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Trade Off (Private KamekazePrince x WolfDog12) [18+]


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Kagemori struggled with his feelings throughout the day. He felt a pang of guilt for not having told Jishi the whole truth. Perhaps the boy did have the capacity to withstand it. Who am I to decide when he learns the truth about his father? He was already beginning to see the strain of doubt and fear on Jishi's face. And he was scarcely allowing Kagemori to comfort him. So frozen, so cold and alone.


He sighed heavily. This would have been so much easier if you just fell in love with me already.


He spent his day pacing up and down his office, mindlessly flipping folders. When the clock struck four, he nearly sprung out the door. "I'll take a look at it tomorrow," he told his accountant and made his way to the car. I'm telling you some bit of the truth tonight. He realized his own impatience had given way before Jishi's. He grinned sheepishly at the observation.


Meanwhile Mr. Jeeves was occupied with his rowdy young master. "I am aware of your situation Master Douzokukai, but troublesome situations only get worse when you don't eat." His pride was stung when the boy simply ignored him. Just as obstinate as Master Hamada had informed, he thought, his poker-face now disrupted by a slight frown. It was not enough that he had to be a butler, he had to be a parent. He was used to this after all and he knew just the retort that would have Jishi roused. In a tone most unlike his usual composed self, he jovially quipped.


"You're exactly like Kagemori when he was young."

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"Like I said, Mr. Jeeves, I'm alright for now. I was a college student up until yesterday so I can handle skipping meals and everything. Also, they say eating when you're not hungry can be bad for your health. I promise I'll be fine." Jishi was trying to pass it over as nothing but the butler seemed pretty determined to get him to eat.


The last sentence hit the kid harder then he thought. "I'm sorry but I just don't have an appetite… food just sounds so gross to me right now…." He was looking down sadly and shyly as he fidgeted where he stood. It was pretty clear that he couldn't hold out much longer. Thank goodness his things arrived and he used that as an excuse to hurry back to his room to set things up before Kagemori returned. "I promise I'll eat dinner!" He quickly said before running up stairs.


Jishi was so not use this kind of life style. It was one thing when a parent actually gave him a hard time for not eating but Jishi wasn't 5 anymore and knew to eat when he got hungry. He actually did have to run to his room out of fear of Mr. Jeeves actually grabbing and dragging him to the kitchen so he'd eat. The young adult really didn't want anything and it was scary to have to deal with someone telling him to eat.


The young adult managed to get into his room and close the door after all of his things had been moved. He spent the entire time working on getting things put away not realizing he'd cut half the tour short. Jishi took his time finding places for all his things but because of how far from the door he was, he didn't hear Kagemori return home.

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The butler stood helplessly in the doorway. Disciplining Kagemori was one thing; Jeeves was like a family member and could give Kagemori a piece of his mind without losing his job. But Jishi was a guest. He knew he had reached his limits.


"Just as you had predicted, Master Hamada," he greeted Kagemori in his usual baritone, as he stood in the doorway, holding Kagemori's coat, "The tour was cut short and I didn't get to your father's part either, Master." Aaw maan. Kagemori stared at him disappointed, like a baby who was refused candy. Thats my favorite part.


"He seems quite upset," Jeeves continued. I knew it. Kagemori looked victorious. "I'll go speak to him," he said, grabbing a small package from his suitcase, putting it in his pocket and dashing upstairs. He was still in a suit and thought it only appropriate to approach him with such seriousness. He reached Jishi's room.


"Hello Jishi" he greeted, calmly. If he was flustered, he suppressed every sign of it. Jishi looked just as forlorn as he was in the morning. Kagemori struggled hard to fight the urge to hug him and kiss him all over. He just swayed in the doorway. He finally composed himself and asked, "How are you feeling?"

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Jishi quickly looked up, hearing his name. He looked back surprised for a moment but that changed back to the saddened look all over again. He caught himself about to give a half assed greeting but knew that he had to buck up and at least act happier even though he was fully aware of Kagemori understanding. "Welcome home," He smiled, eyes still full of sadness but his welcome and smile were warm and inviting.


The young adult put down what he was about to put away and walked a bit closer to the head of the house while still keeping a distance. "I'm feeling a lot better," he lied. Jishi was so concerned with not wanting others to share in his pain, he lied about when he was ok. He did feel a little better now that he had time to himself to relax, however, it wasn't enough for him to be fine. "Mr. Jeeves gave me a tour of most of the house but my things arrived so I figured it was best to put that away as quickly as possible." At least most of that sentence was true.


"I'm actually a little surprised you're back," Jishi stated trying to change the subject. "Mr. Jeeves told me that you usually don't get out of work right on time. Guess you worked hard today to get out."

