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Love Me ‘Part One’


“ha~ you must wear a skirt, Tomoe!”


“yeah, yeah.. even your name like a girl.. haha”


“n-no! I-I’m a boy..” the boy that being bullied talked back with a whimper.


“haha liar.. your face looked like a girl so why did you wear a pants?”


the bullied keep pushed that little boy until he fall to the ground though it just happened until another boy that had a taller build stand in front of the girly boy.


“oi! Stop it.. don’t bully him again! Or I will throw you guys with big stones!”


“waah! Noo.. you’re scary, Kazuki!” the two of bullied children run away after heard the threat.


“hic, hic, t-thank you Kazu―wuaaaaah!”


“o-oi.. don’t cry.. don’t cry, it’s okay now.. they already gone..”




Bruagh! O-Ouch!


The small bodied boy snapped his eyes open with a whimper and rubbed his back before sighed and stand up from the hard floor where he landed before.


“w-what was that? Why did I dream about Kazuki! He’s far away from here.. maybe he didn’t remember me again..”


Yeah, I’m the girly boy, Ochikawa Tomoe.. the moment before I just dream about my first love, Chiharu Kazuki. Okay okay, it must be weird and you could call me gay or something but I can’t help it, I was just a child back then.


I always denied that weird but great feeling of love by think it’s because Kazuki always saved me from the bully when I was in three grade. But now it seems different! I think I‘m really gay..


I mean, I never attracted to cute girl or any normal girl like the boys normally do. Albeit most of them always surrounded me and poked my body with one and most weird reason; because I’m cute for a guy.


Maybe I have a good combination of gene when I was in my mom’s belly, cause my body really small like a girl on my ages and my face is white like a porcelain with blonde hair.


Ugh, I think I want to throw up now, I hate being a called like a girl! Cause If my build is great with a slight muscles and face like the usual boy in my school maybe my classmate will greet me or talk to me not the noisy girls that can’t stop asking me.


Even though the boys in my classmate always glared at me because the girls that they like glued to me instead.


Actually I want to yelled and chase away all of them but I couldn’t do that. Since my mom is a single parent, I always treat her gently and now it affected to my act toward all of women and girls.


“Aah.. stop day dreaming, Tomoe! You must prepare to school or you’ll be la…te!” the small boy almost choked when he glanced at the clock on his bedpost cause he’s really late to school.


He dashed to the bathroom to have a fast shower before wear his uniform and run downstairs. A the kitchen, Tomoe see his mom ready to go work with her suit plus bag and already prepare a simple breakfast for him.


“Tomoe, don’t run while you walked downstairs and eat your breakfast slowly!” Tomoe’s mother; Kimiko scolded her son and pointed the dining table with a wrinkle on her forehead.


The blonde just rolled his eyes and snatch one bread with chocolate jam on it and shoved it to his mouth while put on his shoes.

“I’m late, mom.. I can’t eat slow and don’t wrinkled your forehead, you looked so old if you do that..” he said after finished chew the bread on his mouth.


Kimiko gasped when heard that and pulled out the mirror that always she bring. “oh my~ don’t say something like that, Tomoe.. I’m not that old..” Kimiko pouted which made Tomoe grinned widely before open up the front door.


“whatever, mom.. I’m going now.. bye..” he waved before slammed close the door behind him then run to the nearest bus stop.


His mother always like that, she always worried about wrinkle or black spot on her face though she’s not thirty yet. Yet it’s a small thing that made Tomoe smile and forgot all his problem so he always tease her every morning before got to school.


The bus is almost drive when he got there but somehow he could manage to get in before it really drive to his school.


“huft.. I made it..” he huffed a continuous pants while hold on the pole on the edge of the bus’s doorway. It’s really cramped inside since it’s Monday and morning rush always worse at that day.


While Tomoe’s catching his breath and tried to keep hold on the pole while the people on it pushed him, a pair of hand start to creep on his butt.


‘not again!’ the small boy thought with bitten lips.


Well, after being bullied when elementary school now on his middle school he always mistaken by a girl and being molested. It always happen to him when he take a bus or train.


At first, he was bothered by it and it made him cried after got molested however he already get used to it and just let that naughty hand creep on his body though his body always getting hot after that ―he’s gay after all of course he will affected by it and most of the molested was a male, no.. It’s old geezer! ―


“Ughn..” a soft whimper escape from Tomoe’s mouth and his train of thought gone.


