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The Man Who Had Everything, ButThe One Thing He Wanted


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Name: Ryuu Tsubasa




Bio: A sweet and shy talented boy, ever since he was a small boy he enjoyed playing the violin. He did face some struggles when he was faced with the choice of playing on stage, but being shy he decided against it not wanting the extra atteion at the time being, later on after graduating high-school he decided to began to play violin on stage after overcoming his stage fright. although he stopped playing on stage when his mother fell ill.




Likes: Sweets, cats, music

dislikes:pressure, bitter things.



After receiving the call and being offered a job playing violin that wold be able to cover his mother's healthcare and still have a bit of money to spare he immediately accepted the job. When the day came that Ryuu would be moving into this strangers house he became a little nervous...after all he didn't really know this person that well besides the fact that he watched some of my shows the only thing I know besides that is that he owns a popular chocolate factory line, but I'm sure that everything will be just fine.


I sighed and gathered up the courage inside of me as I walked up to the door of the big mansion and knocked on the door, as soon as the door swung open I bowed my head.

"H-Hello Sir my name is Ryuu Tsubasa! I shall be staying with you from now on, please take good care of me!" I smiled softly looking up at the taller man with my soft baby blue eyes.

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Name: Rikuto Yuuto






Bio: ever since he was a little boy Rikuto was showered with gifts and praise for his work, he maintains a worldwide popular chocolate factory line. He's rather quiet but is very caring



Rikuto was slightly apprehensive of having his own personal vionlist, of course in the last he had hired servants and cooks and butlers, but that was different, they were all things that were expected of an upper class bachelor. A violinist was something different, it singled him out and made him more of an icon, so eone who was different and to be looked upon with an opinion rather than just a man. Still he wanted this and having another single male around the house might make things less lonely and make his set up dates with women more interessting if he could then discuss them with someone.


Hearing the door bell ring Rikuto went to the front door waving his butler to the side as he opened it to behold a young well dressed male with gorgeous blue eyes. "Afternoon sir," he said in his deep masculine voice. "The violinist I assume." He questioned although he knew it to be true. Standing out of the way he let the male into the centre hall. Behind the door was a stone floor with a simple but large mahogany staircase at the back of the large room which were decorated with sizple flowers on the edges, flowers that were obviously changed daily. Hanging from the roof was a golden chandelier that held candles to light the room if only one could get high enough to change the candles. Rikuto smiled "welcome to my..." He hesitates not really wanting to call it a home because of the grandeur making it feel very unhomely "...house." He settled for in the end.

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Ryuu nodded in response to the other's question.

"Yes sir I am the violinist." Ryuu noticed how the other's voice was deep quite a bit different from his own, Ryuu had a bit of a high pitched voice for a male. Once the stepped aside Ryuu stepped inside and was amazed by his surroundings the other's house was simply amazing inside and out.

"Your house is very beautiful I must say....oh by the way you still haven't told me how I should address you." Ryuu setted his violin case on the ground rubbing his arms which were sore from carrying the case.

"I haven't really heard much about you to be honest...but I'm sure that will change soon enough." Ryuu smiled childishly.

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Rikuto smiled at the complement "thank you, it's taken me a while to get the place this nice, when I brought it it was a horrible place." Shutting the door the taller male turned towards the statues motioning for the other to follow "my name is Rikuto Yuuta but it's fine if you just call me Riku, though if there is guests around I would prefer you stuck to Yuuta. Sorry it's just formalities." He looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Would you like to get settled in first, I'm sure you must be tied from your trip." He asked as he showed the other the way to his room "I can explain the layout if the house later if you require time to shower and clean yourself up."

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Ryuu raised an eyebrow slightly.

"Really? You've done a great job then I can't even tell."

Ryuu followed the other.

"Nice to meet you Rikuto Yuuta, I understand your reasoning." Ryuu smiled softly .

"I am actually a bit tired rather from the running to the hospital and back home, my mother fell ill....I would like it very much for you to show me my room." Ryuu smiled slightly.

"I can shower later please allow me to put my bags and case away ."

