JR_TheRandomFan Posted June 20, 2015 Share Posted June 20, 2015 One young queen and a poppin' hatter. What will the cards hold in store for them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JR_TheRandomFan Posted June 20, 2015 Author Share Posted June 20, 2015 "Another city, another gaggle of hyper, over crazed, screaming fans."That was the only thing that drove through the pop star's mind as his tour bus entered the twilight of the next city. How long had the Young Hatter been touring for now? It felt like years even thought it had been only two weeks. It was nice that he was able to travel around the country, meet new people, and see the sights. But there was barely anytime to enjoy any of that. The concerts, meet ups, signings, and whatever else his insane manager had pulled him into was getting too much for him."Let's hope this city will be a little better than the last one. We don't need a repeat of me almost loosing my hat to some crazed fan." The bus slowly screeched as it stopped in the back entrance of the arena. Hatter slowly stepped off with his usual group." Welcome Young Hatter." A man in a suit said." We are so glad that you decided to make this area one of your stops." The pop star only shrugged." It's fine." He said simply." Would beat just about anywhere else." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XiuLin Posted June 21, 2015 Share Posted June 21, 2015 The owner of the arena that had booked the Hatter's band for the next coming two nights or three nights was accompanied by his only daughter. She is a fan of the hatter's group, yet she did not look as prim and proper as her father. She was still going through a rebellious stage in her life and purposefully dressed as such. She was behind him, wearing a self customized Japanese gothic dress. l and greeted The Hatter with a smile and soft hand shake. "Nice to meet you. Thank you for coming to our city and accepting my father's invite to play here." She smiles a white smile again. She pauses for his response back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JR_TheRandomFan Posted June 21, 2015 Author Share Posted June 21, 2015 "Well like I said, it seemed like a good place to stop." He replied as their hands parted. The young performer couldn't really help but to state a little at the woman in front of him. Her style was so, interesting. Her dress was the most catching feature. It was just the kind of style he liked, a little gothic and dark. Snapping out of his daze the Young Hatter coughed a little, mumbling under his breath." We should get ready. We don't want those fans to be breaking down doors." The pop star and his crew walked inside. He couldn't help but to look back at the woman as they went in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XiuLin Posted June 21, 2015 Share Posted June 21, 2015 She was at a lost for words, but then words came to her. "Mr. Hatter, I've always had admiration for you and to always believe that I can't ever give up on anything that I believe will happen. These next three days will be like a dream come true for me. I hope we have more interactions over the next days. Also your welcome to hold concerts here, whenever you come out with new music." She said directly to him, as she held his eyes with her own. She then leads in, close to his cheek. She whispers, "For good luck." She then places a soft cheek kiss on him. She really hopes he did not mind that friendly choice of affection on him. -Time Skip- Heart had already went to the drop off for gifts to the artists, before they had arrived. In her "Care package", she had included some charming and relaxed letters that involved words of encouragement. She hoped for much more though. She gets ushered to her attending seat for the concert. She had gotten all the extras that she could, including the fan meet and greet. She sits down in her seat and waits for the opening acts to go and finish. She enjoys them equally since they are from the same recording company. She chants for The Mad Hatter as his band's Intro begins to play on the screen up ahead and above her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JR_TheRandomFan Posted June 22, 2015 Author Share Posted June 22, 2015 "This woman is... Really nice. How could anyone be this nice?" That was the question that drove the Hatter's thoughts as he proformed. Everything that dealt with Heart was just one big question to him. That kiss on his cheek was an even bigger question to him. "There is no way that she could... No, there is no way." While his mind was all abuzz with Heart, his lips were blasting out the lyrics to a new song that he had put out." The Queen's Desire" was just one of those songs that came to him naturally. He remembered one day, just staring down at his lucky Queen of Hearts card and the song slowly trickled after. Fans love is. His manger loved it. A good song all around. But, something about it only made him weary. He only wondered how long he could go one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XiuLin Posted June 22, 2015 Share Posted June 22, 2015 Heart was in a section close to the stage and he now just noticed the other's concerning expression on the stage. She then pulls up a sign, that was in his favorite color and font, but with a hint of feminine charm, gold glitter. She also whistles to get his attention. The sign read Never Give Up. She also smiled at him and waves. She then sets the sign down after she had gotten his attention and his eyes on her and the sign. She mouths to him, "I believe in you." Without her wonderful voice over the sounds of the music. She would be seeing him again, but after the concert had finished for night one out of three. Her father had placed private invites to him and his band for a dinner at her house or a place of their choosing. But she also had a VIP pass for a hang out session after the concert. The Queen's Desire was a very nice song indeed. She loved the peaceful beat of the ballad. The ache it has caused her soul. But when she noticed the The Hatter was getting a bit choked up on the