The molested seems different from the usual he had experienced before, a pair of that hands even slipped his finger to between his butt cheek to his butt hole; no, he poked his finger inside his butt hole.


‘I must not let out any sounds.. I can do it.. I can do it..’ Tomoe chanted a spell to himself cause he didn’t want to cause a big commotion.


His body start to tremble and gasped as a clink of his belt being unbuckled. ‘wuaahh.. this is bad!’ his eyes teary and ready to burst into tears but he’s too embarrassed so he can’t do anything but silently trembling.


“hey old molester! Let your filthy hand go of my friend!” a heavy and throaty voice jolted Tomoe and the weird hands immediately gone from his butt.


The blonde sighed in deep relief and turned around to saw the hero that saved him with a smile of relieved on his face but it’s just hold out for a couple of second when he saw him. It was the tanned boy; Kirie Masato from his class who always bullied him.




Heya~ oh my.. (⊙o⊙) I finally posted it after think for two days >.


Haha I made a cliff hanger on the end of the story~ and who’s this Masato that always bully Tomoe? Find out on the next chapter ^^


Like and comment if you like my story *.* thank you~

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Love Me ‘Part Two’


Many pair of eyes gazed at the small blonde haired boy that just passed the front gate of the school who was being chased by tanned boy that keep calling the small boy’s name.


“oooiii.. Tomoe~ don’t leave your hero behind~”


‘why this is happen to me..’ Tomoe sobbed while covered his front with his bag and dashed to his class.




“hey old molester! Let your filthy hand go of my friend!” a heavy and throaty voice jolted my body and a sighs of big relief escape from my mouth.


‘I must thanking him..’ he thought while turned around but he saw his big meanie classmate who always bullied him instead. “Ma-Masato?” he asked with puzzled face, didn’t believe with what was he saw.


“yeah, you okay?” Masato asked him with concern way and cool act which made Tomoe widen his eyes in disbelief but he just nod as an answer. ‘h-huh? Why he saved me? He must has some bad idea for this!’ Tomoe thought with a shiver―already wary about the situation―, at the same time the bus stopped right in front of his school.


“sir, could you please remember this old man? I hope my friend won’t get molested by this man again..” Masato talked to the driver while pulling the blonde’s hand to get out of the cramped bus.


“t-thank you for saved me, M-Masato.. I think I’m okay now, b-bye..” with that simple thanks Tomoe get out from the bus and run away to the front gate with wobbling step, left the commotion behind him.


“hey Tomoe! Don’t leave your rescuer..” Masato called and get out of the buss as well, chase his classmate but with different facial; his act cool already gone from his face.


-End of Flashback-


“Tomoe~ don’t keep running from me.. I wanna talk to you..”


Hearing Masato who called his name playfully in front of crowded people made Tomoe’s face reddened up like a tomato, for god’s sake! It’s totally embarrassing for the petite boy.


“just go away already, Masato.. don’t chase me or call meee!” Tomoe shouted back, tried to run fast although it’s impossible since his chaser was long legged on the basket ball team.


“no way, you're really cold to your hero, huh?~” the tanned male still didn't give up yet.


‘whuaaa! He won’t leave me alone.. this is too much..’ the small boy start to sobbed again while keep tried to run away from that big bully.


He passed the corridor of the school and wanted to turn right to the toilet―his usual hiding place― while the small but muscled hand pulled his own hand and made his body thrown away to the back and collide with the wall, hidden behind one of the high building.


That surely made Tomoe surprised but all he could do was closed his eyes tight and slide down to the ground when the person who pulled him from nowhere let go his trembling hand. He didn’t dare to open his eyes right away but he want to cry so badly at the same time.


“hello Tomoe? You could open your eyes now.. Masato won’t chase you to here..” the familiar voice passed the girly boy’s ear which made him open his eyes before throw his body to the person in front of him.


“Sakamoto senpai?! Senpaaaii.. thank you for saving me again, Masato won’t give up and chase me from bus to here..” he burst all on his mind with a soft sobs.


Hearing his lovely kohai sobbing like that, Sakamoto ended up patting Tomoe’s head until he calmed down. “there, there.. stop crying already.. Masato won’t hurt you.. well, maybe he just want your attention or something, right?” Sakamoto said with reassuring tone.


