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Ancient Rule: Broken


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The Dark Ages was by far the greatest years for the vampires. They ruled the earth as the mightiest being. Humans feared them. Some adored them, praised them, worshiped them. Vampires were ruthless to humans. Preyed in them like a vulture preyed on a dead carcass. Unfortunately that all changed 200 years after the rise of the dark ages. Humans put a new focus on vampires. Instead of being the prey, humans were now the hunters. For ninety-three years this game took place. And it wasn't until a young half blood rose from the depths of secrecy and declared a change in status between the two beings. He thus declared:


"My fellow humans! My fellow Vampires! Please end the hunting, the preying! We can become one! We can stand together in unity! Look at me! I am of human blood. I am also of vampire blood. My parents fell in love with each other and have changed my view of the situation. Please stand with me! Let us put our fighting in the past!"


It took years for this declaration to reach all. And it took many more years before a meeting was held for the heads of each party to discuss this matter. But three years after this meeting a rule was put in place. They called it the Ancient Rule. And a council was put in place to state the rules. A council made up of both Vampire and Humans.


1. No Vampire is to prey upon human blood. Unless given permission by the human party.

2. No human shall hunt a Vampire unless given reason to by the elder council.

3. All Vampires must feed from blood blanks or wild boars.

4. Nothing is to be said by humans about the state of Vampires.

5. If any rule is deemed broken by the council, then punishment shall be received in full force. By either parties.


The rules were the law. Became the commandment of their lives. The supreme heads made sure their family members were kept in place. In this time all was right. Until 400 years later when the heads all passed and their heirs took place. New bloods grew among the old bloods. They treated they ancient rule like a jumble of words thrown at them to chain them down. To rule them. But they didn't want that. The new bloods built a new rule. A more modern rule to the times they lived in. And it was up to the old bloods to fix the mistakes of the new bloods.


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Tama Li a twenty-five year old man living in the modern world. Born from a true bloodline, making him royalty. He is a vampire who is living as a human being in disguise and feeds on humans in the shadows. The male lived by his rules and his rules only. Of course among the Ancient Rule, there were loopholes. After all the male took interest in dancing around what was written in the fine pages of the council's book.


1. No Vampire is to prey upon human blood. Unless given permission by the human party.

2. No human shall hunt a Vampire unless given reason to by the elder council.

3. All Vampires must feed from blood banks or wild boars.

4. Nothing is to be said by humans about the state of Vampires.

5. If any rule is deemed broken by the council, then punishment shall be received in full force. By either parties.


1. No vampires shall prey upon human blood without consent, unless they were already dead, mute, or unable to comprehend between what was up or what was down.

2. No human shall hunt a vampire unless given reason to by the elder council and what if all of the council members were murdered? Then for lack of a better word, let's kill them all.

3. All Vampires must feed from blood banks or wild boars. And what if these blood banks or wild boars dried up or for reasons unknown all died out?

4. Nothing is to be said by humans about the state of Vampires, unless in the privacy of his own home or in his own head.

5. If any rule is deemed broken by the council, then punishment shall be received in full force. That can only happened if the crime is found out. Otherwise, what happens in the shadows stays in the shadows.


Tama took pride in his narcissistic lifestyle. He was after all a self proclaimed narcissistic sadist. When he's not out and about looking for his next human prey in isolated areas. He would be in bars looking for his next play thing.


Whatever was dished at him, he dished back times three.

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Toki was unjust about the way recent events were being dealt with. Everyday he sent one of his subordinates to relay messages to and from the Elder council. When this first began the Elders ripped into him about addressing such situations in a measly manner. But after years of ignoring them and abiding by his own rules they soon gave in and left his ignorant attitude alone. Which was for their best interest. He was a man no one would want at those meetings. With the days council ended, he read over the notes his subordinate wrote for him. Hunched over his cherry oak wood desk, his eyebrows knit together in confusion, Toki tried to comprehend what he was reading. Clearly his subordinate needed to be trained on taking notes. Or the Elders were idiots and were talking such nonsense just because of boredom.


Either way, what he was reading wasn't rising a friendly interest in the subject. With the new bloods rise into the world, more and more trouble was stirring. Even now, he had to keep his own new blood subordinates in line. If any one of them mentioned joining the new blood alliance, so it was called, then he practically ripped their throats out right then and there. So far he hadn't had to do so yet. Close, almost, but not yet.

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Tama found it funny that anyone who took the Ancient Rule to heart was a superficial idiot. Vampires were after all on top of the hierarchy food chain. They were immortal after all and this meant that they could live forever, unless someone plunged a stake into their hearts.


