~*~FaLlEn*SnOw~*~ Posted March 3, 2015 Share Posted March 3, 2015 This is a side story based of the original role play Dragon Ball Z: A Visitor From Another World WARNING: SPOILERS It had been nearly two weeks since the big battle against Nexus Uriel and his brother Exodys. Two weeks since Exodys had come to Earth to kill Nexus, bringing an unexpected "package" along with him. Two weeks since Nexus had died, and was reborn a week later. And two weeks of simply sitting or laying on a bed, eyes covered with a bandage that wrapped around his head. That's how it was for the young male named Rexyl Novaz. A time of blankness, nothing going on. No response to whenever Nexus spoke to him, no words escaping his mouth. Just silence. He rarely even interacted enough to eat the food he was given. The reason for this? Rexyl was stuck in a comatose like state of mind. No matter how hard Nexus tried, he just couldn't get Rexyl to snap out of it. Out of desperation, he'd contacted Goku, to try and see if he could do anything. Despite being the guy's rival, he knew he could trust Goku with Rexyl. He was always on edge, fearing he'd lose the one he thought he'd lost already, only to find out Exodys had saved Rexyl by forcing him to fuse with another Xerothuan, altering his appearance and causing his power to become dangerously unstable in the process. This would be the first time Goku would be seeing Rexyl since the whole battle incident. Not that Rexyl would even remember. He didn't really latch onto anything then, and now, it was the same. Laying on the bed in the added bedroom, he rests quietly, absently making patterns on the pillow beneath his head with his fingers, on the verge of falling asleep, or waking up, no one could really tell. Once Goku got to the house, Nexus shows the way to Rexyl's room, before taking off, he had plans to go and do some things with Bardock and Gracie. "Just be sure to lock the door when you leave. And thanks for doing this, I'm counting on you. Oh, and if you get hungry, make what you want. We just got food the other day, so there should be plenty. See if you can get Rexyl to eat something. Okay, bye!" With that, he leaves. Reveal hidden contents STATUS: Miracle of Xeros Name: Rexyl Novaz Nickname: N/A Age: 18 Birthday: December 14 Race: Xerothuan Home Planet: Xeros Main Element: Air Power Level: Anywhere between 200 and 17,000 Gender: Male Sexuality: Undecided Position: Uke Other: Was thought to be dead Appearance: Height: 5' 2" Weight: 82 lbs Eyes: Left eye is a golden yellow color, his right is a bright violet. His eyelashes are a bit longer on his right eye than his left Hair color and style: Light blonde and very shaggy. Originally his hair was black. Skin: Very pale skinned Markings: A circular white tattoo of a fox with nine tails and wings. It is located on his stomach, just above his bellybutton. Has several burn marks and scars that appear to be in the shape of vines Body Shape: Thin, small, and weak looking Clothing: Wears a pure white kimono like outfit, with a pastel purple sash. A picture of a dove is sewn on the back with silver thread. When first seen though, he is wearing a torn up and burned greyish purple shirt like clothing item, with loose fitting light grey and purple Arabian style pants, and no shoes. The pants are torn and charred too, as this is what he wore on the day Nexus "killed" him. (Check image) Piercings, jewelry, etc: Wears bandages all over his body. Also has a locket similar to the one Nexus gave to Gracie, but it is gold in color, slightly more oval than round in shape, and the chain is longer. Personality: One can not be too sure of Rexyl's personality. It is as unstable as a glass top on the verge of tipping over and shattering. For the most part though, he is kind and sweet, and VERY shy. Saying: "Death is not to be feared. Weakness is not a burden. Life is what you should fear most, because in life, you have no peace. In death you do. Weakness is not the burden, strength is. Because with strength, comes a choice. To kill or protect. I pity those with strength and life." Background/History: Was thought to have been killed by Nexus. However, he did not die, but came close. To save him, he was fused with another Xerothuan. More to be revealed. Abilities/Other: *Cannot control his power level *His weapon is what appears to be 6 needle shaped items, that are 7 inches long, and are very sharp. He carries them in individual pockets located in the folds