Tomoe’s body stiffen after heard his senpai side Masato than him, leaned back and let go his hug from the charming senpai. “noo.. there’s no waay he want my attention, Sakamoto senpai..” he start to drawled his word like a whining child, stared at the other while thought something.


By the way this is my only and best friend on this middle school who always spoil and want to hear all my story; Sakamoto Irie.


I met him when I attended an opening ceremony of new student last year though it’s not really a great meeting since I met him when I got lost when searched the building where the ceremony held up and he approached me because I cried on the corridor of the school; I was a crybaby even until now.


He kindly lead me to the building that I searched for and even wait for me after the ceremony ended. Eventhough he mistaken me for a girl at the first time―like the usual everybody do―, I become a good friend with him since then. He wasn’t really have tall body but he has a mysterious charming aura that always surrounded him. That’s why I always glued on him since he didn’t mind it either.


And the most important, Sakamoto senpai always protected me when Masato tried to bully me though not every time; He and Masato was on the same club; it’s basket ball yet Sakamoto senpai retired this year since he’s a third year.


The brunette male sighed after heard the whining protest but a bit surprised as caught Tomoe’s unbuckled belt and his messy pants, doubt at first but asking his kohai at the end. “umm, Tomoe.. did you got molested when you take a bus before?”

Widen his eyes with heated up face, Tomoe pulled his bag and cover it against his crotch. “y-yeah.. it just like you see.. but today a bit scary c-cause the molester tried to slip his hand inside my pants.. but Masato stopped that old man right away..” he replied slowly and cover his face.


“I think you’re just scared and confused.. and I bet Masato really want to talk to you, Tomoe..” he sighed in worried then patted the small boy’s back again.


“m-maybe... I don’t know either.. I’m tired..” he mumbled, his energy was really drained out with the commotion and the run before.


Sakamoto smiled before helped his kohai stand up by pulling his hand slowly. “come on, you must rested on the infirmary for now.. I’ll tell your homeroom teacher that you can’t attend to the first lesson..” the blonde just nodded and let his senpai lead him to the infirmary room.


Tomoe ended up fall asleep right after Sakamoto laid him down on the infirmary bed. After bowed and excuse himself from the infirmary doctor, Sakamoto slide close the door. Yet he found Masato walked toward his way.


“ah, it’s good I meet you here, Masato.. If you want to take care of Tomoe, he’s in the infirmary room..” Sakamoto smiled politely which made Masato raised his eyebrow.


“just shut up, Irie.. who want to visit that girly boy..” Masato shouted his anger toward the older male that just replied with a smile by Sakamoto before he walked away to his class after tell Tomoe’s homeroom teacher.


However at the end, the tanned boy peeked a couple of times inside the infirmary room, looked a bit worried.


‘I helped him from the molester but why he still afraid of me?’ Masato sighed, ‘..I know I bullied Tomoe almost everyday and maybe I looked a bit teasing when chase him before.. but it’s because his face always triggered my naughty mind to tease him..’ the tall boy thought with crossed arm, still looked inside the room but clenched his teeth suddenly.


“It’s Irie’s fault.. he always glued to Tomoe so I can’t get close to him, and what’s the good thing about that senpai..” he muttered before stomped his step and back to his class after glanced one more time to the sleeping face of Tomoe.



fiuh, finally I write the new chapter.. too much thing happened on last week, make me hard to write again.. and since the problem a bit settled down, I posted it now ^^


Seems like Masato the big bully mad with Sakamoto the charming prince for Tomoe, huh~ well, it will be revealed in the next chapter ( * 3 * )


sorry for the wait and enjoy the story ;) by the way, like and comment if you like my story *^O^*

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Aww~ thank you

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for like and comment ^^ yeah, Masato will surprised you hehe :p but I hope you still have much time to wait cause the next chapter will come late, sorry m(_ _)m

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This chapter is special for

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who kindly spare time to read and like my story ^^ here I give you the next move from Masato ~(*^_^*)~


Love Me ‘Part Three’


“hic..hic..” the small child keep sobbing with snotty nose and red-swollen eyes while that child's friend sighed and tried to cheer him up.


“just stop crying, Tomoe.. they won’t dare do that again to you..”


“a-are you sure?”


“yeah, I’ll always protect you, Tomoe.. so believe me..”