lyrics, she felt it is a sincere part of him. She smiles and wonders if there would be a ending song or encore for them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JR_TheRandomFan Posted June 22, 2015 Author Share Posted June 22, 2015 "This is killing me. Heart...Why do you have to be so sweet?" The Young Hatter looked over to the audience as his show came to a close. His eyes never really left Heart's. It only seemed that the star might have gotten fond of the woman in the rows. She seemed to believe in him, to know what he can do. This fact only made him wonder if he could ever get to know a little bit more of this...this queen of dark hearts? He could slightly remember that Heart had a VIP pass to the after party. "I can ask her more there. She has to be there." With a wave of his hand, the pop star and his crew got off the stage to the roar of his fans. Hatter was soon surrounded by staff, his manager, and the owner of the stadium." What a show Hatter!" His manager, Marcus O'Hare bellowed." Those girls were eating right out of your hand." He rolled his eyes and huffed, wiping the sweat off his head." It was nothing." He said simply." Nothing too big about it." Fans were soon met at his green room, blocked off by large men." You're going to do even better tomorrow night." His whole crew moved into the room, door closing right behind them. "Where are you,my Red Queen?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XiuLin Posted June 22, 2015 Share Posted June 22, 2015 Heart had been ushered to the meet and greet by a staff member of the aren. She walked through the door, and instantly smiled when she saw The Hatter. She bowed in greeting, and said the following. "Nice to meet you everyone. You did a great job out there." She then made her way over to her father and sat beside him. She was still excited from the concert. It had ended on a really personal way. She was still recovering from that emotional song. She calmed gets offered a drink by her father and she gladly accepts. She gracefully take a bottle of water from him and drinks slowly to calm herself, once she finished drinking said beverage. She looks shyly at The Hatter and smiles with a soft blush on her cheeks from being late to the gathering. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JR_TheRandomFan Posted June 22, 2015 Author Share Posted June 22, 2015 The Hatter nodded towards Heart before turning to his crew." You guys really could keep up tonight. He said with a chuckle." I'm very surprised that none of you tried to jump up and try to play one of your tricks." The members laughed among themselves."Hey, the last one was great." One pointed out." At least fans know you wear rabbit print boxers." "Yeah yeah?right. I still haven't gotten you idiots back for that. Don't think that I won't." The crew chuckled and moved about the room. The Hatter started to walk towards Heart, taking off his hat. Once he got close, he cleared his throat and smiled."I hope you enjoyed the show, Ms.Heart." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XiuLin Posted June 22, 2015 Share Posted June 22, 2015 Heart stood up as The Hatter walked over to her. She smiles at him as she walks the short distance to him. "I really did enjoy it a lot." She lets out a relief sound and looks up into those eyes of his. She slightly plays with the hem of her dress then her hair which is what she normally does, when she's paying attention or has some slightly nervous feelings. "We've left you something in your dressing room, and I've left something for you for the fan sign gifting for you all. I hope you enjoy both." She said to him. She wondered if he had any other questions for her. Would they be addressed in private over dinner or now. She keeps the flow of the conversation open with her body language. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JR_TheRandomFan Posted June 23, 2015 Author Share Posted June 23, 2015 "Agh, why does everything she does have to be so cute? It just can't be possible."The Hatter ran a hand through his hair and nodded." I'm sure that I will. You have been quite the hostess. I should thank you for that little sign you held up during the show." He couldn't help but to smile at the very thought of it." I have seen many signs about me, but none like that. You really helped me through that last set." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XiuLin Posted June 23, 2015 Share Posted June 23, 2015 Heart was trying her best to not make more physical contact with the other. But she wanted a hug. She would wait until he makes that move. "Well, the lyrics for The Queen's Desire song really touched me deep. Singing and music is not only a talent, but it's truly is a gift you possess." She smiles. "Well maybe you should mingle with the other fans? I'll mingle with the other band members. See you soon again?" She hands him a bottle of water to keep him hydrated. "Please stay healthy while on tour Mr. Hatter." She bows and excuses herself to go mingle. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JR_TheRandomFan Posted June 23, 2015 Author Share Posted June 23, 2015 "Yeah,I hope so." He called."It couldn't come soon enough. I can't wait to talk to her again. It felt so...." As the Hatter walked along and talked with other fans and guests, his eyes always seemed to go back to Heart. The woman just felt so good to be near. It was this feeling of just talking to her that made the star's core heat up. Never had the Young Hatter felt like that. It was strange, but he could care less."All should be done at the dinner. I need to talk to her again." