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A Wolf, A Human And An Egg (Zombie and Pigeon) [18+]


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Samuel's eyes widened slightly when he heard the reason Athan wanted to leave. "No no no, I don't want to be left alone with my thoughts. Being with you is so much nicer." He laughed quietly, pressing a small kiss to his cheek. "Please don't go yet. I really like you being here with me." The werewolf added with a soft smile, gently stroking his cheek - the one without the scars. He was a bit cautious about touching them, even though he did do it from time to time. He couldn't resist. In his opinion, they were gorgeous.

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Athan hesitated for a moment then leaned back into his chest. "If you're sure I'm not gonna be bugging you..." He closed his eyes as Samuel stroked his cheek. He was already worrying about what Samuel would think when he saw him naked. He had so many more scars that were hidden by his clothes. Seeing those might be a huge turn-off for his lover.

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Samuel breathed a sigh of relief when Athan leaned back against his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around him, pulling him close. "You'll never be bugging me. I want you around me." He replied softly, nuzzling his nose against the other in a gentle manner. "Let's just watch the movie for now, though... I feel like having some relaxation time." He chuckled softly, leaning his head against the other's.

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Athan smiled up at him shyly. "Thank you..." He leaned up and gently kissed his boyfriend's cheek before laying against his chest. "I'll try to relax..." He murmured. It was difficult for him to actually relax most of the time, but he'd do his best for Samuel. He just had so much anxiety that he was always worried about one thing or another.

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Samuel smiled happily at the kiss to his cheek, though he was soon completely immersed in the movie - and his thoughts. He couldn't stop thinking about the future. He'd have to tell Athan what he was at some point... He just hoped it wouldn't come soon. He held his boyfriend close throughout the movie, occasionally pressing a kiss to his cheek or neck, just simple, casual ways to show his affection. He liked this. He knew he'd try his best not to ruin it.

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Athan closed his eyes, trying to just focus on relaxing. He needed to make sure he wasn't going to panic just by sitting here with his boyfriend. After just a few minutes he ended up falling asleep. The little panic attacks had taken so much energy out of him that as soon as he could fully relax he just passed out.

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Samuel looked down at some point, a warm smile pulling at his lips when he realized Athan had fallen asleep. He tried to move as little as possible while turning off the TV and picking the human up. He carried the other to his bed, carefully laying him down on it, then covered his body with a light blanket. The other could sleep for a little bit while he checked up on the animals. Samuel walked outside, going through all the creatures that he had, making sure everything was alright, that everyone was fed. His zoo was the most important part of his life. One that he had no intentions of losing. Ever.

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Athan whimpered softly when he was picked up, he lightly gripped Samuel's shirt as he was carried. He woke up while Samuel was tending to the zoo and looked around. "Fuck..." He rubbed his forehead, he had fallen asleep like a fucking child. How pathetic was that? He stood up and went to find Samuel to apologize.

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Samuel had finished feeding the animals by the time Athan woke up, and was now sitting by the dragon egg, watching it quietly. He didn't even hear his boyfriend getting up, too immersed in his thoughts. It would be so amazing if the egg actually hatched... Then again, the chances of that were low. The fire was nothing compared to a dragon's heat. Still, he wanted to believe something would come out of this.

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Athan quietly sat down next to him, following the man's gaze to the egg. "Do you think this'll work..?" He asked softly. "I don't know anything about magical creatures... But you know some stuff right?" He looked up at Samuel hopefully, he didn't want the baby in the egg to die. It did make him uncomfortable to be next to a fire like this, and he didn't know what he'd do if the dragon actually breathed fire.

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Samuel turned his head to look at Athan when he came to sit down, quietly taking his hand into his own. "I don't know. If this is from a lava dragon, it definitely won't work. It just... It depends on what kind of dragon is hiding under this shell. I really hope it works out." He spoke quietly, intertwining their fingers, lightly squeezing his boyfriend's hand. "Did you sleep well?" He asked after a bit, turning to look at his boyfriend with a light smile. "You look really cute when you're asleep."

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"Yeah I slept w-" Athan cut himself off at Samuel's compliment. His face went bright red as he stared up at his boyfriend. "C-cute? I mean I know I fell asleep like a kid but that's weird right? Not cute..." He looked away shyly, slowly leaning into Samuel's shoulder. "You don't have to say stuff just to make me feel better you know..."

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Samuel let out a warm laugh, moving his arm to wrap around Athan's shoulders instead when he leaned against him. "No, you looked really cute. No lie." He insisted with a light grin on his face, though his gaze was still turned to the egg. Soon enough he turned to look at his boyfriend instead, gently stroking his upper arm. "You have an adorable sleeping face." He commented, absolutely serious, despite how ridiculous it sounded. "I totally wanted to go and kiss you, but I didn't want to wake you... Might to that now, though." He grinned playfully, leaning closer for a kiss.

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Athan stared up at the man, his cheeks still red. "I wouldn't have minded if you woke me up like that..." He murmured. He really wanted to be kissed, or even more... He had dreamed of being held by Samuel so many times. Remembering some of those dreams made his face go even more red. It was weird to imagine doing those things when he wouldn't actually be able to handle it in real life.