The teary eyes boy nodded fast and his expression changed fast as well; with wide smile on his small lips. “okay! I believe in you.. thank you, Kazuki.. I love you..” the petite child hugged the taller one which made him flustered followed by blushed face.


As the long eyelashes fluttered a couple of times, Tomoe’s blue sea eyes finally open up and saw a white ceiling when he had his sight clear.


“hnn.. where am I? ah, Sakamoto senpai brought me here and then I fall asleep..” he mumbled while remembering why he ended up slept in the soft bed inside the infirmary but a second later the dream he just has fall on his eyelids and the flood of that sweets dream filling his mind within split second.


“h-hee? Was I dreaming about Kazuki again? Aah.. why he always come to my dream today..” he shakes his head with faint blush on his porcelain white cheek.


The memory of Kazuki ―Tomoe’s childhood friend― always made the blonde flustered cause that boy was his life saver. He always helps him from the bully that laughed at him because his girly face and his small built.


Yeah, he fall in love with that Kazuki, but unfortunately fate parted both of them; Kazuki have to move to another place because of his father’s job.


It made Tomoe’s feeling jumbled and unsteady, for that all he couldn’t stop think about his life saver so at the end he tried to search another boy so he could forget Kazuki who didn’t say good bye or telling about his condition all this time.


Though Tomoe searched another boy to move on, he always compared them with Kazuki’s perfect appearance; black haired, tall body, muscled and great built ―well, that is just Tomoe’s imagination of Kazuki when he grow older―. Yet when he found all of them, they were a straight boy to begin with and always mistaken him as a girl when he approached them.


It made the petite male unconfident and decided to just look at the perfect boy and like them from afar than remember the unresponsible Kazuki. However, since the petite boy’s character was so easy going and simple, he could fall in love easily to the perfect boy that just he saw or passed in front of him. It’s really complicated condition for him.


“Haah.. Kazuki was really sweet boy that I had ever meet but he never contacted me.. maybe he just help me out of sympathy..” Tomoe mumbled lowly yet when he lost in thought, Sakamoto senpai’s face appears suddenly which made his face bright red.


“he-heeh! w..wh..why Sakamoto’s senpai appeared in my mind?! He’s indeed my life saver from big meanie Masato b..but, he’s better be my onii-chan than my lover, right? He’s too kind and there’s no way he love me..” he paused then blinked as another charming face popped out inside his mind; his life saver from molester this morning; Masato.


“and.. Masato looked cool and dazzling when he pulled away that ojii-san’s hand from me… but he’s always bully me! Even after he helped me, he made me embarrassed in front of people..” the blonde boy keep monologue to himself, sometimes with shaking head and sometimes with covered face like a maiden that fall in love for a first time.


When Tomoe calm down, he slumped down on the bed again and sighed in embarrassment cause his silly act and his nonsense babble. Luckily there’s no one in the infirmary; seems like the doctor walk out somewhere.


‘Ding Ding Dong~’


The bell for break time already ringing which made the girly boy sat back himself and get ready to leave the infirmary since he had enough rest; actually he didn’t want to be alone or he will keep think about Sakamoto senpai or Masato again. Sat on the cafeteria or in the class with crowded people is better for him.


But then at the same time, the infirmary door slide open and someone walked inside.




Inside one of the classroom, you could see the restless of tanned boy who couldn’t stop moving from his seat. He keep slicked back his dark black hair to the back while waiting the teacher in front of the class stop talking and end the lesson.


“oh come on, stop explaining already old man!” he muttered lowly, glanced outside of the class and hope he make in time to the cafeteria.


Yeah, Masato already decided a plan since the lesson started, he somehow didn’t want to lose from that Irie and after all he didn’t apologize yet to Tomoe and just leave the infirmary without any words to the petite boy though he didn’t walk inside and see him.


There’s always something swelling feeling inside his chest that keep boiling every time he saw that senpai soothed Tomoe who was got bullied by him. The black haired boy should be happy cause he success made that cry baby boy cried but it gone cause Irie always screw it up.


But, now it’s different! Today he’s helping that blonde from nasty old geezer that groped Tomoe’s body; even almost unbutton that boy’s pants. Yet, Tomoe leave him immediately so he didn’t have a chance to talk to him ―though he’s at fault too cause he made the boy embarrassed in front of other student. Then that Irie appear from nowhere and soothe Tomoe like usual even walked him to the infirmary.