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He's so… unreachable.


Kagemori would have heartily preferred it Jishi had thrown a tantrum or kicked him a dozen times.


But Jishi simply smiled.


A smile that did a lousy job of hiding his sadness. A smile to reject Kagemori's sympathy. Jishi rambled on about work and some tour, but Kagemori couldn't hear him. His heart was pounding with a flood of emotions, hurt by Jishi's rejection, frustrated at not being able to comfort him, all the while growing impatient with his aloofness.


"Why?" Kagemori interrupted Jishi, barely able to contain his feelings, "Why do you keep pushing me away?" He spoke unreserved. His words were now rushed and blunt. "Is it alright to deceive yourself and others around you like this? Do you really think you can hide your pain? " His fists were clenched tight, his voice rising now. For the first time, he was losing his composure in front of Jishi. "So you'll shut yourself off? Just look at you! You're afraid of the truth, aren't you-" he stopped himself at once and bit his lip, his nails cutting into his fist. Dammit, I'm gonna blow this whole thing… Don't be so hasty, Kagemori…


He struggled for words and swayed on the spot, trying to steady himself, struggling to contain his frustration and praying mightily that Jishi might interject and end his misery.


Just let me in. I wanna help.

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Jishi quickly looked up at Kagemori. He couldn't believe he was losing his cool and calling him out on his sadness. One half sentence made him lose his cool as well. "Of course I'm afraid!!! What if that stupid nightmare was more then just a dream?!! Did my dad actually have a hard time or is he beyond happy now that I'm gone and his debt is paid off?!!" Jishi was on the verge of tears. "Does my dad actually hate me…" his voice was quieter on the last sentence but tears began streaming down his cheeks.


Jishi sniffled a little and began rubbing the tears away. He pulled his glasses off and tossed them across the room and onto the bed so he could finish getting rid of the tears. When he looked up it was obvious that he was also extremely cute without his glasses. His eyes were already a little puffy but he held back any more tears. It was obvious he was holding back from something.


"Shit, I feel like a child…" he mumbled. Jishi glanced at Kagemori just wanting to hug him but he felt that was inappropriate. He thought about what the other had done to him before and he simply gave up. Jishi walked over and placed his head on Kagemori's shoulder.

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Kagemori was taken aback, seeing Jishi loose his cool. He was a bit satisfied at having gotten a reaction from him, until he noticed a tear fall down Jishi's cheeks. His heart sank. He froze in horror, as tears, one by one, began flowing down Jishi's cheeks.


This was not what I wanted …


Kagemori watched helplessly as Jishi struggled to stifle his tears. He felt a pang of guilt. He had been so hasty, so impatient. He stepped forward to comfort him but stopped instantly, terrified that he'd only hurt him more. He shut his eyes tightly and raised his head towards the heavens, almost as if begging for divine intervention. He must hate me now, more than ever.


Strangely, he felt a warm head pressed against his shoulder. He looked down to see Jishi, leaning over him. He was stunned. He gaped at him speechlessly for a few seconds before raising his own palm to caress Jishi's head. A ray of hope shone through. Kagemori mustered all his strength and hugged Jishi tightly. "Don't cry, Jishi" he murmured, "Don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing like tha-." He felt a growing lump in his throat and paused. He realized he could no longer deny the truth from the boy. Yet, he was afraid…


He clasped the sides of Jishi's face and peered into his puffed eyes anxiously. He gulped. He mustered all the courage he could and asked, "Do you hate me?" It was a selfish question at a time like this, but he had to ask it. He just had to know. "Would you hate me if I told you that your father didn't want you?"


"Tell me the truth, Jishi and I'll tell you the truth," he finished with a grave expression on his face.

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Jishi stared back at Kagemori with wide eyes. He was absolutely shocked by the questions asked. The male knew right away that his father had to hate hated him to make this man act in the way he did. Either way, Jishi knew what his answer was. It wasn't Kagemori's fault even if his father did turn out to hate him. In truth, he prefer to be with this man then his father if he was hated, it would be best.


"I wouldn't hate you, I promise," he answered truthfully. Jishi clearly was sad but he had reached up and taken Kagemori's hands away from his face. His right hand held in Jishi's left and the other's left wrist in his right. Jishi carefully kissed the palm of Kagemori's right hand before he let both arms go.


The younger male seemed to have calmed down considerably and he just looked up at Kagemori. It seemed all he needed was that embrace to let him know there was someone there for him. It was amazing to both at how well the sittuation was handled. Jishi felt like an idiot for acting so childish.

