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The Recluse and The Optimist (StainedCrimson & MaryWeather) 18+


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Finally! Finally, Leo could breathe. After being trapped in that damnable airplane for over 12 hours he was finally free. Though he used the term “free” loosely. Kaito held onto his hand, leading him through the busy airport and onto the streets where Leo’s senses were immediately thrown into overdrive. The sights, the sounds, the smells, everything was fantastic. He couldn’t help the wide grin that grew on his face.


“This is amazing,” he whispered as he climbed into the taxi, not bothering to acknowledge Kaito as he stared out of the window the entire way. The colors were phenomenal, the food looked delectable, the people were busy and walked around with the controlled chaos of an ant colony. Never had he seen anything like this. It made Leo wonder what kind of lifestyle Kaito lived. In this busy, bustling place where did his new master fit in?


Well, for starters he fit into this quaint little road with it’s quaint little shops. The taxi stopped in front of a jewelry shop and it was here that they were deposited. Leo stayed close to Kaito, remembering his warning from earlier. But the jewelry… They hardly stopped to look at it, but Leo was taken with several of the pieces right from the start.


“So beautiful…” Once again, he whispered his words as he followed Kaito to where he would be staying.


‘Of course we’re staying in the same room.’ It didn’t surprise Leo at all, but then again he had never seen a bed look more inviting and comfortable. He wanted to lay in it and fall asleep after that exhausting plane ride, but Kaito had already said they had things to do when they arrived here.


As he walked with Kaito, taking in his new home, he stopped at his own reflection in the lovely floor mirror. He wondered what his life would be like now. Clearly Kaito found him at least somewhat attractive, but did he want him simply for modeling jewelry? Was there another reason? The reason he was in the ring in first place?


“May I wash my face?” Leo asked as he stepped into the bathroom, impressed with Kaito’s living conditions. People must have loved his works if they paid enough to give him this way of life.

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Hearing the question Kaito pauses before nodding. "Take a bath and I'll bring you your new clothes when you finish. There's no need to hurry so make sure you fully clean yourself. I'm sure proper hygiene wasn't something they really allowed for in the sex trade all that often." He mutters the last more to himself but motions to the towels stacked on a small raised shelf on one wall with hooks under them then leaves the other to his own devices.


Exiting the bedroom he goes to the room at the end of the hall which opens to reveal his studio. There's a desk littered with sketches and material samples, mannequins with outfits at various levels of being finished, and then a corner with a neat set of tools with some sketches on a small work bench. Going over to a wooden wardrobe, he pulls out some items then gets to work. Pulling out a small knife he makes cuts on one end then cleans up the edges so they're smooth again.


Holding up the top portion of the almost yukataesque garment, he then takes some scissors and starts taking of the length in some spots so create an almost jagged asymmetrical bottom before cleaning those seams as well. In a more careful and deliberate manner he makes nearly invisible slits on the sides for easy access to the body under the cloth should he not want to move the top at all. The main portion done he then turns to a few strips of leather to work on the belt to hold it all together.


Once satisfied, and done in little under an hour, he gathers up the outfit in his arms and goes back to the bedroom closing his workroom door behind him. Without looking around he lays the items carefully on the bed. "Are you done with your bath?" He calls out waiting for the other to appear so as to see if the outfit will fit as he wishes.

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He wasn’t expecting to be offered a bath, but he was grateful for it nonetheless. He nodded at the other and thanked him entering the bathroom, peeling off his clothes and gently setting his bracelet aside before turning on the bath. Once it was full he sat in the tub, slowly relaxing as the water surrounded him and soothed his tense muscles.


“Kaito…” he said to no one. His master was a strange one. So far it seemed he had little interest in having sex with him. He seemed mostly focused on using him as a model for his jewelry, which surprised Leo. Why travel to an entirely different country and venture into the dangerous sex trade industry just to find a model? Was it worth the trouble?


His mind was racing and yet as he took the floral smelling soap and ran it along his body, his mind slowly began to calm. He sighed softly as he ran the soap over his arms, his chest, his legs and his neck, never once experiencing this feeling before. This luxurious lifestyle… Surely he had to pay a price for it? Surely he had to offer more to Kaito than just his hands or neck to model jewelry? Surely the other would want more from him…?


All of those thoughts disappeared when he dunked his head under the water and ran his soapy fingers through his hair. When was the last time he had truly washed his hair? This was a dream come true. It was too good to be true. It had to be.


When he resurfaced he rubbed himself down with the soap again, giggling to himself and moaning gently at the wonderfully new feeling of being completely clean. “Thank you, Kaito,” he whispered, and as if in response he heard his master’s voice.


