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Group RP: Taisei Mystery: Shadow of Yoshiwara 大正迷想:吉原の影 (private, 18+)


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Sounds of singing, sounds of cheering, sounds of drunk men babbling and sounds of courtesans calling. Even in this Taisei(大正)era when the night streets of Tokyo is beginning to be brightened by the new electric lights, Yoshiwara's lanterns still shines brighter. Men with money to spare come here for entertainment, for pleasure, for a night of fantasy in a increasingly turbulent world, to drown themselves in a cradle of sweet lies: It's alright, I am here, sleep nice and tight, come back soon and bring your wallet.


A group of young men were walking on the crowded streets of Yoshiwara, laughing, singing. Their steps were wavy and uncertain, and they kept bumping into walls and people alike. Their army uniforms were messy, and some have took off the jacket and tied them on their heads. It was clear that they've been drinking, and probably at several different places already. One of them lost his balance and fell down to the ground, and those around them only laughed at his clumsiness and continued forward. The young man struggled to climb up and after some effort finally regained his balance.


"Hey guys~~~~Wait for me~~~~" the man said as he dusted the dirt off on his clothes, and just when he was about to step forward he heard something:


"Come here......"


The voice was clear even with all the busy noise of Yoshiwara around him, it was like someone whispered it right next to his ears, or like someone put it directly inside his head. The voice was gentle, the voice was sweet, and above all the voice was irresistible. The young man looked around, trying to find where the voice came from, then he saw a slim silhouette of someone in the shades of a dark alley.


"Come to me......"


He heard the voice again, and the man was convinced it came from the one in the shadows. He walked straight towards the figure without any difficulty or hesitation, as if the alchohol in his system had completely vanished. His eyes gradually get used to the dark and he was able to see the one in front of him more clearly, and even in the dark he could see the beautiful kimono and the lavish ornaments the person was wearing. Slowly the figure raised its hand and the man took it without hesitation. The figure chuckled lightly and began to take the man deeper and deeper into the dark alley.


The next time the man emerged from darkness was two weeks later. After the army had searched Tokyo and its surrounding areas several times suspecting desertion, his body was found in the suburbs, with his heart and several other organs missing, adding to the long list of similar deaths.



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Taisei Mystery: Shadow of Yoshiwara





The sun was about to set beyond the rooftops of the rolls of short houses. As the owners of restaurants were opening their doors and workers began lighting the red lanterns, the streets gradually came to life. Women dressing in beautiful kimono and ornaments began to fill up the wooden windows facing the streets, ready to call out to anyone passing by. Yoshiwara is awakening after a day of slumber, and is ready for another night of dream and pleasure, for the right prize.


Deep in the dark alleys of Yoshiwara, a large man came out of the door of a large building and lightened the roll of red lanterns hanging below the eave. He then hang a drapes with the characters: "Murasaki-Ya" over the door. Unsatisfied with how the drapes looked he moved it a bit to the side and took a few steps back, and finally nodded with content. T


The man's name is Kenzou(健蔵), door guard at "Murasaki Ya"(紫屋), which was a brothel located deep in the dark corner of Yoshiwara. Compare to the cleaners, cooks, workers as well as courtesans inside his job was a easy one, prepare the door for every day's opening and stay at the door to keep out any trouble. But he holds a sense of responsibility and pride for his menial post nonetheless, as he is grateful and loyal to the owner of the place, Murasaki Toushirou(村崎 籐四郎), who paid his debt and gave him this job years ago.


As the night went on a few people began to walk by, some rushed through the door and kept their head away as if wanting to escape as soon as possible, while others simply turned 180 degrees when they saw the "Murasaki Ya" logo. Kenzou didn't attempted to talk to any of them, for one thing he's no good at calling for customers, and perhaps more importantly, Kenzou knew whoever would come not only to Yoshiwara, but ignore the countless brothels and end up at Murasaki-Ya's door step were either terribly lost, or belong to a very, very limited and niche group of customers. Murasaki-Ya is not a ordinary brothel, but a place for those who find pleasure in courting with men. Kenzou himself couldn't really understand such interest, while he would admit the courtesans of Murasaki-Ya looked almost as beautiful and attractive as all other courtesans of Yoshiwara with their beautiful kimono and make-up, knowing what's hidden under their dresses made Kenzou really questions the sanity of those customers who came here. Yet everything had exceptions.


"Good evening, Kenzou." a young man dressed in beautiful kimono and wearing light make up waved at him as he walked towards the door.



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"Evening Tsuru-Maru (鶴丸)!“ Kenzou waved at the young man, who was one of the "exceptions" in Kenzou's mind. Tsuru-Maru was the top courtesan, an "Oiran" of this place, and even without the women's clothing and heavy make up he still looks beautiful, almost other-worldly beautiful, like a china vase or a glass work. While most courtesans lived inside "Murasaki Ya", Tsuru Maru was actually successful enough to own a small house nearby, and come to "work" here every night. "Has any customer came yet?" Tsuru-Maru asked casually.


"Not yet. We don't get a lot of customers to begin with, and ever since those....things, happened even less people came! Boss looked quite troubled because of this." Kenzou answered worriedly.


"Hmm....I see..I guess I'll have to work harder to ease boss' mind. Maybe write a few letters for my old patrons." Tsuru-maru smiled and waved farewell to Kenzou before entering the door. On his way in he came across several workers of the place as well as fellow male courtesans, they stood in a circle and was chatting in a small voice, with a tone that was similar to a typical scary story session, but slightly darker, and heavier, as the events in discussion was no fairy tale, but something happened close by.


"I've heard there's another one found yesterday."


"Dear heavens, not again! Who is it this time?!"


"I've heard is a soldier."


"A soldier?! May Budha bless his soul...."


"Does that mean the army is going to get involve in the investigation from now on? I've heard from one of my customers that they and the police never got along pretty well..."


"I hope they do, I mean the police are useless! Just think how many have been found so far!"



Just when Tsuru-Maru was about to remind them to go back to work before a cold voice interrupted the chit-chat: "Don't you have more important matters to tend to?"



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The crowd immediately turned to the source of the voice and saw Murasaki standing right behind them. They screamed out in fear and soon ran back to their posts. Tsuru-maru smiled as he watched them scatter and turned back to look at Murasaki. He bowed respectfully and said: "Good evening, Murasaki San."


"Evening." Murasaki said coldly as he turned around and began to walk back to his own room, but he turned back half way to look at Tsuru-maru and said: "You're the only one who lives outside the building. let Kenzou walk you home when you finish tonight. It's safer."


"Thank you sir." Tsuru-maru bowed again gratefully and smiled. While he didn't really felt the need for protection, he knew better to argue with Murasaki, as he could be extremely stubborn when he made up his mind.


Tsrumaru walked up the stairs to the room at the end of the hallway. This is where Tsuru-maru works every night to entertain those revered guests who could afford his company, and it's where he judge who is worthy to come to his home and enjoy his full service. Being the top Oiran meant that he may not have guests everyday, so it's also the place where he practice the various arts required for a top entertainer like him, and frankly, he sometimes prefer the customers not to show up so he could enjoy the night alone, undisturbed. As the night went on he could hear the sound of moaning began to occur from downstairs, and gradually spreading closer and closer to him. Looks like it's a busy night at Murasaki Ya.



