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៙BL 'The Vow' ~Writer Contest~៙


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Graphics: Asakura-Sama II Approved: Saga II Sponsor: Key






After being rich on contests for graphic, artists, video making,

we decided that it's time to make a contest for people who love

to write.


This month we will have a new theme set and it's - "The Vow".


You have to present your masterpiece, which describes love between two males.

It's up to you how you will interpret "The Vow". So show us your imagination!




--*-- Minimum 400 words, maximum 600 words.

--*-- Only stories are accepted, no poems.

--*-- The story must be rated as for 16+

--*-- No racism, no religious topics, no animal/child abuse.

--*-- Love must be between two males.

--*-- Title of the story is up to you.

--*-- Post the finished work on this thread.

--*-- Read the rules once again.





2.000 points for all that applied

5,000 points for the winner + a Manga cover card from the iShop.





Start March 2016

End 01 April 2016.

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Until I met the Sun and Moon

Word Count: 620

I hope it's okie



Light cresting the horizon, he reveals himself to me. His brilliant beauty shining, enlightening me is the Sun. Leaving me blind eyes for it's long since I've seen the light. As my sight returns, I see smile upon his glowing face. Happiness and warmth shines through, but also sadness. Such cavernous sorrow only matched by mine...


He speaks to me of wish to be with the Moon once more. Like when the land was warm and both did linger in the sky. Brisk winter wind now engulfs the Sun. Yet still he shines beautiful life, given to all that behold him. I have felt his kind light on me, and I have come to cherish the feel. Memories of my unending midnight that left me cold and bleak, evaporated; replaced with joy, for returned have the young embers of feelings...


With the presence of the Sun I have been brought back to life. And I wish to covet him, like the day does the light. I whisper wish, pining desire to share that heavenly grace with the Sun. But I may only behold his wonder with my eyes I fear. Far to deep is his flame, which I still yearn after. Trudging forth is feeling of looming disaster, for his thirst is of the Moon's accompaniment alone...


I Vow to stand between the Sun and Moon? Gods in the sky. For I do not reside above the clouds; I am but mere observer far below. Enchanted by the mellow glide through the heavens that they shared. The Moon should feel his kind sunshine upon his face again. He knows little of the night that I have hid in for ages repeated, for he is not charged to linger in darkness for all eternity, like I...


Reluctance I feel to accept the truth, but I may not escape it. Though, should my heart be tamed? Which is so full of longing. Ages have passed since my bones have felt this empowering warmth. I find my mind imagining, dreaming, wandering; into place it's far too long since felt any comfort in. Only to be brought back to the present by the warmth of his smile, glance from his beautiful piercing eyes, to hark of his divine laughter. Remembering that happiness is felt in the presence of flower, yet to pluck it for ones self, would begin an end to its beauty...


Whatever may be the desire of the Sun, I share for him too. For he has shown me life like I've forgotten was possible. Gift of the like that I could never return with all of my days. Lost soul in lingering affection of star, to be looked upon as fool. Though fool for attempting, rather fool for abstaining. So return to the dark I will, awaiting in hope for my day to come. The day that the Sun should like to illuminate me again, and fill my soul with warmth. Yet I am terrified that day will never arrive for me, for I've known not but this tragic desolation that has consumed my heart. Until I met the Sun and Moon their love was surely doomed they were much too different They were worlds apart and so they feared one day. They’d lose the other’s heart the sun was warm and friendly Looking down on the world where everyone was happy But the moon was filled with fright. as each eve he bore witness to the grave sorrows of the night and as another day passed and turned over to the evening. The lovers passed each other they knew something was changing they thought, surely this was it their love-filled days were over...


The End

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Word Count: 615




It started 5 years ago, I was always in our house since I was born very sickly. I told my parents to transfer me in another room where I can see our little garden in the back. Our house is a traditional japanese house.


One day, I saw a boy a year older than me, he seems to be lost. He saw me and entered our backyard where I was lying on my futon. We exchange small talks and from then on we became bestfriends. I later found out that he will be going abroad because of his father’s work.


“I will come back here. I promise.” That’s what he said to me while smiling and we did a pinky promise.


Back to the present time. We still exchange some texts or emails. But lately he stopped sending emails to me nor texts. I always thought of his promise that he will come back, but my hopes are gradually fading thinking he already found a girlfriend. Once more, I send him an email saying “why did you suddenly stopped sending me emails? Have you already have a girlfriend that you won’t even let me know?” I wanted to send him more questions but I think he won’t like it.


One week later, my mother suddenly opened my door and had a surprised look, “what’s wrong mother?” I asked. “uh...son, uh...he...he’s...” she’s stuttering but I don’t know why what made her so surprised, “he...?” I asked.


“He’s here!” my mother exclaimed.


“He? Who is here?” I asked, still confused.


“I’m sorry for not replying to your emails...”


