigh. Why was this guy still here and not going to another seat? Maybe one as far away from him as humanly possible. Snapping out of his dark thoughts, he was surprised to see that the guy was apologizing. But he didn't accept it for a second. He was even going to say so, with harsh words, when he heard murmuring coming from the entrance of the classroom. Some of the students were staring at them in either curiosity or disbelief. Great, more rumors. Sighing one last time, he snapped his gaze towards the guy you interrupted his alone time. "If you have nothing else to say, than go away." He said coldly, crossing one leg over the other and turning his gaze towards the front of the room where the professor is rushing in while muttering colorful words. Tsuyo hoped that the guy would actually listen and do as he says. Because the male was sure if the other stayed any longer he was going to tear him a new one. Not only did this guy touch me, he's the reason for even more rumors to start. Meaning more people wanting to know the 'truth' about me. Which really means 'annoy him until he either threatens their life and until they get bored and make up their own take on him.' His hatred of people has never increased to such an extent until today. All he wanted to do was read his fucking murder case book while ignoring everyone else in this world. Tsuyo closed his eyes for a brief moment, hopefully today won't go down hill from here. But than again, he's a realist. It's very likely it will get worse from here. Just when I was in somewhat of a good mood... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlphaZero Posted February 7, 2015 Author Share Posted February 7, 2015 "If you have nothing else to say, than go away." Akio didn't want to go away. He would have to face the CLOSE stares of the people if he tried to leave. All he wanted to do was crawl in a hole and cry, or maybe just hide behind the tall figure of the guy in front him for the whole day. Akio noticed that although he was sitting, it was obvious that he was a few inches taller than himself. Needless to say, the latter would just cause more problems. Nothing was more miraculous than Akio's sudden strong capability to move his shaking body at will. He didn't do well with being the center of attention. He watched as the annoyance radiated off in front of him. Purple-eyes was an intimidating figure, that's for sure. Akio knew his abrupt apology went through one end and out the other. Not from ear to ear but from ear to ass, because lanky man probably thought whatever Akio said to save his own skin was shit anyways. Damn, I'm cynical today. A small whimper escaped Akio's lips. He really did not want to walk down those steps. "...okay." As he descended down the steps of fame, he internally hoped he didn't have any other classes with the man he just tried to sleep on. Despite being a freshmen, it was common for different grades to have classes together. Akio didn't notice him in any of his classes though, though it's not like he had the habit of looking around at people in his classes. The whole time his head was down and he was glad his hair hid some parts of his face. The door was like the goal, the finish line to his hard earned victory. With one last look towards the man he embarrassed himself with, he walked out the door. Akio hoped to never see him for the rest of the day, or maybe the rest of term. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ariesa Posted February 8, 2015 Share Posted February 8, 2015 Tsuyo was wondering why the other was still standing with such a pitiful look on his face. It's not like he was going to forgive the guy anytime soon, or at all really. He glared daggers at the front of the room, trying to force the professor to start the class already instead of gapping at him. All he wanted to do was listen to some boring lecture and have all of the attention away from him. Hearing the whine caught him off guard. Glancing over, he gave the green eyed stranger a once over. Not use to people surrendering so quickly to his dismissing manner. But he didn't say anything. Only watching for a moment as the other walked away with a depressing air about him before turning his attention back to the front. Well isn't he a sensitive kid, he thought coldly. Not even having a bit of sympathy for the embarrassment the guy was experiencing. To Tsuyo, it was his fault for causing a scene. Who just lays anywhere they want without looking at their surroundings? An airhead that's who. But, something was off. His hatred of people was still intact, but something made him look back over at the man who invaded his personal space. Only to have their eyes meet for a brief moment. Causing the male to jump only slightly, narrowing his eyes at him to cover his surprise, and looking away again. He didn't like the guy, not one bit. His hatred for him surpasses that for people alone. What the hell is with that annoying kicked puppy look? I should be the one that feels put on the spot. His hands started to form into fists as the lecture began on an awkward start. He hoped he would never see the guy, ever, for the rest of his time in this damned college. For as long as he lived in this ugly world with the ugly people to match that inhabited it. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlphaZero Posted February 9, 2015 Author Share Posted February 9, 2015 Akio was in his second class of the day, English Literature. He was sitting in his favorite spot of the room, at the top. Class hadn't even started, yet his head was already in the clouds. He couldn't forget those intimidating purple eyes that burned holes into his skin. It wasn't because he fell for the guy or whatever, but it was because he never met anyone with such vibrant eyes before. On the contrary, he also had never met anyone that made him cower in fear without even lifting a finger. Well, maybe to push Akio off his lap. Akio was so buried deep in his mind, that he didn't even notice his best friend, Ieyasu, muttering dirty language into his left ear. "Look how ready you are. This place is pulling me in, enticing me. Listen to the sound it makes when I move. It's all the way up to the hilt you know. Can you feel it? Ah~, it's so wet. Just looking at it makes me wanna—OW! Damn it! That hurt! Fuck you man! It's your fault for not listening to me!" Contrary to Akio's furrowed eyebrows, his smile was wide enough to show teeth. To be honest, Ieyasu barely looked like he could past for a high school student. His eyes were brown and doe-like, his hair was brown and fluffy, and he was short to boot. Although he wasn't that short compared to Akio. They were about the same in height. One look at him, and you would think that he couldn't top someone even he desperately wanted to. That was not the case however, as the guy could dominate anyone twice his size. He once told Akio that he was a natural pitcher! "Well, I apologize for not listening to your nonsense stories, though they are entertaining. Seriously, maybe I should have never told you I was gay. Otherwise, I wouldn't have to suffer through your 'language' every time I don't hear you. But hey, did you practice your sex talk or whatever? Because, let me say this, it's improved. It's definitely different from that time when you—OKAY! Okay, I'm sorry. What were you saying?" Akio was this close to being tickled at his weakest spot, the front of his neck. To protect himself from Ieyasu's deadly fingers, he placed his hands over his neck. Once someone attacked that place, he was considered a goner. "Hmph. As I was saying, I met this guy at MomoMart the other day and..." Akio unknowingly tuned his best friend out again. His eyes weren't that good, but he could have sworn that he saw a pair of purple eyes with the hair to match somewhere in his classroom. "Listen to me!" "OW!" Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ariesa Posted February 9, 2015 Share Posted February 9, 2015 Tsuyo was stuck in the hardest class, psychology. Though not necessary, it's helpful to know the basics and understanding of the human mind. If you want to write about the more, darker parts of literature. He was in the back of the class while everyone else were off into groups of at least a minimum of three and the max being eight. Their assignment was easy: write a story using a character with a server mental problem. Well, easy for him. Since he knows more than the basics. But the other's, well, let's just say they decided to put it off for a moment. Or a few days. But through the whole thing, he was distracted. Not even the loud, yet annoying, sounds of friends laughing made him come back to Earth. He couldn't forget the guy that laid on him in first hour. His irritating voice and equally antagonizing wounded look he gave him. The male glared, eyes staring daggers in no particular direction. Anger boiling inside of him. Luckily, that's the last time he'll ever see the guy. The school was too big for them to even see each other, let alone bump into one another. Sighing, doubt creeping in along with frustration, an emotion he's too familiar with, he leaned back in his seat. Closing his eyes. Another mistake he made that day. "Well look who it is," a deep voice sang in his ear. "Our favorite toy~."Tsuyo slowly opened his eyes. It was them, the 'group' that picked on him to the point that anyone else would've changed schools. Maybe even cities. The guy who spoke had a black Mohawk, skin tight jeans and a wrinkled button up shirt. This, is the most oblivious one of the group, and yet the leader. His name was Yano, and he messed with Tsuyo since day one. His reason being: "Rich people are nothing but stuck up assholes." Goon one was, slightly odd. He had slicked back brown hair and cat-like eyes with freckles. He was the muscle of the group. Why did he know this? Because he was really well acquainted with his fists. And goon two was the average skater boy. Skin tight everything with horrid piercings to match. Great, it got worse... "What." He asked, wanting to get the daily humiliation over and done with. Yano smiled, showing all of his teeth. It was a morbid sight. "Aw, we just wanted to play. Right boys?" He looked over at his friends, who smiled in a equal malicious manner. Goon one took Tsuyo's backpack, opening it up and pouring all of it's contents on the floor. He flinched but made no move to stop him. It was better if he stayed quiet and not say anything. Then they'll get bored and leave. By this point, the class was watching. Not one of them having a look of sympathy. When his backpack was empty, Yano came up to his victim, face moving close to the other's. Tsuyo knew the other was testing him. Trying to make him react. And it was working. His body was shaking from how close the guy was. Wanting to flea, to move away, to do anything really. But his face remained impassive. Taking a deep breath, he moved to the ground to clean up his stuff. He heard a sigh above him. "Let's go boys. Seems our toy doesn't want to be played with today." The group left, but not before grabbing the book he was invested in and tearing some of the pages out. Dropping it to the ground and kicking it towards Tsuyo, who watched in hidden horror. When the class went back to their conversations, he quickly packed his things and left the room. Heart racing at an irate pace. No, not now. His vision was swimming, he made it almost to the other side of the school before collapsing against a wall. Breathing heavily. This was a normal day in his life. Being the center of rumors, being bullied, and having panic attacks. He curled his knees up to his chest, holding his head as he waited it out. It'll go away soon, though the waiting was painful, it always went away. It's just a matter of time before it actually gets worse, if Tsuyo keeps up with not taking any medication. But what's the point? It doesn't cure everything. It's just useless hope, that if he lives longer, that there will be something to live for. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlphaZero Posted February 10, 2015 Author Share Posted February 10, 2015 "Mr.Tokugawa, may I go to the nurse's office? I need some headache medication." Akio was stuck in his most difficult and most hated class of the day, quantitative reasoning. In other words, math. Since he was a freshman, he needed to get the most of the general education classes out of the way and this shitty class was one of them. If math was an elective, then people wouldn't fail it because they hate it so much. Akio was decent in math until sophomore year of high school. He always thought it was easy until he had to take Algebra 2. He still regrets being so arrogant about freshmen year, his grades in the sophomore year had suffered because of it. Akio never felt so happy to get out there. He did need the medication though, and maybe some much needed sleep. Nevertheless, his headache was slowly getting worse and he didn't have anything to help it. The aching was on both sides of his head, just approximately right next to his eyes. He didn't know why he got them so often. Where was the nurse's office again? His eyes widened as he remembered where it was, all the way on the other side of the school. It was too far for his liking, because his headache would worsen by then and he wanted some medicine now. But then again, it would just allow him to skip more of that dreaded class of his. It was his third period of the day, he'd just ask Ieyasu for the notes later in fifth. And so he began walking, a bit more slowly than usual. Partially because of his headache, and partially because he's trying to skip more of his stupid class. Approximately five minutes later, he was nearly there. His head was hurting more than usual, and it was a throbbing pain that compelled him close in eyes and frown the whole time he was walking. Fuck. Where is it? Heavy breathing broke him out of his train of thoughts, and his emerald eyes opened because of the intruding sound. The breathing sounded pained, rushed, and the person was technically hyperventilating. Akio, although not knowing the person, was worried and partly curious as to who it was. He began looking for the human, and despite his ongoing headache he decided to put that off for later. Akio's search went quick. The person was collapsed on the wall and breathing as if his life depended on it, quite literally. From the looks of it, the male was naturally pale, but this was a ghostly white pale. Akio tried to remember where he had seen this said male, he seemed quite familiar. Akio pushed the thought aside and decided that he should try to help the man first before any questions. Akio's head then suddenly felt like he had a thousand needles being poked into both sides of his head. It came quick and out of nowhere, but it didn't leave quickly. Akio groaned in pain and gripped his the sides of his head as he grudgingly moved towards the hyperventilating man. The journey to the wall felt like it was a mile, when it was in actuality only a couple of feet away. The moment he reached his destination, he immediately knew who it was. It was the same irate man that he had tried to sleep on. Akio's cheeks blushed red as he remembered the incident. He didn't know if the man noticed him or not, he did seem to preoccupied with his breathing. His body had a mind of its own, as his hands moved to grasp the purple-eyed man's slumped shoulders. Another slip of pain moved through his head and his eyes desperately tried to stay open. He didn't know why, but his knees also felt weak. "Hey. Are you okay?" His voice sounded raspy, and a bit weak. Akio was quite surprised that he didn't just leave when he saw who it was. But really, was he that much of an asshole to leave someone in this condition? Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ariesa Posted February 10, 2015 Share Posted February 10, 2015 It wasn't getting better. Seems his stubbornness has caught up with him. A sharp pain went through his chest, causing his body to jolt from it suddenly. Of all the days he thought this was going to happen, he didn't expect it to happen so soon. And today. But it doesn't matter, this was what he wanted. To be left alone, and in peace. His heart was beating faster, the pain becoming unbearable to the point that he felt like sobbing. This was it, it all ends here. Though it was the last thing he wanted to die from, he'll still get the results he wanted. Tsuyo's eyelids started to feel heavy. He was going to be consumed in unconsciousness soon. But before he could do so, he heard something. What now? Gingerly, he opened his eyes. His vision was a mess of colors and shapes. But one shape in particular looked like a person. Was he going to be taunted one last time before he departed this cruel world? When the stranger touched his shoulders, the instinct to run ran through his veins for the second time that day. Though he tried to fight, to move away, it was a weak attempt. One that he soon gave up because the movement caused him more pain. Tsuyo looked up at the person holding his shoulders, trying to figure out who it was. But that didn't take long when he spoke. No...the kicked puppy? He tried to frantically push the guy away, but it was like throwing a grape at a brick wall. His hands rested on the other's forearms. Wanting to be released but not having the power to do so. Of all the people to see him like this, he was the last one he wanted here to see him at his weakest. Just....great. His day went from bad to worse to he would rather be dying in a desert. "D-don't....," he rasped out, eyes not completely focused on the male in front of him. 'Don't touch me, don't help me,': was what he wanted to say. Maybe if he got up and make it seem like he's fine, the other would go away. He tried to do exactly that, only for his legs to give out and make him fall back to the ground with a loud thud. A hissed out groan falling past his lips. He needed to stop his panic attack, he can't go in peace knowing that this man saw him like this. The man that he never knew until this morning, and now loathes him with every fiber of his being. Tsuyo started to slow down his breathing, in and out. Trying to calm down his heart. He wasn't going to die like this. With irritation eating away at him and a guy staring down at him. He kept breathing slowly, it was working to some point. His heart was still beating fast, but not at the point where it was too hard to breath. Though the pain was insisted on staying for as long as it could. Please just go away. Leave me in peace. This was the second time the green-eyed male messed things up for Tsuyo. Invading his space, causing more rumors, and now blocking him from having some kind of peace. His vision start to grow dark as his thoughts slowed down. Not even a second later, he was unconscious. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlphaZero Posted February 12, 2015 Author Share Posted February 12, 2015 Akio felt a weak shove, but it was so weak that he could cry. The male rested his hands on Akio's forearms, too morbidly ill to do anything otherwise. He seemed like he was about to faint. He was sweating profusely, with his skin ghostly pale. Akio didn't know what was going on and he wasn't at all calm. He was, in actuality, pretty nervous and frightened right now. Contributing to this factor, his headache only got worse. The dull, aching throb turned into a piercing pain that didn't seem to lighten in the least. Great. Just great. There's a guy dying on me and my head is about to explode. Said male in desperation to get Akio off of him, tried to stand up only to fall down flat on the ground. The hands on Akio's forearms were dropped in a matter of seconds, the whole body with them. What the man on the ground probably didn't know was that he also pulled Akio down with him. Sharp hisses pain came from both males as both bodies slumped to the ground. Akio had hit his head and the ringing in his ear wouldn't stop. He didn't know why he pulled himself into this. It wasn't even his problem! But, he didn't want to leave someone in pain like this... The green eyed male pulled himself up with his arms and with a grimace, moved his head and looked towards the other person. "Ugh! Fuck! Dude, pull your shit together!" The other male didn't seem to process a word that Akio had said. He didn't even seem to hear what Akio had said. Akio's eyes widened to the size of saucers plates as the purple eyes that he saw earlier, were no longer seen. They were closed. Akio in desperate haste, laid his head on the man's chest, trying to find some movement of the lungs. A breath of relief was let out as he recognized the sound of breathing. Feelings of relief grew to feelings of annoyance. "Hey! Wake up! You can't just faint on me here! Hey! Shit." He did feel like an ass for taking out his frustration on a sick guy. He did choose to help the sick guy in the first place. An idea hit him like a light bulb. How did not think of this before the dude had fainted? Akio picked himself up from the cold, hard ground and placed his hands on his hips as he looked down at the fainter. Akio didn't have that much muscle. He exercised, but just to the point of not gaining weight. Regretting his decision to not have taken that gym membership instead of just running at home, Akio readied himself for the short, tiring walk to the nurse's office. A grunt was heard as he was finally able to have the other guy on his back. Akio was giving him a piggy back ride. Fortunately, he was unconscious. Akio guessed that the man would have pretty angry to have found out that on top of Akio trying to sleep on him, he was also giving him a piggy back ride like a kid. The younger actually found the man on top of him quite light, surprisingly. But he was definitely too tall. His feet were touching the ground, even at Akio's full height. Damn it, he's too damn tall. Akio began walking to his much needed finish line. The prospect of a comfortable bed, some headache medicine, and just some sleep pleased him to no end. He didn't care for just the medicine anymore, he wanted more and he wanted it now. He knew he should probably not have skipped class, but from the looks of the things, he deserved it. Now Akio was the one sweating. Scraping could be heard from the ground as the tall man's feet was dragged by Akio's shorter height. He found it funny actually. The events from this morning did nothing to discourage him from helping the other. The man was an ass, but he was an idiot. Akio dropped the one on his back onto the white bed. A small, tired scream of a person that just ran a marathon burst from Akio's lips. He looked around the room and realized that there was no nurse here. He guessed that he should just do everything by himself. Starting off, he wiped off the sweat of the man writhing in his sleep and tucked him in allowing him to rest. By the Gods, was he happy when found the headache medicine in one of the cabinets. Deciding to take at least two, he gulped it down with a glass of water. He went to walk back to the stool seated next to the bed. Being the clumsy idiot that he was, he tripped over his own two feet. Once again, he injured his head as it hit the white headboard of his companion's bed. Pain ripped through his head like a thousand needles. His voice wasn't even fast enough in letting out his scream as much as his body was in fainting. He felt the world go black. The last thing he saw was the vision of a body getting closer and closer as he collapsed on the warmest thing he had ever felt. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ariesa Posted February 13, 2015 Share Posted February 13, 2015 Tsuyo was lost in his mind, only faintly feeling his body being moved. But not enough for him to wake up. But, he wish he did. His mind was not a pleasant place he wanted to be. It was already terrible when he was awake, but when he slept, it was his own personal hell. It was about his family, though those were the worst ones. The ones that caused him to want to curl into a ball like a child. The memory was a based after a funeral, he was in his room holding a book close to his chest while sitting in his bed. Tears silently falling onto the dark brown cover. "It's a shame really," said a female voice form outside his bedroom door. "The guy was young. Good looking too, with the wife and child to match." A male voice spoke up, "Well, that's life hon. But I feel more pity towards the wife then the child. She was practically screaming at her husband to wake up." The child held his book closer, wrapping himself into a ball. A sob threatening to bubble up from his chest. They didn't understand, they couldn't understand. "I know what you mean," the female's voice turned from sympathy to mockery. The child was nothing but a brat who doesn't appreciate what he has. And now his father is gone." She let out a chuckle. "That should be a wake up call." He couldn't stop the sob this time, nor was he silent anymore. Laying down on the bed as the tears flowed faster down his face. No, they're wrong. Daddy says I'm a good boy... But the harsh reality was, that he wouldn't be able to hear those words ever again. Only remembering them. The child rubbed at his face furiously, trying to stop his tears. His daddy always told him to be strong, to be as brave as the knights in the stories he read. But he couldn't be brave, he wasn't. He didn't to be a knight anymore. He wants his father. "Daddy...," he sobbed out in a hoarse voice. Calling for his father. Slowly the memory started to fade into black, switching to another. But no scenery showed, only darkness. He felt a cold floor underneath him, he was in a closed space. But why? Which memory was this? Suddenly, loud footsteps rang through the room. They were getting louder, closer. Fear started to eat away at him at a fast pace as he tried to stay silent. Tears falling freely. Go away...please...go away. The footsteps got closer. His body began to shake as he prayed that he wouldn't be found. That they would go away. Why was this happening? Was it because he was being bad? did he do something wrong? The sound got even closer, louder. All the way until they were right in front of his hiding place. The child held his breath, hoping he wasn't found. But, hope wasn't enough. The door was ripped open, his arm being roughly grabbed to the point he thought there would be more marks on his body. Letting out a fearful scream in his memory, he jerked awake violently. Tsuyo looked around the room franticly. Where was he? He tried to calm himself down so he could take in his surroundings. The nurse's office? But how...? The slight panic soon disappeared when he remembered, but not a lot. I had a panic attack. And then the kicked puppy...the kicked puppy! He tried to sit up, only to be held down by some heavy weight. What now? Looking down, he noticed light colored hair on his chest. Feeling the primal instinct to flea again, he pushed the body off of him so it was on the other side of the mattress instead of him. Who decided to sleep on him this time? He examined the stranger, only to have his eyes widen in disbelief. You have got to be kidding, the pup was sleeping on him. Again. Not only did this guy invade his space at least three times now, caused more rumors to spread, he thought he should be a good human being and try to save him when he wanted to leave this world. This man just couldn't give Tsuyo a break. Why in god's name did he even save him to begin with? He reached over and flicked the younger male on the head a couple times. "Get up," he said, voice annoyed and harsh. When he got no response, he did it again even harder. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlphaZero Posted February 13, 2015 Author Share Posted February 13, 2015 He felt trapped. He couldn't move. He couldn't scream. He stared. He stared at the crimson red that marred their soft, pale cheeks. He stared at their once warm, lively brown eyes, ruined by death and despair. He stared at himself, the reflection of a corpse still breathing by pure, sad chance. They were dead, he was alive. They are alive, and he is dead. He understood and he knew. Why couldn't he feel? Why couldn't he cry? Why couldn't he scream? Was he dead? Yes, he was dead. They were set free, they had each other. Why was he left behind? Why did they leave him? They were alive and free, and he was dead and trapped. He screamed. Piercing, despairing screams ripped into the dead of night. He didn't know how many times he screamed, he screamed until he could no more, until he coughed out blood. Everything was upside down, his head's throbbed as the red liquid that keeps him alive rushed to its end at the gray matter. His right shoulder felt pain till the point of numbness. At least it kept him sane, as it was the only thing he could feel. The death vehicle, he called it, was supposed to be new. It was supposed to be his. He bought the vehicle that killed his beloved mother and sister with his own hard-earned money. He was the driver, because he drove it and he was the killer, because he drove it. Though green, it seemed like a black carriage to him. It was if it was sent by Death himself, to kill him, and to see to it that they were alive. The irony was laughable. It was quiet, but sirens could be heard in the distance. Please, save me. Don't come. I want to go, I want to go with them. I want to be alive again. I beg you, let me die. He heard footsteps. He was coming for him, death was coming for him. Why? He didn't want to die, he didn't want to die. No! Go! Leave me be! Don't come! The door burst open and he was fighting desperately to stay in, but his body wasn't fighting. All he could do was fight an unknown presence, in his head. The most fighting his body had done, was stare at the man holding him. He left them, he left his family. His body was complying again. "No. No. No, no, no, no! Let me go! Let me go back to them! My sister! My mom! Please! His green eyes met with defiant, kind, blue eyes. His thrashing was met with a restrained force, trying to stop him, but not to hurt him. "Please...I beg you..." His answer came quickly. A slow side to side movement of the head. He began thrashing once more, harder and