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Yoshiwara's shadow darkens...can you reach the light?

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Yuu Ueda knew as much as the common person that Yoshiwara was dangerous. Yet he somehow managed to become a courtesan. He wasn't the best there was, but he always tried his best. There was no changing that. As much as he disliked his lifestyle, it was what paid him… somewhat.


Word had spread about the serial murders. Yuu had overheard other courtesans talk about the gruesome murders that had occurred. Lately, a soldier had turned up dead. Just the thought of a serial murderer on the loose made Yuu's stomach churn. He wondered who would do such things to another human being. But who was he kidding? They were in Yoshiwara where there is no end to pleasure and possibilities. He sighed as he got himself dressed and ready. He hated being late, but his curiosity had gotten the better of him.


Being a courtesan of Murasaki Ya, he was not allowed out and about. But he couldn't help it, and sometimes, he snuck outside. Hearing the news of the dead soldier, Yuu snuck out of the brothel and had gone on one of his escapades through the day. He just hoped that no one caught him. But that was why he loved being out of the limelight and in the shadows; no one recognized him when he was out of the kimonos and makeup. He enjoyed that fact.


That morning when he snuck out, he had gone around, inquiring about the soldier. He found out a couple of stupid and useless things, like how the soldier was with a group of other soldiers. They were bustling through Yoshiwara, drinking at several bars, enjoying themselves. But Yuu wondered… how did they get separated?


Yuu shook his head, knowing that he must get ready for the night and not worry about what happened outside of his little hole, Murasaki Ya. Hopefully, no one would choose him and he would have the night free to himself. Once he was ready, he got up and rushed out to the hallway. But he soon lost all hopes of time to himself. There was no helping it… this was to be a busy night.

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Seishin wore his normal white western clothing he had always liked the western style better. Aside from him was a massive white wolf, most couldn't see it though.


Seishin had met the wolf when he was 8, by then he had been living with the old Onmyoji for about a year. One day he went deep in the forest, deeper then he had intended to go..Eventually getting lost and scared. He crawled in a ball, and started to sob, Sei had always been a weak kid, never really able to protect himself. After about 10 minutes of it he felt a warm fur feeling to his side. Opening his eyes and looking the area of warmth. It was an extremely big,white as snow wolf. Sei stuck out his hand to the other.


"My names Seishin...but you can call me Sei." He whispered to the wolf.


"Nice to meet you." The wolf replied but its seemed to rely in his mind.


Sei knew it wasn't a normal wolf now... After about an hour of just laying there the wolf got up and guided the other back home. After days of the wolf staying there he named it Purotekutā (プロテクター) which translated to protector. The old man said the animal had chosen him and he was lucky for it was a powerful spirt.



Stretching Sei, walked into the busy town. He was there for one reason Cirousity. As a now full fledge Onmyoji he was allowed to travel and find people to help. He had heard about the murders and it didn't seem normal to him how they were killed. He looked to the animal besides him.

"Should we, well I get some food?" He asked not sure where he would sleep either he had money but not a lot.


"Yes, Sei you must take care for yourself." Purotekutā replied.


"You'er always so up tight." He sighed.



Walking towards a bar. Sei didn't really drink only for certain ceremonies. Walking into it he ordered some soup and water. As he waited he scanned. Sei really never had been to a town so busy, he saw men with make-up, soldiers and many other.

'Think town is strange'

Once it came it looked nice.

"itadakimasu" He whispered and began to eat happily.

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Left. Right. Another left. Then straight forward. Walking down a street, filled with many different people, the tension in the air quite high. Women, and even men, dressed in kimono. Policemen and officials, doing patrol. Mere citizens, minding their own business. Old codgers, looking for something to do. The only thing that seemed out of place that evening, amidst the many Japanese people, was a single man walking by himself, oblivious, or so it appeared, to the stares and whispers flitting around him as he walked past.


He looked quite annoyed at that moment, as a woman, maybe middle aged, walked next to him, chattering away, in urgency, trying to get his attention. But even as she spoke, he remained silent, not saying anything, not looking her way, as if he didn't even know she was there, even though a slightly irked expression was upon his face.


Rumors spread fast around these parts, sadly. Fuuyo Keine found that out the hard way, as he'd only been in that particular area for about three days now, and yet it seemed as if everyone had heard of the Korean that was wandering around. Yeah, there was tension between Japan and Korea, but Fuuyo felt he had absolutely nothing to do with it. He was here on his own whim, doing what he wanted.


However, as eyes followed, words floated around, he was starting to get annoyed. And more importantly, this woman...


He comes to a sudden stop, now clearly annoyed, eyebrows furrowed, cheek muscle twitching, shoulders hunched. Standing right outside a bar, not noticing the young man that had gone inside, accompanied by what appeared to be a large white wolf. All he was occupied with now was this irritating woman, who wouldn't stop talking about her son, and how he'd been killed. Apparently it was HER child that was the soldier that had been the victim of the last attack.


Looking right at her, his gaze shooting daggers, she finally falls silent. For a moment he says nothing, and once he did, it was as if the very air went still, things went quiet. His voice was filled with annoyance, and from the tone, one might think of him as a stuck up, rude individual. As well as tell exactly where he'd come from.


"I don't know what I have to say to get this through that thick skull of yours. No one can help you, no one can save you. So do yourself a favor and quit bothering me." Was all he said, before walking again, leaving the shocked woman behind, where she stood, as if he'd literally slapped her into silence. He didn't have time to deal with mourning mothers, and scared worms who couldn't stand for themselves.


A dirty glare was given to him by a policeman, but he ignores it. Not tonight. He wanted to be away from the noise. So staying there right then, might not be a good idea...

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Renuki was walking through the crowded streets to find an area to set up his shop his arms were loaded down with a colorful large mat that was hand weaved and a hand weaved basket filled with colorful charms of that he had personally made, today was one of the street vending days and just as usual the streets were filled with venders of many types. Renuki wiped his forehead after setting up in the perfect area, the sight of all these men and women were still out and about even after so many people disappearing, but it also warmed his heart slightly as he watched the children running and dancing about clumsily to the small group of ladies playing their instruments, over all everything seemed pretty normal. Although there where a few people that were pretty suspicious darting in and out of the crowd as if their lives depended on it but Renkui knew that it probably wasn't anything to worry about it was probably some pocket picker who had gotten caught and was now running from the furious victim.


Eventually twilight passed and the sky showed no a single sign of light except for the burning wax candles, fireflies and the occasional lantern that passed by although everything was beginning to calm down Renkui didn't close up shop due to the fact that he loved the silence that accompanied the night although the distance music and soft chattering of the people passing by stirred it slightly, he guessed that a few people enjoyed it due to the few venders that now lined the streets although after having met an odd customer in a distressed cloak who asked him how many charms who it take to ward away he dead and sprits if there were a lot of them after the male bought something and was far out of sight he closed shop and when into the bar the mat strapped to his back, he hadn't eaten much all day and came to the bar in order to fill his grumbling stomach.


Renuki listened in on a distant conversation it was pretty interesting although became very repetitive quickly causing Renkui to loose interest apparently the woman had been there awhile since early this evening to be exact the market was just opening at the point so the woman must have been there at least a couple hours since it was now almost the middle of the night.