“Oh…” Leo quickly jumped out of the tub and wrapped a towel around himself. He did his best to cover his entire body, remembering that Kaito wanted him to be healthy looking. It wouldn’t be long before he found out the truth, that he was malnourished with a body that showed it. But he could do his best to hide it until then.


“Are these for me?” he asked, not daring to touch the beautiful clothes that were laid out in front of him. He wasn’t even sure he knew how to put them on. “They’re really pretty.”

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He nods at the question before facing Leo. Seeing the other entirely covered by the towel causes a small frown to form. "If you are dry then there's no need for the towel." Going over he loosens the towel so it falls. As it reveals the form beneath it, Kaito's eyebrows furrow together as the frown deepens slightly.


A finger slowly starts to trace along the exposed ribs and slightly indented stomach. "I had been warned of this but must admit that I'm surprised to hear it wasn't an exaggeration. One would think they'd keep their sex slaves in particular in better shape. Still, nothing a good diet won't fix. Though the delay for using you to the full extent I have planned is a tad irksome." He comments, the tone laced with his irritation though none is overly directed at Leo himself.


Turning away he lifts the main portion of the outfit and begins to dress Leo. Once the top portion is draped so one shoulder is exposed and the rest stays in place though still a bit loose overall to make it look larger on him than it is, he quickly grabs the leather makeshift obi to tie the rest to his whim.


After adjusting and shifting the fabric slightly, Kaito finally steps back to take a look. Giving some final tweaks he then nods in satisfaction as he looks Leo over. The delicate frame is now covered in an almost too large looking yukata that gives a glimpse of some of the pale soft flesh beneath, but overall hides it and will only give teasing glimpses once the thin male moves around. Thus it creates the illusion of seductive innocence which causes a pleased sound to pass Kaito's lips.


"Just as I expected. Though it'll look even better on you once you fill in a bit and gain some color." Pulling out the faux cigarette he then points it at the young male. "Go ahead and look in the mirror. Soon I'll expect you to replicate these results as this will be your main outfit unless I decide otherwise."

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Leo didn’t put up much of a fight when the towel was taken from him. He might as well show everything up front in case Kaito decided he didn’t want him anymore. Getting abandoned was another rumor that often floated around the ring. There was only so long that these buyers wanted their slaves and when they were done they discarded them like a piece trash.


And of course, just as Leo expected, Kaito wasn’t happy with what he saw under the towel.


Even so, Kaito was particularly calm. After examining him, he simply moved on to helping him put on the clothes. He hadn’t even mentioned anything about Leo’s more private areas. That’s usually the first place these buyers would look. His master seemed to have no interest in that and was more interested in the fact that he would have to feed him more to get him healthy and make him a perfect model.


Once the outfit was put together Leo turned and looked in the mirror. He held in a gasp, and said a small prayer of thanks that he wound up with a man who would dress him so beautifully. He ran his hands over the soft fabric, admired the patterns and colors, stared at how lovely he looked. The only thing missing was his bracelet which was left in the bathroom. Or perhaps what was missing were Kaito’s pieces of jewelry.


“I….” Leo turned back towards Kaito, smiling slightly at the green stick that hung so lazily from his lips. “Why are you treating me so well?” That wasn’t what he wanted to say, but the words left his mouth before he could stop them. “Not that I’m not grateful. I am. I just… Most people aren’t so kind to their sex slaves. In fact, you haven’t even mentioned sex.”

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Kaito raises an eyebrow while frowning slightly at the question. "I may have bought you but you're still human." Removing the stick from his mouth he points it at Leo. "Besides that I got you for the intent of inspiring and modeling my creations for me. In order to do that you need to be healthy."


Shifting back slightly to look the other over, he continues. "Besides that I saw how honestly taken you were with the pieces displayed downstairs and then this outfit. That alone goes far with me. Believe it or not, most simply buy and dismiss what they're seeing are little more than pretty trinkets or items for use later." Placing the stick back where he belongs he takes a breath while mulling over the last bit.


"As for sex..." Kaito gives a lazy shrug. "That was never my intention for getting a person though that'll probably happen at some point. After all, part of my creations are for use during sex and once you get healthy I'm sure you'll be very attractive." That and they're both men. All else aside there are needs that'll have to be met for them both.


"On that note, there are a few rules. First and foremost is obviously I'm the only one you're to have anything sexual with. Second, unless I give you permission no getting yourself off. Beyond that you'll be expected to help out around the place with cleaning and cooking. Eventually in the shop as well." While listing the fundamental rules he watches to see how his little Leo will take them.

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“Human?” The last thing he was ever called was human. Dog, whore, slut, slave, idiot were just a few things those privileged ring leaders called him. But human… Never. He could only have wished to gain a buyer who treated him like a human, and he had learned early on in his life that wishing on a star was pointless. And yet somehow, he had been lucky enough to be bought by this man whose passion was making jewelry, not abusing sex slaves.


