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Roleplaying partners wanted

Yukio Takamiya

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Hey people~


I'm currently looking for roleplaying partners seeing as quite a few of my other roleplaying partners have been inactive as of late. And i have a lot of time on my hands. I can play any position so just tell me your preferred position and we can get it on from there. But unfortunately, I don't have a plot currently but is definitely open to any ideas.


I'm open to any kinks except:


Violent gore (e.g. losing of limbs and the like) but just gore is fine

Male pregnancy

Aaanndd that's it XD


Rules are the usual roleplaying rules:

No god modding

No one-liners, at least a paragraph with a few proper sentences please.(I need details to work with, friends)

Good command of English (it doesn't matter if you make mistakes since no one is perfect but I want to be able to understand what you are writing about)

Another thing about the language is that some people don't use apostrophes correctly. (e.g. they're becomes their, you're becomes your. I know that I'm a little fussy and I apologise for that but language like this peeves me a little)


A little of my rules:


Please please do not be a passive roleplayer. I don't want to be the one leading the roleplay since the rp belongs to both of us. Make your character have some initiative in his actions so that my character can respond.

I would love NPCs to be apart of our rp since the roleplay can't just revolve around our characters. And I wouldn't mind letting you control the NPC that I have created and I hope I could do the same for yours if we're both okay with it

And the last one is something I am most particular about. Please don't go disappearing on me. You see guys, I get insecure if partners stop updating, I start to think that my roleplays are boring. So if you need a break or anything seeing as some of us don't feel very creative at times. (I know, I've experienced it too) I don't mind waiting for a week or two. Any longer than that, please inform me. Or if you find that the plots aren't very appealing anymore, I don't mind rediscussing another.


And I guess that's all. I hope I don't sound too strict and scare you people away. If you're interested in having a roleplay with me, just PM me or post below.


Thanks guys~ :)

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Hi, Yukio


I read over the rules and your pet peeves, and I don't mind with everything. I am pretty active, but if I do get busy I will tell you in advance and probably get my last part in before I won't be on for awhile.


I'm not entirely passive, so if it comes down to it I may have times where I will be, but that's very unlikely. I'd probably have a blank mind if that were to happen, haha. Also, I am ok with taking any role. I'm more of a submissive person though, hehe.


I'd love to be your rp partner.


Hope to hear from you soon -Ramentan yoyo6

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Good evening!


If you ever wish to roleplay with someone new, don't hesitate to send me a PM! I am fine with all of your rules and I am not afraid of gore, rape, torture and the like. I treat every one of my RP partners individually and reply regularly, unless wild test phases appear and attack me, though I will inform you about those times if they arrive.




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  • 7 months later...

Hi guys! I actually took a break from YO for a few months due to school but I've been back for about a month now, continuing some of my older RPs though quite a few of them have died now. Right now, I'm looking for fresh new interesting plots to play with, rules are above. Please reply below or PM me if you have a plot in mind. My favourites are mostly dark fantasy roleplays. Doesn't matter if you don't have one either, we could discuss.^^

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I would like RP with you, that is if you still are available.

I will just say that I'm a newbie, but I really like the RP I have been doing so far ^^

I too have a lot of time on my hands, and I'm on YO a lot, just caving for more RP \\>v/

You pretty much got the same tast as me, so I think that it would be fun to RP with you.


I do have some plots in mind ^^

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