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The Stay At Home Lamb w/ Coffee-Tastic and Beatlechan


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Nodding with a smile, he pulled out a comfy long sleeved shirt and pants, just feeling the soft clothes made him feel extra sleepy, "She said to leave these clothes here so I have things to change into when I sleep over," he explained, putting on his clothes quickly even though Nao lacked clothes entirely. He still desired ultimate warmth when he slept. "Yoshi has to get me clothes too, but those will stay at my house she says." Successfully comfy, he snuggled against Nao with an arm around him, kissing his cheek and the side of his lips, "Okay... Sleep time..."

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Nao smiled wrapping his arms around chichi. He was the complete opposite of chi. He didnt really Luke sleeping in clothes so when it was warm enough he always went with out. He kissed chichi's forehead. "Night babe. Sleep well". Nao closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep holding on to chichi. Over night he could feel the pain set in and he knew it would be a rough day.

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Bzzzzz. Bzzzz... The sound of a low, loud buzzing came from the clothes from the previous day that Mochiri put in the shopping bags. His cell phone was going off and it was from a very worried person back at home. The brunet remained asleep for the first couple of buzzes, but the sounds of phones always woke him up eventually. Again, his mind and body were always trained to pick up the phone. The younger man was gentle in pulling himself apart from Nao in order to get the phone. It was 4:45am when Mochi looked at his phone tiredly, his eyes barely able to stay open, "Hello...? Nao?" he said his lover's name only because he was still kind of asleep and didn't know who he was talking to.


"Mochi. Are you alright?" Yoshi asked quietly, sounding tired himself, "Sorry for calling so early, I was just worried... And also, when are you coming back home? Auntie is going to be leaving tomorrow night and I thought you might want to spend another day with her and... maybe me if you two don't leave when I go to the store..."


Mochiri laid himself over the bed with the top half of him nearly off the bed from reaching for his phone, "I told Oba we should wait for you, but she took me with her outside anyways. I'm really sorry about that," he mumbled, rubbing his eyes, "I think Nao has work... yeah I thing he does. So I'll be with you two," Mochiri said with some cheer in his sleepy voice, "I wish auntie could have stayed longer. I missed her lots." He was going to say something else, but then he heard a beep on the line, and it went quiet on his brother's end, "...Yoshi? Yoshi...?"


Looking down at the phone, he saw it shutting down from the battery power dying. "... Oops..." It was Yoshi's fault for constantly texting him and trying to call him yesterday. With it vibrating so much, it drained down his battery life even though Mochi didn't even use it until now.

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Nao groaned when he felt the loss of body heat. He scooter over trying to find it but then he opened his eyes and looked noticing chichi on the phone. He closed his eyes and inhaled sharply. His limbs felt heavy. Everything from his waist down burned and was stiff. How was he gonna make it around the house today. He could tell chichi was being stalked by yoshi which meant he needed to go home at some point today. He sighed and closed his eyes tighter. He would have to fake it so chichi could go home. Despite the hour he had to get up and use a the bathroom. He held in a wbi.per as he scooted off the bed slowly. Once he stood he immediately collapsed to the floor.

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Mochi didn't even notice that Nao was awake until he heard the fall, making him drop his phone in surprise and jolting up to look, "Nao!" he puffed his cheeks a bit from the surprise as he got up and went to help Nao. The brunet helped him sit up and leaned close, "Nao, are you okay?" he sighed out the extra air with his head lowered and hugged the man, "How come you fell? You should have stayed in bed asleep..." Except he was the one to wake him up and Mochiri knew that. What he didn't know was the amount of pain and pressure he put on Nao's body from last night. Of course a first timer like him wouldn't understand the meaning of 'going slow and steady' yet, even if he did know, it'd be hard to control himself when it was actually happening. He should be saying oops again for that reason.

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Nao leaned against him and smiled. "Ah. I'm a bit sore babe. Guess we we're rougher than I thought but. I enjoyed it. I just need to soak in a hot bath and take some pain meds. Um was that your brother calling? He wants you to come home right? Its OK go. I'll figure out how to take care of myself somehow". Nao held on to, hichi and pulled himself up. He tried to stand again and his legs went out again. He hit the floor and swore. "Shit.". This time he didn't move but stared at chichi. "I guess I didnt need help.".

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Mochiri was worried about Nao at first, but... seeing him trying to walk and stand was a bit funny. Giggling, he leaned down and helped him up again, but carried him up in his arms so he could simply carry him. Mochi so far has never showed his strength, it wasn't superhuman or anything, but Nao wasn't exactly the size of a child either. "I'll take you to the bath and get you painkillers, Nao! Yoshi said that he wanted me to come back today, but he didn't say when and my battery died so I couldn't tell him anything else. Its super early though. I don't want to leave... And can you go to work like that? What if I stay here and be your nurse?" The idea brought sparkles in his eyes as he put him down in the bathtub, patting his head when he stood up straight again, "I'd be a great nurse for you, don't you think?"

