ukiss7 Posted July 10, 2015 Share Posted July 10, 2015 Name: Kazuya Age: 17 Position: Freak Illness: PD, DD, ICD or ICAD Psychotic Disorders, Dissociative Disorder, Impulse Control/addiction Disorder Personality: insane, dangerous, silent *mainly from his past. but may say a few words. almost as if he's hidden his voice*, curious, violent, unpredictable, Bio: Being young and suffering with a disorder, an illness that made this young boy to hear and see things that wasn't there. Starting to deal with this at the age of 3. It was unknown to him. Being a kid, he was unsure what was happening thinking these were happening from his nightmares he recently began happening. Being a scared kid, he told his parents. It so happens, that they ignored it saying it was just his imaginations that came from his nightmares. Telling him it wasn't real. When he was in school, he should make some friends to keep his mind from it. And so, kazuya seeked to find a friend he could play with. But having non on his block that was around his age, and those that didn't want to be friends at school. *how cruel kids can be* he stayed alone. No matter how hard he tried, they were always mean to him. not including him in any of the activities. he mostly sat alone while others laughed and played. That was, until, about a few months later, an opertunity came. A young boy came in, soon almost almost instantly the two became really close. Making friends no longer came off as hard, since he soon became friends with the new boy next door. Soon, It was just as though his parents were right. The sounds, the voices, the hallucinations.. they all stopped. Everything was 'Normal'... or so they thought.. A year later, everything seem to have been going good. his sleep has even been good with no nightmares. He was happy. as happy can be. But, was surpressing his mind really the best thing? pushing it back letting it hide behind the image of having a 'friend'.. Within that year of knowing each other, the two had really grown quite attached to each other. Half a year later, a slight turn of events happened. Slowly, those hallucinations had once again, come back. And they were stronger then before. Kazuya tried once again, telling his folks about the voices. But like before, they didn't listen. The boy often complained, about having headaches, chills or even talked about him not feeling well. But being his parents, they should have listened to their son. But the fact that they were too much on believing he was just making it up turned the other cheek. The more he went to them making things up, the more they ignored and went to drastic measures of punishment. sometimes beatings occured if he continued to pester them with the lies they assumed he told. 'Knowing' things were going good, they wasn't about to let him ruin his 'good' progress. Another year had passed and this time, kazuya had taken a turn for the worse. Knowing they wasn't gonna do anything about it, he kept to himself. keeping things from them and trying to deal with it on his own. even as a oung kid who couldn't do much. it was then that his parents began noticing Kazuya's behavior fully for themselves. A few days prior to him getting worse, They spotted something off about him. A difference in his actions, even a change in his personality. Often times, passing by his room, they would see him sitting in a corner. Sitting, with his hands over his ears rocking back and forth. Other times, he would just out the blue began screaming. They would run up to his room to see him standing in the middle of his room with his hands covering his eyes. Even times, when he would just lash out at them for coming into his room in the first place. Soon they were too scared to even go in his room, or to be near him, thinking he may have been possessed or something around that factor. Unknowing what was happening to thier litle boy they kept silent and seeked some advice. Keeping things within their home to themselves, they kept it on the down low while closely watching their son. Soon, he grew distant from his best friend as most time he didn't feel like being bothered with anything. Knowing something was happening to himself, he didn't know which way to turn. His parents started home schooling him, and even that stopped after a while when the strange behavior progressed. When kazuya wanted to go over to his friends' house to play, and get his mind off things, he would always get rejected by the boys' parents. Saying he was either sick, not home or wasn't able to have anyone over because he didn't finish his chores. So the boy, now being back alone, had to face his reality. But, truth of it all, it had gotten to that point, where the kid and his parents had gotten terrified of kame's change. It didn't take long for them to realize something was wrong with him. It was on the night of a sleep over. The friend one night, of all nights woke during the middle of the night when the boy went to the bathroom, he came back only to see the creepiness of kame's stare and being of that young age, it terrified him. But the reason why they won't let him come over anymore, was the fact that one morning when the young boy woke, he saw a crazied kazuya standing leaning over him, with a creepy grin covering his face, holding a knife at his neck. The boy woke to that creepy sight causing the boy to be terrorized. kame's eyes followed his every movements. The knife griping tighter in his hold as he gave a slight rugid breath as his smile grew more as if he was waiting for the small boy to get off the bed. The boy eventually peed himself and called for his mother. Coming to his rescue, she took her child, left for next door to tell what had happened. Ever since that particuar time, they wasn't allowed to see each other. Shortly after, the neighbors, who felt kinda bad, thought they'd help out by talking to kame's parents so they can go about gettng the other some help. Going next door, they sat to talk with kame's parents. Telling them what