of a small folding fan. *Can manipulate the element of wind *Because of his fusion, he can also manipulate the element of lightning. *Can use spirit energy at will *Can use powers similar to that of Saiyans and Nemekians *Cannot talk (yet) but CAN make noises Moves/Skills: Revealed IC Theme Songs: http:// http:// http:// Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bardock Posted March 3, 2015 Share Posted March 3, 2015 Goku laughed, more of a chuckle really, and placed a hand on the back of his head. "No problem, really. I'll try my best to do something." He waved to Nexus before he left and then slowly turned towards the room that held the one named Rexyl. He opened the door, slowly closing it behind him. He looked over at the bed, smiling softly, "Hi.." Goku pulled a chair towards the bed and sat in it backwards, his arms laying over the top of the chair, "I'm Goku. I'm not really sure if Nexus told you about me, or not. I'm a friend." He shrugs his shoulders, letting out a half laugh, "I, um... supposed to just.. chill with you, or something. My father, Bardock, you met him. The big guy, who looks like me, in a way. Well, he and Nexus are getting married soon." He gently tosses his arms up in the air, "Yay!" Goku let out a small sigh, biting a nail nervously, "I, um... I'm not very good at this. I'm sure you can tell. But, uh.. Nexus.. and everyone, really, sure would be glad if you got through this. My dad, Bardock, you know, even stopped eating. That worries me because, as Saiyans, we're supposed to consume certain amounts of food in order to keep our stamina and strength. So if he doesn't eat.. well.. things can go wrong." Goku bit another nail, worried he might be boring this guy, "Hey, I know! Do you like to read?" He gets up, walking over to the bookshelf and searches, "Vegeta let Bardock borrow a book. Ah, here it is." He pulls it from the bookshelf, "To be honest, I don't. But if you want, I could read it to you." He sat back down in the chair, "Vegeta is... well, he's my, um... boyfriend, I guess? He refuses to mark me, so.. Oh, marking is a Saiyan tradition. It's when two Saiyans, or two people in general, bite each other. Usually on the neck. And it means that those two people are in love, and kinda like a marriage, without a ceremony. Vegeta keeps saying it's because the relationship is new.. but I think he doesn't love me." He nods slowly. Goku then laughs softly, "I have NO idea why I'm telling you all this. Maybe it just feels better to get it out, you know?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~*~FaLlEn*SnOw~*~ Posted March 3, 2015 Author Share Posted March 3, 2015 As he lay there, quietly and making absolutely no noise, a sound coming from the door makes him stop moving his fingers, but just for a moment. It was a new voice, one he hadn't heard before. Despite having his eyes covered, he could tell when footsteps cross the floor, and a chair was placed by the bed, someone sitting in it. But even so, he does not move. Even as this person, who said their name was Goku began to talk, he simply lays there. Never before had he seen this Bardock man, but he had heard his voice. As Goku continued speaking, just talking to him, his voice soothing in a way, Rexyl shifts, but very slightly, it was almost unnoticeable. Even though Nexus talked to him, he never just TALKED, saying random things, whatever came to mind. He always tried to get Rexyl to respond. At the mention of a book, a small stirring was felt deep inside. Then, when Goku spoke about love, Rexyl slowly reaches up, a bandaged hand going to tug at the white bandages covering his eyes, and pulls it down, revealing one of his eyes, his right, which was a bright violet color, and had long black eyelashes. Blinking slowly, he stares at this Goku person, a blank look on his face. Then, he lowers his eye to the book in Goku's hand, before looking back up again. Rexyl could begin to feel something, but it was very small right then. Barely a flicker of light, but something was there alright. That voice, the kindness it held, was taking a hold of something deep within him, and forcing it to respond, like flipping power switches in a control box, one at a time. Reaching out, he first touches the book, before making a patting like motion on Goku's knee. His movements were slow, like a turtle's, or a snail. But it was something. All the while he did this, he did not once look away from Goku's face, with only his right eye, his left still covered, which was a golden yellow in color, the lashes not quite as long. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bardock Posted March 3, 2015 Share Posted March 3, 2015 Goku jumped when he felt the tapping, seeing it was only Rexyl's hand. He laughed softly, "I'm so nervous. You scared me a moment." He then blinks, standing up in shock, "Ah! You! Your hand! Hey, hey he moved! Dammit, there's no one here!" Already excited by the breakthrough he smiles again, "Oh!! The book! You like reading?? This is, um.." he flipped through the pages softly, "It's about a girl who gets hurt by a man. And another girl in an insane asylum. Kinda a freaky book, but Vegeta says its really good." He glanced at Rexyl, his eyes showing excitement and he leans over, softly pulling the bandages from both his eyes, "There.. now I can see that handsome face.." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~*~FaLlEn*SnOw~*~ Posted March 3, 2015 Author Share Posted March 3, 2015 Even with the sudden movements, and the excited sound in Goku's voice, Rexyl just stares. What was going on? He had no idea at all. When asked if he liked books, he just reaches and taps it again, running his bandages fingers across it. "Mmm..." He makes a soft sound, like that of confirmation, before lowering his arm. When the bandage was suddenly removed, his left eye squeezes shut automatically, hiding it for a moment behind his eyelid, before slowly opening again, revealing the different colored eye. Blinking slowly, he looks to Goku, his large eyes wide, staring at him, as if he was reading Goku's very inner soul. Reaching up, he places a hand over his left eye, then his right, before letting his hand rest at his side. Then, he reaches out again, and touches Goku's hand, wrapping his fingers around it, tugging softly to make him lean down, before reaching up, and places his hand over one of Goku's eyes, like he'd done with his own. Staring at the uncovered eye, before covering that one instead, freeing the eye he'd been covering. "...Ssseee..." Pulling away his hand, he goes back to the position he'd been in, not once taking his eyes off of Goku. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bardock Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 The hand over his eye threw Goku off for a moment. Rexyl wasn't saying much.. and he looked very confused. Goku placed a hand over the ither's hand, smiling softly. Goku looked at Rexyl, "Ohh! You can't see? Did you want me to put it back on?" He then sat down on the bed, even more excited, "Can you say my name? Goku.. Goooo-kuuu." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~*~FaLlEn*SnOw~*~ Posted March 4, 2015 Author Share Posted March 4, 2015 The question takes a moment to process, before Rexyl reaches up, pointing at his left eye, before covering it with his hand. "See." He reaches for the bandage, and holds it out to Goku. As if gesturing for him to put the bandage on him, as he really couldn't do it himself. Him doing this much was taking a lot of effort, the strain on his mind was quite painful, though it didn't show. He tilts his head as Goku sat down on the bed next to him, excited and talking again, trying to teach him how to say his name. For a moment he just sits there, staring blankly at Goku, his lips parted slightly. It seemed at first he'd zoned out again, but after a moment or two... "Goooo...kuuu...?" His voice sounded almost questioning, as if asking if he'd said it right or not. "Go...ku?" Another pause. "Goku." It was stuck. In his barely functional memory, it had gotten stuck. "See. Goku." He points at the book. Wanting to hear it read to him, forcing himself to make his mind interact. However, it woud appear he was still running on autopilot, though there were obvious slight changes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bardock Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 Goku took the bandage and wrapped it over the blind eye, being careful not to make it hurt. Then he nods excitedly, "Yes, that's so good, Rexyl!!" He looked down at the book, and then nodded, "Oh!! Read it to you. I got it." Goku made himself comfortable before he flipped the book open, "Anger was a young woman in a terrible place at a terrible time. It had been days since she saw the sunlight, shining bright on her face, basking in the heated warmth. She longed to feel it again, even just a little. But they wouldn't let her. Not