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The Stay At Home Lamb w/ Coffee-Tastic and Beatlechan


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Nao thought about what she said for a second. "A restraining order? That never entered my mind at all. I definitely want to do that. What exactly would I have to do? I really never considered it. I just figured if I ignored him. He would go away. I want to do that. I want to feel safe in my home and I want to protect chichi too". Nao nodded feeling more confident in his option and started eating his slice of cake ". He looked up at the woman remembering he didn't catch her name. "Um madame is it really OK for chichi to stay the night? I mean we talked about it before that maybe he could spend 2 to 3 nights here, but only if it was OK with yoshi. Will he really be OK with it? I don't want to cause trouble for chichi. I know they are close and I will never put him in a position to choose between us. I always told him to choose yoshi if it came down to it. I really want to do it right. I don't want to be troublesome ". After his rambling speech due to his nerves he sighed pushing his cake away.

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She hadnt been eating her cake at all and when Mochiri finished his own, he tugged her shirt. It was like she could read his mind, because she rubbed his head and let him have her slice, "Thank you Oba," he leaned on her a bit, his affection towards her being more closely related to a small boy with his mother, "Please really make Yoshi say yes... I want to sleep over badly." he looked up at her, eating a fork full of cake and chewing on the fork he had.


"I want you to stay here and you will be. I'll bring over some clothes too... Actually, you got new jammies, so you can just wear those tonight too!" she looked at Nao again, "As for you, deary, you aren't the problem here... Its his brother. I plan on trying to reprogram that man because he obviously can't see how Mochi being here is a good thing! He can't be at home all the time, he needs affection from others besides me and Yoshi and you can take him on dates, get him more experienced in the real world for once, unlike what he is doing... Nao, how about I get your number? I'll text you a link that gives you the steps of filing a report on your ex. There's also an application that goes with it. You'll be alright for good hopefully." She smiled, going for her phone. It wasn't in her bag. Not in her pocket... She fished into her shirt and took out her phone that was lodged safely between her boobs, then handed it over, "You can enter your number in. Hehe!"

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Nao laughed as he took the phone and inputted the number. He hoped he could keep this one for awhile. He has to change numbers too often. He nodded and handed it back. "Thank you. I appreciate the help. I just don't understand how he finds these things. I imagine the cops will get to the bottom of it. Well I hope anyway ". Feeling a bit better he started eating his cake again and smiled at chichi as he dug into the second piece. He will have to find more recipes for himself. It made him happy chichi enjoyed his baking. He never had someone love it yo much. He looked up on,e he finished. "So chichi, what do you feel like doing tonight? We can make a fort or stay up and watch movies. Whatever you want to do".

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"I want to do lots of things with Nao..." he said while eating, "But... lately I've been worried about something. I feel like I might be pregnant." Mochi was too busy eating his tasty cake to realize what his 'worry' implied about the things they've done together besides making forts and watching movies.


If it were Yoshi, there would have been a bomb set off, but for deary Oba, she simply cracked up, "Haha! Oh my! Mochi, you sweetheart!" She rubbed his head, making him smile, "Boys can't get pregnant! Why do you think that, huh?" Obviously... something happened between them, but she was alright with it. Mochi didn't looked scarred or anything and he's twenty years old now anyways!


Licking his lips, he lifted his stomach to show her and Nao, "My belly has gotten bigger, see?"


"Sweetums, that's because you're eating a lot and you just haven't digested yet," she ruffled up his hair one more time and got up from her chair. "You'll see, that baby belly of yours will be gone soon... I am going to leave you two boys now. I'll be back with some clothes for him and such. I'll just leave it on the doorstep and ring the bell. I need a lot of time to talk to Yoshi about what's going to be happening from now on. Okay, you two sweethearts?"