they think they could do to help the boy and that he was unfit to be out without being treated. But as the others only tried helping, the boys' parents didn't want to hear it. Cursing and banning them from their home, knowing their child was getting ''better'', and their boy had currupted kame. They didn't want to hear or believe their son had anything wrong with him, they were in denial about the matter yet again. They wanted to believe kame's 'normality' was fine, and this was just a phase he would grow out of. -some time later- Coming from the hospital, after delivering their baby. A new member to the family, they were happy to show kame, his new baby brother. but instead, they got something else in surprise. Going to show the new baby, they noticed redness had seeped though the bottom of his door. Unknowing of what the substance was, they opened the door to see a young kame sitting on the floor covered in nothing but redness. Trailing their eyes down from the boys blood stained clothes and body, they saw a motioless boy in his arms covered in redness as well. Registaring in their shocked state, that the boy was the kid from next door, they saw kame smiling rubbing the boys cheek. "I'll watch you~. We'll be best friends forever" he said as he licked the boys cheek thus rubbing his bloodied cheek on the others dead cheek giggling. Seeing this, they finally came to accept, kame infact was ill. They decided to seek help for him. Turning to a psychiatrist, they seeked all kinds of help. Medication, exercist, prayer. They even continued the beatings of hope to get it out of him quicker. Wanting to keep those visions and sounds away from the boy. Having the help he needed, over time he began getting better. two months after his brother had turned three, kazuya came to experience a horrid death of his family and younger brother. Unnowing hey thought they were helping the kid with his illness, he slowly developed other symptoms of other illnesses. Some time during the night. the voices in his mind and the visions took over him. Kame wasn't the one to really sleep,, he stayed up and that night . a few nights his parents didn't give him his medicine. Well few days later, he snapped. went about his home and murdered his family. It took him a while to registar what happened and he dragged the knife across the wall. Hearing voices more. it wouldn't stop, he followed and moved burning he home killing hem to make sure they were gone. Upon seeing this, a man walking along the streets and saw the fire. rushing over he called for the police. others came out their homes to see the burning home as they waited for the police to arrive. Since no one was coming out, they figured no one was home. that was until they heard a screaming cry of the boy. Since the cops wasn't there, the man took the risk. He rushed in to get the boy. By then, the boy had somehow retracted back to his normal self having to see all the fire, he was lost and didn't know what to do and where to go. so he crouched down, covered his ears and screamed with his eyes closed. crying not nowing what to do. the man manage to get him out just in time before it blew up. the police and ambulance finally arrived and got the kid checked and the man who helped him. once hey put the fire out. they found ot his family also died. the boy began crying over the lose. Something that would distroy him.. something that did destroy him. They put him in an orphanage until they can findfamily they could reach. Now being left to face the world alone. Grieving over his loss, he began ignoring his medication. Everything, that thought to helped, was let go. He didn't care who he was anymore. whether it was the truth, or a lie. He wanted to slip away as well. His illness creeping back on him, turned out for the worse. finding their family, who decided to take him in, they wanted to see if they can get him better. But as time came to consume him and the more he was left untreated, it became too out of control to handle. Suffering from this illness, he also developed PTSD, which resulted in an outcome of DD. ICD or ICAD of which most people said to be more of a developed uncontrollable addiction. Kame slowly turned towards that as the real world seemed like a fantasy to him. A small hint of PtSD formed from the fire. Becoming a Freak: Five years after his family's death he turned silent. Saying little to nothing. It was mostly nothing as he came across someone with a certain way of dressing. Kame was unsure who this person was but now he was too out of it to care. In the back of a building, he was rocking shaking his head as he talked to no one in particular. Not remembering why he was therein the first palce. Suffering from his illness of DD, his memory had been failing him as he would lose memory every so often. Forgetting that he ran away after his brother henry was taken from him. Having the man noticing the other's behavior, he gave a smirk. Offering a proposal, kame nodded. if it meant a place to stay he was willing to do anything. The man took out some papers which was known to be a contract, he told the other about. Taking the mans word without reading, the man cut his finger letting it drip on the paper making a blood contract. Soon they entered the tinted limo and drove off to a new world that awaited the young boy. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maknaehariiex27 Posted July 10, 2015 Share Posted July 10, 2015 Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Name: Henry Age: 19 position: Risque Illness: Mixed Delusional Disorder and Persecutory Disorder Bio: Henry had lived a pretty normal life up until he was 8 years old, he had his mom and dad, along with an twin brother Jack and his new half-brother; Kazuya who was two years younger than the twins. Kazuya was brought into the family when the twins were 6 years old, since Kazuya lost his family. the three kids were loved equally and there were never any problems, unless counting Henry being mean to Kazuya and Jack being nice to him whenever Kazuya was upset or hurt. It was until one morning, when Henry went out with his mother to the store, things were fine up until Henry began to act strangely. He seemed to be very cautious about everything around him and was even convinced that someone was out to get him. He didn't tell him mom since he thought that just maybe, he was just imagining things, but his fear only grew worse day by day. Every day at school, he was always guarded and felt someone nearby but whenever he looked, there was no one there. his friends noticed his behavior and commented on it and henry would tell them but they would just think it's his imagination getting the best of him. This went on for a while until he told his parents about the situation. naturally, they got worried, so every day, either the mother or father would walk to school with him and then take him back home at the end of the day. But it didn't help. he still felt like he was being watched, it eventually got so out of hand that henry began to lash out at those who didn't believe him. No one understood what was going on with him, and those who tried, were left confused about it all. Eventually, the family decided to take him to see a counselor to discuss his fears and the counselor told them that Henry was just being paranoid or perhaps feeling the presence of spirit. since it was common for children to be more connected to the spirit world, it was then noted that Henry may just have been afraid since he didn't know what was happening. Henry managed to come to terms with the fact that a spirit was nearby but wasn't going to hurt him and after 6 months, henry no longer felt scared. But then when Henry turned 9..his brother had passed away in a car accident.. he had gotten run over when he ran across the street to get his ball. For the longest time, Henry didn't want to talk to anyone or see anyone, and even his mother acted strangely, she even began calling him 'Jack'. Every day, he would be called Jack by his mom, and since his father wanted her to feel better, he began to do the same, so at home he was Jack and at school he was Henry...but within 3 weeks..Henry started acting like Jack. He mimicked his brother, from what he ate, to what he would wear, to what toys he played with. Even if he was still Henry at school, he stopped responding to the name 'Henry' altogether. The teachers thought he was still in mourning, so they gave him space, newer teachers who weren't informed accidently call him Jack and he would respond to them, soon the teachers were confused about the situation. The parents began to worry and whenever they tried to treat him as Henry he began to lash out at them, yelling out 'I'm Jack!' so they took him to see a counselor who began treatments on him, and concluded that he had Delusion Disorder. After about a year, Henry went back to normal but still recieved couseling from time to time. When he turned 11 years old, his disorder kicked in and he acted as if he was a boy from another school. Only this time, he was close to killing the other child, saying the words 'The fake has to die'. Luckily, the two were found and Henry and the boy were taken to two hospitals, where Henry remained until he was 15 years old. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ukiss7 Posted July 10, 2015 Author Share Posted July 10, 2015 Kazuya's Cell It was a crowded night. The tent was busy and kame was up and performing. It looks like it was gonna be another long night. A night till something in the morning. Kame was exhausted and didn't want to work during the late performance. The show started and he had to make the crowd enjoy the performance. Kame, who looked out at the crowd was tired and he had another on stage that came on and blew fire. Usually it doesn't trigger anything. But when seeing that fire com closer to him he backed away. The leader didn't see this sicne he was out towards the crowd getting them rwody up. When the other saw kame backing up, he was confused as he move to do it again. they both were suppose to blow out the fire. But when he saw that the fire seem to come closer, since the other moved clsoer to him so they could continue wht was planned. He continued to blow out fire. Suddenly, the crowd began murmuring amungst themselvses. When the leader heard this, he moved turning around to see kame crouched down with his hands over his ears. the same way he was those years ago. The leader called for him. "kame. Get up, and finish the show" But kame stayed in his position. He coudln't hear him, he only saw the fire. The fire going all around him. When the hand took hold of his arm, he panicked. He looked up to see a burning face. His eyes wide. He moved pushing the man jumping from the stage and running out into the crowd. People started screaming and running off from the stands. He cam and pushed other of only wanting to escape while they thought he was coming to attack them. Barefooted, and running, he pushed and pulled at others. The leader was furious and he called for some guards to get a hold of him. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maknaehariiex27 Posted July 12, 2015 Share Posted July 12, 2015 Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. While Kazuya was performing, Henry was going around for a walk, his performances were earlier that afternoon and it was only one show. Since he had nothing else to do, he figured he would go see how the other was doing, he peaked inside just before the incident with the fire was happening, so he walked in and took a seat near the back of the stands and watched the show. Though, soon enough, he noticed how Kazuya was backing away from his partner who was blowing fire near him, henry wasn't sure what was going on, but obviously Kazuya didn't like the fire being so close to him. It also wasn't like Henry could really say anything to stop the show because it would get him in trouble, and then Kazuya as well because he would have been the reason why. Eventually, the crowd started whispering and murmuring to themselves and Henry was getting worried about the state of his little brother, he stood up and headed down to go get him when Kazuya got up and ran off into the crowds and started pushing and pulling people out of the way. Everyone began to scream thinking that they were going to be attacked by him and he was trying his best to get them to settle down before he went after Kazuya. Though, the second he heard the ring leader calling for the guards, he frowned, if the guards got to him before Henry could, they would beat him and possibly even tazer him unconscious, he needed to act fast. He quickly got out of the stands and made his way over to Kazuya who was already running out of the show tent. "Kazu! hey! slow down!" he called out for him as the other was running away quickly and frantically looking around, possibly for a place to hide. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ukiss7 Posted July 12, 2015 Author Share Posted July 12, 2015 As others were sreaming and trying to get away from the crazied person, who was running scared, he moved pushing and shoving through the crowd. Those he felt that wasn't getting out of his way he'd attack them pushing on them or jumping on their back making them fall forwards before running out the tent. He couldn't hear anyone less knowing calling for him. He only knew one thing, was to get away from the fire. He ran until he came to the forest. Stopping, he looked around and moved running into the forest. the leader was upset and moved continueing on with the show. The guards were gonna deal with it and the show was almost soon over. As the other saw this and the leader snapped at the other who wasn't paying attention until they were finished their act. Soon after some time, the act was over and the leader cut it short since he was in a foul mood. The male risque was escorted out and he moved going towards jen's cell. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maknaehariiex27 Posted July 12, 2015 Share Posted July 12, 2015 Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Henry continued running after Kazuya, who had just ran into the forest, henry was wondering why the other had run in there, since it was pretty dense and anyone could get lost in there. But he would have to catch Kazuya before he could wonder and question his decisions right now, Kazuya was distressed and panicky, it was best to try and catch up to him and calm him down. "Kazu! slow down! you're far away from the fire!" he yelled out after him again, maybe if he could keep calling out to him, he would eventually hear him and maybe slow down for him as well. That didn't happen, Kazuya was still running, and Henry was still chasing for several more minutes until the two of them stopped. Kazuya just crawling to a nearby tree and huddling up to it, wrapping his arms around himself. "Kazu?" he called out and he approached him slowly. "Kazu, it's Henry." he said to him as he crouched down in front of him but made sure to keep his distance from him in case the other lashes out at him and causes some damage. He eyed him carefully for a while, looking to see if he was showing signs of calming down and relaxing since he was far enough away from the show stage and everyone else. He had a feeling that the fire has some significance to him since he reacted so strongly to it, he didn't know what it was, and Kazuya probably will tell him when the time comes, but now wasn't the time. "Hey, are you doing better?" he asked Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ukiss7 Posted July 12, 2015 Author Share Posted July 12, 2015 Once he got to a place and hearing his brother finally, he moved and stopped. Standing where he was and looked down as he stood in font the tree. . He didn't move nor turn when he was asked if he was calm, he moved, and turned otwards the other. He looked to hear ruffling in the distance. It was guards coming to get him. And if they saw another out here, it was a possibility that you were goign to get in trouble as wel. Somehting less since you wasn't really a problem one.. Kame stood still in his tracks and moved back when he heard them getting nearer. HIs bangs covering his face as helooked at his brother. shaking his head he moved back before taking out and running off again. This time going a bit deeper into the forest. Coming from gathering one of the freaks into his cell to calm him down since he almost attacked anotehr, he came out to see the leader going into the cell of jen, who was out training with another ring leader. Finding it suspecious just slightly, he moved going over to where the other was Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maknaehariiex27 Posted July 13, 2015 Share Posted July 13, 2015 Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Once Kazuya stopped and looked at him, Henry stayed quiet, neither really said a word, and Kazuya just shook his head at his question, and right when he was going to ask what happened, the two of them heard rustling and footsteps in the distance. He turned to Kazuya again who was now backing away and shaking slightly, but also looking concerned, and if Henry was correct, then it was the guards that were sent out to catch Kazuya and possibly punish him for causing a problem during the show and causing panic among the crowd. "Hey!" he yelled out when Kazuya ran away again, and Henry sighed and then took off after him as well, he needed to run as well because if the guards caught him, he too would get in trouble even if it was to a lesser extent. "Shit. this is what happens when Kazuya is made to do more than one show, especially at night and when he doesn't want to do it. But all 'performers' had to obey the ring leaders, so if they were told to perform, then they had to perform, not ifs ands or buts about it." Luckily right now, he was getting farther from the sound of the guards, so hopefully, they can manage to hide or do something, and the guards will just give up and just leave. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ukiss7 Posted July 13, 2015 Author Share Posted July 13, 2015 Hearing the sound of a yell, he guards moved and went in the way of where they heard your voice since they were were going off in the wrong direction, but they were still close enough to hear the sound of your voice. looking around, kame stopped when he heard voices. he moved and instantly dropped crouching down. He ran until he couldn't run. and then he turned towards his brother when he heard his footsteps closer. The guards right on their trail. They began opening their light sticks. as it grew longer and thus giving a small electrical shock at the end showing that it was working and strong. "we're close" he said and they quicken their pace as they neared the two now runaways. In which case jack was unaware of this mishappen. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maknaehariiex27 Posted July 13, 2015 Share Posted July 13, 2015 Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Henry stopped when Kazuya turned to him, the two of them hearing the footsteps and the voices getting louder, getting closer to them. Henry turned to Kazuya and he grabbed him by the hand and he took off running, "We have to move faster, they're getting closer to us." he whispered as they continued to run, the elder looking around for a place for them to hide away from the guards for a short time, nothing had come up, "Damn, we have to find somewhere to hide." he said in a low voice and eventually, henry just gave up and just had Kazuya go hide up in one of the denser trees where it would be harder to spot him. henry told him that he was going to try and lead them away and then hide away as well, maybe not in a tree, but somewhere underground. He then told Kazuya that he would come back to get him but he had to be good, stay quiet, and not make any sudden movements if he sees the guards down below. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ukiss7 Posted July 13, 2015 Author Share Posted July 13, 2015 the time came and while he was checking up on the leader iin the cell, ack overheard something about his brother. He looked at the cell but then at themen that were talking amungst themselves. jack blinked and went over to where he heard them speak. he was around the corner from them as they sat talking and playing a game of cards on the floor. he leaned back at the end close them them* so, what happened ith earliers perfomrace? *he asked* some freak, decide to lash out on everyone. *said the man with the glasses* he apparently freaked and hit like a rampage. *he spoke again while the other shook his head* they think it's alright to do things like that. wait till he's putin his place. .. who was it? *he asked the man with the glasses who turned and looked at th other* his name's kzuya. *the man stopped with his cards in the air* the freak? he's nothing but trouble. *he spoke badly about the boy. *the man with the glasses nodded* yeah. but he hasn't messed up a performance. the ring leader was pissed. *jack gasped lightly to himself likght while they continue to speak* unfortunately, they ran off somewhere. in the forest maybe. i*he ruffled his head* he better hope the guards don't find him Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maknaehariiex27 Posted July 13, 2015 Share Posted July 13, 2015 Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Henry huffed and panted as he lead the men away from where Kazuya was, he was looking behind to see how far off they were, and he looked ahead to see where he could hide. As long as he could hide somewhere and evade them, things should be good, and the guards would have to move out of the forest to search elsewhere. Soon enough, he saw a fence and he jumped over it and then ran towards one of the small buildings that wasn't in use by the circus and he ran inside and he hid in a closet. In hindsight, he probably shouldn't have left Kazuya in the forest, but it would have been much riskier with the two of them staying together, and he can't just run back to the forest, he'll have to wait until the coast is clear so he could run back. "I hope Kazu can hold out until I can get back to him." he said to himself and he sighed softly and thought about Jack who was most likely going to be worried if he ended up finding out about what had happened during the show, as well as his decision to go after Kazuya himself. "The most important thing is that Kazuya stays out of the grasp of the guards, they will hurt him." he thought and he leaned against the wall and then hid a bit farther into the closet just in case. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ukiss7 Posted July 26, 2015 Author Share Posted July 26, 2015 New Start Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ukiss7 Posted August 2, 2015 Author Share Posted August 2, 2015 It was a stormy night and the rain wouldn't let up. Kazuya didn't like the rain and it more so reminded him of his brothers death. The moments of death crosses his mind and he is thus captured in a different reality. He was lonely and wanted some time with his brothers. How they once were. Time came and again he looked up through his hair and saw his brothers faces. henry. Jack.. *he called in his head wanting to be near or a touch from them. He wanted that intimate feeling, once again. - - - Updated - - - ukiss7 said: It was a stormy night and the rain wouldn't let up. Kazuya didn't like the rain and it more so reminded him of his brothers death. The moments of death crosses his mind and he is thus captured in a different reality. He was lonely and wanted some time with his brothers. How they once were. Time came and again he looked up through his hair and saw his brothers faces. henry. Jack.. *he called in his head wanting to be near or a touch from them. He wanted that intimate feeling, once again. Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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