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Don't Make My Head Hurt


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Don't Make My Head Hurt


Summary: Koji does most of his thinking with his little friend down there. What happens when a weird male classmate proposes that they have sex?


Status: In progress


Warning: +18, smut, strong language here and there



Wow. Making a summary of my own work is harder than writing the thing. I'm actually quite nervous about this.


Here goes nothing. :7yoyo10:







“Fukui Koji.”


From across the room, Koji heard the door close. Slowly, he glanced over his shoulder. The classroom was empty now, and the orange light from the setting sun outside illuminated the room through the gaps between the drawn curtains. Over by the door stood a short, peculiar boy whom he remembered only vaguely as a classmate.


Impatiently, Koji waved the hand-written note he had been re-reading for past half hour. “Took you long enough,” he spat. “What do you want?”


The other kid wrung his hands tightly in front of him. “I... I saw you--” he started haltingly.


“Fuck a Hinata-sensei?” Koji coldly finished for him. It was obvious that the kid was trying to work up the courage to either threaten him or blackmail him. He wasn't so interested in what he kid had to say, he only waited around so he could beat up the asshole who left the note in his shoe locker. With the scrawny kid, it wouldn't be much of a problem. “I read your note already. So?”


“I—I'm not going to tell anyone.”


Koji blinked once. Twice. “That's it?”


“But I want you to have sex with me.”


“Excuse me?”


It wasn't the first time Koji had been propositioned by other men.


“Are you a fag? How about I spread rumors about you, huh? If you don't want the whole school knowing about you, you'll keep your mouth shut.” In the dim light, he could see the other's face faintly. He decided that the other guy looked slightly feminine.


The kid shrugged. “If the school knew what Hinata-sensei had been doing, she'll never teach again.”


“Say that again, brat!” Angrily, Koji kicked at a chair which toppled over as he crossed the room toward the other kid. He grabbed the other's shirt, his other fist hoisted in the air, ready to strike. He wasn't actually planning on hitting the kid, he just wanted to scare him a little. Why, he's even shorter up close.


But the kid stood where he was, meeting Koji's eyes squarely.


Koji let the other go. “Fine." He wanted to shake the kid up a bit. "If you can make me get it up, that is.”






Bored, Koji rolled his eyes heaven ward, sighing. Between his legs, the kid sucked clumsily at his dick. It wasn't his problem that he wasn't getting hard. Being fondled by an amateur—and a guy, no less—was hardly exciting for him. To be honest, it was getting sore too. “Aren't you done yet?”


The kid's eye's flashed at him, with Koji's dick in his mouth, trying more aggressively.


“That's it. Time to go home.”Koji pushed the kid's head away none too gently. He stood, tucking his stuff back in his pants and grabbed his bag off the the floor. “Nice try, though.” he added derisively. “I'm off.” and he strolled to the door without a backward glance.


Until he heard a stifled sob.


Disbelieving, Koji stopped in his tracks. Slowly, he turned, almost gaping. The kid was right where Koji left him—on the floor, slumped, his back toward Koji.


He's crying? Koji frowned. “You want to have sex with me that badly?”


No answer.


“Hey, are you crying?”


“Shut up!” came the muffled reply. “I'm not crying.”


He's crying, Koji confirmed, feeling a little guilty. It was foolish. Sighing, he threw up a hand, grasping randomly at words that could--maybe-- make the kid feel less bad about it. “You can try some other time. But get some practice, okay? You really suck at it. Now my dick hurts.”


Koji wasn't sure why he said it. He couldn't believe he was too much of a good guy to let some kid cry over not getting him hard. He left, shaking his head, confused with himself.









There weren't many short guys in their class. He counted two—no, three—guys that stood as high as his chin. He spotted his 'blackmailer' as soon as he stepped through the door the next day. He deliberately walked by the aisle where the kid sat, their eyes meeting briefly.


Now that it was daylight, and the curtains were fully drawn back, he could see the kid clearly. He looks like a regular guy, Koji thought. He hung around another short guy and they talked rather animatedly over something. Maybe they're in some club where all the other short guys are.