He asked the bartender to give him something new since he had ben going there for a few meals a day for awhile now it was time to try something new although he was never keen on trying new things.

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Having already dealt with the day, Damon was ready for it to end. Being a foreigner in such a country as this was hard, and it didn't help with everyone around you speaking in a language you barely understood. Not to mention that everyone was so small compared to himself. Whenever he spoke, despite his best intentions, he could tell that the citizens were scared of him.


He couldn't help looking the way he did, or talked how he talked. It was who he was. And there was no changing that, ever. Never would he not wear the uniform he proudly donned, never would he denounce his home country, or his origins. Normally he wore an eye patch over his left eye, but that evening he went without, the scar over his eye visible to everyone else.


His eyes dart around, trying to find somewhere to go, preferably somewhere with alcohol, his long legs taking him through the crowd of people easily. Or was it that they parted for him, fearful if they somehow brushed against him that the red eyed stranger, he'd attack them? For some reason, his eyes, a blood, ruby red in color, were what set people off the most. That was what he felt, but didn't think too much on it. It wasn't any use pondering over such petty things. It was beyond him.


Up ahead he noticed what appeared to be some sort of place to eat, and hopefully get drinks. As he made his way towards it, Damon watched as a few people went inside, one in particular being a street vendor whom he'd walked past a few minutes ago. 'Damn, these people move fast!' Thinking this to himself, he shrugs, a blank expression still on his face, and heads inside, pausing as he did, looking around once more, taking off his hat and tucking it under his arms, shoving one of his white gloved hands into his pocket.


Walking up to the counter where the bartender was, relief poured through him when he found there was indeed alcohol. It was his saving grace, and to be honest, he had no idea what he'd do without it. He speaks up, his voice thick with a German accent, and quite dangerous sounding. Asking for one of their strongest drinks, he sits down a few seats from the vendor, and two seats from a rather shy looking male.


Ignoring this, he focuses only on his drink, having set his hat on to his lap. Taking a sip, he sighs softly, closing his eyes just the slightest. Why couldn't things always be this relaxing? But oh well, life without a little hectic tendencies seemed to get rather boring quite quickly.

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The night thickens as Murasaki Ya was being filled with guests. Those without much to spend and just wanted a quick relief found company in the cheaper, lower grade courtesans who had little talents other than their youth; and more sophisticated, if not pretentious guests preferred to be entertained by the performances of courtesans, flirt with them a few nights before finally get into the action. But perhaps the horrific incidents recently had made them uneasy and starving for the warmth of another human being, and tonight they too rushed to hold the courtesans in their arms, who were uneasy themselves.


But it doesn't mean no one is looking for comfort in music and dances. Just before midnight a carriage stopped at the gate of Yoshiwara, a figure wearing a cloak covering most of his body got off. He said something to the coachman who nodded and drove the carriage away. The figure entered the gate and soon mixed into the crowd. Traveling through the dark alleys of Yoshiwara and soon arrived at his destination: Murasaki Ya. He took off the cloak and his appearance was revealed.



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The man's name was Ookuho Shin-ichirou (大久保 慎一郎), a wealthy entrepreneur with a wide range of businesses, including contracted work for the Japanese military. He's also gained enough influence to make himself a senator, and frankly his way to wealth and power was filled by dark rumors of blackmail, bribery, even assassinations. Of course none of the rumors mattered for Kenzou, all he knew was that Ookuho is a frequent customer, and a good spender who's never late on his payment. Kenzou immediately showed a welcoming smile : "Good evening Mr Ookuho! Haven't seen you here for a while. Busy with the senate?" he said as he bowed down, almost to 90 degrees.


"Yes...those old men can be difficult to deal with....Sounds like it's a busy night here, anyone still available?"


"Yes yes." Kenzou straighten up and said: "Yuu and Hachime, and Tsuru-maru is still available. Which one do you like?"


"Yuu, Hachime and Tsuru-maru...." Ookuho thought for a second and said: "Mind if I let all three of them spend some time with me?"


"Yes of course, anything for you, Mr Ookuho." Kenzou turned and shouted inside: "Yasu! Take our guest to Tsuru-maru's room, and tell Yuu and Hachime to go there as well!"


A short man ran to the door immediately and began to lead Ookuho inside and upstairs. He stopped at the door and knocked on the wooden frame slightly: "Tsuru-maru?”


“Yasu? What’s the matter?” Tsuru-maru’s voice came from inside the room.


“Mr Ookuho is here for ya."


"Quick, let him come in!" hearing Tsuru-maru's answer Yasu opened the door and stepped to the side for Ookuho to enter. Tsuru maru knelt down respectfully towards Ookuho, and straighten up, his voice was filled with joy and excitement: “Shin-inchirou san! I didn’t know you were coming.”


“Yes, I had some spare time and I feel like some entertainment. I missed your singing,” Ookuho sat down beside Tsuru-maru, who immediately began to prepare tea for the guest. His movement was quick and efficient.


“I’ll go and call for Hachime and Yuu.” said Yasu before closing the door.




Moments later someone knocked on Yuu’s door. “Ueda you there? I’m coming in.” the person slide opened the door before Yuu could answer. It was Hachime, a fellow courtesan of Murasaki-Ya.



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Hajime(始) is slightly older than Yuu, and was one of the most popular Oirans of Murasaki-Ya, that’s until Tsuru-maru quickly rose through the ranks and took the place of the top Oiran, which he held a slight grudge against Tsuru-maru ever since. But he is a professional after all and had never showed his attitude in front of customers, and have worker side by side with Tsuru-maru in several occasions, and when it comes to people other than Tsuru-maru, Hajime is generally friendly and helpful, even when his attitude can rub people in the wrong way.


“Come on, Yasu said Mr Ookuho is here and he wants us too.” Hajime said with a upset tone. He lead Yuu upstairs towards Tsuru-maru’s room. Along the way the sound of laughing and cheering, as well the sound of courtesans moaning in pleasure(or pretending to be in pleasure) filled up the hallway. On the way he mumbled: “Damn I’ve just dealt with a customer, can’t a courtesan get some rest?” He turned to Yuu and said: “I don’t think I need to remind you, Mr Ookuho is powerful, so if you want to keep that mediocre career as a courtesan going you better not upset him.”


Soon the two arrived at Tsuru-maru’s room, and they could hear Tsuru-maru’s voice from outside. Hajime took a deep breath and knelt down on the floor before putting on a big smile, knocking on the door and opening it. “Please excuse us. Hajime and Yuu here at your service.” Hajime straighten up and moved inside the room with Yuu behind him.


It seems that the staff of Murasaki-ya had served some light snacks as well as some sake for the senator, and Tsuru-maru was pouring sake into the small cup held by Ookuho. Tsuru-maru turned and look at the two: “You’re here. Good! Hajime would you mind play the music for us? And Yuu, tend to Shin-inchirou san would you?” Tsuru-maru said as he hand a Shamisen (Three string) to Hajime, and stood up in front of the three.