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Nao smiled and wrapped his arms around chichi. "That would be great baby. I would live for you to play nurse. Too bad I don't have an outfit. Id love to see you in it". Nao chuckled as much as he could without causing pain. He hoped the hot water would soothe his aches soon. Next time they will have to be more gentle until he gets use to being on the receiving end again. He gasped when a wave of pain hit. "Babe make sure the water his hot please. ". Nao couldn't wait to get to the bath. Maybe they could sleep again afterwards. "Hey Chi? Are you gonna get in with me"?

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"Can I?" he smiled like a happy puppy while turning the water on for the tub, making it hot but not to a boiling degree, "I haven't taken a bath with anyone in a while..." when was the last time? Several years ago at best... Yoshi told him that he got too big to take baths, so they had to stop. Mochi wished their tub was bigger... I'd love to! I'd really love to! I'll be sure to scrub you well and get you all bubbly clean!" He pulled up his long sleeve shirt and got stuck with his head a little before he popped his head out with his hair fluffing up, "Um. I'll go and get your medicine while the water is going. You can go in if you want. I like being in it while watching the water rise!" Kissing Nao once more, he drooped the pj top on the sink while scuttling out and to the kitchen where he believed the medicine cabinet was. It was so exciting to be a nurse, he wished he had the costume... obviously he couldn't wear in in the tub, but it would have been nice to wear when they got out... But he did get an idea. He could make himself look like a nurse in one way.

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Nap nodded as he climbed in painfully. He sighed once the water hit his skin. "Oh God this is good". Nao sat back and closed his eyes as he waited for the pills. He opened his eyes and looked at the clock. He scoffed 5a. He'll have to remember to call in for work since there was no way he'd function properly. He hummed still resting on the tub listening to the water fill the tub. He thought about chichi's excitement and smiled. Maybe if he felt better they could mess around for a bit. In a way he is glad he won't have to go home now. He just hopes his brother is understanding. May be he should tell Chi to call his aunt since she is helpful. 'Hey baby. Maybe call your aunt so she can help smooth things out with your brother. Since you won't be going home".

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The 'nurse' got himself a white piece of paper, scissors, table and a red pen as fast as he could and started using his crafting abilities. His tongue was stuck out in concentration, putting it back inside his mouth when he smiled, "There... Perfect!" Mochiri cut the paper to be slimmer, made a roll out of it, taped the sides together and drew a red cross on it. He put it on his head as a nurse's cap so he could look like a real nurse for Nao~ Sadly he didn't have the same knowledge as a nurse. It look some scavenging to find Nao's medicine cabinet and when he found it, he stared at the names and all the labels... He had no idea what he was looking for. Whenever he got sick or didn't feel good, Yoshi would make him lay down in bed and he'd come back with something that would help. Mochi was a nurse and he couldn't spend any more time trying to read all the bottles, so he just grabbed all of them along with a cup of water.


"Nao, I'm back!" he smiled and carefully put all the medicines on the side of the bath tub, "I don't know which one the painkiller is, so here! I brought them all." He then went on his knees by the tub and lifted up the water, "And then water to make it go down better." With his other hand he patted Nao on the head, "Don't worry. You'll feel better in no time."

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Nao smiled. "Thanks babe". Nao stretched in the tub. Testing his movements. The water helped a lot now that he could actually move. Now he has to wait til the pill kicks in. Nao grabbed a rag and cleaned himself up and rinsed off stepping out of the tub. He grabbed Chichi's hand and pulled him into a deep kiss. He pulled back and petted Chichi's hat. " are you gonna take care of me today like you did last night or should I take care of you this time"?

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"But I'm the nurse, I'm supposed to take care of you," He said, clueless too the inside outs of sexy talk, the kiss only suceeding in making his cheeks pink, "I know I'm not the best nurse because I don't know which is the medicine you need but... I'm not a real nurse, so its okay to mess up. Isn't it?" He looked in the tub and then back at Nao, "You can stand now, so that means youre better? I still want to be the nurse because I haven't played doctor in a while. Can you pretend to be sick?" he asked with a childish, wry smile.

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Nao laughed and grabbed chichis hand and pulled him out of the bathroom leading them to his room. "Chichi, you are too adorable. That's not what I was talking about". Nao took his and pulled chichi close to him. He grabbed his butt with both hands and lifted him in the air walking over to the bed. He laid him down gently and kissed him. "I'll tell you what. You can play nurse when we're done OK? I really want to be inside you baby".

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He was talking about that? He looked at the floor when he was picked up, feeling silly and embarrassed... "That's fine with me," Mochi said back in a content voice, touching some of Nao's hair as he closed his eyes and leaned his head up to kiss him, "But... Don't make it hurt afterwards like I did with you." Telling Nao not to make it hurt felt like it was a bit mean. So he was able to make it hurt really badly when he did it, but not the other way around? He just didn't want to be immobile because he was supposed to be the nurse! "S-Sorry about that again, haha..."