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Kagemori let out a deep breath. His fears had disappeared. He watched in astonishment as Jishi spoke. I don't believe it…Is he really…? Is it out of sheer desperation? He came to realize just how much of a shock it had been for Jishi. He still held him in his embrace, their arms wrapped around each other. "It's true," he finally admitted to the boy.


It was a mixture of joy and sadness he felt. He was sad that Jishi's love for him had to grow out of such loss and longing. But it was after all, the same reason he fell in love with Jishi. A love that grew out of shared disappointment and betrayal. A love that was finally accepted.


"I won't betray your trust in me," he added firmly to Jishi, who was now looking up at him. He was happy that Jishi finally gave in to him. His heart jolted when Jishi kissed him. His mind began racing giddily. Finally! His lips parted into a shameless smile and he took a deep breath in, just letting Jishi's confession sink in. He eagerly gazed into Jishi's eyes, drinking from their newfound warmth. Raising his arms to grasp the sides of Jishi's face, he moved close to him. He could now feel their breaths mix and condense on each others' cheeks. He paused for moment, and pressed his lips down Jishi's. He didn't break away until he remembered just how much Jishi hated it. He withdrew at once and looked anxiously for Jishi's reaction.

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Jishi was a bit shocked when his kiss was returned. As soon as Kagemori released, the teen regained himself and shoved the other off him. It almost seemed like he was again rejecting his new boss but his red cheeks and heated breath as he turned just showed he was turned on... maybe too much... Jishi quickly moved back into his room and slammed the door shut behind him. He needed time to cool and calm down.


The teen slipped onto the bed and hid under the covers until he was able to relax. It took about an hour but Jishi finally calmed and hurried off the bed. It was dinner time and he did promise to eat. For some reason, he really didn't want food even more so now then before however, he was to keep his promise.


Jishi made it down stairs and looked around. His eyes were a bit red still but he seemed like he was going to be alright. He even made sure to sit next to Kagemori even though he put on a stubborn face as if he didn't care about the other. He acted as if this was some normal thing. His natural tsundere additive of being stubborn but shy was back and it was just more proof that he'd be alright.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Kagemori was struggling to contain his elation. He watched mesmerized as Jishi turned red and pushed him away. This time, there was definitely something different. It was as though Jishi wanted to hide his true feelings. He must have felt sheepish for having shown his vulnerable side to Kagemori. His shyness was both cute and upsetting. I'll have to make him feel comfortable with me…, Kagemori decided. But slowly and patiently, he reminded himself.


They sat and ate dinner quietly. Kagemori was excited that Jishi sat next to him though he hadn't spoken a word. Kagemori decided to break the ice. He summoned all his affection and inhaled dramatically.


"You know-" he began, twirling spaghetti around the fork, "Before me, this company belonged to my grandfather." He swished the fork, "My FAther was supposed to take over, but he refused because he wanted to start his own company…" He wanted to put feeling into his words but with the food stuffed in his mouth, he only looked comical. "So he left my mum and me to take care of ourselves… He wasn't the best of fathers, really…" he looked quite humorous about it and it was hard to make out the anguish behind those words.


"Looks like my old man was like yours…" He turned and smiled at Jishi with a helpless expression, gesturing at him with his fork, "So don't feel ashamed to cry on my shoulders, alright? Because I was like that too…" He finished, smiling gently.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorry… I'd rather not talk about it… I just don't know how to react any more… At least you still had your mother, I mean, she must have loved you. I wish I could have stayed with my mom but it seems like I was sold off and sent away…" Quickly realizing how rude that must have sounded he changed back to his flustered state and quickly said, "Not that you've done anything wrong, no. I'm happy to stay with someone as kind as you…" He seemed to find himself really tongue tied now. "Sorry…" He dropped the conversation and just finished eating what he could of the dinner, which only ended up being half.

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Sighh… "Well, never mind it then," Kagemori spoke quickly, now putting down his fork and drinking from his glass. "I shouldn't have mentioned it." He set the glass down and turned his face away. The complex feelings he had inside him dissipated almost entirely and he returned to wearing his pokerface. He wiped his mouth with the cloth and said, "You should go to bed now. We have a long day tomorrow." He was trying to contain his frustration and quickly added, "If you're feeling well, that is."


He stood up and left the room. He lurched up the stairs to the third floor north-western corridor. He stepped into his room and slammed the door behind him. He sank against the door. He stared dejectedly at the ceiling for a while.


I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. Of all people, he expected Jishi to understand his complicated feelings. But it seems the boy was just that flustered. Did I delude myself in imagining him to be who he was not? He had lost a fraction of his attraction towards Jishi. He was beginning to doubt his own feelings. Ah. Now I'm the one overreacting eh… He quickly shoved away those depressing thoughts and collapsed onto the bed. Lets start afresh tomorrow… he assured himself.