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Rikuto was slightly taken aback "ohh I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she gets better but if you ever need time of just ask." He said not wanting the male to feel like he had to stay here when his mothes condition improved or declined. Going to the males room he opened the door into a lavish but week decorated room. The bed was for poster and drapes hung elegantly from the walls while wooden closets and draws were placed. There was a task full length mirror adjacent to the bed that ran from floor to ceiling and two windows that overlooked the gardens. "There is a bathroom just through that door with a toilet and shower but if you would prefer then there is a bath two doors down from you room." He pointed in the direction of the places before standing awkwardly by the door "well, feel free to get some rest or wash, I don't mind, you are on your own time until tomorrow evening. Sorry I know it's soon but I have guests coming and they usually expect e entertainment." He rolled his eyes.

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"I'll make sure to remember that." Ryuu followed the other male into his new room, his eyes immediately lit up as he looked around the room and noticed the window over looking a gorgeous scenery outside.

"It's so pretty out there..." Ryuu smiled softly.

"Thank-you I'll make sure that I wash up nicely so your guests get a good first impression." Ryuu said as he turned back around to face Rikuto, the boy rather had a gentle floral scent.

"Is there any songs in particular that you want me to play tomorrow?" Ryuu smiled handing Rikuto a piece of patterned paper.

"These are the songs that I know although you have been to a few of my shows you probably already know most of the songs I know although I can always learn more."

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Rikuto took the paper and looked over it quickly before saying "I don't mind but I recommend you choose one's that you already know well so that there isn't a chance of you panicing or forgetting parts." He said before going to leave, as he was about to exit the room he said over his shoulder "ohh, dinner is in two hours at seven o'clock so use the time as you will and the dining room is downstairs at the end of the left wing." He smiled and left the room shutting the door softly behind him.

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Ryuu smiled.

"Alright see you then." Once the other was gone he removed his clothing placing it into a clothing bin that was in the bathroom before stepping into the shower.

(I'm assuming the small bathroom was attached to his room.)after showering he got dressed again but in a sweater vest and a pair of black pants, after getting dressed he practiced playing for awhile before he knew it there was only five minutes before dinner he decided to head down early so he could have time to find the dining room.

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((You assume correctly, sorry I possibly wasn't very clear on that.))


Rikuto considered finishing some paperwork he still had to do but merely thinking about it have him a headache so he walked straight past the study and decided to try and burn off some energy instead. Heading to the right wing of the house - more of a château, if you were French - Rikuto traveled down the stone spiral staircase which can't out at a large underground swimming pool. Flicking on the light switch he hung up his suit and put on his swimming trunks which hung on the line near the clothes hocks and dived into the pool. The pool was a little less then the length of the right wing at 50 metres but only 6 metres wide and 2 metres deep. He had it built for lengths rather than anything else so it didn't need to be wide. After all he wanted the rest of the width of the cellar fit the sauna and steam room he had built as well.


Rikuto swam lengths for about an hour before he stopped resting against the side of the pool and breathing heavily. After he had caught his breath he lifted himself out of the pool and pushing his wet hair out of his face he took some scented oil of a shelf and wandered into the steam room to relax before he dried himself and headed for dinner.


By half six Rikuto had washed himself in the showers by the pool and wrapped the towel around his waist and hung up his swimming trunks leaving his clothes, the maid would fetch them later. His wet hair dropping down his back he padded through the house to his room where he changed into a white shirt and trousers but forwent any further formalities. When he looked at the clock it was five to. Giving his hair a quick run through with his fingers he headed to the dining room with still damp hair.

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As Ryuu roamed the halls looking for the dining room he came across Rikuto.

" Hello Mr. Yuuta." Ryuu smiled softly and began to walk aside from Rikuto.

"Do you mind if I tag along with you? I'm a little lost." Ryuu's cheeks tinted a soft pink in embarrassment.

"I promise I'll memorize where the rooms are soon..."


Eventually Ryuu arrived at the dining room with Rikuto's help.

"the flowers on the table smell really nice...it reminds me of something but I can't quite put a finger on it." Ryuu paused his minds filled with thoughts.