Tsuru-maru told his request to Hajime who quickly nodded in acknowledgment. After a moment of stillness and silence Hajime began to play the slow tune, and Tsuru-maru began to sing and dance along. Hajime’s performance was indeed worthy of an top Oiran, but Tsuru-maru’s dance and singing was something else, it was other worldly, sacred yet alluring, and you could feel a tint of sadness flowing in his voice:


The wind blows gently,

And the flower blooms wildly

The snow covered the world in silver

And the moon shines brightly above

All is beautiful, like the flower you put in my hair

But none is certain

None is eternal

All are but fleeting dreams and fantasy

Like the warmth of your touch on my skin

All are but fleeting dreams and fantasy

Like the whisper of love echoing in my ears











At another part of Yoshiwara, two policemen were walking on the street and complaining to each other. This was supposed to be their time off, either go home to their families or come here and spend a few bucks on drink or women, anything! Anything but dull patrols, especially with all the fun happening around them.


“Damn this sucks!” one of them said: “I wonder when will that killer be found?”


“God knows, but that’s none of our business. We’re just low ranking officers, leave the solving crime bull shit to the inspectors. Say....you wanna sneak for a drink or two?” the other asked with a smile.


“You serious? We’re at work right now! What if the inspector find out....”


“Nah..he’s probably sleeping in the arms of some cute Oiran himself! And just one cup, what can go wrong?”


‘Who’s sleeping in the arms of some cute Oiran you say?” a voice came from the back of the two policemen, who immediately recognized who that was, they turned around and stood straight saluting him: “In...inspector Gotou(後藤)!”



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“We were just joking...yes joking!” one of them said while sweating uncontrollably.


‘Joking huh?” Gotou said coldly as he looked at the two, and said coldly: “I want your confessions of that ‘joke’ of yours on my table by tomorrow morning, and it better be good. Now continue your patrols.”


“Ye..Yes Sir!” the two ran off like rabbits running away from a wolf. Seeing the silhouette of the two officers getting smaller and smaller Gotou sighed. All these murders are troubling enough, with the pressure coming from above getting heavier and heavier, and the army-police meddling with his business, the least he need are his men skipping work. Then he saw something in the corner of his eye and he turned to have a better work. He saw a man with long hair seemed to be yelling at a old women, no sign of the man getting violent so things should end there. But there’s something about the man dressing in green that he found odd. He couldn’t tell what exactly was it, but call it a policeman’s hunch. Gotou decided to follow the man.


Without him noticing, a dark silhouette was staring at Gotou in the shadows, and silently followed him.












The bar “Yamato” was busy this night as usual, with the daughter of the owner serving as cashier and bar tender and server at the same time the serving could get hectic sometimes, but the girl had been working for all her life and has got used to all the craziness. She took the soup and water ordered by one of the customers to him and put the food down.


“Here’s your soup and water. And here're some edamame, don’t worry it’s on the house.” She smiled and ran off to take the order of another customer, who she recognized for frequenting the little bar for the last few days.


“Evening Renkui san! The usual for you? No? Want something new? Hmm......how about some roasted chicken wings served with rice, and some miso soup? Don’t worry I’ll give you a discount, since you’re a returning customer. Good? Okay just wait a sec for me to tell my dad your order.” She said as he rushed into the kitchen and came back a few seconds later.


Then the door was slid open and she instinctively turned to the door and said “Welcome to bar ‘Yamato’!” then she froze as she saw the tall foreign soldier coming into the bar. Hearing him ordering alcohol with his rusty Japanese the girl nodded and rushed back to the kitchen startled. Meanwhile the customers all seemed scared by the foreign soldier and quietly but surely moved towards the door and left, with only a few of them remembered to leave the money on the table. Leaving only the foreigner plus two other young man in the bar.


“What? A Russian solder in my bar?!” the sound of the bar owner roaring came from the kitchen and soon came a middle aged man with a wooden leg and a waling cane in his right hand, with his daughter hiding behind his back. He looked at the foreign soldier then turned around and banged on the girl’s head lightly: “Stupid girl! Not all white man are Russians! That’s a English soldier over there!”


The man came close, moving surprisingly easy even with a wooden leg. He took a bottle of Sake and two cups and sat down beside the tall foreigner, and began to speak to him in broken English: “You, English solder? Yes? Ha Ha Ha!!! ” He poured some sake to the cups and offered one to the soldier, taking the other: “Kampai!” he laughed and drank the whole cup. Seeing the solder had done the same he refilled both cup he continued: : “Me, army officer before, learned little English not good. Ha ha ha!!! Fought Russians in the war! Damns Russians! Russians pew pew pew. Friends died...many..Me here!” he pointed to the wooden leg and said: “Me alone, take friend guns, pew pew pew pew!!! 100 dead Russians, Ha ha ha!!!!” the man laughed loudly.


Then the man leaned closer to the foreign soldier and asked : “You British, yes? why Japan? Play? Ginza good play! Yurakucho good play! Yoshiwara! Yoshiwara very good good play!!! Ha ha ha!!!”


The girl looked surprised as his father was talking to the foreigner in the foreign language she has never heard him using, and was clueless what they were talking about. That’s until she heard the several names of places in Tokyo, and when her father said the word ‘Yoshiwara’ her face became red immediately and punch lightly at his father’s back, with little next to none effect.


Then the man turned and look at the two other remaining guests in the bar and said: “Hey you boys, would you do this old man a favor and take this soldier boy to Yoshiwara for some fun? I’ll give you a discount on the stuff you ordered.”

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The night was calm. Yuu could hear stifled moans from around the Murasaki-Ya. He was thankful that he didn't have any customers. That meant more free time for himself. He looked out of his window to the night sky of Yoshiwara, wondering how long life in this place was going to last. Even though he worked there, Yuu knew that the corruption and violence was heinous.


Having no customers was a luxury to him. Yuu laid back and closed his eyes, celebrating the fact that he was going to be able to have a good night's sleep. Just when he was about to doze off and drift into a deep sleep, a familiar voice disturbed him. It came from outside of his sliding door. Yuu sat up on his tatami mat and opened his mouth to answer, but the other person quickly spoke. The door opened and Hajime came in. Hajime was a fellow courtesan, his years of experience was far more than Yuu's.


Hajime explained to the younger courtesan that he and Hajime were wanted by Ookuho-san, a very important customer at Murasaki-Ya. Yuu was pretty much confused. Ookuho-san didn't come to the brothel much anymore. Yuu sighed, knowing that he wasn't going to have a night to himself, and got up to follow Hajime. Surprisingly, the older courtesan brought him up to Tsuru-maru's room. So that meant that the three of them would be with Ookuho-san. Tsuru-maru and Hajime were enough entertainment, so what was the point of Yuu's presence?


Once the two entered Tsuru-maru's room, they both bowed respectfully to their customer. Yuu peered at the senator, wondering what brought him to Murasaki-Ya that night. After he raised himself up, he noticed that sake and small snacks were already out, ready to be served. Yuu watched as Tsuru-maru handed Hajime a shamisen. This meant that they were going give Ookuho-san a nice performance. And Yuu found this as an opportunity to hear the legendary Hajime and Tsuru-maru perform. As a courtesan, Yuu didn't get to hear Hajime play or Tsuru-maru sing. It was like a privelege.