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Jishi quickly came to realize just how unfair he was being. He understood that Kagemori was suffering as well and Jishi just seemed to come off rude. He hated himself for it and hoped the sun of the next day would murder this nightmare he was stuck in. Either way, the teen got up and hurried up stairs to his room. He wanted to start over the next day.


The following morning, Jishi got up and changed into some of the new clothes he was given. He headed out of his room and straight down stairs hoping Kagemori was there as well, though it was unlikely since Jishi had gotten up a bit early. The teen found the butler and had a small conversation with him before he found the owner of the house. The Brown-haired male looked a lot better then he did the day before.


"Good morning," he said. "I'm sorry about everything that happened yesterday… I hope we can forget about it… I was kind of rude to you and I'm so sorry…" Before he knew it, Jishi was again tongue tied. He wanted to say something good but now he just seemed to be making a mess all over again. "So, what am I going to be doing today for work anyway?" He needed to change the subject quickly.

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Although a little surprised, Kagemori brushed off Jishi’s apology with the wave of his hand. The boy was getting flustered again and Kagemori knew better this time and just let it go. Thankfully, Jishi had changed the subject. “What am I going to be doing today for work anyway?”


“Owing to the change in secretary, the records of previously discussed agendas and reports are in disarray. You’ll have to sort them out first,” Kagemori spoke mechanically. They walked out the door towards the car. It was then that he remembered Jishi’s inexperience and added, “Of course, there will be someone to help you out with it. You’ll soon get used to it.”


They boarded the car and drove off towards Hamada Enterprises. “So what exactly do you know about being a secretary?” Kagemori asked, mildly curious. If the boy didn’t know much and all else failed, there was always the perk of having an attractive young man around.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"I must say that I'm happy that someone will be there to help me but also, I actually know a lot about being a secretary. I learned a lot from school and I've actually hung out a few times at my dad's company when I was younger. The company may not have been doing well but I was still able to hang out with the secretary who worked really hard and gave me many tips. She was a kind person who stood strong no matter what. It was kind of her thing for being the best secretary to help out smaller and failing companies." Jishi spoke highly of this woman.


It was clear that his spirit really was up. He wasn't completely happy again but no one would after such fast and awful news but he was having fun talking about the job of a secretary. After a while he finally stopped realizing he was speaking way too fast. "I'm sorry… I've done nothing but talk." His shyness kicked in again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

“It is alright, you can talk,” Kagemori replied casually though he was tremendously happy. Not just that Jishi had prior knowledge, but that he was cheering up. I’d rather have you talk like this than shut yourself away. He was facing Jishi with a mild expression of curiosity, his lips curled slightly and his eyes half-lidded. He felt a smile tug at the corners of his lips as Jishi’s shyness kicked in. “Could I say she was like a mother figure to you?…,” he asked but turned to the window, as though he didn’t expect an answer. He didn’t want to make the boy think about his family again. His eyes were firmly fixed outside as the colossal Millennium Inc came into view.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Hmm… Ya, I guess you could say that… She did take care of me quite a lot and learned a lot of things about me that sometimes I wonder if my actually mom knows… I know my dad knows next to nothing about me but that secretary seemed to learn all kinds of things. For example, my interest in running under a set schedule and certain candies that I like and dislike, the weird habits I may have… I guess she was my second mom in ways." Jishi seemed to take advantage of being told that he could talk some more. He was a little more reserved this time but he also couldn't fully stop once he was going about this particular woman.


When the car came to a stop, Jishi came into full attention and stopped talking all together. He looked out the window to see the huge building he couldn't quite see the top of from this angle. When they got out of the car, the teen was able to look up and see just how tall it was. He was floored for a moment but had to hurry and catch up to Kagemori who had gotten out of the car first and gone on ahead a little.

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Kagemori quietly listened to the boy, a little spirit returning to him. He felt his lips curl into a little smile at the mention of his ‘weird habits’… Weird or kinky I wonder, he chuckled in his head. He didn’t press on the subject more and began towards his office. On reaching, he called out to a page to summon Ms. Yuriko. A petite brunette appeared shortly afterwards, with a sweet smile on her face. “Jishi,” Kagemori called to the boy and gestured towards the lady, “This is Ms. Yui Yuriko, secretary of the management department,” he explained patiently, with the slightest hint of warmth on his pokerface, “She is the person you need to approach regarding your duties and queries.”