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Rikuto smiled as he saw Ryuu, "good evening." He said cheerily "ohh no don't worry, it's a large place I wouldn't expect you to know where places are." He sat down at the table, only the right hand end was laid. The table was too long for two people to acceptably eat at. The flowers were fairly large and decisive but not quite open yet, obviously put to be ready fit tomorrow.


The food was already prepared and a maid vane out carrying two plates of ravioli with a creamy sauce. "Sorry is not very exciting but I don't tend to eat anything to extravagant before I have guests otherwise one had no desire to eat the food with them. The same goes for alcohol but if you would like a glass of something then Greek free to ask." He said nonchalantly trying to make conversation.

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Ryuu smiled softly.

"That's fine it still smells very delicious and looks good as well." Ryuu smiled happily.

"I actually don't drink that much...do you mind me asking who the guests are?" Ryuu waited for other people at the table to began eating to make sure it was ok to eat.

" I just want to make sure that I don't offended anyone in anyway possible." he stated after swallowing the food he had placed in his mouth.

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Rikuto started eating. "Well no one is joining us until tomorrow evening so you will only see the Butler and maids around but tomorrow isn't very exciting it is only some buisseness associates and their wives." He couldn't say that he himself was looking forward to the ocassion. Often the men were loud and offensive to their wives and their company did not make him feel comfortable but it was a formality he had to bear with. "But on Friday I'm hosting a party for the people if the surrounding area and a few others." He said with a smile. Now that he was looking forward to, such events were always good fun and he could talk to people that were actually interesting, not to mention that one could reasonably ask beautiful women to dance without looking a little wierd for just walking up to them.

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Ryuu smiled.

" Ah I see." Ryuu replied and took another bite of his food after replying, he was still happy to play for others so Ryuu was happy that they had company coming.

"A party?..." Ryuu asked after swallowing the remaing food in his mouth.

"Like a ball or a gala?" He questioned amusing that the other meant something along the lines of that and not some a party like the ones that the youth enjoyed throwing.

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Rikuto looked at the male with a raised eyebrow, he was surprised the male would distinguish between the two, surprised but pleased. "A gala." He said before taking another bits of his food. Finishing his mouth full he continued "I hate the idea of upper classes being the better of society its all a load of rubbish, I would much rather associate with those whom attend a gala then those at a ball. Though I warn you not to mention such things." He wondered if the male would "it could cause..." He paused searing for the right word "..complications. If you know what I mean." He took a sip of water trying to judge Ryuu's response.

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Ryuu smiled.

"Ah I see that sounds like it would be wonderful." Ryuu's eyes were filled with joy.

"It's like in all those fairy tales although I've never been to one I'd love it even if I were only able to watch everyone dance." Ryuu stated before finishing the rest of his food.

" I understand your reasoning for that I just was trying to figure out what type f even it was going to be, you know what I mean right? At first when you mentioned a party I thought of those ones that you would receive as you were growing up."

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Rikuto chuckled amused by the idea "maybe we should do that, have some party games half way through." He laughed in deep reverberating tones enjoying the idea immensely. Finishing his meal he placed his cutlery together and had another sip of water before saying "there will be other musicians that night so if you want after an hour you can stop playing and come and join us." He kind of wanted to see what this so far composed male was like in such a situation "all the food and drink will be free so you can enjoy yourself as much as you like." He smiled not able to hide the fact that he was actually really looking forward to this event as well.

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Ryuu paused.

"I'll probably join the rest of you eventually...although I never learned how to dance." Ryuu laughed nervously.

"Should I help with the dishes?" Ryuu asked as the question popped into his head.

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Rikuto smiled "I can teach you if you want, everyone will probably be too drunk to notice two males on the dance floor anyway and besides I'll just be making sure you don't make a fool of yourself in front of a lovely lady." His lips tilted into a teasing smile as he spoke before he stood "leave the dishes, my maid Kia will do them." He made to leave wondering if the other would follow him. "Ohh by the way feel free to sleep in, breakfast can be made for you any time just knock on the door through there." He pointed to a large set of double doors at the back of the dining room. "But when you have eaten come and find me and I will give you a tour of the house, Kia will know where to find me if you can't." He nodded and turned to leave.

