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Ask the Shinigami.


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Hello. ._.

I am writing some fiction but I need some kind of 'ideas' as to say, about 'questions' to ask Death.

I put 'shinigami' in the title since it doesn't sound as scary as at first glance if one reads it XD.


So if we personalize Death and you happen to meet him, what kind of question would you ask him when you keep in mind two things:

* He always speaks the truth;

* But he can choose his words accordingly your question.


It'd be of big help (and actually would be interesting to read) if you throw your 'questions' my way. ;D

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Ehh that's an interesting thread hmm will i get an answer? XD


umm okay.. death what makes you decide when my time on earth is over?... and man what have i done wrong?

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Shinigami-san i ask you:

1. what is death? is the end or the begining of everything?

2. is there a way to cheat death? if yes, tell me that way

3. do you decide how much a person can live?

4. everything and everyone die, but can you die, shinigami-san?

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when you die, does your life flash before your eyes? if yes what about the people who had suffered from amnesia before their death?

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Hey Shinigami-san

May I ask...

Who chooses the way some people die? Are u, at any point, linked to fate?

If so, and I know you'll say life isn't fair but...why are some deaths so unfair?

Isn't it said that death makes us all equals? Why then?


It's smth I'd always want to ask. Thanks :)

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I think I'd ask if he feels any difference when he reaps a bad and a kind soul.

Also, if he gets sad when he has to reap an innocent soul (like someone who is convicted to death unfairly or a child)

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it is said that when you die you can see a white light, what is that light and why is it white? does it means smth?

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Guest Sashetha

Why does death exist to begin with? Is it to cause progress and evolution by making room for the 'new' and getting rid of the 'old'? If so, aren't there any alternative ways to achieving the same goals? And why do we humans have the lifespan we have? There exist many far simpler organisms than us which are practically 'immortal', so why haven't we even come close to achieving something similar yet?


I ended up rambling a bit, but I hope these were of any use. ^^

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Oi, Mista John Black! A questjun!

Are people who commit suicide die too early or are they simply stickin to the date you assigned them?

Are you even the one who decides on the point of death and the way you die?

Whats that? Ya want me to come with ya for a coffee? Sure!

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A Question for death is rather unusual.

Why do I not fear Death at all?

I Dream a lot about my deaths, Why is that?


Whenever I think about it. There is nothing to feel about it.

Even is mind like;

In Death there is pain

In Death there is pleasure

In Death there are no memories

In Death there is sadness

In Death there is truth

Where does my soul go?

Will my soul be wandering?

What happens to my next life?

What kind of vessel will I be in my next life?

What kind of life is waiting for me?


Even with these. I still do not fear at all.

Even if I died in a accident


The only thing I fear most is living through intense suffering.

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I kinda thought about two quotes seeing yer post;


"Do not despise Death, but be well content with it,

for this, too, is an option of Nature"




"Be content with what you are and wish not change, dont long for your last day nor dread it"


Both Marcus Aurelius ^^

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