And to hear that he inspired Kaito… That made his heart do flips. “Do I really….” He trailed off as he often did, wanting to ask his question but not having the bravery to do it. After all, Kaito already said it. He said Leo inspired him… But perhaps Leo wanted to hear it again. To hear something so magical be said about him was touching. Addicting.


As Kaito continued speaking, Leo’s cheeks burned bright red and he hugged himself tightly. “Well, what I saw downstairs was amazing. I could only dream of crafting items like that. You have quite a talent.” Leo nodded to confirm his words. He was already in love with his new outfit, and he could only imagine what else Kaito had in store for him to try on.


Then, for Leo, the rest of the conversation was business as usual. Surrounded by sex his entire life made him less embarrassed to speak about it to a stranger; he was more embarrassed about losing his balance on the plane. Besides, this was technically his job. Being a virgin made him more desirable, more expensive, but he knew what was expected of him. He closed his eyes as Kaito explained his rules, nodding at each one of them. It would have been far too much of a dream come true if he truly was able to escape his sex slave life.


“You’re the only person I can have sexual relations with. You’re my master. I’m not allowed to get myself off unless I have your permission. Outside of sex I’m to help clean and cook as well as model jewelry for you and eventually help out in the shop.”


He listed off the rules like a perfect slave, opening his eyes only after he finished reciting them. “I understand,” he said. There was only one thing, though, that nagged at the back of his mind. “I don’t remember seeing anything related to sex in the shop. What kind of creations do you make for that?” At the very least he would know what to expect before anything actually happened.

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Hearing the comment about only dreaming of being able to craft such items, he shrugs as if thinking nothing of. "Some are only able to dream and only a few are able to pursue that dream. Even fewer yet are able to achieve their dream in any form. I've been fortunate to have the skills and means to do so." Talent yes, but also nothing else in his life to really distract him from it.


As Leo repeats the rules he nods, pleased to hear the other do so. "Yes. When you have free time you may read or relax or amuse yourself however you wish provided it adheres to rules." Taking a deep breath, he slowly lets it out before continuing. "The only other rule that really is paramount is that you do not go into my workroom unless I bring you in there or give you permission to enter. That aside the house is open to you to explore though the shop is off limits unless we're working or I send you there for something."


At the last question Kaito gets a small grin and chuckles, though little is true amusement. "Unlike what you're used to, the mainstream society doesn't openly talk or acknowledge much that's sexual. As such those items that I make are kept in the back in a separate room in the shop." It doesn't really bother him but it is a tad irritating to have to tend to the sensibilities of others all the time.


Motioning for Leo to follow him, he goes back out to the kitchen and starts to put things together for some dinner. "Now then, eventually I'll be making you a collar to wear at all times minus when you need to remove for modeling purposes." Cutting up some meat he sets about making curry and rice.


"Now then, do you know anything beyond sex?" While blunt and not overly thoughtful, it's to the point and needs to be answered. Especially if he might have to teach Leo how to do things.

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“I’ve never had a dream.” Well, that wasn’t true. Leo dreamed of escaping the ring. He dreamed of being bought by someone who would truly care for him. He dreamed of having a family. He dreamed of having a true friend. He had a lot of dreams, but they were all impossible. Even now that he wasn’t technically in the ring anymore he was tied to it. Kaito was proof of that. As nice as he’s been, he was still a reminder of that place he left and the new place he entered.


Clearing his throat, Leo asked a question to keep his mind away from his broken dreams. Dreams that should have never been dreams. He should have dreamed of making jewelry… Become a movie star… Anything other than just surviving.


“What should I call you?” Running a hand through his hair, he did his best to keep his mind away such negative thoughts. “Mr. Kaito? Or… Something else?”


Leo nodded at the extra rules that were added. He made a mental note not to go where he wasn’t allowed, though a darker part of him wondered what would happen to him if he did. He smiled to himself when Kaito stood to leave, though he ran back to the bathroom to get his slave bracelet. He placed it on and called to his master, another question on his tongue. “Will you show me this separate room?” He wanted to know. He wanted to know how things would go between them and what would be expected of him.


A collar? Leo wasn’t surprised, but instead of feeling how he expected to feel at hearing such a thing--like he was a dog--all he wondered was what the collar would look like. Kaito would probably make something spectacular, or so Leo hoped.


