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៙BL 'The Rounin' ~Writer Contest~៙


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A rounin
) was a samurai
with no lord or master
during the feudal period (1185–1868) of Japan. A samurai became
from the death or fall of his master, or after the loss of his master's favor or privilege.



After being rich on contests for graphic, artists, video making,

we decided that it's time to make a contest for people who love

to write.


This month we will have a new theme set and it's - "The Rounin".


You have to present your masterpiece, which describes love between two males.

It's up to you how you will interpret "The Rounin". So show us your imagination!



Minimum 400 words, maximum 600 words.

Only stories are accepted, no poems.

The story must be rated as for 16+

No racism, no religious topics, no animal/child abuse.

Love must be between two males.

Title of the story is up to you.

Post the finished work on this thread.

Read the rules once again.



2.000 points for all that applied

5,000 points for the winner + a Manga cover card from the iShop.




Start 02 January 2016

End 31 January 2016

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The Way of the Sword

Words: 600.

Rated: +16.



It was just another afternoon for Takemasa, a rounin as he was usually called in a rude way by some people. Takemasa always accepted these remarks without saying a word. His promise to his late master was to never draw his sword for any other reason but to protect the innocent. Takemasa never broke that promise, not even once.


After arriving at the village’s market, he went straight to his favorite ramen shop to enjoy his daily, early dinner.


Suddenly, on his way home, a boy bumped into him and then fell on the ground.

“Help …” the brunette boy said and before he could finish his sentence, a flying dagger was coming at him ready to pierce him. At that very moment, Takemasa rather swiftly he grabbed the dagger between his index and middle finger and he threw it back to where it came from.


A loud moan was heard and some voices telling to retreat could be heard which meant that the dagger had hit the person who threw it in the first place. A faint thank you came from the boy’s mouth before losing consciousness in Takemasa’s arms. The latter had no choice but to take him to his house. He couldn’t leave the boy be at this state.


After they got home, Takemasa put the boy on the mat he used for sleeping. It was the best he could do for him and hopefully he would get all the answers he was looking for in the morning.


Dawn came and Takemasa found himself not being able to sleep, he spent most of the night thinking of what happened and he would occasionally glance at the boy who would seem to be in a deep slumber. The sun was up and so was the boy. It was then when the boy finally introduced himself to Takemasa. “My name is Ishida Yoshiyuki.”


After that, he took the initiative to explain it all to Takemasa without the latter asking him.

Takemasa was listening to the boy and his face, emotionless at first; it started changing as Yoshiyuki kept talking. Apparently, Yoshiyuki’s mother had passed away and his father sold him to a relative in order to pay off his debts. Yoshiyuki wasn’t treated well at this house so he run away.


Takemasa sympathized with him and he asked him to stay with him till he found a job to support himself. Yoshiyuki happily agreed and a year passed after that day. Takemasa decided to train the boy so he could defend himself, the way of the sword was very demanding but the boy would learn fast and he proved to be skillful but never as good as his teacher. They would spend all of their time together and soon enough they grew accustomed to each other.


One evening, their path led them to a wildflower meadow. The sky was clear and the stars were shining bright. Yoshiyuki was mesmerized by the beauty of that place when he heard Takemasa “It’s been a year now and you’re still here…” Yoshiyuki didn’t like where this was going. All he could think about was that he was a bother, a burden even and it was time he left. He interrupted Takemasa and he said with a shaky voice “I understand…you should have told me that I’m a burden to you.” Takemasa looked at him with eyes wide open; this was definitely not what he wanted to say. Yoshiyuki with tears in his eyes tried to run but he was stopped by Takemasa who grabbed him by his arm and he kissed him.


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I was bored, so I just whipped this up. There's a Princess Bride reference if any of you have seen/watched the book/movie :D Sigh... I'm so bad at endings though >.



Rated: 16+

Words: 597




He could feel blood trickling down his face, explosions of pain burst all over his body. But he still fought on. Because the guilt he carried day and night—guilt he had carried for the past 2 years hurt so much more…


“Kaede-chan… Kaede-chan… it’s time to wake up now! You promised you’d play with me!”

