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The Melancholy of a High School Otaku 1x1, private, Mature w/ Nyuchanxx


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Motoki glanced at the door. "Go away! Your just going to crush all my hopes again. I'm going to find that man and then you'll be jealous of how happy he'll make me. Just you wait and see." he said clearly crying on the other side of the door. He was really upset. Plus he hadn't cried in ages so once having all his emotions overflow, so did the tears. "Why don't you want to support this sensei? Is it so bad to fall for someone under strange circumstances?"

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Shuichi sighed. He felt terrible, he shouldn't have said those things. Sitting down on the for with his back leaning against the door he said "I'm sorry Motoki..." The silence ran on, he didn't know what to say, how to explain but he hated hearing the other cry because of his words. He took a deep breath, he had to say something. "I don't understand that's all. It's not bad, love is unpredictable," though how would he know, shuichi didn't even know if he had a lover before. "I guess I am jelous." He said softly, jelous, how stupid. He is jelous of himself, the man he was that night and the man he was too scared to be again or admit that he ever had been.

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Motorists sat up and walked over to the door. He leaned against it a little. "Is that the truth?" he mumbled before slowly cracking the door open a bit. He was sitting on the floor as well. "I guess if you don't understand that's alright. I like that man and one day I'll meet him again. I just hope it's one day soon. He might get snatched away by the time I find him." he said softly rubbing his eyes.

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Shuichi mumbled his agreement. He really did not understand but he wanted to even though he knew he couldn't. Not when he was like this. "Maybe he already has." He whispered softly to himself. He sure felt like he had been stolen by Motoki already. He wanted desperately to tell the other, to explain it all to him. But he couldn't. It would be wrong. He would lose his job. Turning around he crawled over to the other and gently took him into his arms "I wish you the best of luck but don't leave until you find him." He said as he held the other feeling the slim frame beneath him.

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Motoki smiled a little. "Your so kind sensei. I'll stay until I find him. Seriously though if I could put you in his place I just might. Your sweet, you can cook and you have a little naughty side that blends so well with my own. It's too perfect. Yet even so I just really want to meet that guy. Wish me lots of luck sensei because I think I'm gonna need it." he said happily

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Shuichi kissed the top of the other head "I'm sure you will." He replied gently knowing it would take a lot for him to ever reveal whom he really was. He shifted releasing the other male and stood offering him his hand. "Come on, we both have to head to the university tomorrow and its nearly lunch already so how about we go out somewhere and I'll treat you to dinner." He said with a smile wondering if the other would actually accept after his earlier comments.

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Motoki tilts his head a bit as he stood up. "Yeah that sounds like a good idea. We should take a change of pace." he said softly. His gaze drifting to the side. He was a little embarrassed that Shuichi had missed his head. It was sweet and yet it made him happier than anything in the world. "So where shall we go?"

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Shuichi smiled glad that, at least for now, the other gaff forgiven him. He noticed the embarrassed look ib the males face and couldn't help but want to ravage him because of it. Thay look was too cute and simply delectable. "Come on then, wash your face and we will go. " He made himself look away so he wouldn't take the other then and there. He wondered where they should go.

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Motoki nods as he went to the bathroom. He didn't like crying and now his face felt all puffy. "I wonder if I can stay here for as long as I want. For some reason I don't want to leave his side." he said to himself as he started to wash his face. Once done he went to find Shuichi. "So did you decide on where we will go?" he asked walking up behind him

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Shuichi went and found a tie from his cupboard while the other cleaned himself up. He brushed his hair and made himself look presentable again before he headed down stairs for a glass of water debating where to go. He considered a movie but that was boring and too much like a second date. Maybe a spur of the moment thing.

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Motoki looked at Shuichi as he waited for a reply. He didn't know where they were planning to go. However he was sure it might be fun or interesting. With this in mind he didn't bother saying anything. He wanted the other to pick the place best suitable for him

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Shuichi got the sense that he was meant to choose but he had no idea. He thought for a moment longer before saying almost triumphantly "how about we go ice skating!" He smiled, that was something he could do and he knew a rink nearby that he went to every so often "and then I know a hot spring near where we can bath and have a very nice dinner as well." He looked at the other hoping his idea was okay but scared he had said something stupid.

