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A Reaper's Soul (EmbracingAnime & Sosuke0549)


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Addison Night






Medium stature. Slim build. Pale complexion. Sharp, red eyes. Short, green hair with long bangs. Always wears the school uniform: white, dress shirt with long-sleeves rolled up; pale, sweater vest; dark slacks; and brown loafers. Usually wears reading glasses, when studying.



Cold. Asocial. Tactless. Lazy. Keen. Lenient.



From the day he was born, Addison was always plagued with bad luck. Because he was a misfortune magnet, he was eventually outcast by his family and left to endure struggles on his own. Everyday, he faced an onslaught of ill omens and accidents. It was a miracle that he survived this long and hadn't dragged his family down with him.


Within a few years, Addison adjusted to his dangerous life and was able to avoid accidents with ease. However, his exposure to misfortune resulted in the development of a pessimistic personality. Although his peers steered clear of him because of negative rumors, Addison also isolated himself for everyone's sake.


Now a senior in high school, Addison seems to have an increase in the amount of usual, bad luck. Though he continues to survive each random encounter with ease, he is concerned, for each incident has become increasingly dire.



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My Character:


Name: Shiru Kamaren

Age: 18

Birthday: March 3

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi-sexual

Country of Origin:Japan

Voice: friendly, soothing

Hair: Grayish

Eyes: Green

Height: 6'0


Body Structure: Thin, but muscular/fit. Firm body

Skin: light cream

Clothes: Wears a lot of dark colors. Offten wears sleeve less shirts or tank tops. Likes nice fitted jeans, in dark colors. Usully has some kind of symbol of item on his shirt.


Background: Shiru grew up in a rich house. With a good mother and father. He has always gotten what he wanted, and was very popular in his classes and always at the top of the class. His parents are rarely ever in his life since they travel all the time. He preferred to live in Japan and attention school in the HUGE mansion His loving parents bought him. However he doesn't act spoiled at all.


Personality: Rather nice...Shiru tends to over protect the ones he cares for. He's friendly but tends to keep to himself after school and out of school. He never seems lonely but he is. Gets great grades and is a natural in understanding others. You could say...he's good at reading people. He can be a little intimidating, but won't force someone to do something they don't wish to do.


Likes: reading, writing, playing guitar, working out, cooking , cats


Dislikes: Rude people, sweets, dogs


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"Hey, watch out!" Without glancing up from his book, Addison swiftly stepped to the side. A sudden gust lifted his long, green bangs, followed by a loud, metallic clang. An unattended ladder leaned against a storefront had somehow tipped over. The anxious painter who was redecorating the store was equally baffled as the worried, store owner that came rushing outside. Their faces were tense and pale. Were those expressions of sincere concern for Addison's well-being, or did they dread the possibility of being sued? Regardless, Addison continued to school, lazily waving to them that he was fine. They exchanged looks, now more perplexed by the boy who escaped harm with indifference.


After avoiding several potential dangers and dodging a distracted cyclist, Addison arrived at school, in one piece. Although his magnetism for misfortune didn't weaken there, everyone's apprehension towards him made things easier. Students steered clear of him, in the hallways. Teachers and staff kept their distance. Even among new students, his reputation as a walking disaster preceded him. No one strayed from this cold expression of precaution. If they did, they were corrected immediately, for their own sake. To Addison, it was just another, ordinary day.


In class, he took his assigned seat near the window and gazed out. The shining glint of a distant airplane captured his idle attention, an endless streak of white trailing behind it. Addison's mind wandered aimlessly, as he stared at the divided, blue sky, until a familiar voice echoing down the hall piqued his interest. Though his heart skipped, his facade remained composed. He hoped his apathetic expressions and tone wouldn't waver in the presence of his crush—Shiru Kamaren. Addison pulled out his book and pretended to be engrossed, as his fellow classmate entered the classroom.

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Shiru walked into class with a small smile on his face- his friends behind him.

"You going to Kyo's party tonight? "

"I Am, I heard everyone's gonna be there- "

Shiru shrugged.

"I don't know.. party's aren't really my cup of tea, but I'll think about it. "

He reassured his friends as he took a seat in the back with them. He laughed here and there as the two of them said comical things, or mocked each other. That all stop tho once the teacher entered the room and began class.


Shiru glanced out the window, His eyes wondering from his book to the sky. His eyes then fell on Addison, who was sitting away from the class.

He had heard the rumors about him having bad luck but...he thought that was all Crap. May be the other students were just bullying him.

He wondered if the other felt lonely.



He turned to look at his class mate- whispering.


"What do you know about him?... Addison I mean."

"Him? The dudes bad luck. Freaky stuff always happens around him. Best to stay clear of that freak. "

Shiru bit his lip- and turned forward in his seat. Although he was still curious as to why people took the boys bad luck so seriously...


He'd only been at the school for four months now and yet.. Addison and him never once talked to each other...