Kaede’s eyes snapped open, and scanned the room wildly.


She wasn’t there. That’s right... because she was gone. Because of him. His eyes watered slightly. Dreams could be such b*tches sometimes… Ugh, you’re such a disgraceful samurai. What kind of samurai would cry?! What kind of man would cry?! Well, actually, I’m a disgraceful rounin now, aren’t I? Kaede laughed, bitterly.

“Ehhh, the sleeping beauty is awake?”

A teasing voice brought Kaede back to reality. Looking up, he saw a smiling face. It was so sunshine-y and rainbow-y, he wanted to punch it. He also wanted to punch it because it was a handsome face—so handsome he wanted to ruin its perfection. Then he realized his wrists were tied up. Tied skillfully, he noticed, as he thought about how he could escape the ropes. It was skillful, but not skillful enough, Kaede thought.


Kaede gasped, in alarm, as the too-damn-handsome face… err, person grabbed his face and kissed him.

“What the hell?! Why did you—”

I’ll express my anger through actions instead, Kaede thought, freeing his wrists from the rope. Kaede reached for his sword. The sword… that… wasn’t there. Dagger?! Nope, poor Kaede couldn’t locate his dagger either. Confused and uncoordinated, Kaede blindly punched. A punch… that never make contact.

“Pfft, hahahaha...”

Mr. Sunshine-Rainbow-Face laughed. Not in the evil, villain way that Kaede expected, but in a genuinely amused way.

“Feisty, aren’t we?”

Kaede felt his wrist trapped in Mr. Rainbow-Sunshine-Face’s hand, and tried to wrench it free. Didn’t work. Fine, initiate Intimidation Technique 1.

“Hello. I am Tsutsui Kaede. You stole a kiss. Prepare to die.”

“Pfft. Hello. I am Sanada Kirito. I stole a kiss. Prepare for me to steal another.”

Kirito smirked. Kaede pouted, furrowing his eyebrows.

“Okay, now that we are done with the introductions, want to explain how you ended up half-dead in the middle of the street, where I, the oh-so-benevolent savior picked you up?”

“Not really… would you like to explain why I was tied up if you were ‘saving’ me?”

“Sure, but you have to tell me who this ‘Mitsuki-sama’ is!”

“Fine, whatever.”

Kaede responded, without thinking. Sh*t. Kaede panicked. Why did I agree?!

“Well, I tied you up because I’m a S, and you’re obviously a M.”

Kirito had a devilish look on his face.

“Oh, and you might attack me if you weren’t restrained.” Kirito said, as if it was just an afterthought.

“Not that tying you up did any good.”

“Now… Mitsuki-sama!”

Kaede took a deep breath. Samurai... rounin never went back on their word… probably. Kirito’s face turned serious.

“Mitsuki-sama… was the daughter of my late master. We always played together—she was like a younger sister to me. But then, one day, a group of rounin broke into the main house... s-she got killed. It was my fault. I-I could have just thrown my sword and sacrificed myself, but I didn’t. And I ju—”

I just thought, after defeating this rounin, I’ll go right to her side! But I was too late… too damn late!

“She just got killed. The end.”

Kirito smiled. Not a happy-sunshine-rainbow smile, but a kind one.

“It’s okay. You can tell me the rest when you’re ready.”



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I wrote a story for the antagonists this time..


5 Minutes Too Late


Word Count: 600



Furiously panting, he dragged his body into that certain place, leaving a trail of blood. His heart beat faster as he shivered in fear. He wanted to run, even fly just to be by his side but his injured leg made it impossible. He turned and saw his master just in time to witness his end. "Yoshi" He called out with all the strength he could muster. As if his voice was heard, the man's head fell limply to his direction, blood trickling from his mouth. As his head was severed, he saw the haunted look as it faded and the light in his eyes dimmed.