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XiuLin Posted June 23, 2015 Share Posted June 23, 2015 Heart walked over to The Cheshire Cat and The White Rabbit. "Hello, nice to meet you both. I hope I am not interrupting anything." She said to them with her positive and friendly nature. "You both did amazingly. The playing of the bass and guitar really set the mood though out the concert tonight. I hope our request for a three night gig, will not be to vexing on you both." She smiles and shakes their hands quickly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JR_TheRandomFan Posted June 23, 2015 Author Share Posted June 23, 2015 "Oh you're perfectly fine darling." Cheshire said happily as he shook Heart's hand.WB shook her hand as well, snickering at how his band mate was acting." Oh cool it Ches. You and I both know you missed at the very end of the last set. You can't put on this prefection mask forever." Cheshire slightly chuckled before slapping the back of WB's head." Hush you." He said coldly." Not in front of the Queen. And you were late at the very benginning of the last set." WB puffed his cheeks and hissed through tightened teeth." I am NEVER late!" Cheshire rolled his eyes and coughed." So you say." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XiuLin Posted June 23, 2015 Share Posted June 23, 2015 "Perfection mask?" She asks softly in a hushed tone of voice. "What are you both talking about? Late on what?" She keeps asking, quite curious now. But she was still relaxed and enjoying herself. "Your two seem like close brothers in my option." She smiles. "It's a good thing." She adds then looks over her shoulder at The Hatter then back to the other two in front of her. She is keeping the conversation going in a good direction. "Oh and is there any foods either one of you prefer or a drink you like the most?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JR_TheRandomFan Posted June 23, 2015 Author Share Posted June 23, 2015 "Oh don't worry about it love." Cheshire said breezily." And to answer your question honey, the name is Chase. WB over there is called Walter." WB mumbled something under his breath and shook his head." We don't need a thing Ms.Heart. No need to worry your head about us." The two band members smiled at the woman and gently bowed." Try to loosen up ma'am. We're fine." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XiuLin Posted June 24, 2015 Share Posted June 24, 2015 "Such nice names. Oh and I do now how to have a good time. I just tend to have too much of a good time, when I let my hair down. You do know that saying, right?" She smiles. "Okay, I won't worry. Take care and I'll see you later, Chase & Walter." She bows in return then excuses herself. She then goes over to The Hatter and gently nudges his arm to get his attention. "Hey there." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JR_TheRandomFan Posted June 24, 2015 Author Share Posted June 24, 2015 "Ah,Ms.Heart. It's good to be seeing you again." The Hatter tipped his hat, smiling at the woman in front of him. As the night went on, the pair seemed to know a little more about each other. He was becoming more infatuated with Heart. He couldn't help it. She was just that...Wow. Leaving the arena, he would be going to her father's place for dinner." Get to know a little more about my Red Queen. I can't wait." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XiuLin Posted June 24, 2015 Share Posted June 24, 2015 Heart had left the arena with her father when the VIP greeting and hang out session was over. Her father had rented cars for The Hatter's group to travel to their house in. She arrived first and waited to walk into the house with the group, they soon followed up with their cars. She didn't have to wait too long in the cold. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JR_TheRandomFan Posted June 25, 2015 Author Share Posted June 25, 2015 "Ah that was great! We really need to cozy up with arena owners more often!" The Hatter and his crew traveled up to Heart's place, staying paced and warm the closer they got." Now boys," the star began."that woman and her father are a generous bunch, but it just wouldn't be right to take advantage of that fact. Would be a repeat of the California accident. And I know we don't want that." Regroups collectively shake and mumble. Within moments the whole party was in Heart's father's home. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XiuLin Posted June 25, 2015 Share Posted June 25, 2015 The butler ushered them into the dinning room, where she was waiting. It may be a 3 courses meal at their house. Heart had little say in the menu for the evening, but she was patiently waiting for them to start taking seats before serving everything. She calmly chooses straight champagne for her drink. The waiters and such began pouring all of the guests' drinks that they wanted. She smiles in greeting and her father and her said in unison, "Welcome to our home, please take a seat." Heart walks over to her chair, seeing The Hatter walk over to her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JR_TheRandomFan Posted June 25, 2015 Author Share Posted June 25, 2015 "Ms.Heart, let me be the one out of all of us to say, thank you. You and your father have been nothing but hospitalsble. We only hope for more for the both of you. Am I right boys?" The Hatter's crew raised their glasses, cheering Heart and her father. It was a rather grand celebration. So grand that the Hatter removed his hat and playfully placed it on Heart's head." Simply beautiful." He said before sitting down." You just might wear it better than I do," Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XiuLin Posted June 28, 2015 Share Posted June 28, 2015 Heart instantly blushed when every one from the band raised their glass. She then took her seat besides The Hatter, only to get his hat put on her. She adjusts the hat to fit her head better. She smiles and giggles. "Better than you do? Really now? I don't think so." She then takes returns the hat to the rightful owner with a soft and quickly hand over movement towards his head. She begins eating and after shallows of food, she speaks to everyone. But eventually her father retires to his room after about his first two meals. She smiles. "Well I have you all to myself now." She tenderly brushes her finger tips against The Hatter's hand and leans on his shoulder, taking a short moment to rest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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