He looked at the customer and poured him some more sake. Next, he took the Nigiri-sushi and offered some to Ookuro-san, saying, "Nigiri-sushi, Ookuho-dono?"


As he waited for the senator to take the food, the two other courtesans finished.


Yuu smiled and poured the other two some sake as well. "Beautiful performance!"

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Sei couldn't help but watch the commotion at the bar and laugh a little. Though he didn't understand english he thought the expressions of both mens faces were quite funny. He looked at the soldier one, Sei really had never met a forengere before. He turned to Purotekutā.


"Where do you think he's from?" He asked the other quietly so others wouldn't see and think he was crazy talking to himself.


"Well if you would lisen, you woukd have heard the country of Britian."The wolf replied rolling his eyes.


"Britan." It sounded wierf on Sei's tounge with his thick jappeneese accent.


He finished the food quickly shoving it into his mouth. He wanted to talk and meet the foreigner. What was it like in the other countries. Jumping up and speedily walking to the other man, just as the bar guy asked. Sei being poorer then dirt nodded his head to the others mans request even though he had no clue where or what Yoshiwara was.

"I wouldn't mind." He replied.


Though turning his head to the foreigner he smiled.


"My names Seishin, but you can call me Sei most do. what's your name." Sei asked.


Looking at the other man though he saw the scar across his eye, he almost stuck out his hand to touch it but Purotekutā shook his head.


"How'd you get the scar, your eyes are interesting." Sei asked innocently meaning no harm just curiously.


Sei was never one for beating around the bush he always got to the point and sometimes that hurt him.

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Even as he walked, silently and stealthy, almost like some sort of shadowy assassin, Fuuyo could tell that he was no longer by himself. Having turned down a less populated alley, mainly to get away from all the people and the weird looks, Fuuyo knew he was being followed. For a while he does nothing, minding his own business, ignoring the person who was following him. Though, after a while he stops, standing still where he was, in the middle of the street.


"You know, I can tell you're following me." He says, back still to the person. And, from what he could feel, there was some other presence, one less welcome than the human. But like he'd done with this one, Fuuyo ignores it. "So, what is it? I have done nothing wrong..." He turns slightly, looking back, and sure enough, there was indeed a person tailing him, and from the clothing the man donned, was some sort of official. Which made Fuuyo tense up, though it did not show outwardly.


"By the way, if you want to live, you might want to step away from the shadows. Just a warning." He stood there, no threat at all, looking at the male, wondering just what this official wanted. Like Fuuyo had said, he'd done absolutely nothing wrong. Probably it was because he was Korean, and this was Japan? They were on high strings right now, the two countries, and it was no doubt questionable as to why he was there.


The night was getting darker, and with that darkness, Fuuyo could tell that something even darker than the shadows was waking, and taking part in the night. Just what it was, Fuuyo had no idea, but he was sure it was nothing good, especially not for humans, that was for sure.

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Ren'chi smiled and nodded.

"Sounds great." Ren'chi watched as the girl headed back into the kitchen and return within seconds to take the next customers order her speed was pretty impressive, Ren'chi watched a man with a wooden leg walk into the bar his rusty Japanese accent was a give away that he wasn't from around here, the man referred himself to be a alone wolf and that he possibly wasn't phased by his friends dying, the thought stirred him slightly the mans rather loud laugh causing him to grow slightly uncomfortable. He watched a slightly younger male jump up from his seat and greet the man Ren'chi finished his food and paid for his food and the younger boys.

"young man I paid for your food also I shall take this solider to the Yoshiwara someone that is as innocent as you shouldn't step a foot into a place like that I can see why you want to go the stories that solider tell are pretty good aren't they?Tag along and we'll walk together...my house is nearby the area anyway."

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A blank expression upon Damon's face hid the confusion that he was experiencing right at that moment when the young girl who had been at the counter hurries into the back, but from the way she had looked at him, he could tell that she was frightened of his presence. Same with several of the other customers, the moment he had sat down, they left, leaving just the vendor and the other male at the bar. His confusion turns into annoyance, but it still does not show, remaining a empty slate, unreadable.


However, when a old man reappears with the woman, appearing quite eccentric and being quite loud, Damon's eyes widen for a few moments, though quickly return to normal. He understood the word 'Russian' that had been said, and a muscle in his face twitches. So, the lady had mistaken him for a Russian? That definitely put tension on some nerves of his, he hated the Russians. However, he says nothing of it, as the old man suddenly sits down next to him, holding a bottle of what Damon guessed was alcohol.


Once again he was in for a surprise when the geezer began speaking in English, though it wasn't very good. He understood however, and nods when the man asked if he was an English soldier. Accepting the alcohol poured from him, he drinks it, slightly amused by the enthusiasm that this old guy was showing from seeing him there. He was impressed by the story, and thanked the old guy in the back of his mind for killing Russians, though keeps silent.


"Yes, I am British. As for why I chose Japan, well, I wanted to get away from my home country, and wanted to go somewhere interesting. And, in my opinion, Japan is intriguing."


He wondered why the young girl had turned red, and reacted the way she had, but says nothing of it. Though, when the man motions to the other men sitting there, he narrows his eyes, eyebrows furrowing slightly. His attention turns to the young male that walked over to him, practically jumping in response to whatever the old man had said. Despite not knowing the language well, he had a good idea of what the man was saying, taking it that he was being introduced to, nodding in response.


"My name? You can call me Damon."


He was surprised by the comment about his scar and his eyes, blinking a little bit before taking on his usual nonchalant demeanor. Before he could respond to this, the other male walks over, and begins speaking about taking Damon to this 'Yoshiwara' place, and something about how the stories soldiers tell being interesting. What Damon was not prepared for was the invitation to walk and talk, and go to this males house.


"That's quite alright, but I find no need in going to your house. Thank you for the offer, but no thanks at the same time."


He apologizes, trying his hardest to speak the language in a way they could understand, though he was pretty sure he had botched up a few times. Not wanting to seem rude though, he thanks them once more, accepting the offer to talk though, but knowing himself, Damon knew he would not be saying very much. He wasn't one for conversation with strangers. One last thing though. He looks at the one whom had introduced himself as Seishin, and answers the question about his eyes.


"You wish to know about my scar? It was from an accident. And even though you say my eyes are interesting, please do not talk about them. Thank you anyways, not many say such things."


Taking the second drink poured for him by the old man, he sighs. At least things could have gotten worse, instead of interesting like this. These two were being quite friendly for not even knowing him for five minutes. Where was their sense of tact? Had they not been taught to be weary of strangers? Apparently not, or else they wouldn't be acting like this.

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Ookuho thanked Yuu for pouring him the sake and turned his focus back on Tsuru-maru's performance. It was clear that he was completely captivated by the great singing and dancing, and the sad tune seems to have evoked something inside him as tears began to form. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, stopping the tears from flowing down.


Soon the song was over and he clapped while saying: "Great performance as always, Tsuru-maru."


"Thank you, Shin-inchirou san." Tsutu-maru smiled as he sat down beside Ookuho,leaning on him slightly: "Murasaki san had taught me well."