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Nao nuzzles his nose.".it's .not your fault baby. I haven't had someone do that to me in a long time and I did tell you to go harder. It felt great. Next time you do it. It should be better. But I won't hurt you sweetie". Nao kissed chichi's lips softly as he leaned in. He sighed as their lips met and started to kiss him more passionately.

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Mochiri was happy to reassured and even more happy to get himself a kiss. He closed his eyes and put his arms around the other man to make sure he kept close with him. Whenever he was this close to Nao, his heart couldn't stay calm. It was like getting recognized by thatnone special crush, except in this case, being recognised meant getting kisses. If Yoshi wasn't so strict, he would see how sweet they were together, like how his aunt saw them... Mochi made noise from his overwheling heart drum, moving his hands to Nao's defined back.

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Nao held him tighter as he took the nurses hat off and placed it on the table next to the bed. For good measure he grabbed the lube too and placed it gently on the bed. Nao continued to kiss chichi and moved to his neck sucking in it softy. He moaned feeling himself getting really turned on. He continued to kiss chichi all over leaving little light marks and moved down to his chest. He removed one hand from around him and started caressing his chest and rubbing his nipples til they were hard. Once they were hard enough he took one into his his mouth as he played with the other one.

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Mochi's eyes opened softly at the kisses and sucks on his neck with his breath hitching with his growing excitement. Nao rubbing his nipples make him sink further into the softness of the bed, melting at his touch with a breath. The brunet started to blush at the feeling of his mouth right on his skin. Still, it was a tickling feeling, but instead of making him laugh, it made him feel hot inside and outside. Getting hard with his lusts, the brunet couldn't help but bring his hand down to his legs and rub himself to get some electricity, feeling on fire in the best kind of way. "Ahhn," Mochiri closed his eyes and could feel that his private area was getting a little wet from his precum, mumbling Nao's name under his breath just for the sake of hearing his name on his lips.

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(I apologize. Ive been busy making my scythe for my cosplay).


Nap continued teasing chichi's nipples and moaned when he heard his name on whispered lips. He released the nipples and moves further down the younger man's body. Missing and liking every inch of skin. When he arrived at his cock. He kissed the very too and began to run his tongue along the hard cock. He moaned and deep throated and started bibbibg his head up and down.

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(What?! That's so awesome 8D who are you cosplaying as? )


Embarrassment was hot in his face at having Nao doing such a thing to him again, but looking really good doing it. The sounds he were hearing were so lustfully dirty and he couldn't help but melt like hot cheese, moaning and trying to keep himself from moving his hips. He only succeeded in that by grabbing the blankets, then biting his bottom lip with his pleasured breathes slipping out of his lips, "N-Nao. I can't..." He closed his eyes and tilted his head back, "I'm going to come, Nao. P-Please." what he was saying please for, he didnt know. Was it to stop before he climaxed or to keep going? He couldn't make up his mind.

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(As maka from soul eater).


Nao moaned hearing the beautiful sounds coming from his chichi. He felt him tremble as he was close to cumming. He sped up and took him all the way into his mouth as he bummed around his cock. He wanted to feel chichi cum. He was getting so turned on he slowly stroked himself as he got harder. He mumbled around chichi's cock. "Cum baby. Let me taste you".

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( Maka


It felt hotter and hotter down in his area, managing go open his eyes, he saw Nao there again, touching himself in that place too. The sight and the sensations were far too much, Mochi shuttered and gave in. He thrust his hips upward as he hit his orgasm, his moan shaky and overwhelmed~ Nao's name being in his aftershock, said in a breath. Having his dick sucked like that was insane to receive for being so sexually innocent, the warmth he felt all over making him fidget, "Ha... Oh..." He had looked away, but realized how he did that really far in his mouth, so he peeked down again, "Nao..."

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Nao moaned as he swallowed and looked up at chichi. "Its fine baby. I wanted you to". Nao got up and climbed on top of chichi grabbing the lube. "Ready"?

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(I'm sorry for replying so late! I wrote a reply out but obviously it didn't send... I'm sorry for taking so long to notice that x( )


"Am I?" He asked uncertainly, "... Oh I'm sorry! Yes, I am. I just..." He wasn't thinking at the moment and didn't even know what Nao meant by his question until he realized the position they were in. "Never mind," he said wig a sheepish smile, his legs slowly parting open more, "Uh, yes, Nao. I'm ready..."


But just then, the doorbell rung a whole bunch of times, over and over again. And then there was a female voice, the one of Mochi's aunt, "Haha, hey, sorry, don't open the door! Everything is fine!" But then Yoshino's voice was heard there too, but his words weren't as loud as the woman's was and couldn't be heard.


The brunet looked to the side towards the door, mumbling, "I think he came over because our call got cut off..." His peach eyes looked back up, "S-Sorry. Nao can I go tell him I'm okay?"

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