“Umm…” Leo lowered his eyes, fiddling with the chains on his bracelet. “I can…” He took a deep breath, feeling ashamed and embarrassed all over again. “I can read. But I don’t have a favorite book. There was only so much we could read in the ring. And I can… Umm. I mean I know… How to make people happy….” That wasn’t what he wanted to say, but it was true. He knew how to be nice and even though he was a virgin he knew what to do in bed to make someone happy. “I’m nice. People like nice people and they do things for me if I ask.”

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Pausing in his meal preparation at the question, Kaito gives Leo a slightly confused look. "You'll call me Kaito. What else would you call me. Sir perhaps might be another one but Kaito is fine." While he supposes it'd be normal for titles or something to exist within the ring, he has no need or place for them.


At the next question he frowns slightly in thought while going back to finishing the stew. Once everything is in the pot and left to cook, he turns back to the smaller male. "You'll be in there fairly frequently as whenever I finish something I'll most likely want to see it on you. I'll be showing you my workplace and the store tomorrow. Tonight will be about you getting settled in."


Hearing that Leo can read causes a small pleased look to form. "Excellent. Not having a favorite is fine but having someone who can read makes things much easier. The books you see out you may read, just be careful with them." At the rambling Leo does about making other's happy causes a faint confused frown to form again. "Happy? You mean satisfy them sexually as well as just being nice? I suppose that would be true of the latter though the former is a wait and see matter I suppose."


Not that he's opposed to having sex with his new slave, but it's not an immediate need or thought for him. Still, that outfit in addition to looking flattering on the male also makes for easy reach should such a desire or want rise. That has an appeal all of its own. Who knows, perhaps he'll also have to give some of his creations a test run while Leo models them for him. After all it would be poor workmanship if his works only looked good but didn't perform well.

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“Kaito then.” Leo nodded, though his mind started to wander as the wonderful smell of the cooking stew wafted through the air and to his nostrils. This food… To think someone like him would be fed such wonderful food. Regardless of what happened with Kaito, Leo was simply happy to know he would have good food as opposed to the trash he was forced to eat in the ring.


As much as Leo wanted to see this room, he would wait. It made sense that Kaito would hold off on showing him his little secret room. The last thing he seemed to want to do was force Leo into sex or frighten him in any way by showing him something that he didn’t need to see.


“Oh! I can read your books?” Leo smiled widely as he stood at the counter, unsure of where to place himself while Kaito cooked. “That makes me happy. Thanks for allowing me to do that.”


Leo tilted his head at the other’s question, considering it before actually answering. “I… Never satisfied anyone sexually.” Leo said, wondering if the information that was given to Kaito included the fact that he was a virgin. “But a lot of people liked me. I was nice. I could get extra food or even get to go on walks because the higher ups like me. They let me do these things or receive extra food because I was kind to them.”

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Nodding his approval at hearing the other settle on his name, he goes to get them glasses for their drinks. He pours milk for Leo and then gets himself some tea. "Here, this and water will be your main drink source until you gain a little weight." Setting the glass infront of the smaller form first, he then goes to check on and stir the stew.


"You're welcome though it really isn't such a big deal." Kaito pauses and tilts his head for a moment before speaking again. "Or perhaps it is. I suppose if it was something not really allowed or kept from you then it might be." Seeing Leo seem lost he motions to to one of the seats at the bar window that looks into the kitchen where the glass with the milk is. "Sit there for now though it'll be sometime yet until the stew is done."


Letting out a faint sound at the last bit Leo tells him, he sets the lid back on and turns down the heat. "I had expected you to never have been penetrated but that you have no hands on experience... That is a tad surprising. Did they just have you read, watch or observe others then?" Turning and making his way over to where Leo should be had he followed orders, Kaito leans against the edge honestly curious to hear what the other has experienced and how any training or preparation had been done.

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Leo’s hand rested in his palm as he looked up at the taller man. He tried to observe him, to read him, to figure him out, but he wondered if he was thinking too hard about this. He was a man so naturally he was interested in sex, and he had bought a sex slave after all, but he wasn’t… Like the other men he had been introduced to. Kaito was mature. He wasn’t obsessive when it came to sex. He wanted Leo to model his jewelry and some other interesting things that Leo was curious about…


But the fact that he didn’t grab Leo and take him right away told him that he was a good man. He slowly felt himself get more comfortable around Kaito and that comfort was making him feel sleepy after that long plane ride and the events of finally coming to a new home.


“There was a handful of us,” Leo started, letting his eyes droop as he spoke. “We learned how to kiss, practicing on one another or maybe one other of the higher ups. We practiced using our mouths on… Things. Not people. Everything else we watched from the other slaves and soaked up like a sponge. Some soaked it up better than others I think, but I wouldn’t know for sure.” He shrugged before continuing. “The risk was that if someone caught onto the fact that we weren’t virginal, they would reveal us and our value would go down.” He smiled slightly, remembering his time in the ring. "I didn't get to read a lot. There weren't any books on sex really. Whatever we could read in a book we could watch one of the other slaves perform. The only books I read were ones brought in by kind higher ups. It was few and far between."