So to the male, what was the point of coexisting with them, with humans? It's no different from a lion befriending a mouse. He saw no point in it. It was after all a stupid rule that was set up to please the humans and vampires. More like trying to find a middle ground, but to him, he didn't want any part of it. The fresh blood of a human prey ripped from it's cocoon was like ecstasy to him. He couldn't stop and he wouldn't stop.

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Putting the file he was reading down, he pinched the bridge of his nose. This was going to be a great deal of stress for him from now on. But the only way to deal with the new blood alliance was to deal with it himself. So far he had his subordinates. At least, those he wouldn't have to snap there necks at the mention of the alliance. But who else would be willing to join him. He hated the thought of it, but perhaps this time he would have to join a meeting himself. He would find a way then how to deal with it.


He sighed once more before hearing commotion coming from down the hall. He all but growled as he stood up, swung his office door open and heavily strode down the hall. When he turned the corner to the area his family and men normally hung out he found three of them in the middle of a scuffle. No one noticed him, so he quietly watched from behind. Leaning against the wood post of the doorway he found out exactly why they were fighting. The two brother's, two very loyal subjects to Toki, were defending his owner in fighting and hoping to keep the other from leaving the group and heading to the alliance. Just before another punch could be thrown he interrupted, Calling out loudly to the three men.


"You three! You're coming with me! Now!"


In silence he left the room, storming his way down the hall and towards the front door. Of course he wouldn't use the front door anyway. He would just vanish just before getting there. The three men looked at each other, their faces lost of color. What did they get themselves into? Toki decided now was the time to act. He would head to the council and initiate another meeting. This time something would be done about the alliance.

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The male was sitting and looking out of the window. Today was a typical day for him, he was meeting with a friend whom he hadn't seen in awhile. His female vampire counterpart. It was rare of the male to even get along with any other vampire, but she was different.


She was his best friend, his other half almost. The only thing that stopped the male from pursuing her was that she was a part of the council. The very council that he despised. She knew his darkest secrets, but she was one who would turn a blind eye. So the male respected that.


The set location was for 1:30PM at the loading dock just outside the outskirts of the town. Tama was getting anxious, he missed her and wanted to take her to a isolated remote area. It was serene really and a surprise for her.


The time was approaching and still no sign of the other and Tama was getting increasing worried. It was not like her to not show up without telling him in advance or sending someone else in her place. He was getting paranoid. Paranoid, because she was also involved with the very council that he despised. After all he did vow to eradicate them all and it was by some weird turn of events that he befriended one of the leaders of the council. Ironically, she accepted him for who he was.


"I wonder what the council has in store next? With me? With her? What if they found out her connection to me or Toki?" The male sighed and grabbed his pants. "Being royalty has its own ups and downs, and this one has a thorn in its ass...," laughed the male.

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Toki was clearly determined to finish this problem at once. The three men who he called out to, the two brothers Gin and Mallo, and the other man they fought with, Jasper, followed behind him silently. They stole glances at each other, hoping the other knew where they were going. Neither one of them spoke. Half way into the night Toki stopped. It would take him the rest of the night to make it to where the council held their meetings. Living in the oldest and most "haunted" city of Florida delayed him quite a bit when traveling half way across the world to London.


Toki stood by a giant boulder, a relic that was almost praised as a god. Toki clicked his tongue. "A god, huh?" He said almost to himself. But the three other men were able to hear him. Hence their perfect hearing. Mallo, the eldest brother stepped forward.

"Toki, what are we doing out here? Where are we even going?"


Toki didn't answer. Instead he looked up at the sky and watched the stars come in to play. He was wondering what Tama was up to. Would he be as upset at this situation as he was? Tama didn't have much of an overgrowing group of subordinates like Toki did. Of course, Toki inherited this group. If he hadn't....well, he would most likely had been alone. This time Gin stepped forth, practically pushing his brother away.


"Toki! What's going on? We need answers."

Gin immediately regretted speaking up like that. Toki spun on him, instantly vanishing and appearing in front of Gin. His expression showed vengeance. But his growling indicated anger.


"We're going to London. To speak with the council. Any one of you damn bastards have a problem with it Then go. Go back to your Mama and cry into her breast!!"

He turned around and instantly vanished into his shadow figure. Once more off into the night. The three, standing in utter shock stood silent for a minute before quietly following Toki. Granted they had their fights. And everyone was used to it. But no one would challenge Toki any more then one had done in the past. They learned their lesson then.