So he planned to apologize properly and bring the petite male some food because he looked so pale when sleep in the infirmary before. And finally, the awaited bell ringing and in an instant Masato raised his hand while rushed stand from his seat.


“I'm sorry, sir! I really need to go to the bathroom so excuse me!” the tanned male dashed fast out from his class while his teacher and another student went silent with dumbfounded looks.


Masato run to the cafeteria and buy some bread and bottle of juices within minutes before rushed back to the infirmary before that senpai beaten him up and visit Tomoe first.


But then his fast steps slowing down as his eyes caught the infirmary door slide close; it surprised him and pissed him off because the person who just walked in maybe that senpai. 'tsk! he beat me!' he thought with clicked tongue. After all he decided to waits near the door and on top of that didn’t dare to peeked inside ―just waiting with complicated face―.


While his heart pounding loudly, Masato waits with restlessness feeling, glance a couple of times to the closed door. Then suddenly the door slide open again and the awaiting petite boy walked out and surprisingly without Irie tailed behind him.


‘so that’s not Irie?’ Masato relieved and stunned for a moment before shouted suddenly.


“a-ano.. Tomoe! U-umm.. h-here for y-you!”


The tanned boy immediately pushed plastic bag that full of food to the other; his tongue felt tied up when he talked to the surprised blonde boy ―somehow he lost all his words and ended up stuttered cause Tomoe’s face looked dazzling and cute somehow―.


Eventhough, Tomoe accept it and start to looks inside the plastic bag before looked back to Masato with blossom smile.


“e-eh? You bought this for me? Thank you so much, Masato...” that words is passing flawlessly to the tanned boy’s ear while looked speechless and just stared to the other cute smile.


Masato’s face expressionless like being hypnotized for a moment before his soul got back on its place and got the meaning of Tomoe’s words that thanking him.


“y-yeah.. no problem..” Masato muttered lowly before a faint of blush start to creeping on his tanned face.



Finally I manage to post the new chapter *fiuh~* there's much thing happened that made me forget about this story :p hehe and again I'm really sorry if much typo here and there in this story, my grammar not really good after all -_-"


by the way, that meanie Masato could blushed, hehe~ it must be cute if I can draw it ^^ so what's the reaction that Tomoe will make? I'll reveal it on next chapter ~(*o* ~)


Like and comment if you mind ;)

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  • 1 month later...

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I love this story! I wouldn't expect that Masato would be the one to save Tomoe, since he was the one bullying him.

Masato is such an interesting guy! A combination of bad guy and good guy! Love it!!! Waiting for the next chapter! :Jumping around:

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Aww, thank you so much ^^ well, everything can be happened with my story ehehe :p actually Masato is a good guy but he's just a bit naughty lol XD

Thanks again ;) sorry but it will take a long time *sighs* there's so much stuff that I must handle with.. but I promise I write the next chapter as fast as I can ^^

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  • 1 month later...

Love Me ‘Part Four’


As the door sliding open, the middle age man with white coat walked inside the room which made Tomoe sat straight on the bed with a slight bow to the man.


“ah! s-sensei.. thank you for watching me while I’m resting..” he bowed again with a polite smile. And the infirmary doctor who being greeted just after walked inside just smiled with shaking hands.


“yes yes.. you’re welcome, Ochikawa-kun. Though I’m not really watch you all the time cause I took a break early since you slept soundlessly..” he said while seated himself on his desk, tapped his thigh slightly before looked back the petite boy. “umm, by the way.. did you eat anything before you went to school, Ochikawa-kun? Cause you were really pale when Sakamoto-kun brought you here..”


Being asked like that, Tomoe startled a bit but answer it with a slow nod. “y-yes.. I eat bread and drink some milk this morning but because many things happened this morning, I got tired and senpai brought me here..”


The doctor smiled with a couple of nod as a response, “aah, I see.. I guess you’re going back to the class, right? So make sure to eat something before the class started again to regain another strength, okay?”


“yes! Thank you for the suggestion, sensei.. Then excuse me, sensei..” after bowed again Tomoe walked out of the infirmary room, slide open the door yet he jumped at the moment his eyes caught a familiar person near the door though with weird and stunned expression.


“a-ano.. Tomoe! U-mm.. here for you..”


As the surprising act with stuttered voice from the tanned boy ―Masato― passed the blonde’s ear, he blinked continuously and took the plastic bag that being shoved to his hands. ‘why did he appear suddenly? And what’s with this thing?’ he wondered with raised eyebrow; felt suspicious already, yet still looked inside the plastic bag.