That voice...I heard it somewhere, it’s so familiar.


As soon as he entered my sight, I, too, am, surprised. That my eyes got already blurry coz of my tears.


“I’ll excuse myself, I’ll bring you some food later boys” my mother said.


In my room, there’s an awkward silence.


“Uhm....so you’re back? I asked, not looking at him.


“Y-yeah...you’re still in this room...” he replied, trying to have a conversation.


“Why...why didn’t you reply? Why didn’t you bother? Am I not your bestfriend? Have you found someone else...” all my questions that I have been hiding for so long just blurted out at once.


“You didn’t even emailed me that you’ll be coming back. Why--”


I was cut-off buy his hug.


“I’m sorry, I am really truly sorry. I know I made you worry. I was just busy with so many things in our family, and also, I don’t have a girlfriend. Why would I want one, when I already have you?” He said it in one go that the last part caught me off guard.


“What? What do you mean?”


“The moment I went abroad with my parents, I totally regretted it...because I fell in love with you!”




He then kissed me, a kiss that you know he absolutely misses you so much. I kissed him back while crying.


After that intimate kiss, we just laughed it out and we’re back to our normal conversation.


“After 5 long years I already fulfilled my promise” he said.


“Yeah” I replied, smiling.


My mother then served us food and smiled knowing her son is now smiling.


a little note: I'm having a hard time writing this story of mine coz it's way past the maximum words. This story would actually reach more than 700 words but i tried my best to cut some parts. Hope you'll like my story. :D As for this story, i didn't made names for the 2 characters since i have no idead what to name them. So for this story, it's totally up to you who you have imagined while reading my story~ :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Promise


“Promise?” He asked, looking at me with those pleading blue eyes. I kissed him hard, telling him how much I would try to keep the vow he wanted from me through my tongue deep in his mouth and the breath I was sharing with him. It wasn’t enough. He wanted me to say “The Promise” with words. So I did. Again.


“I promise to be careful, to kill only upon necessity, and only the really bad guys. And I will always come back to you safe and sound.” I want to keep my promise to him, I really do. But my job, where I was sent to “take care” of the worst kind of dirtbags, probably won’t let me. I know how much my love have suffered throughout the years because of it. The first time I left, he made me say The Promise, the exact words I just said. Luckily I’ve kept most of it. I wasn’t always safe, nor sound... but always I came back. I was doing it for him, though. I get rid of the scum of the earth so I could make his world safe.


He writhed under me, his skin soft against mine, making me burn. It wasn’t long since we made love, but I want him again. I lowered my lips to his, gorging on his sweetness. I love the taste of him. I reluctantly left his lips to explore. It would be weeks or months before I taste him again so I kiss him everywhere.


He cried out in pleasure when I suckled a particularly sensitive spot. I love how he responds to me. He was trembling hard when I touched him. So beautiful, hot, hard. I lick his neck slowly, tasting, teasing. It made me need, my own desire magnified by his needy sounds. I bit him, hard enough to be felt, but not painful. His broken moan made me hungrier for him. My love goes wild, clenching both fists on my head.


I crawled on top until our gazes locked. I saw a mix of emotions in those beloved eyes. The most prominent is love. But the others… some uplifted my soul, others broke my heart. Hope, fear, joy, worry… pain. I held him close, wanting to tell him I love him, to apologize for what he’s gone through, what he’s still going through because of me. But I found it hard to speak.


Instead, I wrapped his legs around my waist. I needed him so badly, and I needed him now. Moans of pleasure filled the room as we held each other and made love, not only with our bodies, but with our hearts and souls.


I was stupid. How could I have thought that he was safe away from me? How could I have thought he was happy without me? How could I have left him time and again with his worry, fear and heartache?


He shouted my name and held me close. So beautiful, my beloved. This is it, what we both needed. To be together like this. I felt my heart stop, my breath stolen as I realized, finally, what I needed to do. My man has been waiting, patiently loving me for years without conditions. It's time for me to return the favor, and love him the way he deserved to be loved. I’ve given twenty years of my life for my country, my job. It's about time I give the rest to this amazing man. And I will make sure that this time... there won't be a need for The Promise again.

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I would like to try! :D


Word count: 576






June 17, Friday.


IT'S a day everybody awaits. For tomorrow, there would be no classes, no work. I rose from my bed and headed towards the bathroom. Silently, I brushed my teeth and proceeded to take a bath. I wrapped a towel around my lower body afterwards and went back to my room, opened my closet and brought out my custom-made tuxedo. I was going to start dressing up when I heard sounds from the first floor. Leaving my closet open, I headed downstairs and felt a bittersweet feeling rose from my chest when I saw him sitting there on my couch sipping hot coffee.


“Why are you here?” I asked, walking towards him.


He looked up at me and smiled sadly. “I was nervous. I had nowhere else to go.”


He’s hurting me and he knows it and yet he was here, calmly drinking coffee. I sat beside him and stared at my feet.