“Hey,” Koji jerked his head over at the kid by the aisle. “What's the name of that kid on the left?”


The other guys laughed. “Dude, that's mean. He's been in our class since middle school.”


“Eh?!” his brows raised, very much surprised. His head turned back toward the kid, racking his brains.


“That's Haneda. Haneda Naoki,” said the other.


“He lives in your neighborhood, Koji.” more snickering.


“Eh?!” he couldn't stop himself from repeating. How come he never noticed? “You're kidding, right?”


Later, in a spare room after class, Koji watched the kid silently handling his dick. He had long lashes that fanned flushed cheeks. Koji tilted his head thinking, from this angle, he's actually pretty. Absently, he reached to tug at a strand of hair on the kid's head. He had soft hair too. Is this kid really a guy? He wondered.


“Hey, Naoki,” he called. The kid flashed resentful eyes at him again. “I can call you that, right? Naoki.”


“Do what you want.” the kid muttered.


His voice was definitely a guy's. “You need a little help there?” he asked idly. The kid was less clumsy now—a little less clumsy, he amended—but he still couldn't get a reaction. The sooner the kid realizes it, the happier he'd be. He didn't believe for one second that the kid would make good on his threat. Obviously, the kid used it as an excuse to get to him.


“Hey,” Koji tugged at the strand of hair again.


“Stop it!” the kid snapped, glaring up at him, his hands still working Koji's stuff—one hand pumping at at the shaft and the other massaging the balls. “What?”


Koji chortled at the sight.


The kid seemed hurt and flushed an even deeper shade of red. Taking pity on him, Koji apologized.


“I'm sorry.” Koji took the kid's arm and drew him upward to his feet. “I wasn't laughing at you. You're actually cute, you know.”


A muscle tightened on the other's cheek. Like all guys, it seemed, he didn't appreciate being called cute.


“Do you even know how to masturbate?”


“Wh—“ the kid looked even more flustered. “Of course!”


“Show me.”


Frowning, the kid hesitated.


Koji understood his hesitation. He still watched, though. Waiting. Interestingly, the thought of seeing the kid's dick wasn't as repulsive as seeing some other's. It was, more like, amusing for him.


Despite the kid's protestations, Koji unbuckled the kid's belt and unzipped his pants.


The pants promptly fell into a heap around the kid's ankles, exposing more flash than Koji had originally intended.It wasn't surprising to find out that the kid had smooth legs. There weren't stiff stiff curly hairs, or bunches of hard muscle. Only soft, hairless skin.


“What are you doing?!” the smaller guy gasped and struggled to pick up his pants.


“It's fine, it's fine.” Koji expertly maneuvered the pants off Naoki and threw them across the room. Somewhere in the midst of the struggle, Koji was able to imprison the other's wrists with one hand and force him down to sit across his lap.


“Do you want to have sex with me or not?” Koji hissed, annoyed. He had been sucking on Koji's dick for ages--why was he getting shy now? If he really wanted to get Koji up, he had to have techniques. “This is how you should do it.”


A hand still clamped over the other's wrists, he gently dug his other hand inside the kid's briefs—white, no surprise there. Not boxers too—and took out the kid's penis. It was already stiff as it strained against Koji's hand.


“Nnh...” the kid stifled a moan, biting his lip.


Koji stared down at what he held in his hand and strangely felt his heart beating faster.


Naoki's was pale and rosy, like some sort of ripe fruit. On top was a drop of clear liquid.


Koji gulped. Slowly, his fingers stroked up and down, and the kid trembled against him.


This is getting dangerous, he thought. Suddenly, as if awakening from sleep, he felt his own dick twitch to life.


“Whoah!” Koji stood abruptly, sending Naoki tumbling to the floor. His own shaky hand wiped quickly on the cold sweat that had formed on his forehead. What the fuck was he doing? He glanced down at the figure on the floor, shocked, aroused and trouserless. “Sorry about that. I—uh—I have a date. Let's finish this next time. Bye!” he said everything in the same breath, briskly walking out the door. It would have been considerate of him if he had picked up the pants from across the room and handed it back to its owner. However, he considered his own emergency more important.


