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៙BL 'First Snow' ~Writer Contest~៙


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After being rich
on contests
for graphic, artists, video making,

we decided that it's time to make a contest for people who love



This month we will have
a new theme
set and it's - "
First Snow


You have to present
your masterpiece
, which describes love between two

It's up to
how you will interpret "First Snow". So show us
your imagination



words, maximum

Only stories are accepted, no poems.

The story must be rated as for

No racism, no religious topics, no animal/child abuse.

Love must be between two males.

Title of the story is up to you.

Post the finished work on this thread.

Read the rules once again.



1,500 points for all that applied

5,000 points for the winner + a Manga cover card from the iShop.




Start 05 November 2015

End 30 November 2015


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Word Count: 600





You have always been so cold, apathetic, indifferent and I almost believed everyone saying that you’re incapable of loving; but I didn’t give up, I acted on my emotions, of my love for you, of the yearning, of the need to make you feel. One wouldn’t just throw his feelings when he’s facing a bump on the road. It doesn’t end there. In fact, it’s just the beginning.


The path of worming through your heart was as difficult as breathing underwater, as hard as learning how to fly, as impossible as reaching for the stars. Was everything worth it? It is indeed. To see a glimpse of that smile, to hear the sound of your laughter, to feel the warmth of your embrace. It was an experience I have never thought possible, not for me who’s like a fleeting sight from your memories. I have nothing to offer but my heart and yet you accepted everything I had.


Why do you hate the idea of loving someone?

I didn’t hate it and I never will.


Then why?




I was afraid.


Afraid of what?




Of leaving the person I love... of leaving you behind.


Will you leave me?


I know my voice clearly displayed my fear but despite that I was hopeful. Yet I know I am only humouring myself. I saw him pull a small smile, an understanding on his deep set eyes. He squeezed my hand.


Not if I can help it.


At that moment all I can think was, if I could only stop time, I’d wish for nothing else, but as your strong arms pulled my body closer, as if you’re trying comfort yourself more than mine, I thought, if I can serve as your strength even just a little, then it will be enough. I closed my eyes and bask in this borrowed happiness with you.


The time we had will never be enough but everything pales whenever you grace me with your smile. The smile that’s always with reassurance, always with understanding, always with love. It almost pushed me to be on my knees and beg you to please never let me go. Never ever.




It was the first snow we had together. It was so serene, so peaceful, so depressingly beautiful, so cold, so very cold and stiff like your hand against mine. Time stopped and so does your breathing. The white flakes continued to fall, unaware of how my heart breaks into million pieces. I held your unmoving body against mine as I gaze upon the falling ice, the tears frozen on my cheeks, my sobs unheard and everything of me unfeeling like the snow that seems to engulf the beautiful background with its cruel whiteness.


There was still a little warmth left and I held to that feeling until I was forced to let go. Your silent departure came as quick as your sudden appearance in my life. Everything seems to be a dream; a beautiful yet brutal one but did I ever regret meeting you, loving you? No. Our time was short but it was everything I could have hoped for. We have poured our hearts and it would be a disgrace to treat it as a short-lived memory for everything about you will stay in my heart forever.


I stand against the white. I stand against the cold. Alone and unmoving. The memory of your last moment flashed before my eyes like the years that passed was just a delusion. It was our first snow.




and also the last.

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Title : Your Name Means Snow


Word Count : 600


In some time long ago there was this man called katsuo of the Itou clan a brave, handsome man with black hair and fierce red eyes a true victor among many champions on the other side they had a rival the Satou clan and their young leader named Yuki a breathtakingly beautiful man with shimmering blue eyes and long red hair though the Satous did not have champions what they had is tradition of tea ceremony which they followed through generations.

Yuki's father was a very strict man, he did not want Yuki meddling into yakuza affairs neither wanted him to be peculiarly close to Itou Katsuo and would often be thinking of a way to separate them and then with the help of katsuo family both of clans together thought up a dirty trick.

2.00 am - opens door "Yuki you're not asleep yet?, why are you awake in this cold weather?" a serious yet stern tone;

frantically "Katsuo-san, how come you're here?"

hearing that Katsuo got irritated

"I heard Itou clan had another fight today shouldn't you be at home? they must be worried"

as soon as Yuki said those words Katsuo pinned him down to floor "You! don't you care how I feel, why?! just why would you accept a marriage interview; all these years I've loved you dearly so why do you turn a blind eye to it, tell me Yuki!"

turning his face Yuki stays silent and suddenly Katsuo kisses him forcefully "ah-hmm st-op Katsuo-sa..."

seeing Yuki's tearful eyes Katsuo's heart hurts as if tearing him apart letting go of Yuki he walks away slamming the door

"I - I love you, I love you so much katsuo-san" Yuki kept repeating to himself in the lone dull room.

