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The Stay At Home Lamb w/ Coffee-Tastic and Beatlechan


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Nao nodded. "It can happen unexpectedly. That he was telling the truth about. Especially if you are kissing and cuddling. But if you say to me i don't want to do it yet. Tell me. I won't get mad. Just promise me this. If you feel like it tell me and I will do everything I can so it won't be painful. Or if you want you can do it to me and when you're ready just say. There are things you can do to make it hurt less bit we won't worry about that now. For now Im comfortable with kissing. Like I said if you only want to touch me so you can see what happens that's OK too. I won't touch you until you are comfortable baby". Nao scooted closer to chichi and hugged him. "I missed you too chichi. I just don't like how your brother is trying to confuse you. He should know better. He's been with you longer". Nao sighed and got up. "Come let's go lay down for a bit".

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He has been with his brother far longer than anyone else actually, he didn't even have too many significant memories with his parents even. He didn't know why his brother decided to move out and take him along. Speaking of, when was the last time he saw them? Whenever family visited, which was rare in itself, he never did see them actually come over. He did however have Yoshino let him know when they wanted to say hello. Its not like his brother wasn't doing a good job in taking care of him, its just that sometimes he wanted to see them again, so they could see how much he's grown up. But no matter! Everything was okay, Nao said they can go back to laying with each other again, "Ah, okay!" He smiled and got up as well, taking Nao's hand and coming close to his chest to leave a kiss on his lips. A part of him was curious by what he meant by allowing him to touch Nao to see what happens. Would something happen if he were to poke his back? Or if he put his hand on his chest? He saw Nao's butt before and he wouldn't mind touching that a bit. Nao did say it was okay. After his kiss, he chuckled and pulled Nao to his room, "I want to kiss you more and be close to you. I want to try it because I want to show you that I love you a lot!"

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Nao nodded and allowed himself to be pulled into his room. He looked around quickly making sure it was clean and climbed up on his bed tugging the blanket down. He got under the covers waiting for Mochiri. "Are you sure you want to try? If you're nervous or scared you don't have to force yourself. I understand if you need time. Like i said I won't be upset or mad if you want to think things over. Its a big step Chichi and I don't want you to be uncomfortable. But if you are sure if you want to you can touch me as much as you want".

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"I appreciate you wanting to make sure Im okay, but Im super sure," with a giggle, he came into bed with Nao and kissed his lips softly, "Im not a kid, I'm an adult now." As much as he thought he was a grown up, he wasnt too much like one. Nevertheless, he was branching far away from his days being spent inside and watching kids cartoons. He still does actually. That might not change... "Are there any places you like being touched? I like it when you touch my head and when Yoshi rubs my back." He looked down Nao's body and then brought his peach colored eyes back up. Mochiris body temperature was always warm, his hands were no exception, they pressed softly onto Nao's chest, getting a sheepish grin when he realized he didnt have a clue on how to touch people like this, "Actually. I dont know what to do."

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Nao shook his head. "I do but i want you to find out since you want to know. Don't be afraid touch or kiss me anywhere you like. Take your time and don't rush. As I said we have a bit of time. If you are unsure ask. Now look at me chichi. Don't be afraid. You won't get hurt and I won't get hurt OK. I love you. Now are you sure you really want to try? Take a second and think about it. I want you to be 100% sure and that you trust me when I say it's not a bad thing".

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Mochiri trusted Nao more than his own brother about these things now, there was no doubt that he wanted to try this. It was his first time in a relationship and he was so curious as to what partners did. He kept his eyes on Nao and smiled, "I trust you... I trust that if anything feels weird, I can ask you to stop just like you said. I trust you that its not a bad thing... And if its not bad, then its good! I want that." The brunet closed his eyes and put his head into Nao's neck, "Good for the both of us... Because I love you lots, Nao "

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Nao kissed.his head and wrapped his arms around him. "OK sweety start when you feel comfortable. You don't have to tell me when you start . Just go ahead and do what you feel like doing. Ill keep my hands behind my head OK?" Nao kissed his head again and unwrapped his arms from srorhim putting his hands where he said he would to make chichi more comfortable. He closed his eyes and swallowed hard ad his nerves we're starting to get the best of him as well. Its been a long time since anyone touched him. He was nervous but excited as well. He took one final deep breath and waited for Mochiro to start.

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"Okay," he muttered, going to his train of thought. How to touch somebody... It wouldnt be called exploring if he knew, did it? Mochi bit his bottom lip and remembered having Nao change his clothes in front of him. And he also just remembered what his birthday wish was. "Mm..." he hummed happily and lifted up his shirt to see Nao's chest once again, "I think its okay to say what my birthday wish was the other day." Blushing, he brushed his fingers up and down the man's body, just to test the waters, "My wish was to be able to see you without a shirt again... E-Embarassing..." He thought Nao had a beautiful body, and from day one, he secretly longed to see it again. The sweat was a bonus and he wouldnt be greedy to push for that in his wish as well. "But my wish came true, isnt that cool?"