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Samuel smiled playfully at his boyfriend when he heard his words. "I'll keep it in mind for next time. Think of this as an apology, then." He murmured, pressing their lips together into a sweet, gentle kiss. The werewolf moved one hand to rest on Athan's cheek, lightly cupping it as he deepened the kiss a little. He didn't want to rush anything, but at the same time he wanted to savor every minute of their relationship because it was bound to end badly.

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Athan let out a soft sound of pleasure at the kiss. He lightly rested his hands on Samuel's chest and leaned into the kiss, trying to hide his desire for more. This felt so unreal, he was actually kissing the man he had dreamt of being with for so long. Slowly he moved his hands up and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's shoulders.

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Samuel's eyes opened slightly when Athan leaned into the kiss even more. He wasn't ready to go any further than kissing yet... He didn't trust himself to know when to stop. Still, he didn't resist, moving one hand to rest on top of Athan's hip, lightly caressing it with his fingers. The werewolf parted his lips, his tongue peeking out, gently prodding against Athan's, aiming to go a bit further.

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Athan slowly parted his lips to let the allow the man's tongue in. He shyly pressed a little closer. It felt so nice to be held close like this... He knew that if Samuel tried to go much further than this it would end up making him panic. But he did want more... He wanted to feel what it was like to actually have Samuel touch him...

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Samuel let their tongues meet in a shy, nervous first encounter. He didn't let it go for too long, pulling away after a little while. "You're perfect, you know that?" He chuckled, leaning in to gently kiss his neck - the scarred side. "Every single part of you. I... I love you, Athan. I really do." And I'm sorry. Samuel pulled back, looking at the other with a loving, yet somewhat hesitant look in his eyes.

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Athan completely froze at the kiss to his neck. Why would Samuel say something like that? Especially after kissing that side... "W-what are you talking about...?" He couldn't understand the look in the man's eyes. "Are... Are you saying that..." He pulled back and looked away, lowering his voice to a mumbled. "You can't i-imagine doing a-anything more than t-that because you d-don't know..." He lightly touched the spot that Samuel kissed. "H-how I would l-look..?" His voice shook as he spoke. "I mean... I d-didn't e-expect you to w-want to s-see that kind of thing..." It wasn't like Athan hadn't expected this to happen...

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Samuel almost freaked out himself when Athan pulled back. Oh, God, he fucked up again. "No, no, baby, shhh..." He whispered desperately, gently pulling his boyfriend back into his arms, holding him in a tight, warm embrace. "Please calm down... I didn't mean to... To scare you, or anything..." He muttered softly, beginning to rock the man gently, burying his nose into his shoulder. "You're just... Beautiful to me. Absolutely gorgeous. Your scars... They just make you even more beautiful. They're a part of who you are, Athan... So I love them too, just as much as I love you." He murmured, lightly stroking his back. He really hoped he made himself clear. Athan was someone he didn't deserve to have.

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Athan pressed against his chest, his body trembling slightly. "They're g-gross looking... And you don't even know how bad it really is..." He mumbled. "It's all over m-my body... It's disgusting..." He shut his eyes tightly. "Besides... If that's not it then w-why did you look at me like that? I-I wasn't expecting you to g-go any farther but you looked at me like... I don't know..."

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Samuel just tightened his hug, continuing to rock the other gently. "Nothing about you could ever be gross looking." He said softly, stroking his back to calm him down. The werewolf's eyes widened slightly at what Athan said next. He went silent for a couple of moments, desperately thinking of what to say. "I'm... I'm not ready to go any farther yet..." He admitted quietly, clearly nervous about saying that. The man let out a quivering breath, pressing a soft kiss to the side of his head. "But I do love you. And all of your scars. Don't you ever doubt that."

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"I love you too..." Athan looked up at him. "It's fine if you don't want to go farther... I don't think I could either... Even if..." He looked away again, his face going red. "Even if I kind of want to.." He mumbled. "B-But..." He looked back up at Samuel, wanting to move on as soon as possible. "I want you to know that you can talk to me about anything. You're not gonna stress me out... I only really get anxious about what people think of me... Especially what you think of me. So talking to me about your worries won't stress me out too much" He leaned into the man's chest, starting to trail off. "I don't want you to hold everything in..." Athan felt like such an idiot for going on for so long. Why would Samuel tell him about anything? He couldn't help with any of the man's problems, it'd just be a waste of time. "Sorry... That sounded dumb, didn't it?"

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Samuel really couldn't talk about it. He was terrified of what his boyfriend would think. He was a monster, after all. Literally. His arms squeezed around Athan while his eyes watered slightly. He pressed his forehead into the other's shoulder, holding him tightly to himself. He couldn't even get himself to say anything anymore. He didn't trust his voice enough to even try. He was sure that he'd start sobbing if he tried to say anything in response. It was a heavy burden to bear, but he couldn't tell Athan. Hell, the only one who knew was Samantha - aside from his family, of course. Athan... He really wasn't ready to tell him yet. He wanted their relationship to last a little bit longer.

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