faster. He screamed, he cried, he pulled, and he punched, but to no avail. Death wouldn't let him go. His hand reached up to the dark, night sky, as if trying to desperately grab the last bit of life he had, as if to grab hold of the people he had left. He wanted his wings of freedom. A throbbing pain began to accumulate at the base center of Akio's head, then blackness was all he saw. He heard a soft voice, calling out to him. His head hurt more as if something was flicking rocks onto his head. "Get up.", the voice said. It wasn't soft, the voice was grew harsh and masculine. More pain ensued, but he couldn't wake up. He was too tired, sleep was all he desired. Sleep? Hospital? His eyes opened up to what looked like the hospital scene, and found himself staring into a pair of beautiful purple eyes. His arm slowly reached up, touching the male's face, wanting to feel if it was really there. Akio's green eyes softened and he couldn't help but smile as he caressed the man's cheek. He was real, he was alive, but he was here. Akio felt wetness on his pillows, had he been sweating or was it crying? He looked at his surroundings, and quickly realized that it wasn't the hospital, but instead a college infirmary. His school infirmary. Oh fuck. He hoped that his hand wasn't still lingering on the man's cheek. He was wrong. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ariesa Posted February 13, 2015 Share Posted February 13, 2015 Tsuyo was not going to admit that he was getting a little bit worried about the guy who was crying in his sleep. It's not that he cared, it's just he didn't feel like seeing a grown man cry any longer than he should. And nothing more. But why was this man being so persistent on staying asleep? It was starting to annoy him to no end the longer he waited for those antagonizing green eyes to show. When they did, however, he was a little caught off guard. He froze on the spot, maybe he should go. Now that the kicked puppy was awake now. But, he wished he decided sooner when he was the other's arm reach out towards him. A hand resting on his cheek, caressing his skin in a way that made his body tremble. The urge to smack that very hand away was bubbling up. But those green eyes made him stop short. Those soft forest eyes, and equally soft smile. Tsuyo has never been on the receiving end of a smile. And it bothered him, making him feel uncomfortable. Like at any moment, something bad will happen. It was just a matter of time, he just knew it. After a few seconds of pure agony for the male, he finally gained the strength to grab the other male's wrist and forcefully moving it away from his face as he glared down at him. "Don't touch me," he hissed through his teeth. "Ever." Hopefully, the other will listen to his warning this time and leave him the hell alone. Though with his luck, he might even run into this guy again for the third time. The very thought made his glare increases ten fold. For the love of God, please don't let such an incident happen again. Breaking his death stare, he rubbed at his face tiredly. Getting up from the bed with slow movements. Now all he wants to do is go to his dorm and sleep. Hopefully going into a sleep induced coma until next year. When there's a less of a chance of seeing this guy. What time is it anyway? He looked around the room to see it was kind of dark. It seems it was almost evening. Were they out for that long? He missed the whole day. Again, Tsuyo blames the green-eyed male for another thing. He looked around for his backpack, not finding it in sight. Great. His scowl turned into a expression of pure frustration. All of today's irritation showing on his face. Especially his eyes, that mostly only show slight annoyance. Said vibrant purple eyes looked over at the other male with a sharp look. "Where's my stuff?" He asked in a not so kind tone. Wanting to go the hell home and wallow in his music as he tried to save what's left of his book. Though it was lost cause, doesn't mean he was going to give up on it. Books was all the comfort he had, and he wants to repay them in some way. So help me, if he says he doesn't know and some ass decides to take it, I'm going to blow up this school. Myself included. He waited for the other to answer, folding his arms over his chest while tapping his finger against his forearm in impatience. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlphaZero Posted February 15, 2015 Author Share Posted February 15, 2015 "Don't touch me. Ever." Eh, he deserved that, and the glare, and the hard pull that hurt his wrists a little. Akio didn't seem to understand though. As he moved his upper body up from the bed, all he could do was furrow his eyebrows and stare at the retreating form. The harsh retaliation didn't come immediately, which was perplexing to Akio. Why hadn't the man pushed him, done anything right away instead of just sitting there and let Akio just cop a feel on his face? He looked very uncomfortable, that Akio could tell despite his 'trance' but he didn't stop what he was doing either. So, both him and the guy were pretty weird to say the least. His cheek was pretty soft though...but aren't all cheeks are? But his was different, he looked like he had no fat at all yet his cheeks had them. It was warm and soft, like mochi. Akio hastily shook his head from side to side multiple times, enough to give him whiplash. Thinking about how soft a guy's cheek was...weird for a lack of a better term. In truth, he had the urge to laugh. Purple eyes looked like he could kill him just with that devil glare of his, but Akio was here thinking about his mochi-like cheeks. Akio had thought that purple eyes had left, but a strong, hard voice told him otherwise. "Where's my stuff?" It was the second time in the last minute that Akio had to furrow his eyebrows in confusion. He had a nap hangover, and really, he just wanted to go back to sleep. What stuff was purple eyes talking about? And what time was it? The man that hated him with a burning passion stood there with his arms folded across his chest and his finger was tapping his forearm, full of impatience. As he moved his body off the bed, Akio concluded that gravity wasn't his friend today. A loud thump and grunt of pain was heard as his body collided with the ground. He didn't want to get up, he just wanted to lay there, on the cold floor, and just sleep. That dream had definitely gotten to him. No matter how many times he dreamed of that 'incident', it never was easier. An exhausted sigh escaped his chapped lips and he forced his body to get up from the cold, hard marble floor. Tuning back to the situation at hand, he wondered what stuff purple eyes was talking about. Akio also stood there with his arms folded, but unlike the man across from him, it was because of confusion. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks. Oh! His stuff! Akio specifically remembered that he didn't take it with him to the infirmary, but had left it at the same exact spot purple eyes had dropped it. Another realization struck Akio again, this time until lucid shock. His eyes had caught the clock above the other man located on the wall. 9:46 P.M. He had missed the whole day. Shit! If his professor had locked the door for the night, he was screwed. He had everything in his bag that he needed to get home, which was not everything but his keys. The random spurt of his legs came out of nowhere. As he sprinted towards the door, he also grabbed the man waiting impatiently for his answer and also forced him to run. And no, Akio did not have a death wish. He faced death once, he could do it again. The lights of corridors were still on, which pleased Akio till no end. Night blindness was a bitch. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ariesa Posted February 15, 2015 Share Posted February 15, 2015 The male's eye twitched when he was being stared down by the other guy. The hell is up with his face? Why was he staring at him like that anyway? His irritation started to slowly eat away at him at each passing second. He wasn't sure if he should just say 'fuck it' and look for his bag by himself, or slap that annoying look off the green-eyed male's face. Needless to say, he was leaning towards the more violent option. Fortunately, the kicked puppy stopped his stare. Thank god, Tsuyo was really going to slap him. He jumped slightly when the other suddenly fell to the floor, an attempt to get up no doubt. He felt a little amused at the other's pain. Though quickly hid the smirk that was beginning to form. This is not the appropriate time to laugh at the guy's pain, no matter how tempting. Plus, doesn't he loath him with all his heart? His face returned to the death glare it had not long ago. Even more pissed off that the annoying male was able to make him smirk, if only just a little. The guy's stupidity could be contagious. Tsuyo's eyes narrowed when the kicked puppy mirrored his pose. Though his face had a look of confusion instead of a scowl, the male couldn't help but feel like he was being made fun of. Is this brat mocking me? He was getting sick and tired of the guy's antics. Everyone's really, and he just want's this guy to tell him where the hell his damn backpack was so he can go home. Before he could yell at the male, however, he was suddenly grabbed and force to run out the room and into the hallway. What the hell is up with this kid?! Tsuyo felt like he was really going to murder the other male without even batting an eye. "What the hell," he exclaimed, eyes wide as he ran down the corridor with the kicked puppy. Glaring at the back of his head. "Let go of me! Didn't I tell you not to touch me!?" He growled. Why was this guy so hardheaded? Wasn't the glare and the 'Don't touch me' warning enough? And out of all the damn people in this damn school, why did it have to be him? Why couldn't it be anyone else that ran into this guy? Why the hell was it his lap he had to lay on? Now he had all of this weird crap happening to him. Life really didn't mind fucking him over almost every day so that he wouldn't forget who's bitch he was. This, however, was like a slap to the face. Multiple times. A shiver of fear and slight disgust went down Tsuyo's spine from the skin on skin contact. Where were they headed? If the guy just told him where is backpack was, then he wouldn't be forced to run with him. He couldn't tug his arm free, that would result with the kicked puppy falling on him. Which meant more touching. He just can't win today, huh? "Can you at least tell me where the hell we're going," he said in between breaths. Stamina was not his forte. "And why you couldn't just tell me where my stuff was instead of fucking kidnapping me?" Yes, he saw it was kidnapping. And no, he was not overreacting. Not the slightest. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlphaZero Posted February 15, 2015 Author Share Posted February 15, 2015 Akio had the urge to plug his ears with his own ear lobs. Purple eyes was really loud, and his masculine voice made it if all the more worse. He knew he was being an ass by technically 'kidnapping' the guy behind him, but he had no sense of direction when it came to telling people the directions. Akio smirked when he thought of how much a drama queen purple eyes really was. I mean, kidnapping? Seriously? He could slug me if he wanted to. It wasn't considered kidnapping when he was just as free to hit me as I am to force him to run. "Oh, don't be such a drama queen. I am not kidnapping you. I'm taking you to your stuff. I didn't want to give you the wrong directions and have nightmares of you murdering me in my sleep." Akio heard labored breathing from behind and for probably the fifth time today, he was again perplexed. They barely started running, why was he so tired already? Akio then thought back to how skinny purple eyes was, then he understood. The guy's stamina was probably shit. "You need to eat more. And work out more. You're too skinny." Akio concluded that he really needed to make a death wish before he was killed because of knife through his spleen. But in reality, he didn't care. The murdering presence of the man from this morning didn't terrify him as much, though it was still very intimidating. He did know one thing though, he needed stop touching the guy so freely. Being a friend of personal space, he knew what purple eyes was feeling. The shiver he felt from earlier when Akio touched his cheek, the shiver from when he grabbed his hands just now, and the "Don't touch me!"s were also a clear sign that the male behind did not like people touching him. Akio then felt bad. He touched him multiple times today, by laying on his lap, the trip to the infirmary, his face, and just now as well. Akio also didn't like people touching him and he didn't like touching them either, but for some reason, he had no problem touching this guy. There goes the sixth time that he didn't understand something involving purple eyes. "Hey, what's your name? If you don't tell me, I'm going to keep calling you purple eyes in my head." He decided to wait for an answer later. The heavy breathing from behind him told him that that was for the best. Akio's voice and breathing however did not change in the slightest despite all the running they've done. He wasn't a health freak, but he did love running. It was something that most people hated, but instead he liked because he felt free when he did it. It would keep his mind off any other mental pains because he had to focus on his physical pain. But, they were running for a while, where's the stuff? Purple eyes would seriously kill him if his stuff was stolen, he knew that for a fact. Speak of the devil. Purple eye's stuff lay in heap by the exact same wall that he had collapsed on. Akio was pretty proud himself. His sense of direction was so bad, he had trouble finding his classes sometimes. He paused their running in front of the man's things and waited for his breathing to even out. Akio began to let go of their intertwined hands, but then everything went dark. He was blind. The lights had shut off for the night. Again, he forcefully grabbed the hand lingering next to him, grip harder this time. Well, that was the fifth time I've touched him today. He wants to stick a knife up my ass now, I know it. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ariesa Posted February 15, 2015 Share Posted February 15, 2015 Tsuyo hoped his ears deceived him. Did this brat just call him a drama queen? A fucking drama queen was what the guy compared him to. He was not, in the slightest, overreacting. This was kidnapping damn it! And this bratty green-eyed puppy wasn't going to change that. Nor was he going to get away with calling him a drama queen. "Don't tempt me," he muttered darkly. The very idea appealing to him more than finding his stuff for a moment. He even started contemplated on how he would hide the body. Maybe the boiler room? Too cliché. Maybe somewhere completely off campus. That way, it seems more like someone who didn't go to the school did it. Tsuyo knows he's being a little....morbid. But after the day he had, he can give less of a fuck. He hoped they get to his bag soon, because the running was really taking a toll on him. He hated this. Why couldn't they walk, or do light jogging? Instead of running down the goddamn hallway like the world was going to end any moment now. If he fainted from exhaustion, he was going to hit the guy so hard that he wouldn't know which way was up anymore. When he was told he needed to workout and eat more, his hatred for the male resurfaced. "Don't tell me how to live my life damn it!" He snapped, getting sick and tired of the other's shit. This guy touched him three times, started more rumors, kidnapped him, called him a fucking drama queen, and his now telling what to do with his life. The asshole. While they continued they're journey down the corridors, he couldn't help but wonder if they were lost. There was no way he dropped dead this far from the nurse's office. If so, holy shit he wasn't even close. When he was asked about what his name was, he was considering not saying anything and pretend he was too busy dying and couldn't hear him. But then he heard the name the guy had for him. Purple eyes? Fucking purple eyes?? "Of all the-!!" He yelled before stopping himself, biting his bottom lip. Well, his was worse. He called the guy kicked puppy for crying out loud. Sighing loudly, he decided to answer. "Tsuyo, Yukanna Tsuyo." If green eyes, yes he was going to call the guy that from now on, didn't let go of him and stop running he was going to risk getting his whole body touched by jerking his hand back and letting them both fall. If it meant they would stop running, he was willing to risk it. Sanity and all. His breathing got heavier, legs burning up form the lack of working out. Maybe he should kick the other's leg out from under him so that he won't have to suffer as well. That was an idea. When they finally got to his backpack, which was fortunately still somewhat intact, he let out a loud huff of relief. Even happier when the other let go of his hand. Leaning over, he set his hands on his knees, back hunched over as he tried to regain oxygen into his burning lungs. Face flushed, from his ears and down to his neck. Who even likes this shit? Whoever runs for fun has to be a masochist in his opinion. There has to be no other possibility but that. Maybe green eyes hear is one. Wait...why was he thinking about that? A shiver went down his spine again from disgust. It was definitely disgust. Or he was cold. Suddenly, the lights went out. Consuming them complete darkness. Tsuyo looked around the dark hallway, great, more bullshit. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt his hand being grabbed. The hard grip catching him off guard for a moment. "Why is it me that you have to grab all the damn time!" He sneered, but didn't let go right away. Letting his hand linger for a moment. The hard grip made him look over at where he assumed the other was. Is the brat scared of the dark or something? Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlphaZero Posted February 15, 2015 Author Share Posted February 15, 2015 "There's no one else I can grab!" Akio's temper was rising. He hated night time, and he hated this fucking illness he had. At night since he lived alone, it was hard to the simplest things without light. He couldn't get up to pee, he couldn't walk, and he couldn't even move unless he wanted to get a concussion. He was born with it, a trait from one of his parents he supposed. Ever since 'that' incident, the night blindness had gotten worse. The doctors had said it was because of the trauma he suffered. Before that incident, he could still see in the dark, although it wasn't good as it was in the morning. After that night however, the darkness was his tomb. Nevertheless, taking his temper out on purple eyes, or Tsuyo, was definitely a bad plan. All the yelling during the run was a sign of his unstable anger. "I'm Furukawa Akio, nice to meet you, if we haven't done that enough today as it is. And I know what you're thinking, I'm not afraid of the dark. I-I have night blindness. I can't see anything in the dark, that's why I made you run. I wanted get to your stuff before I went completely blind." He had never told anyone about his night blindness aside from his family and Ieyasu, the dirty bastard from this morning. Again, it was the seventh time he couldn't understand his own actions. There was no reason to explain to Tsuyo his little predicament. He could have just stated that he was afraid of the dark or something, as childish as that may sound, and purple eyes could have just left him to his painless agony of trying to get his keys and going home blind. Akio expected Tsuyo to toss away his hand like earlier when they were in bed, no pun intended, but that wasn't the case. He felt the larger hand linger there for a little longer and Akio's grip adjusted to a more comfortable position. He internally hoped that his hand wasn't sweating, that would be disgusting and embarrassing. Ew. Silence ensued for the next few minutes and Akio felt eyes on him, though he couldn't see them. Everything was literally dark, he couldn't see shit. Not knowing how he was going to get his keys now, he sighed in defeat. There was an idea, but purple eyes here wouldn't like it, nor would he even consider doing it. Akio wanted to ask if the guy could help get to his classroom to search for his keys, but knew it would never ever happened even if he begged. He at least wanted to try, however. "Could you... could you... um..." He was scared, he knew that for sure. Asking for help was always hard for him. Maybe he could pray to all the gods he ever knew and a miracle could happen, or he could just sleep here at this exact spot until the sun rose. Both ideas seemed more appealing than what he was about to ask, even if it meant dying of the cold. He didn't know if the grip he had on Tsuyo's hand could get anymore tighter. Steeling himself for that one question, he exhaled and slowly inhaled, readying himself. "Could you help me get to my class? I-I have to get my stuff. I can't go home without them." Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ariesa Posted February 15, 2015 Share Posted February 15, 2015 The male sighed heavily at the other's response. One of his eyes twitching again in mix frustration and anger. He should just leave the guy here and go home already. But, something made him stay. Made him stay in the green eyes' grip instead of pulling back and running away like one part of his brain told him to. It couldn't be...sympathy. No, it was just he wanted to be the one that made him this scared. No empathy here at all, nope. Though the feeling didn't go away, causing him to return the hand holding by intertwining their fingers together without him knowing. The fear now only being a numb presence. He looked away when the other spoke. So his name is Furukawa Akio. Furukawa Akio...Hm. When Furukawa explained why he suddenly grabbed him like they were going to die, it made sense. Just a little. Tsuyo slowly nodded his head, surprised with himself that he was even a little understanding of the other's illness. Well, wasn't that a first. He never cared for anyone, let alone someone he claimed to hate with every ounce of his being. It's just been a long, exhausting day. That was all there was to it. Nothing more, but probably less. Hopefully less. He felt like an idiot just standing in the dark while holding the other male's hand. They were both silent for a few minutes, and the quietness was eating away at him. And he's a guy who loves quiet