The very next morning was the day for Yuki's marriage interview it was snowing all over the city but somehow it felt so lonely , Yuki couldn't see Katsuo all day long and the time had come for him to leave Katsuo's life forever he touched the carriage door hesitant to open it and then "YUKI!!" he heard the painful voice behind him turning his face

"Katsuo - san?! , why, why are you here?" said Yuki who could not control his tears falling on his cold reddened cheek

with a gentle tone "I won't let you go and I will say it again, I love you Yuki please don't go" Katsuo said those words with a pained expression across his face, hearing this Yuki stepped forward and grabbed Katsuo's hand, sobbing Yuki asked

"Please tell me what do I have to do to keep you to myself Katsuo-san"

Katsuo took Yuki's hand and rushed towards the snowy forest. after running in such a cold weather they finally stopped and Yuki broke the silence

"Katsuo-san y-you I was told that you would be forced to perform seppuku if you went against your family"

"Ah-haha is that what your father told you geez you silly guy you're a complete baka! well I'm a yakuza but not samurai there's no way I'd be asked to do something like seppuku but yes I probably am disowned by now" Yuki went completely shocked

"Yuki I don't have anything now I'm not Itou Katsuo now but just Katsuo, I'll ask again once you grab this hand I'm not letting you go what do you want Yuki?" blushing Yuki kissed Katsuo, and that kiss so cold yet warm was the first time Katsuo knew his name's true meaning this thing called "Snow/Yuki" katsuo hugged him tightly and kissed his forehead Yuki raising his head smiles gently.

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600 words. Apparently you can climb up Mount Elbrus and ski/snowboard down (probably at 5000 feet and not the peak, but shh), so that's wild.



All That Freezes Is Cold

It's fucking stupid, that's what it is. When people get cremated, most of them want to be buried or kept in an urn. Some want to be cast in sea or space. Others want to be used as fertilizer for a damn tree seed. Ruf wanted to be put on the snow. The ice and snow, he'd written, James, do it for me, please.


Well, fuck the ice and snow, asshole, was my first thought. They don't have that in So-Cal. And sure, maybe a little bit more inwards in the state, I've heard it snows. But I didn’t live there, and Ruf wasn't talking about that kind. Maybe because he’d never really gotten over the fact that I refused to make another climb.


I know you’re not happy about this, James wrote, and god, he was a shitty-ass manipulative ex-boyfriend and even he’d known it. But that got me here on Mount Elbrus with his frozen ashes in a ziplock bag in my pack, when everything else he’d tried hadn’t.


He'd never experienced a snow, he'd told me the first night we had sex. Said the whole reason he'd wanted to get to know me was because I’d summited mountains before and I hadn’t even hit twenty. I’d said fuck no, there was a reason my home was now beaches and sun and waves, but we’d stayed all of three years together before we parted ways and never spoke again.


I’m at Cheget Peak, staring over at the view at 3601 meters, and thinking about how much I hate him.


You don't "arrange" for your dumbass friends to take your ashes out of the urn you knew your mother would put you in. You don't tell the guy who still hopelessly loves you that you want him to be the one to toss what's left of you. You absolutely don't tell it to him through a letter someone hands to you at your funeral that you want him to climb Europe's highest mountain and dump your ashes at the top.


I’ve acclimatized, for all that it took me a week. It takes me a day to climb up from some 4157 feet to the Pashtuhova Rocks. It takes me another once I’m back down to rest at the Diesel Huts, contemplating my life and the decision I’m making.


Then it’s summit day.


When I reach the top, his ashes are frozen hard. I have to smash them, and even then, they don’t come out from the ziplock easy. I’m crying by the end of it.


Fuck Ruf for dying.


Fuck Ruf for never letting me know until it was too late.


Somehow, I manage. It’s snowing by that time, and I don’t know how I feel. The ashes are just solid now, sitting there on the snow, getting covered by snow.


There’s no symbolism. No meaning.


I can imagine Ruf now, Ruf and his sad expression: "You love me," he’d say, burrowing his face into my neck. Not wanting it, but acknowledging it. And yeah, maybe I do. I didn't fucking stop. People don't do that out of nowhere; you always remember the first one that never worked out that you wanted to work out.


I’ve spent half a year training for this climb. I’ve spent that half a year mourning, getting angry, hating. I’m here on Mount Elbrus, and all I can think of is that for all of the 5642 vertical feet, all I can think about is Ruf.


Maybe I need this to finally let him go.


He should've been kinder, is all I can think.



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My entry...





Wake up, Fin...










“Is that Mr. Fin’s relative? Now, he’s at the hospital. We want you to sign for his operation, thank you.”


My hand was shaken with that echo from the hospital calling..


What should I do right now, I need some document, Fin’s insurance ID ; ehhh, where is my driving license ; ohh no; it’s expired since I’ve been here..


I don’t know what to do first while putting my cellphone back into the pocket.