Normally the Brothels would employ instructors to teach courtesans the arts required to entertain their guests. But not all instructors felt comfortable working with male courtesans. This meant that when nobody was available Murasaki Toushirou would have to teach the courtesans some of the arts himself, from calligraphy to flower arranging, even singing and dancing. And he was indeed good enough to each them, evident by the success of his best pupil: Tsuru-maru's success. Those who worked in Murasaki-ya often talked about how such a cold and serious person could seem so emotional, and almost erotic when he demonstrated for the courtesans, and immediately turned to became the judge of hell when the courtesans stepped on the wrong note or wasn't engaging enough. And nobody knew when and how Murasaki learned such things as his early life was shrouded in mystery.


Time passed and Ookuho mostly just sat there silently watching the three courtesans perform, sometimes on their own, sometimes three of them at once. Around three o'clock in the morning Ookuho took out his pocket watch and checked the time. “I must leave now." Ookuho said as he put his pocket watch back and stood up.


"Not staying for the night, sir?" Hajime asked before Tsuru-maru could react, who for some reason froze for a second when he saw Ookuho stood up."


"I'm afraid not. There're still much work to tend to in the morning. I bid you farewell." Ookuho said as he slid open the door.


"Le..let me walk you to the door." Tsuru-maru stood up hurriedly and followed Ookuho downstairs. On their way towards the door Murasaki just happened to walked out of his room and his eyes met with Ookuho's. After a moment of stillness Murasaki bowed down and said: "Thank you for your patronage. Please visit again soon." To which Ookuho nodded lightly in acknowledgement, and walked out of the door. Two men in suits were waiting outside.


"Almost forgot." Ookuho turned to Tsuru-maru who followed him to the door, and took out a small, cylinder looking thing. "This is a gift for you. It's a lipstick." Ookuho said as he opened the lid and turned the bottom to extend the dark red stick inside. "Foreigners uses this to paint their lips red. I thought this color would look good on you."


"Thank you Shin-inchirou san!" Tsuru-maru said joyfully as he received the lipstick. "I'll treasure it for the rest of my life."


Ookuho smiled and said: "Please don't. It's meant to be used. I'll give you a new one if this runs out. Good night." he waved at Tsuru-maru and turned around, the two men in suits followed him as he walked towards the main gate of Yoshiwara. And Tsuru-maru stayed at the door until Ookuho's figure disappeared in the corner.








Gotou followed Fuuyo into a quiet alley. Along the way he began to feel a coldness up his spine, and he was convinced it came from the man before him. His conviction was proved when Fuuyo began to speak to him, not only he had noticed Gotou's existence, what he said next made Gotou almost furious.


"By the way, if you want to live, you might want to step away from the shadows. Just a warning."


Gotou stepped out of the shadow and walked close to Fuuyo, showing his police badge with one hand he said : "That sounded more like a threat to me. Do you have any idea the consequences of threatening a police officer?"


Gotou now could see more clearly Fuuyo's appearance, long hair, slim build, clean and handsome features, and wearing what appears to be some sort of Chinese ethnic clothing hybrid. He flipped the cloak open and let the man see that he had his hand on the handle of the pistol strapped on his belt: "You're not Japanese aren't you? What? Chinese? Korean? What's your business here in Japan? Show me your passport! If you resist I'll...."


But he stopped mid sentence and he froze. His body began to shiver uncontrollably. Slowly he moved his hand away from the pistol and turned his back on the young man. He began to walk towards a strange silhouette in the shadows.


"What's....happening? "Gotou muttered the words out as he seemed to have lost control over his body, his body shivered as he tried to hold still but failed to do so. He instinctively knew that whatever was in front of him was dangerous beyond every criminal he had ever encountered. With each step forward his consciousness seems to fade away, horror filled his mind. But even so.


"R...Run!" Gotou mustered the last strength inside him and shouted to Fuuyo. Then he fall silent and began to walk straight towards the silhouette in the shadow.

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After hearing Ookuho-san's thanks, Yuu gave a quick smile. He was glad that he had been acknowlegded. After Tsuru-maru and Hajime finished performing, everything calmed down… well almost everything. Ookuho was deeply touched by the Oiran's performance. So touched to the fact that he had even let tears slip out of his eyes. Yuu observed this sight in a concealed curiosity. He wondered if that song was sung on purpose. What if Tsuru-maru knew that Ookuho-san would show his deep, raw emotions after hearing it?


Wondering those things, Yuu continued his duties. Time passed by and with each passing second, Yuu watched Ookuho and Tsuru-maru. Curiosity was getting the better of him. After all the snacks were gone and too much time had passed, Oohuko made his leave.


Hajime made a proclaimation, most likely trying to inquire his stay. "Not staying for the night, sir?"


Yuu watched the other two courtesans and their customer interact. As all of this was going on, he said absolutely nothing. He just watched and mentally took note of everyone. When Tsuru-maru insisted that he walk Oohuko to the door, Yuu and Hajime were left in the room alone.


The younger courtesan turned to Hajime. "What exactly was that? What's going on between…" He stopped himself. "Never mind. Hajime-san, do you want something to drink? I'll go get some tea. You stay in here before somebody tries to give you another customer."


Before Hajime could even respond, Yuu stood up and rushed to the kitchen. He needed to be out of the stuffy room and away from that odd atmosphere. As soon as he got the kitchen, he poked his head in to smell different aromas, all of which different customers were known to have ordered.


"Um… excuse me…" he said, trying his best to sound polite. "Could I get a pot of tea, please?"

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Sei sighed looking at the other...Well more like starring at him. He liked when people looked different with Sei's own unique snow white hair. When other looked out of the norm it made him feel as though he was not that different. After his starring got a little awkward he turned to the other man in the bar, who had said he paid for his meal. He stood up and bowed to him.


"Thank you so much sir that means a lot to me." He said keeping his head bowed. Looking up slowly at the other giving him a bright smile.


"I mean it sir, may I also ask you what is an Yoshiwara, I a new to town and from a very small village." He asked wanting to know why the other thought he was to innocent? to go to a place. Sei had seen much through the year, mostly death and spirits but none the less, he saw a lot.


Sighing Sei looked back at Damon..It was an odd name to him he had never heard a name like that.


"Damon, you look confused to you not know our language?" Sei asked everything finally clicking into his head. That would be why, the bartender asked them to show him around.

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Despite being told that his suggestion to stay away from the shadows was like a threat to the police man, which was clear now due to the fact he was shown the badge, Fuuyo simply remains quiet, saying nothing, not even when the officer began questioning him about his ethnicity, nor moving to do as he was told when demanded to show his passport. Yes, he was not from Japan originally, but if they wanted to be clear about what he was, Fuuyo was all three. Japanese, Chinese, and Korean. He hadn't even been shaken by the sight of the pistol that was strapped to the man's hip, not threatened in the least.


What was odd was when, right as the man started getting serious, things got...weird. The man before him began to shake after freezing up, as if something had taken over. Fuuyo could sense the fear that the man felt, though did nothing at first, just standing there, looking at the whole scene through blank eyes. Then, after a moment, the man turns around, heading towards the shadow that was there. Narrowing his eyes, Fuuyo tenses, though still doesn't move.