He blinked his tears away, as he turned his back on the 47 rounin who just committed seppuku. He felt nothing but pain, anger, and frustration. Pain from losing his master. Anger that he couldn't protect him and his name. Frustration that he was alive and couldn't even take his own like those men. Those rounin would die but live like a legend and would be entrenched within discourses of national heritage, honor, and loyalty.


But he saw it differently. Their acts were of revenge and by no means a bushidō. The 47 had bidden their time, their goal was to kill not to regain their master's honor. They struck like assassins at night not like a straightforward samurai. He envied them, though. They had served their vengeance while he was left to witness his master's murderers committing seppuku. And he himself would be forced to wait upon his death with no one to take his vendetta. Asano's was re–established while the Kira's lost their rank. With one last look, he gripped his sword tightly and dragged his now useless left leg away.


Kira Yoshinaka, his master was said to be corrupt who commanded bribes for tutoring. But it was a common thing for officials. It didn't warrant for Asano to take his master's life. The attack on a shogunate official within the boundaries of the shogun's residence was considered a grave offense. Thus, what happened to Asano was a result of his own bad decision.


His master, rude and stubborn, wore that scowl on his face all the time But he still remember the time when they where kids when all was simple and no responsibilities or burden to shoulder. Times when his master wore a blinding smile untainted by muddy waters of politics.


"Why do you stop calling me by my given name? Is it because you're mad about me getting married? But it was necessary." Yoshinaka frowned before flopping down on the tree root beside him, his head tilted to one side.


"Master Kira is the 17th head. I am your retainer. You must be more aware of your position or people may talk." The thought of the lady from Uesugi clan made his stomach turn. Her words were true though. He was nothing but he was too close to the 27-year old head. They're no longer kids. Yoshinaka was his lord so he decided it would be better to limit their interaction. Even though the very thought of it made him sick. It was the only way to stay by his side.


A grin flashed on the beautiful man's face. "And isn't it a retainer's duty to serve his lord?" His protest was drowned by his moan as he was pinned down by his master.


"I'm yours to command." He managed to whisper.



".....I could have died with him if only I arrived five minutes earlier."

Suffering till his last breath; a fitting end to an unknown rounin like him.



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Word Count: 594




Leave and never come back.


Your eyes beseechingly sought mine. I met your gaze; hard, unyielding, cold. Every fiber in my body is reaching out to you, begging for you to stay but my heart is weeping, heavy and broken, screaming that it has enough. There's a dispute inside of me. A tag-of-war, an endless fight on which neither will win.


Your jaws were clenched, lips set on a thin line. A whirlpool of emotions swimming in your eyes; disbelief, anger, defiance but nowhere near remorseful and I wanted to laugh. You still don't grasp the depth of our situation. You're still adamant in believing that it's easy as that. You have your lord, your master and your damn pledge to be at your defense whenever I ask you for more of your time, just a bit more to have you stay with me but I will never have that privilege, not before, not now, not ever.


You cannot serve two masters; you cannot have your heart torn into two; you cannot be a man who can devote himself solely to the one he loves. In the end, I was never a choice and how pathetic that made me feel.


The rustle of clothes, the cool swept of the wind, the emptiness of the room. It was bittersweet. The time with you was all borrowed. Sneaked from your path; stolen from your oath.


I clutched the cloth covering my numbing body. The warmth you have provided has already faded. It seems you have taken that as well from me. How cruel. I shook my head, a defeated smile painted on my lips as the river of tears showed their existence. My love for you will never be enough reason for you to stay. The trees started shedding their leaves as my heart started to shatter in pain that's so deep.




Bloodshed. Violence. Death.


I don't need your promises, I don't need your pain, I don't need your blood. If this is how it will end I'll never want you to try anything for me. I don't need you to speak of those meaningless words. For you to fulfill them, you have to live. Yet it seems even at the end, you cannot heed to my appeal.


For a few moments I had you as a free man. Your heart was whole , your heart was all mine. For those few seconds, you entirely belong to me. No one's property; a man with no master apart from his heart.


