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All You Need Is Magic ((Pigeon x AkiraVadel))


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In a family of magic users he was a bit different. It was more of a telepathic connection to items in the world instead of being able to conjure things. It sort of made him the odd man out but he dealt with it fine. Or as fine as a teen normally did. Turning to dressing like a punk with bracelets and piercings.


Yawning he headed downstairs in his parents traditional Japanese house. His parents were always busy working or his mother was busy cleaning and supporting them from home that he sort of pushed himself away.


"Your lunch money is on the counter," his mother said as she continued to clean up the kitchen. Her hair was black with some white streaks in it, she also wore a kitchen apron over her every day clothes.


"Yeah thanks," Nigai scooped up the money and went to the front door. Slipping his feet from the house slippers he slipped into his school shoes. They were disappointed he had trouble conjuring spells so things were tense at home. Sure he knew about a lot of it but his specialty was something he hid away since it wasn't considered magic.


Slipping his messenger bag over his head the red head grabbed his bike to pedal to school. He also liked to skateboard but sitting on the bike in the morning, while he was still waking up, was easier than standing on something small. Heading up to the school he passed several people he knew and either winked at them or joked with them for a moment before continuing on.

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The sun was just barely rising when Ellier got out of bed. He always woke up this early, it gave him time to relax before school. He pulled on his clothes and quietly made himself breakfast while the rest of his family slept. Everyone in his family was a water nymph with some magical powers. Ellier was one of the more powerful members of his family, but he didn't really care about that.


He always worn loose fitting and comfortable clothes. The boy didn't care much about fashion, what really mattered to him was just being comfy.


Ellier gathered his things for school and slipped out of the house, quietly running towards a small stream that was near the school. He set down his bag on dry land along with his shoes before walking into the edge of the stream. He loved the feeling of water on his feet and watching the small fish and animals in the water. He ended up spacing out while he watched the small creatures going about their lives. He didn't even notice when he only had fifteen minutes before school started. Usually he wouldn't notice what time it was until he heard the bell ring, or someone spoke to him.

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Nigai peddled along the path, there were many different creatures who lived in this town. He felt like he was one of the normal ones. So bland. Sighing he glanced over at a couple of girls and pulled up next to them, "helloooo~ ladies. Ready for class today?"


The girls giggled and one pushed her other friend toward him a little, "oh Nigai. Like you studied for it."


He played off like a guy who didn't care but he actually made good grades. It was required mostly for his father to let him live in his house, "course I did."


"Yeah right!" the girls giggled and continued on leaving him standing there with his bike balanced between his legs. He crossed his arms and glared at the back of them, no one ever believed him.From the corner of his eye he caught the water creature standing in the stream. "Hey sexy, you'll be late for class!" He shouted to him before pedaling forward again to continue on to class.


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((if you link it to me like this it makes it easier for me to see when you write :) ))

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Ellier jumped at the sound of the familiar voice as he was pulled out of his trance-like state. "Sexy...?" his cheeks turned a light shade of lavender in a blush and he looked around, slightly disoriented. Finally he processed what the other had said and gasped softly. He hurried to slip his shoes back on and put on his back pack.


The young nymph almost tripped over his own feet as he ran to catch up with his classmate. He slowed down a bit when he got close to Nigai, giving him a slight smile. "Thank you, I would have never noticed the time..." he laughed nervously and kept walking quickly.


He had a couple minutes before the bell rang, so as long as he didn't get distracted again he would be on time. Of course it was very rare for Ellier to get anywhere without getting distracted, he was already having a difficult time ignoring a cool beetle that he had spotted on a plant by the road. Just a couple feet away from the front gate to the school he stopped and crouched down at the edge of the road, staring into a gopher hole. He wanted to find out if there was anything living inside it, all thought of school had already left his mind.





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Nigai paused outside and folded up his bike to bring inside. Looking back at his friend he sighed softly, "See something shiny?" He liked picking on people but mostly just an interaction that wasn't others looking down at him. Maybe that was why he kept going towards people like Ellier.


Adjusting his bag to be a little longer and more comfortable along his back he smiled to the bluish man, "we have a project in first period today. Can't miss it."

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Nigai paused outside and folded up his bike to bring inside. Looking back at his friend he sighed softly, "See something shiny?" He liked picking on people but mostly just an interaction that wasn't others looking down at him. Maybe that was why he kept going towards people like Ellier.


Adjusting his bag to be a little longer and more comfortable along his back he smiled to the bluish man, "we have a project in first period today. Can't miss it." The 6'1 man tucked his hands into his pockets as he looked over at him. He had a necklace wrapped around his neck several times that hung down as a gold cross. On his wrists were a couple different types of bracelets, also he had several earrings. Typical bad boy look.

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Ellier looked up at him, confused for a moment before he remembered what he had to do. "O-oh, right" He quickly stood up and brushed a strand of hair out of his face. "There was a gopher hole, I wanted to see if there was anyone home..." He laughed softly and started to walk towards the school again. "You've really save me today..." He managed to walk into the school without getting distracted again.


