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Human x Merman (EmbracingAnime; ayais)


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Shaun Baker




21 year old male




Tall stature. Muscular build. Tan complexion. Short, black hair styled up with bangs partially brushed back. Sharp, brown eyes. Usual attire consists of a loose tee or tank; lounge pants; and black slippers. At work, wears a white, short-sleeved coat with dark sash; black apron; white pants; and headband/bandanna over forehead. Occasionally pins back bangs and wears glasses, when studying.




Bold. Reliable. Hard-working. Loyal. Reckless. Compassionate. Warm/Social.




As the eldest of several siblings in a single-parent household, Shaun Baker took initiative with extra responsibilities, at a young age. As a result, he grew up to be a very dependable guy.


In high school, Shaun was an athletic ace. When he wasn't on the field or court, he volunteered for odd jobs and staff requests. He garnered school-wide respect that way, even if he struggled with academics.


However, even his upstanding reputation couldn't save him from his bold recklessness. During his senior year, Shaun was drawn into a fight, to protect a childhood friend. Though the odds were uneven, he managed to hold his own, until the brawl escalated. Ultimately, the fight drifted onto the school's pool deck and Shaun (who can't swim) nearly drowned. Formal punishment was delivered by administration, and the instigating students were expelled. The incident was traumatic for Shaun.


Now, Shaun juggles college curriculum and helping out at his family's traditional bar. Though he wanted nothing to do with his family's business, Shaun became the head chef there, as though predestined by his last name.





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19 in human year







Tall and lean Body type .His mid length sliver hair with a long side bang flows gracefully in the water it falls flat when out on land. He has sweet on unusual deep purple eyes that if you look close in them you can see the movement of the sea. His cheat is exposed showing off his somewhat pale complexion. His tail is a soft sea green it shimmers in water or on land each scale has its own shade of the green but blend perfectly tighter.




Sweet. Rebellious .Wild. Kind. Whimsical. Loving.




The youngest of five brother . His mother had dead by human hands and his overbearing protective father is the only parent he has. He is the baby of the family there for he is treated like a child. It doesn’t help very much that his family is reality

He is obsessed with the human world he wonder what the world above him he didn’t think all human could be bad after all not all merpeople were good. Like all his people he has been blessed with many gifts. He has the most amazing voice and when he sings time seems to stand still and for a moment the world is at peace. Even though he is happy in the sea he can’t help but long for something more.





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"Hey, where are you going? We still have customers!" A middle-aged man called out, waving a metal ladle angrily in the air. A much younger man in matching uniform turned around, jogging in place. "Sorry, Dad, but it's time for my break. I'll see you in thirty!" He gave a casual salute to the fuming man behind the bar, before escaping with boxed meal in hand. "Damn it, Shaun! You get back here! I'm the one issuing the breaks, around here!" The man's frustration was drowned out by the clamoring crowd of customers. Clicking his tongue in irritation, he tackled the sea of never-ending orders on his own.


Away from the hectic bar, Shaun sighed with relief, deeply inhaling the salty, night air. A refreshing breeze tousled his spiked, black hair and cooled his sweaty skin. He hated being stationed at the kitchen grill. The constant rush of orders made the heat unbearable, at times. He sighed again, knowing he'd have to return to that fiery hell in half an hour. Dejected, Shaun hurried towards the rocky shoreline, to savor his precious break.


The nearby dock was his usual spot. It was old and decommissioned, but its deserted state offered Shaun some peaceful privacy. He walked over the rickety planks, confident the wood could carry his weight for a few more years. He sat at its end, his legs dangling over the lofty edge. Steam and appetizing aromas wafted upwards, as he opened his bento. Though the packed dishes weren't anything new, he still drooled at the sight of good food. Like a child, he deliberated over what to eat first. Eventually, he chose the fanned slices of grilled chicken. Its charred lines and glistening meat tantalized him.


Shaun closed his eyes, in bliss. The marinated flavors were too good for words. He silently thanked the universe for giving him taste buds. His high spirits recovered, Shaun gazed out at the endless stretch of sea. Its rolling waves gleamed, beneath the full moon. Though vast amounts of water made him anxious, the calm sounds of the ocean were somehow soothing.

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Talim stopped at his favorite cove it was overlooking the docks. He Love to watch the ship sail in and out, watching people get in and off them. It was the closest he come to seeing human but there was too much distant to make out faces or details. He signed siting on a rock keeping his tail in the water it was odd he didn’t need to breath in air but he loved the way it felt.