He paused as he got to the empty corridor, a hand reaching out to the wall as if for support, his heartbeat resonating loudly in his ears.


He couldn't believe it. It wasn't possible.


He grasped at his crotch and almost sobbed at how pathetic it was.


How could he? He was—?!

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Something was definitely wrong.


As if trying to prove otherwise, he sexed up some random woman he picked up on the street on his way home. As if each forceful thrust, or each high pitched moan his partner made was a testament to his manhood.


He liked women. He liked them experienced. There was a lot of fun to be had when both of them knew what they were doing. Although spent and sexually sated, there was still something nagging at the back of his head that left him staring at the ceiling in the darkness.


When was the last time he thought so hard?


The next morning didn't bring the answers he thought so long and hard for.


“Haneda's open! Haneda's open!”


Koji snapped back to reality, panting, tensed. He vaguely remembered going through all of his classes until this last one. Had he been walking around like this the whole day? Like a zombie? Looking down, he found a ball he had been holding, and wondered how it got there. Mechanically, he started dribbling, scanning among the players to see which ones were on his team.


“Koji! Pass the ball!”


As if in slow motion, Koji turned toward where the kid was trying to dodge his guard.


“Pass the ball!”


Their eyes met. It was the same Naoki, the one who had been sucking at his dick for a couple of days now. Should he do it? He poised the ball for passing, and Naoki readied to catch it.


He passed it to Seto instead.


Naoki's eyes sliced at him as they moved toward the other side of the court.


“Aaah...” whined one of his classmates in the men's locker room after. “Koji's out of it.”


“Yeah, what the hell were you thinking, man? We could have won that!” grumbled another.


“I wouldn't have made that shot anyway.” Koji heard the kid say.


His ears perked.


The others laughed and teased about their loss. Koji joined in, deflecting insults that came his way. The thing was, all the light banter was barely registering to him; he had been busy glancing at Naoki. He was still in the middle of thinking, and it was stressing him out. The others dressed quickly and said their goodbyes, but Koji dressed rather slowly, and waited until all the others had gone.


All except Naoki.


Fuck it.





Normally, faced with the same state of confusion, others would probably retreat. However, Koji was never like that. He might as well get it out of his system or else he'd continue being this useless. He's done thinking. He's done trying to figure things out. Let's go.


This time, when Naoki tugged at his shirt, he followed immediately.


“What? No protests?” the kid asked silently, his head bowed.


What the hell? Annoyed, Koji grasped the side of the kid's face and turned it toward him. “Hey, I'm willing now. Let's get this over with.” His head quickly swooped down and captured the kid's mouth harshly. He tried to pry the other's mouth open, tried to slip his tongue in, but the kid kept struggling. “Hey! If you want me aroused, this is the way to do it.”


The kid stood frozen, staring at him with wide eyes, making Koji feel a little guilty.


Exhaling slowly, Koji held the kid's head with both hands. “I'm sorry. Let's try this again. Cooperate with me this time.” He waited for the kid's nod. “Open your mouth.”


Gently, he coaxed at the kid's lips. They were warm, and soft against his. He let the kid get used to the motions before slipping his tongue inside again.


It doesn't feel any different than kissing a girl, he thought. He was already half erect when the kid's tongue shyly lapped with his. Wanting more contact, he pressed their bodies closer, involuntarily grinding his groin toward the other, pushing him against the lockers.


Splaying his hands on the kid's body, he explored upward until he found the kid's chest. No breasts, just flesh. He felt a pang of excitement as the kid shivered when Koji's fingers brushed his nipples.


Naoki tried to pull away but Koji distracted him by kissing deeper, more urgently. His fingers teased at the nipples, the pads of his thumbs pressing on the velvety buds, flicking at them, tweaking them until they were hard and perky.


Koji hadn't noticed his ragged breathing until he broke his mouth away to suck at one hardened nub.


Feeling a crick at his neck, he brought them down on the floor, never missing a beat. He settled himself over the kid's trembling form, between his legs.