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Tapping a finger on the counter, Kaito nods while listening. It made sense. Let the slaves learn harmless tatics through practice and have them observe and hopefully pick up some things via observation. Still, some training using toys and such would have been expected but perhaps they jsut wanted to keep the reactions more 'pure' as well.


Seeing Leo starting to drift off, he taps the other's cheek to wake him up a bit. "You need to eat again before you sleep. Drink your milk and I'll get you some water when you're finished with it. To help stay awake you may look at the books and see if you can find one of interest." He nods at the far wall which is essentially floor to ceiling shelves between one window and around the corner to the other window. All the shelves are filled with books.


The food itself has about twenty minutes before it'll be done. Straightening up Kaito goes to relieve himself and then slips back into his room. There's one piece he's started that as he's talked to Leo has realized it would be the perfect collar for his new slave. Picking up the started piece briefly, he soon sets it back down in favor of grabbing his tape measure. Item in hand he goes back out to get the measurements he'll need for the piece to fit.


"Leo. Stand with your spine completely straight but relaxed." He instructs. Once the other is in position he quickly measures the other's neck in width and length. Nodding his approval, the tape is then wrapped back up. "Alright, that's all for now." Satisfied he puts the item away and then goes back to finishing making dinner.

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Leo mewed when his cheek was tapped and shook his head quickly to rid himself of the sensation. He glanced at the cup of milk in front of him, happily taking it after he had forgotten about it to tell Kaito his story. Water was the typical drink of choice for the slaves. He’d have milk on occasion, but not enough that he wouldn’t be grateful for the chance to try something aside from water.


He quickly finished his milk, feeling slightly sick from how fast he drank it. Still, his interest in Kaito’s books drove him away from the kitchen to the giant shelf full of books. Many were written in Chinese and though it caught his interest, of course Leo ignored them. Finding the books written in his own language he skimmed them and found one that was enchanting enough to make him reach out and take it.


The Complete Works of Edgar Allen Poe.


One look at the first story told him this was beyond his reading level, but he sat down anyway and started reading a story titled, The Murders in the Rue Morgue. He struggled to read it, but the farther he got along the more he started to understand what the story was about. Then again, perhaps he would ask Kaito to help him and make sure he truly understood.


And just when he was about to find Kaito and ask him about the story, the man appeared with measuring tape. With Leo's already large eyes even wider with curiosity, Kaito measured around his neck. “Is that for the collar?” he asked to Kaito’s back as the taller man walked away. Leo grabbed his book and followed him, sitting back in his chair as he waited for food and tried to understand more of his story.

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"It is. I need to make sure it will fit properly since you'll wear it at all times minus when you're sleeping." Kaito responds while checking on the progress of the food. Glancing over he notices the book Leo is reading. "No books are to be read or kept nearby when eating. If you're still wanting to read after you've eaten then that's fine but I don't want any food or liquid being spilled on the books."


Soon the food is done and he scoops two bowls full of rice and stew then grabs utensils. Setting one set infront of himself and the other infront of Leo, Kaito refills the empty glasses then proceeds to start eating. After a few bites he decides to ask a few more questions. "Now then, besides being trained somewhat for sexual activities, what other skills do you have if any at all? For example, if I told you to clean up after dinner would you know what to do?"


Cleaning and probably cooking are the two most important tasks he'll want Leo to be able to handle without observation since those were the things that got neglected the most when he'd get wrapped up in a project. Not particularly healthy no, but such was the way of his work. Though perhaps tending to his other needs might be needed now that he'd have a warm body around that would be enveloped in his works.

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“Oh…” Disappointment clear in his voice, Leo set his book on the chair next to him and sat with his head in his palm once again. Though he didn’t have to wait much longer for food to be served. The smell of the food made his mouth water and he hardly waited before he dove in and consumed everything in front of him. The food was delicious and he considered himself lucky to have a master who could cook and who was willing to give him food.


“I can clean!” He was excited to finally have something he could do for Kaito. “They had us clean all the time. It was what we did when we weren’t training. Dishes weren’t really our responsibility since it could mess up our hands, but I can wash the dishes. I guess you could teach me to use your dishwasher or I can dry them by hand.” Though this place was bigger and there was far more to clean and less people to help. He wondered if he could take on such a job. Still, it felt good. It felt good to be able to tell Kaito he was good at something other than sex… And really he wasn’t sure how he was in bed.