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Almost like a dog responding to its name, Jishi quickly stopped looking around and drew his attention to Kagemori. He walked closer and saw the friendly looking woman standing before him. The teen smiled and bowed his head. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Yuriko. My name is Jishi-" He suddenly cut himself off and clearly wasn't ready to keep using his last name. "Just Jishi is fine." Still he smiled on like it was nothing.


They soon moved on to see where Jishi would be staying for the rest of his time working here. He found the job fairly easy and caught the jist of everything almost instantly. Either way, for the day he was told to stand in Kagemori's office as he worked that way if he needed anything he could just send Jishi out to do it for him.

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  • 1 month later...

What a fine day, Kagemori thought to himself. He was sitting on his chair with one leg on top of another and arms clasped at his lap smugly. The two were now alone in the room and would be for a very long time. He observed him silently as the boy meticulously ran through each and every file. It seemed that Jishi had gotten used to the job quite easily.


It was quite a pity that he had to experience something so traumatic. Different people had different ways of coping and avoidance was Jishi’s. Luckily for him, Kagemori knew just the right thing to cheer him up.


Jishi was busy placing the folders back in the shelves that he didn’t notice Kagemori walk up to behind him. Kagemori placed his palms on the boy’s shoulders. “Hey…,” he breathed down the back of Jishi’s neck. He swiftly leaned closer to his ear and whispered, “Why don’t we take a break…” He pressed his palms lovingly around the boy’s shoulders. “You’ve been at it for long, you must be tired.”

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Jishi was very focused on what he was doing, working hard to put all the folders and files away. He was so focused that it seemed like Jishi was trapped in his own little bubble that popped as Kagemori placed his hands on the boy's shoulders. At first he didn't seem to mind and was about to look back when a shiver suddenly ran down his spine and he felt the breath on the back of his neck. Jishi tried to keep his composure as his boss began to whisper into his ear, however, he began reacting very strangely as the warm breath brushed his ear.


The boy's face suddenly turned red and he found himself weak-kneed and out of breath. Jishi began looking back at Kagemori after he talked about taking a break. "I... I shouldn't... I haven't finished my work yet... I lost time.... er..... learning....." He was making up every excuse but in that moment it was really clear to see that Jishi's ears were actually his weakness and he was suddenly being turned on just by being whispered to.

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Kagemori’s loving expression flashed with a glint of smugness. I know you’re loving this… He continued rubbing the boy’s arms. He nuzzled closer to his ear and gushed in a husky voice, "...I want to kiss every inch of your beautiful body.” He began caressing the boy’s thin limbs, stroking them from his shoulder to his elbow to his wrist and back. With every reddening blush of Jishi’s, his own arousal spiked. I want to make love to him right now.


He wrapped his arms in an embrace around the slender male. Their bodies were now pressed together and he could feel his warm breath condense in little droplets on the back of Jishi's neck. His lips flushed hot as they brushed past the tips of Jishi’s pink earlobes, almost as if yearning to nibble at them. “…I wanna make you cum so hard you’ll forget all your pain…”


“…Just tell me yes.”

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The more Kagemori breathed into his ear, and even worse when he spoke, Jishi blushed deeper and deeper until he was a tomato red. As soon as the boss began to move his hands, Jishi could hardly handle the strain that was now in his pants from being so hard. His breath became hot and their body's being pressed together made the boy even harder and he practically began twitching all over.


“…I wanna make you cum so hard you’ll forget all your pain…”


'Shit, I can't.... take any more of this... I'm gonna explode.' Jishi couldn't even think about if someone where to come in. The pain in his groin and the heat of his body were the only things that mattered. He needed release as soon as he could.


“…Just tell me yes.”


With just those last couple words, Jishi's shaking legs gave out and he fell into Kagemori's arms. He looked back, teas built in his eyes and his face burning red. "Help me..." He whimpered in a quiet, almost mouse-like voice. That was the closest thing to permission the boss was going to get and Jishi was desperate.

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“F**k yes, I will,” Kagemori puffed and thrust his arms under the boy’s shoulders and around his legs. With one swift move he picked him up and carried him over to his chair. He dropped the frail boy across his chair rather roughly and knelt down between his legs. "Now don't be shy, alright," he winked at him. He pressed a hand between his burning thighs and pushed them aside.


The sight was exhilarating. Despite his own surging erection, he swiftly unbuckled the boy’s belt and began furiously stripping off his pants. The bulge in the boy’s underwear had swelled even bigger now. Damn... thought Kagemori gleefully, his eyes gleaming as they feasted upon Jishi’s hard-on. He paused and looked up at him with a lopsided grin. “I’m gonna give you the wettest blowjob ever, Jishi,” Saying this he pulled down his underwear and pressed his lips onto the tip of Jishi’s cock.

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