He could hear the muttered words of the policeman, and knew the answer, but like before, he says nothing at all. Only when the man tells him to run does Fuuyo make any move. He steps forward, making a movement with his hand, and what would seem like invisible chains would wrap around the man, not allowing him to move forward. Another moment later, he then could be seen holding out a hand towards the shadow, drawing symbols midair with his other, muttering incomprehensible words under his breath. What appeared to be some sort of glowing circle appears mid air in the hand towards the "shadow" for just a few moments, before a bright flash of light fills the alley way, and a slight warmth could be felt, no doubt making this shadow leave...for now anyways.


Exorcism. Expulsion of dark creatures. Ridding the world of evil. That was what he did. Once the threat was gone, he lowers his hand, the bonds being released from the officer, and without another word, turns around, not bothering to see if the police would try to stop him, or even see if the man was okay.

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Ren'chi sighed softly.

"I didn't mean that I was going to bring you to my house but take you to the Yoshiwara which is on the way to my house meaning that I would leave you at the Yoshiwara ."


Ren'chi smiled as the hear the younger male thank him for paying for his meal, Ren'chi turned to face him the bells at the end of his sleeves jingling softly.

"Your very welcome I saw you once in the main street playing with a stray dog how is he doing?" Ren'chi smile faded slightly as he heard the younger male as him what the Yoshiwara was.

"It's a place that is made up of many and many small room in which you can pay money to make love to a person of your choice or have them make love to you, the place is often filled with violence and drunk men through." Ren'chi tried his best to describe the place that the younger male mad questioned about.

"i suggest that if you do go there that you go with a friend it can be dangerous there."


"Although it is now starting to get a little to late for me to be out and about so I must say farewell to I do assume that we will be meeting again some time soon I can sense it I know that we shall meet again." Ren'chi smiled at the two men and began to make his way home the walk would be a little longer then usual because he was starting to grow weary.

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Despite having told the young Japanese male that he didn't like speaking or mentioning his eyes, he could feel the eyes of Seishin looking at him, staring really. But Damon says nothing, not letting it get to him, but normally when anyone stared at him for too long he got annoyed. However, he decided to let this time slide, as he was not in his home country, but was a visitor, and it would be rather rude of him to suddenly start telling someone off for looking at him.


Hearing the question that was asked of him about if he knew the language or not, as he obviously looked quite confused, he turns his attention to Seishin, though like before, he could not answer, as the other Japanese man spoke up, explaining what this Yoshiwara exactly was, and from what he understood, his face grows even more blank than before, eyes downcast, trying not to think of what exactly was being described. So, instead, he kept silent, nodding when this person says he was leaving, as it was indeed quite late, and watches quietly as he left, before turning his attention back to Seishin.


"You ask if I do not know the language? Not very well, no. But I am learning."


For the first time that evening, a small smile could be seen upon his face, it actually made him look a bit kinder, and softer than when he kept his usual expression. However, the smile did not reach his eyes, which remained as they were, blank and unreadable, expressionless. What made him smile was the fact that he was actually contributing to a conversation, and that Seishin wasn't being like every other person whom he'd met. Running away because of how he appeared.


The fact that the other had done the same, and even said that they would see each other again, added a little bit of brightness to the dim day he'd had. However, he wasn't going to end up Yoshiwara that evening, that was for sure. Damon wasn't really in to that kind of thing, it wasn't his style. However, at some point he knew he would have to head back to the inn he was staying at before it got too late, as he had things he needed to attend to. But, if Seishin was willing, he guessed he would be able to talk for a bit longer.


"If you would like, I can talk some more with you. But I too will have to be heading back to where I am staying eventually. Before that though, I'd like to walk a little..."


Why he wanted to talk more made him wonder, as Damon usually kept by himself. Maybe it was because this was the first time since he'd arrived in Japan that someone had actually taken time for him to actually speak with him? That had to be it, there was no other real explanation, right? Picking up his hat from his lap, he places it on his head, making sure it was secure and in place before getting off of the stool, looking to Seishin, wondering if the Japanese would accept his offer to walk and talk with him, or not. Either way, he was going to leave.

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One of the women working at the kitchen turned around when she hear Yuu's voice. "Oh , hi there Ueda san. You really don't have to come here yourself, just call someone and we'll get you what you want." She said as she began to prepare a pot of tea for him.


The women was one of the oldest employee of Murasaki-ya and had been working here for years, and saw countless courtesans come and go. Seeing Yuu coming to the kitchen she figured that he probably didn't receive any customer tonight. She said as he finished cleaning the cups and put them on a tray along with the tea pot: "Don't worry there're always more than enough horny men looking for fun, you'll get a good patron to squeeze money from some day....and here you go! Your tea."


It was then Hajime went into the kitchen, he looked at Yuu and said: "Oh there you are! Don't leave me alone there in Tsuru-maru's room like that! Come on, there's something I want to talk with you." He bowed to the people in the kitchen and lead Yuu out of the room,


"Where should we go, your room or mine? How about mine? I don't think boss is that brutal to give me another customer tonight. At least not that quick." Hajime said as he began to walk towards his room, it was a few rooms away from Tsuru-maru's. He slid the door open and the interior was very tidy and organized. He took the tray from Yuu and laid it on the tatami, sitting down he poured tea for both of them and gestured to let Yuu sit down across from him.


Picking up the cup he said: "You asked earlier what's up between Ookuho and Tsuru-maru right? Well I've guessed it before and seeing them up close today I'm pretty much convinced....." he took sip and continued: "Tsuru-maru is in love with the senator......that idiot....!" Hajime looked out the window at the moon hanging in the sky, which looks almost full: "Ookuho is a rich senator, and Tsuru-maru is a fucking male Oiran! What on earth does he expect to get from this?"


Hajime turned back and look at Yuu: "You look confused, like why am I telling you all this? Consider it some friendly advice from a more expierenced courtesan: get a cash cow, milk the money you need from the bastard and buy your way out of this hole while you still can, and don't even think of falling for a customer. It can only end badly I tell you.....Enough with the nonsense let's finish our tea and get some rest."


Meanwhile Tsuru-maru had returned inside and went to Murasaki's room to take his leave for the night, which Murasaki agreed. And as he said before he let Kenzou walk him back to the small house he lived near to the brothel. And as the moaning in Murasaki-ya slowly began to disappear, replaced by the snoring of the guests, the workers began to retrieve and clean the plates and cups, and clean the few rooms with no guests staying over.




Elsewhere in Yoshiwara, Gotou had regained his consciousness, the silhouette lurking in the shadow had disappeared.


"Wh...What the hell was that?" He looked at the place where the silhouette was with sweat bursting out all over his body. But soon he remembered Fuuyo. He turned his head and saw the back of him getting further and further away.


"Wait, I'm not finished with you yet!" Gotou had a feeling that whatever that "thing" was, it must have something to do with the recent murders, and frankly that thing is way out of his league. But if that foreigner could repel whatever that thing was, then he would definitely come in handy in future investigations. With the thought in mind he spread out his legs and began to chase after Fuuyo.

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Yuu knew that he didn't have to go to the kitchen himself… he just didn't like the stuffy air in Tsuru-maru's room. Things were undoubtedly awkward and somewhat interesting. Once Yuu got the tea, Hajime appeared from no where. Before Yuu could say anything, he was being brought to Hajime's room.