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Nao smiled and opened his eyes and at up pulling his shirt off. "Did you like seeing me with no shirt on?" Nao chuckled and he laid back down looking up at Mochiri. He wanted to kiss him but he didn't want to frighten him. So he fought to keep himself still and closed his eyes waiting for chichi to touch him.

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Nao might be restraining himself from a kiss, but Mochi wasn't under the same thing. He actually wanted to kiss him too, so he did, pecking his lips right above his belly button at first, then planted more small kisses up to his collar bone. Nao laying down like that, the brunet was right next to him, getting to 'examine' the older man horizontally, "I do..." he mumbled after finishing with his kisses. His hands didn't know what to do at all with the power to be able to touch Nao anywhere, so he blinked and scanned over his bare chest again, noticing that his breathing had gotten a bit faster. Mochi ran his hands to feel his heartbeat, smiling when he did...But then, somehow, they moved by his curiosity's order to his nipples where he rubbed, feeling a bit silly for doing it, but he was allowed to do anything. "Is this weird, Nao?"

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Nao swallowed and shook his head no. He moaned lightly after having his nipple caressed and he felt it harden. "N-no chichi it feels good. T-touch me more please.. mmh". Nao's eyes closed as he panted lightly. A small sheen of sweat was breaking out on his forehead. His nipple wasn't the only harden. Gripping the bed he felt his erection tent in his pants. Oh he wanted to free it and touch himself but no, he couldnt scare chichi. He hoped he didn't notice his hard on. Its kind of embarrassing. He could feel his face heat up and blushed. "Chichi don't stop, feels good".

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Getting the reaction that he did, Mochi didn't plan on stopping at all. The blush he saw on Nao before came back bright red and he even heard him make a noIse that made his own cheeks get color as he gulped, "Okay..." he rubbed the more solid nubs on Nao's chest and even tweaked them as well. His eyes caught the bead of sweat on the other's forehead and leaned down to kiss it, the salty sweetness tainting the tip of his tongue as well, and lifting his head to look at Nao's body once again, he noticed what was happening downstairs in his boy friend. "...It happens to you too?" he asked, actually sounding relieved, "Your thing is hard right? That happens to me too. When I wake up in the middle of the night sometimes," he mumbled and brought one of his hands down to rub at the tent, "And its there. I don't know why though. I know how to fix it if you want..." To him, it was just an abnormality of dreaming sometimes. He didn't tell his brother because it was embarrassing. For Nao, it must happen whenever he got touched like this. Poor him... Mochiri couldn't imagine how that must be.

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Nao moaned but chuckled. "So you dream of naughtiness. Chichi? It means you're excited." He panted as he fought with himself on whether if he should free his cock or not. "W-what you are doing. I like it. My body likes it. So it gets hard." He groaned and finally deciding to undo his pants. "I'm sorry. I don't want to scare you chichi b-but it's uncomfortable in the pants". Once he pulled them down he moaned. His cock was hard hot and pulsating and he needed relief. No one had ever turned him on this much. He didn't know if it was the innocence of his chichi or was it the natural talent he seemed to possess. Nao felt like he wanted to cry and scream at the same time. Looking up at chichi. "S-show me what you do Chi".

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Wide eyes seeing another person's dick hard for the first time, Mochi's lips parted open for a brief moment just before they closed and he looked at Nao again with a little nod. His focus was brought back to the bottom half of the other man and he grabbed it with his soft hands, "I do it slow... because if its too fast, I make too much noise. I don't want Yoshi to know it happens to me." His hand moved up and down Nao's stiff cock, nudging the tip each time with his thumb in a slow motion. His innocent eyes saw a white bead at the tip and he could feel the heat radiating from the excited organ, making him swallow again, "White stuff comes out of yours too... That makes me feel better. That we both go through the same thing..." His voice seemed to get quieter, but it was only because he wanted to be able to hear Nao's noises better.

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Nao nodded and thrusted into his hand. He covered his mouth with the back of his hand as moan slipped out. "I-it happens to all guys Chichi. Even Yoshi. He just might not tell you. B-but lets not talk about him right now". Nao thrusted again and panted harder. "Squeeze t"tighter . Oh God Chichi, feels so good". Nao was having a hard time keeping himself reigned in but he wouldn't give in. He really didn't want to frighten Mochiri since he promised he'd be good and let him explore but he really wanted to see him moaning too. Nao inhaled sharper as he felt his orgasm approaching. "Ah.. ah faster chichi please. Oh God, I'm gonna cum"! Nao groaned and thrusted faster and moaned loudly as he spilled onto himself and chichi's hand. He panted as he felt himself grow soft. He hummed in a satisfied manner as his eyelids grew heavy.

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"Cum?" That was the first thing that came to his mind after Nao was finished and his white fluids were all over his hand, "...You did lots, Nao..." It was over his hand in a mess, a mess that be brought to his nose to sniff before looking around for tissues, his face red hot, "Um. Um..." He got up from the bed to go get a box he saw at a nightstand, feeling his body tingling even tough he wasn't touched, not once. Nao's moans kept repeating in his head, his pants and his desperate actions as well, all of it made the brunet feel very weird and he didn't know what to do about it. Mochi knew how it felt to touch down there, but to him, it didn't feel as good as Nao must have felt just now. Why? He was thinking that maybe because Nao loved him so it made it better? Possibly. "Nao do you feel better? Did I do good?" Mochiri jumped back to Nao on the bed with a bunch of tissues to clean up with.