“Aside from that…” Leo thought about it. As quickly as his excitement had come, it had disappeared. “I can…” Not much else. He couldn’t cook. He didn’t exercise much. All he knew how to do was please others and make them happy. “I’m nice. I can… Socialize.” If that was something Kaito needed from him.

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With a small frown Kaito nods. "Cleaning is one of the two more important things. You don't have to clean everything at once, break it up so that each day you do a part. For example one day could be laundry and vacuuming." Tapping his finger on the counter he notices Leo has finished. "If you're still hungry you can have a little more but don't eat too much or you'll get sick."


Getting up he gets himself another helping then sits back down. "I have various cookbooks somewhere. I'll pull them out for you to study. Practice makes perfect with cooking though if you're unsure about something be sure to ask first before trying it. I'd rather not risk you setting something on fire because you were hesitant to ask." Slowly finishing his food he then leans back.


Thinking over the last bit of what Leo listed as a 'skill', he shrugs slightly. "I'm not an overly social person beyond what work calls for so that's not really something I need you to do. Though once you can work in the shop it will be a good skill to have I suppose." Customer service and the like.


"That said I'll show you where things are kept so tomorrow or the day after you can get started." Once his bowl is cleaned again he takes it to the sink to rinse out and waits for Leo to finish. "This is where the glasses are kept, here the silverware, plates and bowls, pots and pans, Tupperware, canned goods and other non-perishables." He points to each cabinet in turn. Shifting slightly he points to a small hallway door. "That's where most of the cleaning supplies is kept minus under the sink for dish soap and the like."

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It was too late for him not to get sick. He blinked at the food in front of him, desperately wishing he could partake in more, but he knew he wouldn’t even be able to walk if he did. After drinking his milk so quickly and eating everything on his plate like it was his last meal, his stomach was screaming at him to stop. Besides, he had never eaten so much in one day. The food on the plane plus this food was enough for him. Tomorrow though… Tomorrow he would test his boundaries once again.


Leo tilted his head at the area the cookbooks were. “You want me to cook for you?” Not that he minded, but he never cooked anything in his life. He would probably be asking Kaito a lot of questions… More questions than the other man would want, but what could he do? The last thing he wanted to do was set something on fire, though he trusted himself enough to understand the cookbooks and not cook anything too difficult. Hopefully he wouldn’t have to bother Kaito with too many questions about cooking.


The rest was all information Leo stored in his memory. As kind as Kaito had been all Leo wanted to do was return the favor, to make him proud even. He would do his best for him, to learn what he wanted, and to give him whatever it was he needed. It was his job after all.


He nodded to Kaito, his book held against his chest like it was his precious treasure, and smiled at him. “I’ll do my best,” he said, his eyes once again drooping. Still, he didn’t want to fall asleep yet. He wanted to ask Kaito about this story. He found himself wanting to ask him other questions to get to know him and his business. He wanted to talk to him.


“Did you read this book?” That seemed to be the best question to ask while he organized his thoughts. He started to head back to the bookshelf once he was (mostly) positive Kaito was done with rules. “Do you have a favorite here?”

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Glancing back and seeing Leo not making a move to get more, he starts putting the food away. It can be served as leftovers for lunch. "I have. Poe is one of my favorite authors of that style. My favorite would be one of his more popular pieces, the Raven." Once done and things ready for the next day, he turns to watch the other make his way to the shelves.


"If you're asking for a favorite book overall though, no. I don't have one particular favorite. Now, there'll be time tomorrow to look around explore. After everything today I'm ready for bed." Turning he heads back to the bedroom. His signature stick for now back in his mouth having finished eating though soon it'll be time for it to be put to bed as well.


Once near the bedroom he stops and goes into the door across the hall from it. Open it reveals a nicely tiled room that contains a large mirror above a marbled sink with a toilet nearby but that is about all the room contains. Opening a small cabinet on the wall he pulls out his toothbrush and after absently tucking his cigarette behind his ear, proceeds to brush his teeth and wash his face. Pulling out an unopened toothbrush for Leo, he sets that along with the toothpaste on the counter.


"Go ahead and wash up. I'll help you out of your outfit when you're done and then we'll go to bed." Orders conveyed he goes across the hallway to get ready for bed. By that it means he puts the emerald stick in a small silk lined box on the nightstand by the bed and proceeds to undress and toss the clothes in a hamper tucked away in small closet space. By the time Leo comes into the room Kaito is down to just his pants. Pausing in his own actions, he leaves his pants partially undone to help the other out of the unfamiliar clothes.


Carefully hanging and straightening out the items on a hanger, he then finishes undressing after motioning for Leo to get into bed. That done he shuts off the lights and closes the door before getting into the bed himself. Settling down under the sheets he pulls the smaller frame against his before easily slipping into sleep.