After knew the plastic bag was contained with foods and drinks, Tomoe couldn’t help but smiled happily and glanced back at the surprisingly nervous of Masato. “e-eh? You bought this for me? Thank you so much, Masato...”


However as the other just keep silent, Tomoe start to bit his bottom lips in nervous; afraid he make mistake without he realize. And then a faint reply can be hear from the taller boy beside him, it surely make the girly boy widen his eyes since he caught a blush start to creep on Masato’s face.


‘he..heeh?! is he blushing just now? Am I doing anything wrong? But it really surprising the meanie Masato can blushing like this..’ Tomoe blinked in confusion but somehow happy cause he could see the other’s unguarded face.


“so Masato could be kind to me too, huh…” the shorter boy chuckled softly while looked up at him.


On the other hands, the tanned male squeaked in surprise; already get his soul back to his body and flicked the girly boy’s forehead with a grumble. “haah? Why are you getting full of yourself, Tomoe!?” he rolled his eyes and tried to compose his heated face.


“ouch! That’s hurt, Masato…” Tomoe whined and rubbed his red forehead, “..could you at least be kind to me a little longer?” the petite boy huffed and crossed his arm though he didn’t really disappointed cause he’s more comfortable with the usual Masato.


On the other hand, the tanned male managed to make his flushed face back to normal but raised his eyebrow when the girly boy huffed and complained about his act. “whaat?! I never be kind to you, I just a bit concerned about you who passed out cause running away from someone who saved you..” the black haired male crossed his arm then looked another way with a slight puff on his cheek.


‘Is he sulking to me? How rare..’ This made the girly boy surprised and couldn’t help to smile more since the big bully that always meanie to him now sulking to him. “Well, I can’t help it because you looked so scary with your bully face though you just helped me..” he commented but just smiled before pulled the taller male’s hand gently.


Masato who’s being complained again by Tomoe, blinked looked back at him, ready to argue back with the short boy. “It’s just―w-whaa?! Why are you pulling me suddenly, Tomoe?” he shouted, can’t help but followed the other at the end.


“just follow me, Masato.. you must accompany me eat this foods because I’m really hungry now, okay?” he glanced over his shoulder to Masato ―looked at the male with his begged eyes that rarely he used to other people―.


Of course Masato couldn’t refuse it when he’s being stared at with the kicked puppy eyes that made his chest clenched in different way. “f-fine, I’ll accompany you so you don’t have to pulled my hand, I can walk by myself..” the tanned male said with flustered tone which made the blonde chuckled slightly and let the other’s hand go.


After a few minutes walked, the petite boy stopped and smiled back at Masato who looked confused, sit down on the grass under the big tree in front of him and patted the grass beside him.


“come on, Masato.. sit here so we can eat together..” he said happily; actually the blonde boy’s mind already turn in chaos with wonderful feeling cause he never talked so casually with Masato even that male agreed to accompany him and didn’t bully him like he usual did. So the blonde will make the best use of this gold chance.


Meanwhile the tanned male kept looked around the place that he never saw before distracted out of his mind when the girly boy called him, take a seat beside Tomoe that looked so happy and excited, couldn't help but smiled at the sight. ‘wait! Why am I had a feeling that this is like a date? No, no, this is obviously not a date. Get a grip of yourself, Masato?’ the tanned male rubbed his face before exhaled some breath, blinked as the bread passed on his palm.


“here, you should eat now cause the break time will over soon..” Tomoe flashed his usual smile at the other, already chewed his bread happily. “you know, Masato.. this is the good place that I always went by at the break time cause this place is peaceful and not much people know this place so be glad that I bring you here, okay?” the petite male keep talking on and on while his mouth still full of bread.


All the taller male could do is just smiled and nod his head sometimes, didn’t know that Tomoe could be child like when talking and eating but he enjoyed it while continue to finish his bread.


“and you know this big tree is planted by headmas―*cough cough* Masato startled cause the talk active boy choked suddenly, panicked a bit when rustled the plastic bag and opened up one of the bottle of juice and hold it in front of Tomoe’s mouth. “hurry up and drink this but take it slow..” he suggested and the said boy gulped the fruity juice bit by bit before pushed back the bottle that he hold and panting softly.