He never really minded Nigai's teasing, it really just helped the nymph get through the day without missing every class. He also didn't care how the vampire dressed. Some people seemed to think it was strange, but to Ellier it just looked cool. He got to his first class and sat down, letting out a soft sigh of relief at the fact that he was on time for once. He opened up his bag and started to get everything he needed out for the class.

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Heading to class as well he ended up getting distracted himself in the halls. One girl who sort of wanted to date him but only to say she was without having to commit to anything. After handing her the pack of smokes she wanted he took a quick drink from her before heading to class just as the bell tolled.


Walking over to his usual spot in the back he set his things down and kicked his feet up. He yawned and leaned back in his seat sighing heavily. What would they preach about in class today, he wondered. Something else he couldn't do, he bet.

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Ellier took his water bottle out of his backpack and quietly drank from it as class started. He had to stay hydrated or he would pass out, and he was already starting to feel a bit dizzy. They were supposed to be presenting their projects on the history of one specific branch of magic, along with showing a simple spell from that branch. Ellier was very nervous about his presentation. He was never good at public speaking since he would either get very nervous or space out completely. And he had been assigned a type of levitation magic, which he was horrible at.


The teacher looked around the room for any volunteers to go first and Ellier sunk down in his seat, trying not to be picked. He almost wished that he had just missed the entire class, then he wouldn't have to present the project for at least another day...

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Nigai didn't really listen as people got up to present. He kind of hated magic at this point. One after another the kids went up then it was his turn. Rolling his eyes he went to the front of the class, "everyone already knows I don't magic. Seems a bit unfair to make me write about it but anyway! Welcome one and all and let me tell you a thing or two about fire magic and how it can blow up in your face." He spoke about it for a few minutes. It was light hearted and several jokes throughout but the facts were all in there.

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Ellier felt somehow relaxed by Nigai's presentation. It was a nice to see the boy joking around so comfortably. His panic returned when he was called up to present. He walked up to the front, clutching a few papers in his hands. He spoke quietly, his voice shaking in panic as he gave his presentation. The teacher reprimanded him for not speaking loud enough for anyone to hear. He managed to speak a little louder, but when it came to demonstrating one of the techniques he failed completely. The teacher let him go back to his seat even though he couldn't do the demonstration.

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Nigai listened as the boy spoke. They'd known each other for years as they grew up, but Nigai always kept everyone at arms length so it wasn't like they knew each other. Leaning over to the blue-ish guy he patted his back, "hey, don't worry about it." He winked at him before leaning back in his chair.

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Ellier blushed softly at the other's words, trying not to look too embarrassed. He had actually had a crush on his friend for almost three years, but was always far too shy to say anything. Besides, Nigai never seemed to get close to anyone so he probably wouldn't want a relationship. Ellier poured a few drops of water onto his fingertip and flicked it over to Nigai's desk, the water landed to form the words 'thank you' right by the other's hand.

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((sorry about that. We got the rv and have been working day and night to fill it while also getting the house show ready ugh... been absolutely crazy here))


As Nigai was sitting there he noticed water coming towards him out of the corner of his eye. When he glanced down and saw the thank you he gave his classmate and thumbs up. He'd always been a sweet kid, maybe he could open up a little more, and perhaps gain a friend.


When class was over he turned his upper body towards Ellier and smirked, "hey so, uh..." Having a real conversation with someone wasn't something he was used to. "Read any... good books lately?" His voice kind of started to fade as he spoke and a blush came across his cheeks.


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((Its fine, I don't mind mind waiting))


Ellier's eyes widened when the other boy started talking to him. They had known each other for so long but never really had any kind of casual conversation, it made him wonder if Nigai even saw him as a friend. "Ah... Um... I don't really read any fiction books... So its probably nothing very interesting for you..." He twirled a strand of hair around his finger and looked down shyly. "I've been reading a book... On local frogs... Its very interesting... For me at least..." He always spoke very slowly unless he was talking about something he was really passionate about, so between every few words he would trail off like he was done speaking.

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Nigai listened to him and chuckled softly when he was done speaking, "you're such a weird kid." He reached over ruffling his hair. "Don't get so shy. The world isn't that bad." He then winked at him and turned to gather up his things to put back into his bag as the bell rang.

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((it's alright. There's just so many people posting it's hard to find our roleplay in the list lol))

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Ellier blushed softly and started to pack up his bag too. "T-thank you..." He mumbled, keeping his gaze on his hands. There was a group of guys in the school that liked to pick on him, the nymph was a very easy target since he had unusual interests and no friends. Ellier had never let anyone find out, especially Nigai, he was too ashamed of himself for not being able to do anything about it.


- - - Updated - - -


((did it again...

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I usually just search my name and then all my rps show up because my name's in the title))

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