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“The Raven?” Leo eagerly looked in the table of contents for the story only to find it and see that it was a poem. He started to read it while listening to the other’s answer when it came to his favorite book. It made sense he wouldn’t have a favorite. There were so many books on this shelf and to ask him to pick a single one he adored was simply asking too much.


Leo continued reading his poem and was about to ask Kaito to help him with a word he came across that he didn’t understand when the other ordered him to bed. It couldn’t be helped. As much as Leo wanted to stay awake and chat, he knew it would only be a matter of time before he passed out himself. Regrettably, Leo closed his book. He would save it for tomorrow.


“Oh. Thank you.” Leo took the the toothbrush and stared at it. It looked like a luxury toothbrush compared to the ones he had back in the ring. He gratefully washed up, happy to feel so clean before going to sleep, and made his way back to the bedroom.


It was here that his breath caught in his throat as he observed Kaito changing, but why this happened he didn’t know. He had to force himself to keep breathing normally as the other helped him out of his clothes. The only thing Leo didn’t need help with was his slave bracelet that he took off and set on the dresser before climbing into bed.


He gasped slightly when Kaito pulled him closer, but relaxed easily at the other’s warmth. It seemed Kaito had no trouble falling asleep even with his new visitor right there. To think Leo was being used right now as a sleeping companion rather a sex slave. He couldn’t help but smile as he traced a finger along Kaito’s cheek and jawline.


Already he could feel himself getting attached to the other. Attached to his kindness. Attached to his maturity. Attached to his lifestyle. Attached in every way possible. After being abandoned by his family and not having anyone in his life he could turn to and trust, Leo allowed himself the possibility that this man might be the first. This might be the first person he completely trusted.


With a hand on Kaito’s chest and his face pressed into his neck, Leo fell into a deep sleep. And while he wasn’t the first one to fall asleep, he also wasn’t the first one to wake up.

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As he fell asleep holding Leo, Kaito of course heard the gasp just chose to ignore it. A low pleased sound at having essentially a large warm body pillow is released as he drifts off. Naturally some shifting occurred while they were sleeping so that Leo's back is to Kaito. This means that upon awakening, though slowly as before his first cup of coffee he's not all there, he finds his morning arousal is firmly seated between the surprisingly full cheeks of his new bedmate.


Burying his face in the soft hair of the smaller male as his hips start to move almost on their own. A low husky groan slips out at the feel of friction on his hard flesh. His arms tighten slightly around the form between them as the pace slowly increases. As the pleasure builds he continues to move faster until with a deep groan into Leo's neck he finally releases coating the other's ass and thighs with cum.


Breathing a bit heavily for a few moments, Kaito slowly sits up and looks around blearily and almost confused before grabbing his faux cigarette to put it in his mouth. Then he slowly makes his way to the restroom across the hall to wash up and relieve himself before making his way to the kitchen. After the coffee starts the brew, the smell alone seeming to revitalize him a bit, he seems to recall the extra he now has.


Cup of fresh coffee in hand, sipping it and becoming more aware as he goes, he goes to check in on the other male seemingly having forgotten what had transpired mere moments ago. Or at the very least not realizing it was more than just some fading dream.

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The bed was softer than any bed he had ever slept in. The pillow was fluffier. The blanket covered his entire body and enveloped him in warmth and tenderness. It wasn’t only the blanket that warmed him though. The body wrapped him around kept him comfortable, and the strong arms that held him kept him safe. They protected him from whatever in this world wanted to hurt him.


Even in his sleep he could feel the wonderful sensation of his new master clinging to him. His dreams were sweet, filled with images of the man who saved him from not only the ring, but from men who would take advantage of him until he was fully used. In his dreams, Kaito held Leo tightly, running his nose along the back of the younger’s neck. Leo’s hands gripped those arms tightly, his lips parted slightly as small, eager mewls escaped him. Never once had he felt so safe with someone, especially a stranger.


And then he felt it. He felt the movement of the other pressing against him, rubbing his himself against his soft body. Leo’s eyes fluttered open and he couldn’t control his hips as they pushed against the other, silently begging him to enter him. His hands gripped tightly to the blanket and he bit his lip to stay quiet so Kaito wouldn’t know he was awake.


What was he doing? Leo didn’t think he would enjoy this so much. He liked the feel of the other between his cheeks; he wanted to feel him deeper inside of him. It was hard not to let out a soft moan and it was even harder not to take care of his own arousal. Time seemed to stand still as Leo relished in the feel of the other, doing whatever he could to keep himself from turning to face him and beg him to either stop… Or stop teasing him.


Though he didn’t have to wait much longer. He felt the sticky substance of Kaito’s cum all over him and he let out a breath just as Kaito did. Though the next moment the warmth from the other was gone. Leo wanted to call out to him, but he allowed Kaito to leave, knowing he needed to get himself together before the start of the day.