“th-thank you, Masato.. I-I think I’m gonna dying because the bread stuck on my t-throat..” the boy still panting and rubbed his chest with a childish smile which made Masato sighed in relief but flicked Tomoe’s forehead in worry way. “are you a kid? Just don’t talking with mouth full of foods, silly..” the tanned male said with a shake of the head.


The blonde whimpered while rubbed his forehead but chuckled instead since his big bully looked so worried because his reckless act before. “I'm sorry, Masato.. I just too carried away when I was talking, tee hee..” he stuck out his tongue and wiped the remnant of his bread before with his hand. The tanned male who heard that raised his eyebrow and some vein popped out from his forehead.


“don’t ‘tee hee’ me, baka! Ah, wait, don’t rub it with your hand it’s dirty..” he said as noticed a dirt on Tomoe’s face and moved closer to the petite male unconsciously, cleaned up the side of Tomoe’s lips with his sleeve gently ―didn’t aware that his face too close to the other―.


On the other hand, Tomoe was already flustered with bright red face as Masato leaned closer suddenly and his face really close with his own; even his black and soft hair start to tickles his face. ‘w-why is he so close to mee!?’ the blonde screamed out in his inner thought.


When the unaware tanned male done with his cleaning up, he stunned at the moment his golden eyes glanced up at the blue sea eyes that captivated him; he really can’t say anything since that blue orbs made him felt like sinking in the deep sea. All he felt was his body keep moving forward and closed the gap between him and the pretty boy.

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Love Me ‘Part Five’


The bell is already ringing since before and the lesson time begin again but the third year student; Sakamoto Irie still wandering in the corridor of the school. His brownish eyes keep looking around to find his spoiled kohai that already gone from infirmary room. He just could meet the doctor who was working on there.


“If you're searching for the pretty boy that you brought this morning, he already left earlier with a tanned boy to somewhere..”


That’s the doctor’s said when he asked his kohai where about and he knew who’s exactly the tanned male that being told to him; it must be Masato.


“but, is Tomoe will be okay with him? I’m afraid that both of them will chased each other like this morning..” the third year male mumbled to himself but shake his head slowly; cause he will know right away since they would make a big commotion like usual.


“really.. Masato couldn’t even honest with himself..” the brunette chuckled while remembering something on the past.




After one of a player with brunette hair shot three points right to the ring, the loud cheering filled the court and a whistle sound from referee could be heard a moment after that.


“nice, Irie!” the tanned male grinned ear to ear at the top scorer on the match which made the said male twitched in annoyance.


“hey, I’m older than you and don’t call my first name so casually, Masato! At least call me with ‘senpai’..” he rolled his eyes in irritated but that soon replaced with a happy expression when a petite boy on the edge of the court waved and shouted his name cheerfully.


“Sakamoto-senpai~” the petite boy called him again which he replied with a simple wave and soft smile. The black haired kohai beside him somehow interested and asked him. “who’s that noisy boy, Iri..e?” Masato looked at the petite male seems stunned after that and just kept stared at the pretty boy while his face turned red.


“yeah, that’s my friend, Tomoe. He’s a first year like you..” he answered but after that a bunch of the supporter from the match ―most of them are girls― surrounded around Tomoe even start to touched and poked that boy. More than that, the thing that surprised the brunette was Masato looked so annoyed even clicked his tongue.


“what’s that? He’s just someone who’s popular by his face, huh? So cunning!” the tanned male looked away with crossed arms who made Irie chuckled softly. “he’s just a little cute, Masato.. ah, by the way you can go back first cause Tomoe looked so troubled with them..” he patted Masato’s back before walked to the petite boy.


‘He’s just jealous even though it’s the first time he saw him..’ he thought while walked toward the troubled pretty boy, still with his soft chuckles.




Irie couldn’t stop chuckled after he remembered the first time Masato saw Tomoe, it’s really interesting for him because the tanned male turned out be a big bully every time he saw the blonde boy; though the real purpose was just to get Tomoe’s attention after all.


The brunette continue his search and walked to the places that rarely student passed and he saw something interesting which made his evil character come out. “speak of devil.. I found them now and what’s with that pose..” Irie mumbled with a grin, approached sneakily to the unaware ‘lovey dovey’ couple.


“Hi there~ the break time is already over, you know.. ah, is that you, Tomoe? and Masato?” Irie greeted them suddenly with his innocence smile.