He can't be...that bad

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Obscuring his opened book with a textbook, Addison continued reading. To those observant, it was obvious he wasn't listening to the teacher's lecture. Though, no one dared scold him, including the teacher. His grades ranked among the highest in the school, so the staff couldn't really complain. However, class participation was a grading factor, so it was inevitable that Addison would be called upon occasionally.


"A-Addison?" The teacher's voice wavered with anxiety. A couple of brave students turned around to briefly face Addison. One of the many, exaggerated rumors circulating among the students was something about the shortening of their lifespans when locking eyes with Addison. Though, their eye contact faltered quickly, and they turned their backs to him again.


"Yes?" "Have you been paying attention," the teacher asked, though he already knew the answer. "I've called your name three times now. Please come up to the board and answer this question." Addison nudged up his glasses and approached the front of the class. Effortlessly, he quickly scribbled the correction solution and appropriate work for the mathematical problem. "That is correct. Thank you, Addison." Dusting the chalk off his hands, Addison returned to his seat and resumed reading.


A few hushed remarks and irritated, tongue clicks fell within his auditory range. Not only was he avoided for his contagious misfortune, but his fellow peers ostracized him for his cold demeanor and unrivaled, academic performance. Addison didn't mind the exclusion. Despite his aloofness, he still strived to protect others, even if it meant intentionally distancing himself.


After the usual routine of classes cycled through, lunchtime eventually came. Setting his things aside, Addison rummaged through his bag for his boxed lunch, before heading to usual hideaway in the rooftop garden.

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"Yo Shiru you coming?"

Shiru looked to his friends as he closed his locker.


He glanced at Addison who appeared to be eating lunch somewhere else. Now that he thought about it.. He never saw the boy in the lunch room.


Everyone treated Addison differently. He realized that in class today. Was his bad luck really that bad? It couldn't be nothing more then rumors right? He sighed as he left to go eat with his classmates.


Rain fell down hard as school let out. Teenagers hurried to there cars and busses. Shiru bit his lip- as he tried to shield himself from the rain, jumping into his black mustang. He sighed- quickly whipping the rain from his face and arms. As he watched the busses leave.. it appeared that Addison missed his bus...


Shiru assumed the other didn't have a car and he'd hate having the boy walk home in the rain. Everyone had already left... perhaps this was his chance to talk to him. He turned on his car and drove up to Addison, the front window sliding down so the other could see his face.

"Addison...right? Need a ride? "

He smiled at him, unlocking the doors to his car.

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Swallowing his emotions, Addison managed to subdue a flush of enthusiasm that spread across his cold cheeks. Surely, this was another daydream of his. Being approached by his crush was far-fetched. There had to be a prank lying in wait for him. Misfortune shadowed him too closely to allow such a desired event. As much as he'd love to indulge in romantic delusions during a rainy car ride with Shiru, he hesitated. If anything terrible happened to Shiru, Addison would never forgive himself.


Hardening himself with a forbidding front, Addison coolly tossed his head to the side. Frigid raindrops flung themselves off his damp bangs. "N-," he began, but a biting blast of wind pelleted rain in his face, interrupting him. Addison sighed. It seemed the whimsical nature of fate wouldn't be pleased with his rejection. "Thanks. A ride would be nice," he answered. Reluctantly, he climbed into Shiru's car and wiped his misted glasses. "I live on Shadow Hill Drive. It's a few miles from here." Even his residence sounded ominous. He wondered if there was any escaping his ill-starred destiny. His previously blooming eagerness now wilted, at the depressing thought.

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Shiru kept his eyes on the other boy. Wondering what was going on threw his mind. He watched as Addison coolly tossed his head to the side, frigid raindrops flung themselves off his damp bangs. Now that he was closer to him...He realized the other was rather cute.

"N-.....Thanks. A ride would be nice," [/Quote]

It seemed like the other was about to reject his offer but suddenly changed his mind. Shiru didn't really care why he changed his mind. He was just glad he did. He gave the other a small smile as He climbed in, wiping the mist from his glasses.

"I live on Shadow Hill Drive. It's a few miles from here." [/Quote]

"Alright. "

He pulled out of the school. The wind shield wipers moving fast against the glass- flicking the rain off.

Shiru glanced at the other here and there..not really sure What to say or talk about.

"..so um..how are you?"

He asked- turning on the heat so the two of them wouldn't be so cold.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Addison sank back into his seat. His shivering, tense muscles relaxed in the soothing warmth. "I'm fine. Nothing out of the ordinary, for me." Although danger lurked behind every corner, what Addison said wasn't a total lie. He already accepted his cruel stars, long ago. Everyday perils had become routine.


Regardless, Addison remained withdrawn and distant. He couldn't afford risking Shiru's safety. Being more than acquaintances would put the other in jeopardy. Regaining his aloof composure, he quickly changed the subject. "How about you? I'm sure your life is far more interesting." Addison failed to dampen the snarky subtlety in his tone. Despite his selfless endeavors to distance himself from people, a desperate longing to join others persisted.