Today would be busy and Leo needed to focus, but he couldn’t think of anything except satisfying himself since he was ignored. He ran from the bed, jumping into the shower to clean himself off. Kaito’s cum ran down the young one’s legs as the water hit him and Leo watched as it mixed with the water and fell down the drain.


“Kaito…” He whispered. Knowing it was against the rules Leo lowered his hands, rubbing himself as the water washed over, hitting his sensitive length, adding to his pleasure.


He blamed the ring. It was the ring that made him needy, that was all. Not Kaito. Not the man who was taking care of him. Not the man who held him tightly and who was attracted to him in more ways than one. No… The reason he felt this much desire for someone was because it was what was ingrained him while he was in the ring.


That’s what he told himself.

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Hearing the water running when he goes back to the room, Kaito goes to look in on Leo through the door. Seeing the other under the spray of the shower, he heads over then pauses and frowns seeing what looks like rule breaking on the very first day. "Leo. What are you doing?" Still in the process of waking up, his voice is rough and lower than it was last night.


Striding over, setting his cup on the counter on his way, he takes hold of the other's shoulder to turn him around and make him face Kaito to reveal either his innocence or guilt. The moment he sees that his suspicion was true, a frown appears. "Not even twenty-four hours and you've broken a rule I've given you. If you're breaking them this early maybe it's too soon to let you see anything else or have you do any work." His disappointment and irritation at having his plans set back is displayed clearly on his face before he turns sharply and leaves the room grabbing his cup on his way out.


Scowling as he refills his cup, Kaito realizes that his hand is nearly shaking from how tightly he's gripping the cup as another sign of his growing anger. This kind of behavior can not be tolerated of course. As such he'll have to come up with some kind of punishment for the other male to make him not want to break rules willfully again. The trick is what to do and for how long.


There's not much between them yet that he can really use as a punishment; he also can't do anything to break the fragile bond of trust growing either. That leaves really three things he can use as punishment. Taking a deep breath he goes and sits on the couch waiting for Leo to come out and face him. When the other appears, Kaito pins the male with an unreadable gaze. "For breaking the rules you're going to be punished. To make sure the punishment is fully felt you're going to pick one of three options. One, you give up wearing the outfit I gave you for three days and instead wear nothing. Two, you're not allowed to read anything in the home or shop for three days and must instead sit quietly on the side while I do everything you're supposed to be doing for me. Three, give up sleeping in my bed for three days and instead sleep in a corner with pillow and small blanket instead while remembering what you could be enjoying instead." The choices laid out Kaito waits to hear which one the other will choose.

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Kaito was angry and Leo was ashamed. He stood there under the water as the other gave his short lecture, the disappointment clear in his voice. But it wasn’t his fault. Leo didn’t feel like this was his fault, but… Perhaps there was a better way he could have handled it. He could have said something to him. He could have asked Kaito if he could break the rule just this once or perhaps his master would have helped him take care of it.


Grabbing a towel and drying himself off, Leo quickly wrapped it around himself and went to find Kaito. The other man was sitting on the couch, clearly waiting for him, and Leo dawdled towards him at a snail’s pace. He sat on his knees on the ground in front of him, eyes wide as he listened to Kaito list off his options for a punishment. How cruel to make him choose his own.


“I….” Leo swallowed hard, not daring to look at his master. “Before I pick I just… I-I’m sorry, Kaito. But I couldn’t help it. After… After what you did this morning I….” He drifted off, letting his forehead hit the other’s thigh as he contemplated what to say next. He kept his head there, enjoying Kaito’s scent mixed with the smell of freshly brewed coffee. “I’m sorry. I should have asked or gone to you. But I liked what you did and I didn’t think to ask you to stay with me and take care of me.”


He took a deep, shuddery breath and finally lifted his sorrowful gaze to Kaito’s intense one. How could he mess up so quickly? How could he make Kaito distrust him right from the start? How could he do this?


He went through each punishment, sorting through them to decide which was the lesser of three evils. After finally having the opportunity to read and explore what he considered an entire library there was no way Leo would give that up. It was out of the question, especially if he wanted to read with Kaito and have him teach him. The bed… That was a tough one to give up too. Now that he needed Kaito’s warmth and felt the wonderfully soft fabrics he needed it more than he needed air. He wouldn’t give that up either.


“If I have to pick… The best option is the first one.” He laughed bitterly, lowering his head so his eyes were staring at the floor. “I’ve been naked for days on end before. In the ring. I can handle it, I think. But… I hate that I’ve already missed out on your wonderful outfits for me. I… I’m sorry, Kaito.”

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