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Nao nodded. He wanted to hug the woman but thought it would be awkward. "Thank you so much. I promise not to worry you. Thank you". Nao stood up to clear the table as the lady left. He had a lot of things floating around in his head. Especially what chichi said. He wanted to know what he meant by that. Its true they have been waiting junk. Maybe he put on on some weight? But it did look like it. "Hey chichi. What did you mean when you said you felt pregnant? Is it because I told you what moms and dads do? And what your aunt says it's true. Boys can't get pregnant. Maybe we should cut back on the sweets and not have them so much OK?" Nao walked over to the table and wiped it off. He threw the dish towel back into the sink and waved Chichi over". Come let's lay down for a bit. I want to cuddle. I missed you so much". Nao grabbed his hand and walked them to the bedroom.

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"Aw..." Mochi was bummed that Nao didn't want him eating too much sweets. He loved them and Nao's cakes tasted the best. He shouldn't have thought out loud if it meant this, it was a silly thing to say he felt pregnant. But if he was a girl, he wouldn't mind, even if it was a little early to do it. Mochiri was only twenty! "I missed you too, Nao. I wish it was your house I wasn't allowed to leave instead of mine. All I want to do..." he sighed happily, jumping and laying his back on Nao's bed, hugging himself and cooing, "All I want to do is stay in Nao's bed with him forever~" Mochi then laughed for a bit before stopping, whispered, "...And eat cake with him too, because his cooking and baking is so good and I have big stomach..."

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Nao laid down and chuckled. "Yes you do. That's why we are going to cut back on the junk". Nao pulled, chixhi in his arms and captured his lips in a passionate kiss. He moaned a bit as he dipped his tongue in caressing the others lightly. He pulled back and sighed. "I missed you. I wanted to do that since I saw you but I didn't want to in front of your aunt. Um i think I want to touch you too. I really need my chichi". Nao held him in his arms slowly pushing his hand up chichi's shirt and lightly caressed his stomach.

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He felt the inner complaints of being limited to sweet treats go away as soon as they're lips came together in a kiss. He smiled and blushed when he was told he was needed and rubbed himself against Nao's crotch intentionally, "I want Nao too." The brunet closed his eyes, wanting another deep kiss from his lover, tasting Nao's natural sweetness and even a bit of tasty chocolate cake. When pulling apart again, he mumbled his words close to the man's lips, looking in his eyes, "Um... Remember what you said? Yesterday..."

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Nao blushed and kissed him again pulling back as he looked down at him. He cleared his throat. "Um I do. Is that what you want to do?" Looking at chichi he blushed a bright red and nodded. "We can do that if you like. I would love it actually. I bet you'll be wonderful".

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"Yeah?" he smiled wider at Nao's words, "Okay, so... What you do first is... " Doing it with the other man made his mind go blank and he had to acrually remember the steps he experienced himself. "Can you tell me how it feels? I wanna know what its like." Mochi lifted up Nao's shirt and lowered his head down to his chest, flicking his tongue over his nipple before sucking. After this, he'd have to find the slimey stuff that Nao put on his fingers, because they're supposed to go inside.

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Nao swallowed hard and moaned. "Y-you're doing great". Trying to keep calm he wrapped his arms around chichi and whispered. "You can do it again. I really enjoy it. But you can kiss or lick anywhere you want. Like my neck is a sensitive area for me too. Just do anything you feel like. You'll be able to tell if I like it or not OK? Don't worry so much".

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"Yes, Nao," he said in between his sucks, shining in the light that Nao's moan put on him. Mochiri suckled a bit more, then went into the older man's neck, kissing and licking while a red stain fluxed over his cheeks while rubbing the nub on Nao's chest he had just finished playing with. He wasn't getting touched, but the brunet felt he was getting hard all by himself, mumbling, "I'm getting really hard, Nao..."

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Nao bit his bottotlip trying not to moan to loudly but a small moan escaped anyway. He moved his had and unzipped his pants sticking his hand in and pulled his cock out. He moaned feeling the hardness under his finger tips. " um you are really hard. You're enjoying yourself that's why". Nao gripped his erection tight and started pumping slowly as he was being sucked on. When chichi nipped his neck he whined and shuttered getting turned on even more. "Baby please I need". Nao reached over and grabbed the lube resting it on the bed. He sat up but still in chichi's arms and started taking off his clothes.