after she attacked the three White Coats that tried to throw her in solitude..." Goku continued to read for over an hour, stopping every once in a while to comment on the book and the writing. He started to realize that he was enjoying the book himself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~*~FaLlEn*SnOw~*~ Posted March 4, 2015 Author Share Posted March 4, 2015 The bandage back on, he looks to Goku when he praised him for saying the name right. He'd felt the gentleness in the man's touch, how he'd been careful as he'd wrapped the bandage over his eye, as if trying to make sure not to hurt the blind eye, which indeed always felt sore, especially when suddenly exposed to light. It wasn't completely blind, but close enough. He settles next to Goku, listening to the words read to him, appearing to be zoned out, but that was not the case. He was absorbed into the words coming from Goku's mouth, how he read each of the words read off the page. Sadly, even though he had a love for books, Rexyl could not read well. Back home, on Xeros, he'd been of a low ranking family, not worthy of learning to read. However, Nexus though differently, and whenever he had the chance, he'd teach Rexyl a few words. For the next hour, he sits there, until a soft sound comes from him. It was that of his stomach, testing in it's hunger. However, he does nothing, as if he could not hear the grumbles and gurgles coming from his own body, or feel the empty feeling in his gut. His visible eye begins to dull over, as his body becomes tired, fatigued by the larger output of energy than it was used to. His body leans over, and he slumps against Goku, resting his head on Goku's arm, his eye was still open, just not as...alert, if you'd call it that...as before. Despite the growing sounds of hunger coming from him, he does nothing, remaining where he was. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bardock Posted March 5, 2015 Share Posted March 5, 2015 Goku turns the page of the book, but before he could read another word, he heard the sounds coming from Rexyl's body. He blinked, looking down, "Huh?" He was a little surprised to see this young man nearly in his lap, slumped over like a rag doll. Goku gently helped him lean up, pulling him to rest against his chest. One hand softly pet his hair, "You sound like you're starving.. would you like to sit in the kitchen with me while I prepare something to eat?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~*~FaLlEn*SnOw~*~ Posted March 5, 2015 Author Share Posted March 5, 2015 Rexyl simply sighs in response to the question. However, his body's response was a bit more clear, as his stomach growls even louder. The hand petting his hair made him feel a bit more comfortable, relaxing easily against Goku's chest, his visible eye closing just a tiny bit. His hand slowly comes to rest against his stomach, feeling the tremors under his fingers as it rumbles again. "Eat..." He mumbles, rubbing his torso, then does the same to Goku's stomach, before clasping onto the shirt, as if in confirmation of the suggestion he'd made if making some food to eat. He sighs again, his body once again trying to force himself to interact, but it was becoming harder to do with Evey passing moment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bardock Posted March 5, 2015 Share Posted March 5, 2015 Goku nodded then, picking Rexyl up under the knees and around the shoulders. He carries him easily into the kitchen, setting him in a chair sideqays, so that his back was against the wall, but he was leaning up. He was sure that Rexyl wanted to watch him, or at least be able to see him. As Goku prepared some fried rice, he also made some soup, wondering if Rexyl would eat it. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to feed him, but if he couldn't chew, he didn't want him to choke either, "Soup okay? I'm also making fried rice.." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~*~FaLlEn*SnOw~*~ Posted March 5, 2015 Author Share Posted March 5, 2015 Allowing himself to be carried to the kitchen, he sits in the chair, lounging more like it, his back supported by the wall, as he leaned in the chair, his eyes not once moving from Goku. The smell of food cooking made him even more hungry, since the last meal he'd eaten was almost five days ago, and even then he hadn't had much. Hearing the question, he makes the sound of confirmation, before mimicking the words. "Soup? Rice?" He tilts his head, but then nods slowly, unaware that Goku might not even see him nodding. A meowing sound soon was heard, and a fluffy black and white colored cat with a emerald green collar enters the room, and plops itself in front of Rexyl, staring up at him, it's green eyes unblinking. Rexyl stares back, just as intently as the cat, before the cat meows again. The cat belonged to Nexus, having been a gift from Bardock. The cat's name, as Nexus stated many times, was Jinye, pronounced Jinn-Yeh, which apparently meant Serenity in Xerothuan. Rexyl then, surprisingly, mimics the cat. "Meow..." The cat tilts it head, and meows back. For a couple of minutes, the two continued to meow back and forth at each other. Then, the cat walks away, and Rexyl stares after it, before looking to Goku again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bardock Posted March 5, 2015 Share Posted March 5, 2015 Goku finished up the rice, putting it into a bowl when he suddenly heard Rexyl meowing. He turned his head, laughing softly as he saw Jinye meowing at Rexyl, and Rexyl meowing back at her. He laughed some more, not being able to help himself as he turned and watched. Goku brought the bowls to the table as Jinye took off. "That's Jinye.." he nodded to the cat before he sat down beside Rexyl, "She was a gift fro m my Dad to Nexus. Don't let her cuteness fool you, she can be a mean kitty." He laughed again, blowing on a spoonful of soup before he offered it to Rexyl. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~*~FaLlEn*SnOw~*~ Posted March 5, 2015 Author Share Posted March 5, 2015 The word Jinye clicked in his mind. "Jinye. Jinye." His eyes stared at the cat who had gone to sit in the corner of the kitchen, to eat some food out of her food bowl, quiet crunching sounds coming from her as she ate. Her fluffy tail flips back and forth lazily. For a moment he just looks at her, before turning his attention to Goku once more, who had sat down next to him. "Kit...ty?" He was beginning to slowly come to like the sound Goku made, that sound of laughter. It was comforting. Tilting his head, he watches as Goku blows on a spoonful of soup, before offering it to him. His eyes shift to the cat, then back to the spoon in Goku's hand, and copies her, opening his mouth, allowing the food to be put in his mouth. Since it was soup, it wasn't too hard to eat, and he swallows it easily. It quieted his stomach a little, and he blinks. It tasted good, though he could barely taste it. But even from the little he COULD taste, it was nice. He gestures for more, making a sound that he liked it. His fingers twitch a bit, but he really couldn't do much. Nexus and Bardock, along with Gracie, were due to come home in another hour or so. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bardock Posted March 5, 2015 Share Posted March 5, 2015 It took about 45 minutes to feed Rexyl, and he had to get back up and refill the bowl numerous times, but Goku didn't mind. While he fes him, he told Rexyl about Gohan and Goten and mentioned that Piccolo and Gohan were living together. Goku felt good. He was helping this kid who couldn't do anything yet... and ut was because of him. He couldn't wait for everyone to get back so they could see. Goku dabbed at Rexyl's mouth softly before he set the napkin down, smiling, "Was it alright? Man, it felt good to talk. Even better to eat." He laughs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~*~FaLlEn*SnOw~*~ Posted March 5, 2015 Author Share Posted March 5, 2015 Listening, or rather, APPEARING to be listening, Rexyl stares intently at Goku, eating more than he'd eaten in a long time. The taste in his mouth was getting stronger, and it was indeed really good. As Goku spoke, Rexyl repeats a few words, like the names that were said to him, and a few other things as well. At the question, a tiny shimmering flicks in his eye, before disappearing. "Mmm..." It was his sound of confirmation, that he had, indeed, enjoyed the meal, and the talking. The laughter that reached his ears was the last thing his dulled mind registered, before zoning out completely, though it appeared he was still trying to pay attention. His race slackens a bit, and his one visible eye gets a dulled look. Right as that happened, the front door could be heard opening, and voices reach them in the kitchen. "We're back! Oh, hey there Jinye." It was Nexus, and when he wandered into the kitchen he was holding the fluffy cat in his arms, who was purring happily and rubbing her head against Nexus' chin. Jinye only allowed Nexus to hold her, and for the most part have any physical contact with her. Nexus looks to Goku then to Rexyl, who was, in appearance, just as he'd left him earlier, the only difference was that one of his eyes was uncovered. "Hey. No luck huh?