So, I’ll take a taxi there…


How come?!?!


Few hours ago, Fin’s just sit right here in front of me…


He was pout with the well-done, rough toast he prepared himself, but why…

why he’s coma as the nurse’s said…



My heart’s beating like a drum right now along the busy traffic jam in town on Monday!!!


I do really want to rush the driver to drive faster and faster, if Fin was here; Fin had to be like this for sure. He always speeds up with everything.. He does all thing fast and risk. And he really hates slow life as I always do day by day.. But we can stay together side by side, anyway….


I hurried to the Emergency Room, but the staffs said he was carried to the operation room since I’d been called.


I had to sign for Fin’s brain operarion; I was still confused how the strong man like him could be injured and coma easily right now…


And the answer is; Fin’s big bike was collided with a truck; opposite to his office’s parking lots; it seemed like the truck was so high and the driver couldn’t see Fin clearly, that’s why they’d impacted. His flesh was crushed, bounced and pulled away about 15 metres. The truck driver had gone away before the ambulance came by..



I am standing still; yes, yes…


Few weeks ago, Fin and I had a fight about this big bike, he decided to sell his sedan and buy a new expensive big bike instead. He said with this big bike; he could go to work early and got back home faster than staying still on the road along the boring time as he had to pass through day by day…

I’m not sure I should tell his old mother who lives alone in the suburban. We meet her thrice a year and she knows how much I love him as well. I don’t want to hurt her, so I will shut my mouth until Fin recovers.



Looking through the window; first snow is falling down. I’d rather be in his arms as usual….

Wake up, wake up Fin. It’s your favorite time.

Don’t let me be lonely, okay?!?!










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First Warmth

Word Count: 600





"Wow. First snow of the year! And we're together!" Obvious delight was in my lover's voice.

"Yeah." I answered automatically.

"Isn't it beautiful?" My lover extended his hand to catch some snowflakes while the other hand was wrapped tightly around my own. "Pretty and Pure." His lover turned his head to face me and smiled warmly. "Like you." I wasn't really sure about the pure thing since all I could imagine whenever it snowed was me under the gorgeous body of my beloved.

"R-really?" I stared mutely up into the sky, one expression after another flickering across my face.

"Of course." Both of my hands were now held by him, looking straight to my eyes with obvious love and affection.


■ ■ ■

He was lying there in a cold, dark alley where people never bothered to check. His last struggle had sapped all his energy. Short gasps of air, his vision started to blur.


He hated the cold though he was born on a night of a strong blizzard. He hated snow. He didn't understand what's so good about it. To him, it was just a pile of crushed ice he had to clean off the porch and roof of the foster homes. An additional work. When that pure white melted, there was nothing but muddy mess.


He was used to being under scrutinizing gazes, belittling looks, doubtful stares and sarcastic remarks. He was an orphan, passed through families under the system. It meant he had to work at least twice as hard as adults did to provide for himself because he didn't have anyone to depend on but himself.


Eat to live. Work to eat. A vicious circle.


He lived twenty odd years before he actually managed to stop and took a breather. Just when he was about to take a huge step to stable life with a small space to call his own, this happened.


Mugged and robbed. He worked hard for that money so he couldn't just give it up. He fought. He was self-trained but still better than most. But that meant little against nine bats and a knife.


It's getting harder to breathe. The hole on his stomach was warm, painting the ground red. He closed his eyes. He wondered if he was going to bleed to death or freeze to death.


"Eh?" Warm tears! It took great effort to force his eyes open. It was beautiful. The face of a stranger crying for him. Not bad. In the background, it started snowing. He saw it lots of time but never thought it was pretty until now. Sentiments of the dying? He had been laying on a cold ground. Maybe that's the reason he didn't mind the snow.


Then... there's only darkness.


■ ■ ■


"You're thinking about it again, aren't you?" It was more of a statement than a question. His breath shook before he bent and ground his mouth down over mine.

"Wa-wait" I gasped for air while struggling to make a space between us.

"Can't. Sorry."

"We're on the porch. Passers-by may see and.."

"No one will see. Besides, this is our home. So why does it matter?"

He rolled me fast to my back, and his arms went under and around me as my own coiled around his neck. I sucked on his tongue as it invaded my mouth, demanding more.



■ ■ ■


He could now look at the sky without hatred. As long as, they were together, here in their home. Even in a midst of a blizzard, he was cold no more. And snow surprisingly became prettiest when he looked at it over his lover's shoulders.


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|| END OF ៙BL First Snow ~Writer Contest~៙ ||

[YaoiOtaku Writer Contest]





Thank you all for taking part in our seventh Writer Contest!

The choice has been really hard since all of you are skilled and talented.

The winners of ៙BL First Snow ~Writer Contest~៙ is

Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links.




As promised everyone who participated will get 2,000 points.


The winner gets as follows,

- 5,000 points

- 1 Manga Cover card


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