He saw a human sit on the docks he couldn’t tell much about him but he smiled did he dare to go closer and really see a human close up. What would his father think..? Talim shock his head “I will just sing and perhaps the human will here my voice. So he started to sing his voice was like a angel sweet and moving . such a power could make a merman go weak . it may drive a mortal man mad.


“ the sea is calling you to take you home . come home to the sea. A pretty mermaid will be waiting for you ,come home to the sea.. oh sailor come come… . the sea the sea is calling.. to take you home..”

Of course Talim had no clue this was a song was a siren call used to send ship crashing to their doom or leading men out of there boat to drown it was one of the only songs his father had taught him to sing.

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Shaun lifted his head. A gentle voice carried over the crashing waves. He turned his head, scanning the empty shoreline. How was the voice not being drowned out by the sounds of the ocean, if there was no one nearby? He set down his half-eaten bento and chopsticks. "Where is that coming from," he wondered. As Shaun strained his ears, the voice became clearer.


Gradually, it grew louder and louder, until it was the only sound Shaun could hear. The partial deafness and surrounding water unnerved him. He tried moving away from the dangerous vicinity, but his body was rooted to the dock. Not only was he paralyzed, his temples began throbbing with an emerging headache. Shaun placed a hand to his head, the pain intensifying. Though his thoughts were fragmented, he could now make out the words sung.


"Come home to the sea?!" Shaun's crumbling mind raced with the frantic thought of being dragged into the vast ocean. Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead. Anxiety tensed his muscles. He tried looking away from the foamy waters, but his eyes remained fixated on their rippling surfaces. What little willpower remained was no match for the compelling song. His mind slipped into darkness, as he flung himself into the salty depths below. Even underwater, the song continued to penetrate his consciousness. It sounded more soothing. A defeated smile appeared on his face. How ironic for him to be lulled into a watery grave. As the strong currents pulled him further, he blacked out.

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Talim keep singing his song like it was noting after awhile he stopped he noticed the man form the docks walked in to the water. “ what the..” when he saw the man disappeared in to the water he was scared . did his song do this..? he raced to the docks swimming deeper and deeper into the water finding the man with his eyes closed he quickly grabbed him and pulled him out of the water on to the sore .


“are you okay..?” he looked over the man studying him “ so handsome..” he never see this close before he touched his cheek. Wake up…” he looked worried he placed his delicate lips on the man and started to breath in to him . His mother told him how you could give air to those in need she used to save sailor a lot .he pulled away form him and stayed at his side keeping his lower half hidden in the water.

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Shaun could feel someone pull him out of the cold darkness. Though the lack of warmth in their hand unsettled him, their tender touch eased his doubts of danger. He let himself sink into unconsciousness, certain he was safe in capable hands. Like a cradling arms, the calm waves rocked him to sleep.


After what seemed like an eternity, Shaun awoke. His brown eyes fluttered open. As his vision steadied, the face of a close, young man filled his sight. From the intimate distance, Shaun could make out each, sweeping eyelash and the mesmerizing purple that radiated from his eyes. Shaun blinked in disbelief. Were those crystal waves rolling back and forth, within his eyes?! He stared in fascination, before his eyes wandered down to the man's smooth, parted lips. Though Shaun's thoughts trailed off on how soft they looked, he soon snapped back to reality. What did this stranger want?


He sat up and moved back, palms digging into the fine sand. He looked down at the stretch of sandy shore. This wasn't the rocky shore he was familiar with. Was this the coast of the neighboring town? Just how far had he drifted off? He turned back to the stranger, suddenly remembering his responsibilities at his family's bar. "Hey, which beach is this," he asked the man, watching his long, silver locks whip in the sudden gust of wind. They seemed to sparkle beneath the moonlight. Just what was this half-naked man doing here, in the middle of the night?

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Talim smiled as he saw the mans sharp brown eyes such eyes they were unlike anything he had every seen . He smiled a bit of fear was in his own eyes what if the man was going to hurt him?” his father would kill him if he knew how close he was to a human.



When the heard the man voice he blushed it was such a deep voice .only powerful mermen had voices like that. He didn’t know where they were he just shook his head . he was not sure what to do a part of him wanted to stay with this man but a part of him wanted to run. Surly the man would harm him if he knew he was a merman. Fear overcame him and he pushed himself off the sore and started to swim away heading home it was hard to hide the flip of his tale as he moved away from the man. “A human what a sight..” He reached home far to late and his father scowled him for being out so late before he was sent to his room to have his coral for dinner. He couldn’t stop thinking about the handsome human he would have to see him at least one more time.

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