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Nao's need for him was a turn on that got to Mochi stronger than actual moans did, feeling like he could cum just from being stroked. His eyes displayed his lust perfectly while following what the other man was doing, stripping off his shirt and letting it fall off the the side, "O-Okay." He wasn't sure what to do on his own, but grabbed the lube anyways and squeezed out some onto his hands. For a moment, he looked at it in his hand and touched it with his fingers, "Oooh... This really is slippery," he looked lower at his own cock, it leaking with precum, and then back at Nao, "My thing is already covered in stuff. Will I need it still?" He says as if it were possible to put the lube in his hand back in the bottle.

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Nao got the last article of clothing off and threw it across the room. He crawled up on his bed and laid down waiting. Its been awhile for him. It may hurt a bit but he didn't care. As long as it was chichi it was fine. He heard chichi asking about the lube. "Yeah you will need it. Don't worry baby. Ill tell you what you have to do OK? Now come to me baby ". Nao held his arms out waiting for chichi. "Put some lube on your self. The whole thing. Then pour a bit more on your fingers and put some here." Nao lifted his legs for chichi. "Add a finger one at a time to help stretch me. Its been awhile so it might hurt but don't worry about me OK? Ill be fine. Now come here".

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Nodding, he came closer and looked down at Nao's naked bottom half and got red in his cheeks. Excluding Nao's heart and his face, his ass was his favorite part of his lover's body. Mochiri followed what the other said and slicked up his dick, wincing a bit again from the slight coldness and the texture, "I'll make sure I won't hurt you anyways, Nao, I promise." Next, he got the lube again, put enough for his fingers and moved the bottle aside, "Stretching time then..." Putting a finger inside, he was slow and at first, he was watching Nao's face, but then he watched how his finger was gone inside of the other man. "It's very tight inside... Will it really fit?" Mochi's finger started to move in and out~

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Nao groaned feeling a slight sting. Its been awhile since someone was inside. He panted as he looked up at chichi. He nodded. "I-it will. Please babe move your fingers. Ah God, feels too good". Nao licked his lips and moaned feeling the finger inside him. He wanted more but he knew he had to be patient. He slowly started moving his hips fucking himself on chichis finger trying to make him go faster. After a while he grew impatient. He really wanted to feel him. He pulled the finger out and grabbed the lube pouring it directly on himself. " I can't wait baby I need you now. Just go slow". He threw the lube down and grabbed Chichi's cock liningbit up with his entrance. He leaned up and kissed his chin. "Don't worry about hurting me. Just go slow for now".

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Being told he was needed now, he felt a pressure over his heart, "I'll go slow for you..." repeating his words, Mochi swallowed and started to finally enter inside of Nao. It was incredibly tight for the light brunet, making him hesitate but it was also the same reason why he continued in slow. That tightness felt so good, so warm... "A-Ah. Ha... It..." he felt that his ears were red like his face. Mochiri gave a short lusty breath having all of his cock surrounded by heat and being squeezed, "It feels right." He said with his hips beginning to move and thrust slow... but he couldn't help himself. He was slow for about ten seconds before going faster on his own with his head hung down as he moaned, "N-Nao. It feels really good."

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Nao moaned as he wrapped his legs around chichi. He gasped as he slid in deeper. This is the first time he had some one so big. It hurt a bit but it was chichi. He would endure anything for him. Even if it hurt. When he sped up he flinched and moaned loudly. "O-oh fuck chichi! H-harder please oh God give it to me"! Nao never let go like he did with chichi. It must really mean he is in love. He couldn't help it. No one ever made him feel this way. He wanted scream. He wanted to cry. His emotions were really raw as he finally started to thrust into chichi's movements. He froze when his spot was struck and moa ed loudly. Tears came to his eyes as he let out a strangled moan. "R-right there Chi. Oh g-god gonna cum". Nao's back arched off the bed as he held on to chichi screaming.