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" I might actually take up that offer." Ryuu laughed softly.

"Real gentlemen should be able to dance shouldn't they." Ryuu smiled softly.


"Alright that sounds like a plan." Ryuu smiled, once the other male left the table he left shortly after and headed back to his room and changed into a pair of loose shorts and a loose t-shirt, he crawled into bed and eventually fell asleep.


The next morning he woke up around 9:00am and changed into a dress shirt with a bowtie and pants before going down stairs.


after eating breakfast he went and found Rikuto and greeted him.

"Morning Riku." Ryuu smiled softly.

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Rikuto waoke up early the next day, he needed to make sure the house was in order before the guests came. They were ever so boring but that didn't mean he could get away with leaving loose ends round the house. He skipped breakfast and went immodiatly to the study to finish off the paperwork he didn't do last night. After a while Kia walked in holding a cup of tea, she knew his schedule well by now and could predict what he would do in a morning. "Morning." He said looking up as the girl walked in.

"Morning sir, sorry to disturb you." She handed him the tea before saying "the menue for tonight is mussles in a white wine sauce with herbs and garlic with a side of bread, followed by peppered streak with accompanying vegetables, for desert crème caramel and then cheeses after that." She smiled pleased with what she had planned, these events weren't something she enjoyed either but she loved planning meals and wine to accompany them.

"Sounds wonderful Kia, as usual I'm very impressed." The maid blushed darkly at his praise and he made a mental note to ask her to dance at the ball. She turned to leave before Rikuto suddenly said "ohh Kia, tell the others that you may ask take my spare debit card and go out shopping for the ball tomorrow. Buy yourselves nice gowns and suits, I won't have my employees being the only ones not having fun!" He smiled at her, these things didn't happen often so it was okay once in a while.

"Th.. Thank you very much sir,I will let everyone know at once!" She scurried of and he couldn't help but chuckle at her, she was very lovely and all too easy to embarrass.


Getting back to work he signed more papers and filled in yet more documents before Ryuu walked in. He looked up "good morning, did you sleep well?" He asked before taking a sip of tea which he had entirely forgotten about since Kia left. He noticed how smart the other looked this morning and was surprised. He himself didn't normally get changed until later, a concept he was currently proving as he was wearing lose jeans and white shirt with a good many of the buttons undone. "Have you eaten?" He hoped the other had since he had no intention of eating until the guests arrived, it was bad form for one not to finish the meal that you were putting on so he never are before events like this.

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Ryuu smiled as the other asked him if he had slept well.

" Yeah I did actually, how are you doing?.... if you don't mind me asking." Ryuu approached the desk that the other male was sitting behind and stopped in front of it.

"By the way do happen to own any cats?...before I went to bed last night I saw a white cat in the garden...it looked rather small it's still a kitten probably just turned old enough to wander on it's own." He paused as he heard the other ask him a question.

''Yeah I ate a light breakfast because I didn't know if I were doing to eat during the event or not." Ryuu responded and smiled as he noticed the cat behind the other in the window.

"Oh there the cat is again!" Ryuu said with excitement his eyes filled with joy just like a child's on christmas.

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Rikuto nodded glad that the other had slept well. "Bored of paperwork." He responded cheerily with a light chuckle as he put down his pen carefully. He was starting to like this man, he was polite but in a friendly sort of way rather than the forced politeness most people feingned. "Cats? I don't own any, though Kia puts out food for the birds so I wouldn't be surprised if the strays take their morning meals from there." He had often suspected such things but had never actually bothered to check. He looked out the window and raised an eyebrow "well would you look at that, it would appear I am now a cat owner." A smile raised his lips gently in amusement, he had always been more of a dog person. "So, if you have eaten then how about I show you around." He said standing and shutting the laptop and putting some papers back into draws and flicking the lock.

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Ryuu smiled.

" So your going to keep the cat what will you name it?" Ryuu smiled as he watched the cat approach the large glass window like door behind the other.

"Alright I would like that, maybe I won't get lost as much." Ryuu laughed softly and followed the other male out of the room and into the hallway of the giant house.

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