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Nao hummed lazily. "You did great chichi. It was really good". He smiled and turned on his side looking up at Mochiri. "How are you feeling? Are you hard?" He wondered if it affected chichi at all. He seems to have pretty good control but does seem a bit antsy. Maybe he doesn't understand why. Nao looks at him and sat up still feeling good from his release and put his shorts back and climbed back in the bed. He got under the blanket and snuggled close to Chichi. "Anything you want to ask? Or are you confused? Talk to me about what's going through your head right now. Don't be afraid. I will listen ".

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"Mm. I know, I trust you, Nao," he smiled and hugged Nao. Mochi wanted to ask if they just had sex, but he remembered how Yoshi told it to him. It involved more than this. "Um... I feel tingly but my thing isn't hard. So I guess I'm okay... Nao?" His eyes roamed around, "I did that to you and you liked it. Would you do that to me too? I wouldn't mind but I don't want to take my clothes off for too long. I don't like being cold, that's all. I hope that's okay... I want to be touched too sometime." Because he did want to feel good too soon. The only time he takes off his clothes are if he was changing or if he was going to get in a warm bath, no other reason. The idea of having cold air against his skin even makes him shiver. The little lamb loved being warm and hot too much to feel alright with even the faintness of coldness. Nao took off his shirt and pulled off his bottoms, something the brunet didn't feel comfortable enough with.

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Nao looked at him and gulped. "You want me to touch you? O-ok but chichi are you sure? If you don't like it tell me right away and I will stop. You don't have to take your clothes off. Maybe just your sweats but you can keep your underwear and T-shirt on. And I will put the blanket over you too so you can be warm OK"? Nao sat up and kissed chichi gently. He deepened the kiss wrapping his arms around him while slipping his tongue in gently. He moaned into chichi's mouth as he laid him down in the bed on his back softly. He placed a quick kiss on his lips and pulled his sweats off and laid next to him spreading the blanket over them. "Can i start"?

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The moan Nao left in his mouth got the tingles in his body to amplify and make his head hazy with sparks. Already he felt the difference of warmth between having his sweats on and off, but the blanket made it not so bad at all. That and the warmth he was getting in his chest was equalizing it well, he didn't think there was going to be a problem anymore with any cold scares. "Yeah... Your hands are warm so I, uh... need that," Mochiri felt embarrassed saying that he needed his touch, but its what he really wanted. "You're going to do the same thing that I did to you? Can you do it slow too? I'm more used to that..."

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Nao smiled hugging him. "I'll do it any way you want me to chichi. I just want a chance to make you feel good too. I love you so much". nao kissed him holding him in his arms and slowly pushing the shirt up to caress his chest. He pulled back from the kiss and whispered in his ear. "If you want me to stop. Just tell me." He nodded and continued to kiss him and brushing against his nipples.

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He closed his eyes slowly as they kissed, the haziness leading him to a sugary bliss with Nao once more. Mochi didn't think that touching his chest would do anything considering he never felt much of anything whenever he touched them in the shower for if he scratched himself... It was different now, he assumed that it was because it was Nao, the one he loved. After dancing in the kiss and its effects a little longer, the brunet let out a slow moan of pleasure with his body not just tingling anymore, it felt like it was heating up. Now that he thought about it, was this what nipples were for? He's always wondered. Mochiri never expected them to do this at all. "Don't stop..." He muttered, just giving an update to make sure this was okay, "Nao? It's getting hot there..."

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Nao moaned as he kissed him and spoke against his lips. "You're getting excited that's why. Want me to kick the blanket off?" Nao continued to kiss him but moved down to his neck. He lightly sucked on making sure not to mark him. He would have liked to but he knew it would cause issues if he did. So he moved down a bit more kissing his chest. He looked up making sure he was still OK. "Chichi can i try something? You may like it".

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Mochi took it upon himself to take the blanket off of them, and for a moment he felt like he shouldn't have done that, but Nao distracted him well. Just with the kisses and sucks, the younger man felt extremely calm but also still very excited, as Nao said. "Try something?" He breathed out, his voice dreamy from something new called lust, "Yeah, sure... I trust you, Nao, so you can do it." His eyes down at the other male, Mochi smiled lazily, "What is it?"

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Nao nodded and sat up. "Yes I think it will make you feel really good. If you don't like it just tell me OK"? Nao situated himself to hover over chichi. He leaned in and kissed his lips sliding down his body and instantly takes a nipple into his mouth. He wrapped one arm around his waist and the other caressed the unattended nipple. He felt his chichi shiver a bit but he held him close determined to make him feel as good as he did when chichi touched him. He figured if he liked his nipples being touched he may likecthis as well. Feeling his cock stiffen again he moaned. He released the nipple. "You like it"?

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