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Mochiri felt dizzy inside of his head from he screams and the pleasure concentrated out of his voice alone, the kind of dizzy that one would get from having hard sex with someone you loved of course. It turned him on so much to hear the voice of his partner tearing in delight because of this. And he certainly wouldn't be so innocent anymore after hearing Nao cuss and be so lewd under him. "Me too..." He sniffled, grabbing he other mans hips firmer as he bucked himself inside harder with the needy speed of someone desperate to release. Mochi closed his eyes and while thrusting, he felt it. "A-Ahh!" Deep in, he came. Like his first time with Nao, a lot of his white fluid came out of him, stuffing Nao like a turkey from the inside out.

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"C-chi.. ". Nao strangled out as he rutted back against chichi taking him in deep. With one final thrust he froze as he came hard spilling on to his stomach and on chichi. It was rare for him to cum without touching himself. He panted hard and squeezed his eyes tight. He held on to chichi as he came feeling the warm sticky fluid fill him. He moaned and hummed pulling chichi down for a kiss. He smiled looking up at chichi. " babe that was so good. Did you enjoy it? I definitely want you to do it again. It felt good'. Nao yawned and turned over making room for chichi. He laid on his pillow and shuffled around til he was comfortable.

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"I think... I'm going to cry..." he mumbled, getting close to Nao and wrapping his arms tightly around him, "But not the bad crying. It was good. Thats why I'd cry." More than anything, he felt tingly all over his body. The brunet that was a virgin not too long ago just had sex with a very vocal, very sexy lover of his. He was scrambled all over again. "But I won't... Men don't cry. And it might be weird too..." To contain his emotions, the kinds that he didn't know how to express well enough, Mochiri kissed Nao and touched his cheek, wanting to kiss away the bombardment of flutters in his body.

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Nao held him and nuzzled Chichi's chin and nodded his head no. "Its on to cry. Don't let anyone tell you its not OK? If you want to go ahead. It can be our secret. " Nao yawned feeling his eyes close. He was tired but excited as well. He would be up for another but he knows pain will come tomorrow. And it won't be fun. Hopefully it won't be so bad. He leaned up and kissed Chichi's chin. "Let's sleep baby. I'm tired and I bet you are too. I'll make us some breakfast in the morning. Oh was your aunt coming back tonight"?

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"She was going to bring my clothes... But she never rung the bell like she said." He didn't want to get up, yet that's what he ended up doing, "Ill be right back... I want to put my new pajamas on." He was looking forward to them. It was new and it was so much softer than the ones he had back at home. Mochi hurried it up, going to the door and seeing his clothes there, the cat plushie gift for Nao was there too. "I can't believe I forgot about you," he smiled, picking up the cat in one arm and grabbing the other things in his other hand.


He never heard a bell so he thought that he missed it, but really, Oba didn't ring the bell. She wasn't even the one to bring the clothes out, it was a sour Yoshi that didn't want to be near Nao's house, but their aunt forced him to anyways.


Coming back merrily, he dropped the bags by the bed and hopped back in with Nao, showing the butler cat with a bright smile, "While I was with Oba, I wanted to give you something. This is for you, Nao!"

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Nao was drifting off to sleep when he heard chichi leave the room. His eyes sprung open when he heard him enter and he turned over on his back. He looked up and smiled and took the stuffed animal. "Oh baby thanks. You didn't have to but I love it. Thank you". Nao held on to the gift looking at it and smiled. "Ill keep it on the bed and cuddle it when you aren't around". He looked at the stuffed animal again laying it on his pillow. "I think his name will be Sebastian. He looks like a Sebastian in his butlerboutfit. Very cute. Thanks babe". Nap smiled and patted the bed. "Come back to bed. Let's sleep. Sobdid you're aunt bring your stuff?"

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