“Ah—no, don't.” the kid protested, his hands pushing at Koji's shoulders.


Ignoring him, Koji played with the tip of the bud with his tongue and lapped at it lightly, then sucked at the flesh around it, before taking the rosy pink nub in his mouth again.


Meanwhile, his hands were sneakily unbuckling the kid's belt and slipping it off his hips. Naoki started struggling as soon as his skin touched the cold floor. Small hands grasped at Koji's wrists.


“Would you stop?” Koji was increasingly getting irritated. He watched the flushed face get redder still. Okay. So he understood that it was probably the kid's first time—hell, it was his first time too! With a guy, that is. “I thought you wanted this? Here,” he took Naoki's hand and guided it over his crotch. “See? I'm hard too.”


Koji unzipped his own pants and took out his own hardened cock. Briefly, he frowned at how his looked a lot different from the kid's fruity one. Koji let the cold white fingers touch his member lightly, guiding the other's hand, showing him how to work it.


Unsatisfied, Koji took both their cocks in his hand, squishing them together. He pumped slowly at first, marveling at the lewd sounds it made as it echoed in the empty locker room. Leaning over to lock their mouths again, his hand gained speed and soon, the kid was moving his hips with the rhythm. Almost there himself, he couldn't help admire the half-crazed look on the kid's face, innocent yet wantonly bucking his hips against Koji's hand.


Really sexy, he found himself thinking, and this time, he didn't argue with himself.

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“I have to go.”


The kid pulled away from him, wiping at the sticky substance on his stomach with a towel.


“What?” dazed, Koji watched as the kid shuffled back into his pants with trembling hands. “But we're not finished!”


“I'm sorry.”


Tucking his stuff bank in his pants, not even bothering to zip up properly, Koji brushed a hand through his hair. What the hell is he playing at this time? He was really getting on his nerves. “We're gonna continue this later, right?”


Exhaling, the kid paused meaningfully, looking at Koji with dark, soulful eyes. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but thought the better of it and closed it again. Instead, he smoothed at his clothes. “You should wait a few minutes before leaving.” he murmured quietly.


At that, he left, without a backward glance, leaving Koji staring after him.


“Fuck!” exclaimed Koji, banging his fist on the lockers. He scratched at his head thoroughly in frustration, stalking out the locker room with hurried steps. If he was quick about it, he'd catch the kid outside. Maybe beat him up too. Was it part of his ploy? String him along, then leave him hanging? What was that bit about having sex with him then? Looks like the kid was too chicken to see it to the end.


Quickly, Koji bounded down the steps of the building and raced out the gates, ignoring the stares he got in his state of undress, scanning the sea of heads for that familiar one that always seems to be bent silently.


That's right. They did say Naoki lived in the same neighborhood. Koji made for his route home and there he was, progressing slowly on the other side of the street, his head still bowed. Look at him, he thought, he'd bump into somebody if he didn't watch where he was going.


Koji was just about to call out to him when a low beat up car slowed beside Naoki and stopped as if to chat. Koji watched as the kid's face broke into a relieved smile. He was a little taken aback, seeing the usually dispirited features brighten up.


What could they be talking about, making the kid all smiley like that?And who is that guy, anyway? With narrowed eyes, Koji observed the man behind the wheel. He wasn't geezer old, judging from his hands. Probably just a little older. Koji could only see the back of the man's dark head. Not bald, nor graying. Doesn't seem like his dad, or bro...


As if reaching some kind of agreement, the kid nodded and got in the car beside the stranger with a grateful smile. The car then reared off, sputtering as it went.


Koji hadn't realized that he had been rooted at the spot until he noticed several passers by look back at him, probably wondering what he was doing in the middle of the sidewalk. Slowly, dragged his feet to move forward, a heavy feeling starting to spread in chest. After fooling around with him, the brat would go and fool around with some other guy? What the hell? Was that how he truly was? If the kid wanted to have sex, obviously, it didn't have to be him. Why drag him along in it? He didn't even want to in the first place! “Shit!” he muttered under his breath, looking back to the direction where the car disappeared with accusing eyes, feeling oddly betrayed.

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