places. And yet this situation made him equally uncomfortable and awkward. He needed to leave, but Furukawa couldn't see. Not a damn thing. Don't tell him they're going to have to camp out in the dark corridor until morning? Or at least when a little light comes back into the building. Why does life hate him so? Why couldn't he be stuck at school after hours with an animal or something? Well, he does call the guy 'kicked puppy' a lot in his head.....that doesn't count. His body tensed up when the other suddenly spoke. He raised an eyebrow, even though the guy couldn't see his questioning look, as Furukawa stuttered with his words. But Tsuyo didn't rush him, even though he was getting a little, really, impatient. When the guy was done speaking, the male came up with an answer without even thinking about it. Which bothered him, a lot, and made him hesitate. Well I don't want to stay here until sunrise... He rolled his eyes, body hunching over and curling in on himself. "Tch," he smacked his lips, letting go of the other's hand to go get his bag and put it on his back. He was going to regret this for the rest of the damn year, he just knows it. When his backpack was securely on his back, he walked back over towards Furukawa. Grabbing his hand while trying to maintain some personal space. "Where's your class?" He might as well help him, it would be a little cruel to leave him here when he couldn't see anything but darkness. Though it is tempting. But Tsuyo couldn't bring himself to do it. Again, the same unknown force stopped him from doing something he would do to anyone else. What was so special about this guy? He waited for Furukawa to give him an answer so he can hurry up and take him home. I'm not myself today. Maybe some sleep will help after I'm done taking care of this brat. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlphaZero Posted February 15, 2015 Author Share Posted February 15, 2015 Akio's grip on the large, yet soft hands was forced into a release. He felt the hand that made him feel safe leave him, but he wasn't surprised. Before he even asked, he knew it was in vain, but at least he tried. What was there to lose? Maybe his sleep, since getting home was very unlikely tonight. Maybe he could run around in circles, to keep himself warm. Running was his forte and he could definitely do it all night. Akio wondered when he would hear increasing footsteps getting lighter and lighter until it was soundless once again. At first he heard the rustling of hands, grunting, and items being moved around. Then he imagined what he would hear next, a grumble and footsteps maybe. It never came. The male jumped slightly when he felt the same, familiar hand grab a hold of his. Surprise was an understatement, was Tsuyo actually going to help him? Dude, he must have killed me already. Otherwise, I wouldn't be imagining this. Akio's fear was overcome with gratitude As his eyes softened, his grin grew wide, like he was the Grinch. Adjusting his hold on the larger hand, he intertwined his fingers so that he felt safely secure in the hand of his savior. The hand was warm, and it felt nice in contrast to the cold weather. Akio would make sure to show his gratefulness later, in one way or another. Tsuyo wasn't bad at all. He may be a cranky bastard and had anger management issues, but he wasn't a bad guy. He didn't understand what the other students were always talking about when they mentioned a guy named Tsuyo and talked shit behind said male's back, but it wasn't his business, so he never cared. He never cared until today, until he finally met the infamous Tsuyo. He was different from what other people said. Though they were correct when they said he was pretty negative, they were wrong about him being a weirdo and a psycho. Akio felt that he was just another normal college student, with a different personality, like everyone else. "Where's your class?" Oh shit. His body grew stiff and his eyes widened to the size of saucers, he unknowingly gripped the other's hand tighter. Again, Akio was pretty bad with his directions. If he tried to lead with words, they would probably be at it all night. Maybe if he just told him a simple direction and the type of class it was, Tsuyo would know. At least, he hoped he would know. A nervous laugh escaped from his lungs and out of his lips. "Uh... it's across the school. It's a math class. The professor is Tokugawa. I'm very bad with directions..." Directions weren't the only think making Akio break out in a cold sweat. Mr.Tokugawa could have already locked the door for the night, and then they would have no way of getting in. Where was Akio supposed to go then? Tsuyo would probably skewer his liver for wasting his time. Ugh, please be open. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ariesa Posted February 15, 2015 Share Posted February 15, 2015 The male was sure the dark was playing tricks on him. But, it looked like the other was grinning at him. Something jumped in his chest, making him look down at it in question. What the hell is up with his heart? Was it another panic attack? That was the last thing he needed right now. Especially since Akio couldn't see anything and would probably have a fit if he did. Tsuyo paused, why did he care if the guy was worried about him? He can care less if the other was concerned about him or not. He shouldn't care, and yet, he kind of does. God, he really does need to sleep soon before he completely loose his mind. He started to shift from one foot to the other, eyes darting away from the kicked puppy's expression. Moving his gaze towards the floor. The smile annoying him in a different way from what he was use to. The male waited for the other to answer, praying that he would hurry the hell up. When he glance over to see a 'I'm screwed' expression on Akio's face, his eyes narrowed. Something telling him that what he was about to hear, would really make him regret helping the guy. After the other was finished speaking, Tsuyo face palmed with his free hand. Groaning loudly. Seriously?! "Are you serious," he muttered. Cursing every deity he knew of. No doubt they were laughing at his misery at this very moment. He could practically hear their chuckles. The assholes. Remembering the details Akio gave him, he started to drag him into a certain direction. Somewhat knowing where the classroom could be. Even if it was across the damn school, and will most likely take a minute for them to even reach that wing of the school let alone the classroom. "Akio," he started, not really turning his head to look at the male he was dragging behind him. "If you know you're bad with directions, why don't you, I don't know....Make a fucking map?!" Yes, he was being a bit of an ass. And? You would be too if you were his shoes. Tsuyo made a sharp left, going towards the other side of the school and where he thinks the room is. His vision was a little better then everyone else's in the dark. He didn't know why, but, that's just how it is. Good thing he is though, other wise they'd be fucked. Having to wait for hours until the sun came up. It'll be over soon anyway. When he get his stuff, I'll drag his ass to his place and then we'll go our separate ways. For good this time. There's no way they could run into each other again tomorrow or for the rest of the year. It's not like they're roommates, thank god. If they were, Tsuyo was sure he would just silently walk into oncoming traffic without batting an eye. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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