“I’m sad,” I said.


“I know. I’m sad too.”


It was then that I looked at him, really looked at him. “We could still run, you know. We could still make it out of here.”


I was crazy for suggesting that. It was obvious from the way he just chuckled and began tearing up.


But I was surprised that this time, he went along with it. “And where would we go?” he asked.


“I don’t know,” I said, looking back at my feet. “I figured we could maybe hide in some isolated island or something.”


He laughed, put his cup of coffee on the table, wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my neck. Soon, his laughter turned to sobs. “I love you, you know that right? If I had a choice it would be you. It would always be you.”


I was crying now but I managed a nod. “I love you too,” I said before letting him go. “But you need to go.”


Nodding, he kissed me on the lips, stood up and went to the door. I could only watch him leave knowing he would never walk through those doors again. I wiped my tears and ran upstairs. Composing myself, I went back to my closet and started dressing up.





IF this was a movie, everything would be perfect. It would be me standing beside him, holding his hands and reciting our vows. But this is reality. I was sitting on the third row, far from him and could only mentally tell him I love him.


How I wish we ran. I don’t know where we’d go but I wish we were far from this. Far from people who would never accept our relationship just because we’re both males.


It was then that he looked straight at me while he was about to recite his vows.


“I believe in you, the person you will grow to be and the couple we will be together. You have made me a better person. You are my person—my love and my life, in this life and the next.”


People around us clapped but we only have eyes for one another. It was then that I remembered the first time I saw him. How he never looked away from me from the moment our eyes met. How he kissed me and first made love to me under the moon. How he held my hand and promised to never let it go. Perhaps all that in the next life.






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Word Count: 600





You are not the man I have loved. You are just the shell of the person who captured my heart. Yes you share the same set of eyes, so enticing, so captivating but they are empty, devoid of the loving stare that used to follow me, burn me, desire me. Your lips are still how I remember them. Soft-looking and sinuous, the lips that revered me all those times we were together. The same lips that made me crumble under your mercy, the lips that utter those loving words, words that made my heart ache in happiness.


But you are not the man I love.


Not the man I used to know.


Where was the worth of your words? The weight of your pledge? Where was the meaning behind your love?


I have stayed, I have waited, I held on to your promise, of your promise to return and live the life we have always dreamt of.


Yes, you have returned. You came back to the place that only the two of us know. Our secret sanctuary, our home. Yet the embrace you gave me was perfunctory. It doesn’t hold the warmth that I used to feel.


Your eyes. Oh heavens, your eyes. They were enough to convey the words you cannot speak, of the words I don’t want to hear.


I’m sorry.


How could you deceive me? How could you return only to break my heart into pieces? How could you come back when someone now occupies your heart?




‘Do you swear? The stars are our witness. The moon our judge. The dark sky the keeper of our words. Do you swear to love me until the end?’


The grass feels good beneath our backs. The coolness of the ground seeping on the fabric, caressing our skin. The crisp night wind blowing onto our bodies, entwined and bare for the world to see. But it was only the two of us. Two souls who found each other.

'I do. I promise to love you until the end.'


No more words were needed. The kiss we share sealed everything.




‘You’re leaving.’


It was not a question. It was a statement. A fact that I refuse to believe.


‘I am.’




Your eyes pinned me as your hands snaked into mine. My heart was racing beneath my ribs. I fear your words yet I blindingly trust you.


‘Both of us need this. We owe it to ourselves. We owe it to the love we have.’

A hard squeeze. A desperate plea.


‘Then stay. We’ll work this out together. Why the need to go? Why leave?’


A shake of the head. A silent plea.


‘Do you remember our promise?’


‘I do.’


Our eyes met. I saw your conviction. I saw your love.


‘Then go and come back to me.’




At the end, the love you have promised me was superficial. Shallow, vulnerable, susceptible to temptations. At the end, you were only trying to escape and you have succeeded. At the end, I was still holding to your words even when you’re rubbing the truth to my face. At the end, I am the one left behind; I am the one to bear the lost.


At the end, it was only me. There was no fight to win. Even at the beginning, I have already lost it before it even began.


Your words don’t hold meaning anymore. They are mere letters jumbled together. They are empty just like your promise to love me.


Now I am alone. Left with broken promises, left with a shattered heart.

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|| END OF ៙BL The Vow ~Writer Contest~៙ ||

[YaoiOtaku Writer Contest]



Thank you all for taking part in our seventh Writer Contest!

The choice has been really hard since all of you are skilled and talented.

The winners of ៙BL The Rounin ~Writer Contest~៙ are @

Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links.
Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links.

the BL Love Stories "This Life and The Next" and "Shards of Broken Dreams"



As promised, everyone who participated will get 2,000 points.



The winner gets as follows:

- 5,000 points

- 1 Manga Cover card (please state which card you'd prefer)


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