Both of Tomoe and Masato just could petrified, especially the tanned male since his intimate moment that never happen twice ruined by someone that he really know though by his voice. Meanwhile the petite boy snapped his closed eyes wide open and leaned back awkwardly before greeted his senpai that caught red handed in strange position.


“a-ah, Sa-Sakamoto-senpai! W-Why did you come here? O-Oh, you’re right.. there’s no one in the hallway..” Tomoe said stutterly and looked at the third year male with burned face.


Seeing the amusing response, the brunette just nod with a slight chuckles. “yes, the lesson time already begun since ten minutes ago.. you should hurry up or your teacher will be mad at you..” he reminded the blonde boy, still with his innocence smile which made Masato irritated.


“yeah, you better go now.. I’ll clean up our trash and bring this with you..” he pushed Tomoe’s back gently, gave the petite boy plastic bag that still contain with a couple bread and juice.


The girly boy just nodded with a slight confuse since Masato treat him kindly but his face looked so pissed off. “o-okay, thank you Masato.. see you later Sakamoto-senpai, you too, Masato,” with that Tomoe rushed back to his class; even stumbled a couple of times on the way to corridor.


After the blonde gone from his sight, the tanned male crossed his arm and glared at the spoilt mood person in front of him; let out a menacing aura that he held before. “did you satisfied now, Irie? You just ruined my chance to―” he gasped because he almost said something that shouldn’t be said; already lost his cool before really shouted and get mad at his senpai.


“Ara~ chance for what, Masato? And please stop glared at me, I’m just joking a bit,” Irie grinned slightly as he saw the tanned male’s menacing aura flow out nonstop. After in a little while, the angry male finally calmed down a bit, huffing a harsh sigh before leaned at the tree behind him and eyed his senpai; still had his annoyance.


“that’s a lame joke, Irie.. ha-aah, I bet Tomoe never know this bad side of you. You do that on purpose, right?” he asked the other, still manage to hold his fist bumped to Irie’s face.


Irie who heard that clapped his hands amusedly instead. “sorry, I’m really just joking, Masato.. and I won’t shattered Tomoe’s dream about his ideal onii-chan that was me..” he chuckled slightly then back to his usual personality. “by the way, you should just tell Tomoe, you love him, right? It’s written all over your face, Masato..”


The tanned male widen his eyes and the pink color start to creep on his face again. “wh-what are you saying, Irie!? It’s just spur of the moment.. m-maybe I’m confused before cause Tomoe’s face so cute back then..” Masato reasoned but ended up covered his mouth since his words made his true feeling clearer instead.


Hearing that indirect confession from his kohai, made Irie smiled and looked at the tanned male with concern looks. “easy, Masato.. I won’t make fun of your feeling, I just want you to be honest to yourself and tell your feeling to Tomoe.. cause it’s seems that boy have some unrequited feeling that made him insecure..” the brunette paused and crossed his arm slightly. “..so you should made his insecurity gone by confess to him. I think Tomoe had some feeling for you too so it will turn out good..”


Masato just stand still and quiet while listen to Irie’s words, even surprised cause he never realize that childlike and cheerful Tomoe had some insecurity feeling. ‘feeling insecure?’ he wondered and blinked as Irie suggested him to confess to the petite boy which bring his heated face back.


“wh-what’s nonsense that you’re talking about, Irie! I’m not in love with him, I told you already it’s just spur of the moment not love..” he grunted and gathered the rest of the plastic bread on the ground and glared again at the third year male.


“I’m going back to my class! I don’t have much time to spent with sluggard third year student like you,” he stomped his step while passed Irie, throw the garbage he had on the garbage can before walked away from that place.


On the other hand, the brunette chuckled instead after seeing the childish character and flustered act from the usual cool Masato. “a-ah~ you really couldn’t honest even your face blushed like that, huh? I think I'll lend you some help, Masato,” he chuckled again, walked back to his class with amused smile.


Finally~ after long time ―again― I didn't continue this story but then I manage to write again ^^ this time two chapter in one day~ *yay* Ermm, as you see.. the relationship between Tomoe and Masato turned out good, right? -though Irie ruined it at the good part :p- then what will Irie do for helping the dishonest Masato? o.o wait till the next chapter -maybe it will be long again Lol XD-


Sorry for the error spelling or grammar :p Like and Comment if you mind~



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