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"Ice skating..!? Uh I've never tried that before. If it's alright with you we can go." he said smiling a little. It was always nice to try something new. He wonders if Shuichi already knew how to ice skate. He wanted to ask but he was sure the other suggested something he could do. This might be really fun to learn. "Alright let's go!!"

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Shuichi smiled glad the other looked like he might enjoy this. Grabbing his phone and wallet he opened the door and locked it after them before leading the way to his car and opening the passenger door for Motoki. He wonders briefly if he still knew the way there, it had been a very long time after all.

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Motoki looked at him as they walked outside. He wonders what it would be like ice skating. He was never one to try something that seemed a bit too girly. However he wanted to since it was Shuichi asking. He got into the car and smiled. This would be something to share with his friend once back in class. He was sure it'll be a great conversation.

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Shuichi started the car and drive towards the rink. "I normally get access to the speed course but since I assume this will be your first time we can go into the public rink." He explained wondering what the best way to reach someone to ice skate was. Ice skating was one of the things he could truly call his own. He had been told he was got at it before although he couldn't actually remember, but that did mean that he didn't know how he was taught either. He figured he would work it out.


It was a twenty minute drive from his house do he turned the radio on. When they got there shuichi opened up the boot and got out his ice skates before paying for a parking ticket. Looking at Motoki he frowned "you might be a little cold like that." Opening the back door of the car he pulled out his suit jacket and gave it to the other "there,its not much but it should keep you a little warmer if you want it." He smiled hoping the other would be okay, he wasn't worried about himself he was used to this cold and it since if he got cold it meant he wasn't skating fast enough. It gave him more of an adrenaline boost.

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Motoki looked at the other as they drove to the rink. He was thinking about how much fun they might have upon arrival. He couldn't stop thinking about it. As they arrived, Motoki eagerly hopped out the car. He couldn't wait to get on the ice. He glanced over at Shuichi as the other offered him something to cover up with. "Aww! Thank you so much. You're making this feel like a date." he said smiling

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Shuichi chuckled. It did feel like a date. But he didn't want to go down that road, after all Motoki was in love with that dark beast inside him that would get him fired and that he himself was afraid of. He swallowed down the foul taste in his mouth and picked up his ice skates. "Trust me it will feel less like a date when you fall on you but!" He joked trying to make it less intense as he walked towards the entrance and handed his membership card over and paid for Motoki and the ice skate hire for the other. He handed the ticket to Motoki and pointed to the desk, "Go tell them your shoe size and they will give you skates, I'm just going to put my boots on here." He smiled, genuinely happy and looking forward to finally being able to feel the ice beneath his skates again and the smooth glide of the metal and feel the speed of the air as he moved through it. He was smiling excitedly though he was trying very hard not to in embarrassment. But he could help it.


Sitting down Shuichi put on the skates leaving the top two hooks undone so he could turn corners more easily and do more tricks before he leaned back and waited for the other, rubbing his hands together to warm them up.


- - - Updated - - -


Shuichi chuckled. It did feel like a date. But he didn't want to go down that road, after all Motoki was in love with that dark beast inside him that would get him fired and that he himself was afraid of. He swallowed down the foul taste in his mouth and picked up his ice skates. "Trust me it will feel less like a date when you fall on you but!" He joked trying to make it less intense as he walked towards the entrance and handed his membership card over and paid for Motoki and the ice skate hire for the other. He handed the ticket to Motoki and pointed to the desk, "Go tell them your shoe size and they will give you skates, I'm just going to put my boots on here." He smiled, genuinely happy and looking forward to finally being able to feel the ice beneath his skates again and the smooth glide of the metal and feel the speed of the air as he moved through it. He was smiling excitedly though he was trying very hard not to in embarrassment. But he could help it.


