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Winter リア充 Challenge 2015!


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I really didn't find a good way to take a sunrise pic .-. here don't have nice or good place for it and we r at summer so...this is how the sky looks xD



Like a "blue wallpaper" -don't have a single cloud in sky ._.


and already doing 39°C at 7am T_T











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This is the best that I could take from my work place. Had to use my 15 min break for this~ xD


Theme 7: Sunrise






P.S. I went to the rooftop sometime later to take a pic of when the sun was really up. I'll post it here if needed~

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7- Sunrise


In Northern Quebec, sunrise is scheduled at 7h22 am. I was outside a bit before that in my boots, pj's and winter coat waiting to take a few pictures... at -19ºC (-2°F without windchill factor). I think moose now consider me some sort of crazy woman to have so stood in snow up to my calves (should have put on my snowshoes) taking pictures in the morning. But they're a judgmental lot.





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Theme 07: Sunrise

Date: 19th of December


I had to run errands in the morning and I took the picture on the way. As you can see, this year our capital is engulfed in mist so no sun for us. XD It looks good with all the Christmas lights though. ^^




If you get out of the city, there's wonderful nature all around, so here's an old picture from the mountains. This awaits if you're prepared to get out of bed at 4am and hike. :p





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Day 7, Theme: Sunrise



I had to wake early on a Saturday morning for this. :p I know that I won't see the sun because we just had the recent typhoon here and now there's a Low Pressure Area in our country, so the sky looks really dark and cloudy, no hint of sunlight. It was raining a bit when I took this shot.





Here's a real sunrise in the sea sometime ago when I went there with my friends. :)



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It was a bit cloudy and dark at first, but then it cleared enough for a pic. :) The sun doesn't rise until around 11 am here during the winter. And it doesn't really rise much more than this, haha.





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Day 7 : sunrise

I really enjoyed ur sunrise pics, and i got really jealous of u guys.

well The only thing that one can see in Thehran sky nowadays is pollution, it's stifling. :Frustrated:





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|| The new theme was posted. Check first post for more information about the task.



*The theme 'Sunrise' is still ongoing though. Due to time zones clash, we allow the themes to be still going for people with US time zone (UTC-08:00)

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Theme 8 :


I.. think this count nostalgia.. it's remind me the first time i saw them so close.. *O*





P.s i cant think any other things.. theehee

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Theme #8: Nostalgia





Me at the age of 5.. why i get sentimental looking at a childhood pic where kinda look confused umm cause it's the only picture i have of me. All our family albums got lost during our move to another district back then.


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Theme 8:


Don't actually have much with me, but I would say these are pretty nostalgic. They are from my first trip to China from a friend who thought I would like them. They have traveled all the way to America and then back again because I brought them just incase I might need them due to cold weather. Though they aren't my typical style I do think of them fondly.





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Here's mine theme 8 "Nostalgia"


it's like a love at first sight meeting you it's painful and regret .. tehee.. lol.. but it's already past... so it's okie if I tell you behind my story of this picture fufufu..








Etoo.. make's me think why do I still have this? Even me can't believe it. my time stop already, And it can't be fixed.. it's was my first time meeting him in accidentally.. My old pocket watches broken when he dump into me. he even apologize and fixed it for me, we became friends for so long and only one side love... I said I love him, he even turn me down... he vanish like a air for so long and Appear like a ghost then telling me he getting married.. he said I will be his best man.. but why it didn't come true he even gone up first before me.! it's so sad and tragic that he were gone.. Even my old watch time stop to when we first meet...Ahh.. I can't even throw it away because it was a keep sake for me...


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8th theme - Nostalgia




Got this from someone who isn't important anymore. LOL. bitter XD

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theme 8: "Nostalgia"





there's so many things that reminds me of happy and sad times seeing this sea and beach again, after so many years. but if I have to choose which one made me the most nostalgic in a sense, then it's definitely this tree..

(but to be honest, everything in this pic is so nostalgic, like ahh the sand, the leaves, the water.. there's no place like home(country) i guess. ^^")

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Nostalgic thing! That's my old album/scrapbook for stickers! Actually, now I'm crazy about cute stickers and these were my first collections :D With stickers of animals, Witch, Disney princesses, hearts AND cars, LOTR, Harry Potter (I got them from my brother :p)




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