The blood has dried up, painting my hands in its vibrant hue. A part of you in me. I brought them to my heart. Can you hear my heart beating? It is calling for you. But you're not here, nowhere to be seen. Am I to start believing that you will never come back? If I am to call your name, to beg you to come home with me, will I be answered by your declination as always? Of your reasoning to stay beside your master? Or of the silence that is suffocating?


I am surrounded by triumphant yelling, of flags erected to show the new leadership, of warriors coated in blood but tear-stricken in happiness, in freedom. Their gratification at the stake of the lives they have taken, of hearts they have broken, of my life that from now on is ruined to sorrow and grief.


They didn't manage to take my life, but they have succeeded in ripping my heart. For it will always be wherever you are.


My lost rounin.



It is hell to type this long on the phone.

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that kenshin is traveler samurai! but his not a human oAo... I don't know... I just come up with something in my wild mind ^_^...


Title: Weeping Willow Tree

Word count: 600



On far away land there lone traveler that had been travelling for many years to the different kinds of country... He was looking for something that he can't explain why?... why had been travel so far?... He looking for something that was part of him?.. He looking for something that he was missing? that was kind of thought he was thinking when he traveled... Many beautiful place of nature or scenery of landscape ... There even different kinds of emotions he encountered to those people he around feel of Security for fear, Discovery of anger, Trust, Pride, Pity, Expectation, and Envy... Why is that even he receive those different kind of surprises why was he not satisfied?...


On his way again to travel there old man walking that it's look so hurt, tired and hungry. The lone traveler help him he gave his food and he treat the wound of that old man.


"Young man thank you very much for your help I only knew that all of people are bad they treated this kind of old man like dirty being." the old man said.. "Why? they did this to you.." the traveler said..


"People in this Era change day by day even if your alone don't change young man... If your looking for something that part of you just travel in that way through. the mountain you will saw something you don't even expect.." the old man said...


The lone traveler continue his journey to the mountain. He walked until he lost in the middle of the mountain he some what saw this beautiful scenery lake pond he feel warm and sad when he set his foot there he take rest beside the big weeping willow trees. The traveler was watching the two beautiful black and white swan dabbling in the lake they pecking both with their pure red beak until he fall sleep watching them...


In his dream he was facing the ground and kneeling to this person standing in front of him. Because of his instinct he dare not to even look to this person face however, his heart was beating fast he caught glimpse of this person face. He saw sharp eyes looking at him it's looks like a big white wolf that looking for his prey that only you can read in book of tales he was amazed of what he saw to this person.


" Kenshin!.. Being my Rounin in daze looking at me like that what happen to my mission I have given to you?!"


"Ah! ye...yeah! Yufeng-sama! I have take care of it I killed the person who take your life again Yufeng-sama!."


"Being with me for 100 years for all you have done and loving me. I'm getting too old.. for human being life are too short... Hah! I'm envy and surprise too you.. When I was young then we first met in the lake pond beside the big weeping willow tree your appearance is still have not change at that time and this now it's feels like your not even human. Sorry, for what I have done to you being tainted your hand farewell kenshin"


"Yufeng-sama! Yufeng-sama! Yufeng-sama!!!" until he wake up from his dream stretching his one hand up his left eye is dripping with tears he wondering why he crying it's feels like he have a long hazy dreams he feel so sad and sorrow.. Until his cellphone ring...




" Kenshin!!.. boss is looking for you come back here!! he's going wild! please come back! are you crying?"


"it's nothing.. alright I'm going back now.." he look back at the lake pond and saying his farewell.....




The End!

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|| END OF ៙BL The Rounin ~Writer Contest~៙ ||

[YaoiOtaku Writer Contest]





Thank you all for taking part in our seventh Writer Contest!

The choice has been really hard since all of you are skilled and talented.

The winners of ៙BL The Rounin ~Writer Contest~៙ is

Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links.

the BL Love Story "Of Borrowed Time"



As promised, everyone who participated will get 2,000 points.



The winner gets as follows:

- 5,000 points

- 1 Manga Cover card


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