No one in Yoshiwara wanted to deal with such strong feelings… especially a courtesan. Falling in love with with a customer… it was clearly taboo. And as Yuu listened to Hajime's words, he knew that he'd better not slip up and fall in love like Tsuru-maru had. And everyone talked about getting someone wealthy so that he could buy himself out. He had, in fact, wanted to leave. And it seemed that the advice of others could help him.


Though Hajime wasn't too much older, he was still much more experienced. Hearing Hajime, Yuu wondered why Hajime didn't just leave then? After they drank their tea, Yuu walked to his room. He was tired despite not doing anything at all. He looked out his window, wishing that he could escape again, even if it's for a few minutes.

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Sei lisened to the other man describe what a Yoshiwara was and as he did, Sei's face went from normal to bright red. He looked to the wolf at his side that only he could see, his eyes wide. The spirt nodded as if to say "ya that's what it is." Sei looked at the ground clenching his hand.


"Wow..I never knew such a thing existed growing up in an omyoji's house." He mumbled under his breath.


As the other man finished and said he had to go Sei stood back up, bowing.


"Again I thank you very much for the food, Have a nice night sir, and Hopefully we will met again." Lifting his head as the man left he sat back down.

Sei gave the other man thank was left a kind, warm smile. He wondered if he was annoying the other man but Sei really wanted to talk to him more.

"I wouldn't mind to walk, It's interesting talking to someone not from this country..Well for me growing up in a very small town, it's interesting to talk to pretty much talk to anyone not from that town. I was raised to be an Omyoji so it's nice to talk to people who weren't too.." He smiled standing up, Sei felt bad he was rambling.

"Anyway let's walk."

He looked a Purotekutā, and started to walk out.

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Hearing words spoken behind him, Fuuyo glances back, to see that the police officer had snapped out of his funk from what had just happened, and it seemed that he was not done talking to Fuuyo. His eyes narrow when he was yelled after, and only narrow more when the man walks after him. Gritting his teeth, he shakes his head, not in the mood to deal with this right now. So, he turns and sprints away, and from how quick and nimbly he ran, it was obvious he was very fit, and quite athletic.


Dodging here and there, jumping over things that got in the way, he moved like a ninja, even sliding beneath a moving cart and to the other side of it to put space between himself and the officer. His hair comes undone from the braid it had been, the ribbon holding it in place having untied, and now his long hair was like a mane behind him, whipping in his face every so often.


It all ends up with him finding himself in what looked like a large building, and spotting a door, he hurries to it, going inside, only to find himself in a room that was empty, and looked like a sitting room. Panting, he slides to the floor, pressing his back against the wall, listening closely for any noises that came from outside. As he waited, he quickly changes clothing from the bag that was on his back, leaving his hair down.


What Fuuyo did not know was that he'd ended up in the brothel where Yuu and Tsuru-maru were. All that was on his mind was staying away from any police officers or anything that had to do with the law. Sighing softly, he stands up again, but does not move, unsure of where he was, not wanting to disturb anyone with his presence. But to be honest, he'd rather risk it here, than go back outside and deal with that officer...


(He's wearing the outfit in my signature now)

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Ren'chi had planned to meet a sales woman at the Yoshiwara to purchase some beads for his charm making considering that he was running low on beads he needed to buy them as soon as possible, they were to met there first thing in the morning Ren'chi had never been inside the Yoshiwara by himself before so he was a little nervous about going to met the woman.After undressing himself he went to bed and through the night he kept witnessing all these foresights that rather stirred him slightly it was certain that the town had something horrible happening within the town, the moon was slightly lowered in the night sky a new day was almost apon us.

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So, it seemed as if Seishin was wanting to talk as well, or else the young man wouldn't have gotten up from his seat and began walking over to the door. Damon didn't mind, though he was surprised that the offer was taken up so immediately. It made sense though, as the young Japanese man spoke to him saying it was interesting talking to him, as apparently the male had come from a small village. He couldn't help but smile a little, as he got turned to leave the bar as well.


"Yes, I agree. Talking to others whom you know nothing of can be quite interesting..."


His eyes glance to the ground by Seishin's feet, but lift right back up, ignoring the sight he'd seen, or trying to anyways. Any questions he would have asked might sound awkward, and from what he could tell, it was normal to have such a thing by the boy's feet. Why else would the other's in the bar not have said anything? Damon doesn't think too much on it, and they exit into the night, the light from the moon serving as the light that led where their feet went.


Not really knowing what to say, Damon glances around them, shoving his hands lightly in his pockets, sighing softly. This was one reason why he never really talked or interacted with anyone, the level of his social skills weren't very good. He always felt awkward around people, especially those whom he did not know, or have just met that day...or in this case that evening.


"So, I've heard of them, but...if you do not mind me asking, what is an Onmyouji?


Looking to his side where Seishin was, he waits for an answer. Despite the fact he was no good at things that involved other people, Damon had decided he might as well try to get to know another person. It would do him some good, especially since he was a foreigner in an unknown land. Having someone he could talk to, and go to when he had problems or anything like that would be nice to have.

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Kenzou and Tsuru-Maru walked in the dark alleys of Yoshiwara. They kept their silence, party because it was already past midnight and they didn't want to disturb the others, but more importantly because there wasn't much to talk about between them Even though they both worked at Muraski-ya, one was a door guard, and the other was an Oiran, their world was so close yet so far away.


Soon they've arrived at Tsuru-maru's house. It's a small house surrounded by some low fences, which were more about marking territory than providing any actual prtection. Tsuru-maru opened the fence gate and smiled to the large man: " Goodnight, Kenzou."


"Goodnight, Tsuru-mauru. See you at work tomorrow, well it's actually tonight."


"Yes, see you." Tsuru-maru walked inside, and just when he was about to slide open the house door he turned to look at Kenzou and said: "One more thing, be careful on your way back. The night isn't as quiet as it used to be."


"Don't you worry, I can take care of myself." Kenzou said as he showed of the muscles of his arm, then he turned around and walked away. After he turned a corner and is out of Tsuru-maru's sight fear finally seemed to have caught up on him, he looked around suspiciously to make sure there was nothing out of the ordinary, and began to rush his way back. But just as he began to run a strange figure emerged from the shadow in the corner.





This is a dream


A dream of what may come to be


A strange, strange dream


In this dream you could hear Screams






Sounds of a thousand mouths cry out in pain


In pleasure


Screaming in hopes to end it all and screaming in hopes that it will never end.


You could see that surrounded by all the noises, five silhouettes of men and one of a large animal ran in a dark tunnel, trying their best to ignore the voices around them. They tried to talk with each other, boosting their dwindling morale, but the voices around them covered it all. God knows how long they've ran? Minutes? Hours? Days or months? There seems to be no end to the dark tunnel.


Suddenly the tunnel ended and the five men found themselves in a large open space, with the floor and wall and the ceiling all covered in bumping flesh, it felt like they were inside the body of some enormous beast, and at the middle of the area were three figures, one laying on the ground, one kneeling next to him and panting heavily, and one wearing beautifully kimono and ornaments whose facial features were covered by the shadows, yet somehow you could tell the smile on its face, beautiful, mesmerizing, and above all, terrifying like a predator showing its fangs.


A strange, strange dream


May it never come to be


May it remain just a dream

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