Sitting down Shuichi put on the skates leaving the top two hooks undone so he could turn corners more easily and do more tricks before he leaned back and waited for the other, rubbing his hands together to warm them up.

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Motoki pouts a little. "Who knows I might be a natural for this. I don't plan to fall on my butt either." he said though he couldn't be too sure. This was all new for him. He just hoped he didn't fall too many times. It would be far too embarrassing.as they entered he took hold of the ticket Shuichi gave him. "Alright I'll go get them." he said walking over to tell them his shoe size.he found Shuichi once he had the skates. "Care to help me put them one? I, a little nervous."

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Shuichi smiled and knelt in front of the other, picking up one of the skates he undid the laces and losened them before slipping the boot onto the others foot. He couldn't help but laugh as he did. "Doesn't this remind you of a fairy tail. Slipping the shoe on the princess's foot?" He asked as he tied up the laces and then repeated it with the other shoe before he offered his hand to Motoki to take to help him stand. It was always wierd standing on ice skates and walking with them on was wierder until you finally got onto the ice. Then it was freeing.

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"I'm far from being a princess. No fairy tale would place such a naughty princess in it." he said with a wink. He found the thought funny and Shuichi's words even funnier. "Why do you think I'm a princess? That would make you my Prince Charming in such a moment." he said poking his cheek before taking his hand to stand up. "So weird! I hope it's not this weird on the ice."

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Shuichi chuckled at the thought. "If I was your prince charming I would pick you up and kiss you but I think instead I shall do this." Instead of following his head which told him he was doing something very stupid, shuichi walked over to Motoki and leaned in close and into the others ear he whispered "how about I dress you as a princess then tie you up and make you scream for me as I fuck you hard and spoil the sweet innocence from your body." He pulled away a smirk covering his lips as he waited for a reaction .

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Motoki looked at Shuichi as he leaned close. His entire face down to his ears turned beat red. "No way!! Don't tease me you meanie. That's the most seductive thing anyone has ever said to me. Damn if you keep that up I won't be able to skate with a boner." he said covering his face a bit. He didn't expect that from him. Although it was very much to his liking. He felt his heart skip a beat because of it. Motoki slowly calmed down. "I'll play your dungeon princess when we go home. For now let's try this thing and have tons of fun." he said happily

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Shuichi smirked as he drew away, that was far too amusing. The colour of the others face made him want to ravage him more but he carefully kept his body under control, but that reaction was so lovely it made him want to say something else, he knew he shouldn't though or he might really turn to sex in the bathroom and he really didn't like that. Those places were dirty. The next words from the others mouth though he hadn't expected. Suddenly the whole idea was real and he could see the other tied down again in his basement with a lacy dress and....he cut himself of cursing himself for letting his mind go far enough for him to start feeling aroused. "Damn you sexy bastard." He cursed before taking the others hand and leading him onto the ice.


The moment his skates touched the slippery surface he felt his tensions relax and he sighed as he did a quick spin feeling the scrape u der his feet as he switch hands with the turn so he wouldn't let go of Motoki. Stopping himself he looked around, thankfully it wasn't too busy today and there were only a couple of people on the rink. That was a relief since sometimes onne could hardly skate at all due to the excessive amount of people. "Okay keep your knees slightly bent, never straighten them or you will fall over backwards, and try and push one foot in front of the other." Shuichi explained with a smile as he turned so he was facing Motoki and took the others hands on his own "lean on me for balance and I won't let you fall." His voice was gentle as he started to skate backwards very slowly never letting go of Motoki.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Motoki wanted to laugh. Seeing the other switch the script like that was interesting bye began to wonder if Shuichi was the type to hide their true inhibitions. He didn't mind if he was since it was cute when he let loose. His eyes drifted towards their connected hands. "I'm really curious to see you on the ice sensei. I bet you're really good at this." he said softly. Motoki was nervous once his skates touched the ice. He held onto Shuichi for dear life. His head perked up as the other gave instructions. He slowly followed them trying not to fall

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