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bardock Posted March 5, 2015 Share Posted March 5, 2015 Goku smiles as he turns to Nexus, excitement growing, "Hey!! Hey, Nexus! He spoke to me!!" Goku grabbed his hand, pulling him over, "He spoke and said my name and Jinye's, and Gohan's and he ate!!" He was talking so fast his mind was racing, "And I started reading to him and he LOVED the book and I actually thought I loved it, too!" Bardock laughed, taking off the jacket he wore. Gracie made a face, staring at him, "Is he okay? Because Rexyl looks the same as when we left." Goku scoffed at Gracie, all teenagerishly, "Well he's NOT. He spoke to me! He said 'kitty'." Bardock laughed again, trying to hide his face, "I'm sorry.. but.. are you sure?" Goku let out a frustrated sigh, "Okay.. he's blind in one eye. How could I know that if he didn't tell me?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~*~FaLlEn*SnOw~*~ Posted March 5, 2015 Author Share Posted March 5, 2015 When Nexus' arm was grabbed, Jinye hisses and bats at Goku, scratching him before jumping out of Nexus' arms, and dashing off, disappearing from the room. Nexus stares at Goku like he was crazy, his hands on his hips, eyebrows pressed together, a frown on his lips. Even Bardock and Gracie were a bit skeptical. The comments the two made amusing. "I think you're just imagining things Goku..." He goes over to Rexyl, and picks him up, sighing softly. At the question about his eye, Nexus shrugs, shifting his hold on the boy. "I don't know? Lucky guess? I mean, he IS wearing a bandage over his eye." Nexus glances at Bardock, before carrying Rexyl to his room, allowing the othrs to come with, placing the unresponsive teen back on his bed. With his back to Rexyl, Nexus didn't notice when Rexyl looked at Goku, a faint, tiny smile on his lips, before it slipped away, and he fell asleep. "If you're up to it...you wanna see him again tomorrow? Since it seems you've grown attached to him..." Nexus asks, pulling the blankets over Rexyl's shoulders. "Who knows, maybe you're not completely nuts and he DID do those things." He smirks, turning to face Goku again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bardock Posted March 6, 2015 Share Posted March 6, 2015 Goku pulled his arm away, hissing back atbthe cat before she ran off. 'God I hate that cat..' He followed Nexus, pouting at the fact no one believed him. When he saw the smile on Rexyl's face, he gasped, pointing at him, "He-what-ah, you!" Goku could take the hint. This kid didn't want Nexus to know yet. But why was that? Goku just sighed again, blushing as Bardock, Gracie, and Nexus all made fun of him. "Yuck it up, all of you." Bardock laughed again, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Don't get your feelings hurt. We're just messing with you." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~*~FaLlEn*SnOw~*~ Posted March 6, 2015 Author Share Posted March 6, 2015 Nexus scoffs. "Who says I'm just messing with you?" He grins, sticking out his tongue, before punching Goku softly. "But anyways, you're more than welcome to see him more. Hey, maybe you could take him to the park? I'd take him myself, but I'm busy a lot...I feel bad. Since it's pretty much my fault he's like this." They'd moved from the bedroom to the front room, Nexus now sitting on the couch, cross legged with Jinye sitting in his lap, Bardock located behind him, so Nexus was leaning back against his chest. "Oh...but if you do, make sure no one other than Krillen, Gohan, or Piccolo know." He remembered the last disaster, when all of Goku's friends had messed with Rexyl when he was in a full coma like state, not even being awake. "It took forever to wash whatever Yamcha accidentally got on his clothes, and I really don't want to know what that cat kid got in his hair." Even though Yamcha did not fight anymore, for some reason the guy kept coming over, along with all of Goku's other friends. "You need to tell them this is a house, not a party hub." Back in the bedroom, Rexyl slept quietly, his mind beginning to turn without him even trying. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bardock Posted March 6, 2015 Share Posted March 6, 2015 Goku nodded guiltily, "Gee, I'm real sorry about that. Yamcha isn't a bad guy, really. He just likes to be around everyone." Bardock snuffed, "Yeah, well, tell him to keep his hands to himself. If he smacks my fiance's ass one more time, I'll go super on him." "Ah, he was just being friendly! He did the same thing to Vegeta." He blinks and then places a hand on his hip, "Although Yamcha DID wind up with a broken nose later. But he said it had been an accident." Goku then nodded as Bardock gave him a blank stare, "The park sounds fun, anyway! I'll be here tomorrow same time. Bye guys!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~*~FaLlEn*SnOw~*~ Posted March 6, 2015 Author Share Posted March 6, 2015 "Yes, that might be true, but next time it wold be nice to get an advanced warning he's coming over." When Bardock mentions the butt slap, he face palms. "Oh god don't even mention that. You might not even have to go super on him, I might just use senshilo tuula on his ass." Not once, not twice, but three times the guy had grabbed or slapped Nexus' butt. After a bit, Goku leaves, bidding them farewell and saying he'd be back tomorrow, and the evening passes, and they all head to sleep. The next morning Nexus had to leave early for an appointment for a potential job, as what, he told no one, not even Bardock knew. A note with instructions for Goku was written, Rexyl's clothing was changed so he was wearing a pure white kimono like outfit, with a silver dove sewn on the back, the tie at his waist a light shimmering violet color. Pretty soon it was time for Goku to come over, and Rexyl lay on his bed, holding on to the book from the other day, his breathing soft. Gracie was gone to school, and the only one left in the house besides Rexyl was Bardock. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bardock Posted March 6, 2015 Share Posted March 6, 2015 Bardock was laying on the couch, sighing as he looked at the clock again. Goku was half an hour late. It made him worry, since he was never late. After another moment the door opened and Goku made his way inside, "Sorry. I was waiting for my Gi shirt to dry, but I left without it anyway." "Its fine. I just started to-" he stopped once he looked over at his son, shock coming over his face when he saw the large bruise on his left side of his cheek and temple, "Kakarot!!" He stood then. Goku blinked, confused, "What?" "What happened to your face??" "Well, THAT was rude." He crossed his arms over his chest. Bardock narrowed his eyes, "Don't you get smart with me. What happened?" Goku tried to dismiss ut, "It's seriously not that serious, Dad." "Dammit, Kakarot! You tell me now!" He paused for a moment, "Lift your shirt up." Goku looked at him like he was insane, "Creeper, dude! I'm not flashing you!" Bardock sighed softly, "Kakarot.. is he hitting you?" Goku forced a laugh, but adverted his eyes, "Come on, Dad.. you really think I'd let him beat on me?" He smiled, "I'm fine. Nexus said he left some instructions. ." Bardock sighed again, shaking his head, "Yeah.. I'll grab them.." he turned to get the paper. While Goku waited, he first looked at his reflection, wincing at the bruise as he softly touched it. Then, he entered Rexyl's room, smiling, "Hey you! How are you?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~*~FaLlEn*SnOw~*~ Posted March 6, 2015 Author Share Posted March 6, 2015 Rexyl opens his eyes, when he hears that voice talking to him. Turning slowly to face Goku, a smile forms on his lips. "Goku..." He tilts his head, his one visible eye shifting to look at the bruise on Goku's face, staring at it, the smile disappearing. "Ow..." His expression flickers to that of concern, but only for a short moment. He slowly sits up, and raises one of his hands, as if gesturing for Goku to come over to him. Reaching out, the bandage on his hand falls away, revealing scarred hands, though the scars were unique. They looked like vines to a plant, winding across his skin and down his fingers. He then brushes his fingertips across the bruise, which would tingle slightly, as it slowly faded away. "Ow...no." He let's his hand fall to his side, his eyes looking over Goku's shoulder, to the doorway to where Bardock was standing, the instructions Nexus had left for Goku in his hand. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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