The offhand remark was a perfect opportunity to irk Shiru and ruin their bond permanently, but Addison couldn't surpress his selfish desire to remain at Shiru's side. "...since you're popular and have lots of friends," he hastily added, covering up his previous impoliteness.

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"I'm fine. Nothing out of the ordinary, for me." [/Quote]

"..I see.."

He glanced at the other, He couldn't help but feel how withdrawn and distant the other was. Why was He like that? Was it because of the other students and teachers teasing him and believing in his bad luck? Or was it something more?

"How about you? I'm sure your life is far more interesting."[/Quote]

Addison said, changing the subject, his tone a bit snarky. Shiru glanced at the teenager, a small and sad smile on his lips.

"...since you're popular and have lots of friends,"[/Quote]

He hastily added. Shiru shook his head.

"You know...if you don't like me, why did you accept my offcer"

He said. Making the question into a rhetorical one. He sighed, his eyes on the road.

"..I know it may seem like my life is far more interesting but..I wasn't going to talk about it, I didn't want you to think I was bragging or...something, And I never asked to be popular...Those so called friends of mine like my looks, and my family's money... They don't like me...for me.."

Shiru began to slow down, stopping the car. In the middle of the road were two huge trees that blocked them. He bit his lip, realizing there was no way around them, and the raining only got worse as time passed.

"Well...we can't go this way.. I'll take you to my house until the weather changes. "

He muttered- turning the car around and beginning to drive again.

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Addison was at a loss for words. He rummaged through possible excuses and topics he could bring up, to salvage the dying conversation. An awkward silence spanned between the two, before he hastily pulled gentler words together. Addison's hardened attitude faltered at Shiru's distraught tone. His honest feelings rose up from their confinements. His voice faltered, as he became overwhelmed. "You're mistaken! It's not that I dislike you! In fact I-," trying not to gasp in surprise, Addison managed to cut himself short. He chuckled nervously, relieved by the close call.


"I'm sorry," he started, in a dejected voice. An unexpected presence of compassion soothed his tone. Though clumsy, it was genuinely sincere. "I misjudged you. Looking in from the outside, everything seemed fun on your side. Like there's this bright aura following you around...," Addison's voice trailed off, as he slowly realized he was talking too much. There was no way he'd notice these things about Shiru, unless he was watching him from afar, which he did!


Feeling his cheeks warm with embarrassment, Addison turned away. He looked out at the passing, dreary scenery, hoping to conceal his blushing expression. In spite of his self-consciousness, he still wanted to cheer his crush up. Though, before he could, Shiru spoke up. The proposal to wait out the weather at Shiru's place didn't help Addison's flustered state. "O-Okay, if you insist," he stammered, avoiding Shiru's eyes.

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An awkward silence filled the car and between the two of them until Addison broke it.

"You're mistaken! It's not that I dislike you! In fact I-,"[/Quote]

Shiru glanced at him. If he didn't dislike him then...what did he feel for him? The boy seemed surprised that he said such a thing, and began to chuckle nervously.


"I'm sorry,"[/Quote]

Shiru couldn't take his eyes off the other, he was surprised to hear the others tone change, so their was a different side to Addison that no one ever saw at school.

"I misjudged you. Looking in from the outside, everything seemed fun on your side. Like there's this bright aura following you around...," [/Quote]


Shiru stayed quiet the rest of the car ride. He slowly pulled up into his drive way and turned off the car before unbuckling his seat belt and giving the boy his full attention.

Shiru took into consideration the boys cheeks and how he was probably blushing of embarrassment and sighed softly.

"...You know..I could see why you'd assume my life is perfect...but...to be honest no one's life is...I don't know about a bright aura surrounding me but...I just try to get by..."

He looked at the ground.

"You know...it's easy for people to assume things and judge a person but...seeing you..I just..had a feeling you were different. "

He looked at Addison, with a charming smile and winked.

"Glad to see I was right, let's go inside. "

He quickly hopped out of his car and hurried into his HUGE MANSION house.

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Addison faked a cough. The reappearance of Shiru's dazzling persona caught him off guard. Nudging up his glasses, Addison suppressed his rising glee. "I can't believe Shiru just winked my way! Lucky me," he thought, behind a recomposed exterior. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he followed Shiru into his home. He tried not to gape, at the extravagant mansion standing grandly before them. He tried guessing the occupation of Shiru's parents.

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Once inside Shiru went into the kitchen to make some tea.

"Make yourself at home."

He said kindly, before coming into the living room.

"I'm making tea, it shouldn't take long...um..if you want we could watch a movie or something. It May help pass the time.."

He shrugged.

"What kind of movies are you into? Do you have a favorite? "

He asked, starting small talk. Shiru wanted to get to know Addison better. Why was everyone so afraid of him, because of his bad luck? He thought that was stupid. And unlike everyone else..Shiru didn't care about some rumor. He cared about getting to know the boy in front of him.

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