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Tama wasn't much of a leader, he was more of a loner. He did things on his own, though he had a group of followers that followed his every will, he chooses to ditch them whenever he got the chance to. Today was no different, Tama had duties to fulfill and business to take care of, yet he hightailed out of town. It was critical of the royal blood leader to be with his followers and yet Tama could care less, not to mention he had a meeting with the council at 7:00PM.


"Where's Tama? He was supposed to run by his plan before he leaves and yet he's not here? Why do we follow such a moron?" Abigail hissed.


"Good grief. As the royal successor of his father, Tama is not fit to be our leader and yet we leave the duties in his hand. He will run us into the ground. Curses this true bloodline." Replied Arnold.


"Just leave things to me. I will have everything ready before he gets back. We should know better than to leave things in his hands." Sighed Rei.


Tama continued laughing. He could care less whether the council was on to him or not. "Waiting for Vivian is such a pain. Talking of Vivian, apparently I have a meeting at 7:00PM that I completely forgot about," chuckled the male. "Maybe she's waiting for me there? Hm? I am being too paranoid. Talking of which, I get to see Toki today."


Tama proceeded back near the dashing along the backwaters on the outskirts of town leading back to the city. To his right, a pile of freshly murdered individuals for his taking. To his left, a decapitated head. Scattered throughout the ground bits and pieces of flesh to his liking, a five star meal.


Tama was unable to suppress a sardonic smile and an unquenchable thirst for blood. The demonic vampire shall eat..

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By the time they got to the council house, it was quarter of seven o'clock. This would give Toki enough time to persuade the council members before the actual meeting started. Gin, Mallo, and Jasper remained behind Toki has he stormed through the building. They made no action to stop him, nor did they even try to talk to him. Toki burst through one door after another. If you could think of an old era Tatami mat mansion from japan and the many rooms they had then this building was very similar. It was like a maze to get fro one room to another. Finally, by following the disgusting smell of the council members, Toki made it to the room.


He burst open the door, not even caring if it cracked against the walls beside him. The council members were all there, talking in a circle below their high thrones. They watched him walk into the room, some spouting angered words at him. It wasn't until he was a bout two feet from the small group did he even speak up. The three men who followed him remained at the door way.


"Just shut up for once and listen to me you old Geezers."

The council, each one of them, turning red in the face, some snarled and bared their fangs, Those who had no fangs just spouted foul words and threatened to put him in his place. Toki ignored all of it.

"I don't care what you think, or what you say. I need you to give me complete control of taking over the new blood alliance. Let me build an army or do whatever I have to do to get rid of the problem."


Toki argued with the council for the fifteen minutes he had before the meeting with the heads started. When the first head obnoxiously entered the room, Toki growled in annoyance. He watched, from where he stood as the council members entered the room and took their seats. This was the reason he hated coming to these things. Toki found a seat in the back near the door where he and the three en who came with him could stay during the meeting. Toki threw himself back in his chair, rested his feet up on the table in front of him and latched his hands together behind his head. He was going to regret coming here.

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Even during the ripe old years of his life, Tama had never been a sweet talker until he needed to. Perhaps this was his calling card?


Later on in his life, his caretakers at the residence knew that anytime in the hour he called, they would answer his every whim, but today was different. His followers would never forgive his excuses and yet he was up for the challenge.


It was the day of the council meeting, a day that he dreaded. Sure the male acted like it didn't fazed him. It was impossible to tell really and if you had asked you would be lied to.


The desperate bellowing of gloom and doom hovered over the male's head. He was none other than a murderer in his own right and going before a council of both vampires and humans, butterflies will swirl.


Before his eyes, bodies piled up in the hundreds, if not thousand since the last council meeting. His hands soaked in blood. The male was a predator and nothing could stop him except for the council or The Ancient Rule, and yet the male always found a way around the two exceptions. He was standing on a silver lining really. He was scared of getting caught and yet fresh prey’s blood drove him mad.


Tama was enmeshed in a bizarre and bloodied hopeless reality, being trapped in his slaughterhouse of a mind.


Right before the male’s eyes was a tsunami of adrenaline, fueled him. He also found himself wondering, in some isolated corner of his mind, 'Exactly what was the down side to feeding?'

Perhaps the rumors of a rebellion against the council wasn't so far off the beaten path as the male originally thought and he would be first one in line.


“Kill. Continuance in burying evidence shall not hurt me,”
the male laughed hysterically with one hand over his eyes.

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