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Open Sea [Private RP YellowPerch and Raycu]


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Sidney tripped when Sosuke pushed him behind, barely keeping on his feet as he stumbled backwards. He felt so useless, so weak, he was in everyone's way when it came to battles. His eyes glanced to each of the men that started to like on the deck, going after Sosuke. The young navigator didn't know what to do to help, the other practically pushed him out of his way, as he perceived it. Give him a map and he can sail you to treasure, give him an infected wound and he can treat it, give him a sword in a fight and he doesn't know how to even properly hold it. He glanced over, seeing one pirate climbing over the side of the deck, going after Sosuke. He instantly reacted without even thinking, kicking the pirate overboard, down into the water. The brunette was no longer behind Sosuke for protection. He looked over seeing that Sosuke was keeping most of the other pirates at bay, causing him to just stare in awe. The navigator yelped when he felt the enemy grab his wrist, pulling the boy towards the older pirate. He quickly slashed the man's face with a dagger, but the over man seemed to repeat Sidney's actions by doing the same. He hissed in pain feeling the knife of the other cut into his face. He ripped his arm away, pushing the many down from top of the deck. His hands shook, he just hurt someone. This was something he wasn't trained to do. He was too caring for this kind of this. His entire body started to shake as he felt tears welled up in his eyes, he was shutting down.

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Sosuke was holding the pirates at bay. There were so many of them on this once ship, and he had still yet to see the captain. It was quite the task, fighting off pirate scum, looking around the ship at his men, looking for the other captain, protecting Sidney. Sidney, the navigator wasn't famous for his combat skill, and it took everything he knew to try and hold a sword. Sosuke cut down a pirate, managing to clear another wave of pirates. He was starting to exhaust himself, not including the lack of sleep he was dealing with right now. His eye sight was very slowly starting to get blurry. He heard a scream behind him and instantly looked, finding Sidney standing frozen. A splash was heard, meaning Sidney had just finished off a pirate. He wanted to smille at him, telling him he's doing good. However he found the shaking body, the unfocused eyes. Sidney had never killed people before, which is hy he made sure to do the nasty work himself and not leave it to his navigator. He ran over to the younger male and grabbed his arms, shaking him. "Sidney, Sidney, listen to me!"

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Sidney could move, he just wouldn't, he let himself believe he was paralyzed. He ignored the stinging that came from the sound on his cheek. Blood was flowing out nonstop, showing he had been cut pretty deep by the enemy's blade. He tasted his blood as is ran onto his lips, feeling his tongue dart out to clear them multiple times. He blinked out a couple of tears, just zoning out. If he did nothing then he wouldn't be in the way. He pulled himself away from Sosuke, frowning when he looked to see who it was. The navigator was still in the way, making the captain worry. He was so pathetic when it came to fighting, wishing he could just disposed when everything started. He saw one of the enemy pirates coming straight for Sosuke while he was in vulnerable position, pushing the other away from him to avoid him from getting hit. "M' fine! Don't worry about me," he snapped. He rarely ever used such a rude tone, but he was worried for his captain's safety, more so than his own.

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Sosuke's eyes tarted across Sidney's face. He hadn't noticed the cut before, but now it was very clear to see. He wanted to turn the wound up towards him, so that he could see it better, but Sidney pushed him away. Sosuke frowned, his eyebrows knit closer together then ever before. He didn't want to see Sidney this way. He tried to call out to him, to calm him, but all he got was a harsh rushed tone. Sosuke had no idea what was going through the navigators mind. He just knew he didn't want him to be like this. He tried to call out to Sosuke again, completely oblivious to the gun being aimed right at him. "Sidney listen to me, please. You have to relax, tell me what's bothering you." He tried to step closer to him, a step at a time. "Sidn-" A gun shot went off. In an instant the fighting ceased. Everyone stood still, trying to figure out where the shot came from.


A laugh was heard from the enemy ship as the captain finally showed himself. A shotgun in hand, resting on his shoulder. "My, my Captain Sosuke. I do believe this is the first time we meet. And if I do say so...the last." More laughter hung through the air as everyone looked between him and Sosuke. "Sid...ney, a-are you....okay?" Sosuke, clearly having been shot had no need to worry about himself. Instead he worried about his crew mate, he needed to know Sidney was okay. Sosuke stumbled, losing balance and falling to his knees. His eyesight even blurry.

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Sidney stepped back, making sure the other wasn't able to reach him. "Worry about yourself!" His eyes wandered, seeing the gun, his eyes widening terror. It was too late, the gun was fired, his eyes darted to Sosuke, seeing he was hit. He dropped his dagger, daring to move from his position unlike the other men, going over to the injured man, the tears flowing out nonstop. "Captain! Stupid! You should be worrying about you!" he spoke through sobs. He looked at the wound, it was on the upper right pectoral, not as deep as it could've gone. It seemed to be lodged in pretty tight, but no real damage would end him if they treated it soon. He wiped away his tears quickly, smearing his own blood on his hands and face. His hands clenched and unclenched, angry at himself for being so weak. Sosuke was injured because of him, because of his breakdown. He was supposed to be a pirate, he should be ready for things like this, yet he relied on everyone else for him to fight. He used a hand to keep the captain upright, pulling a cloth out from his pants, pressing it against the wound. The young navigator's face was heating from anger, he was pissed. The other was so weak just to let his men fight for him, only waiting until he had a convenient advantage, which happened to be the captain's worry over his men. Unlike the scumbag on the other ship. "You are such a pig, at least have the guts to actually face in the fight instead of letting your men do the work! You scum, giving a bad name to pirates," he yelled at the other man, his words spiteful, as he looked back at him. He made sure to keep the pressure applied to the wound, scowling at the disgusting thing in front of him. He never knew he held such anger in him, but this set him off. He had no right to speak about fighting, yet his mouth ran for him.

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Sosuke was trying all that he could do to stay conscious. He could hear Sidney yelling to him, but he couldn't clearly make out a whole sentence. He felt Sidney's weight against him, trying to keep him up. Some blood caught in his throat and he coughed and spit it up. He couldn't tell how bad the wound was, just that it hurt like hell. "Sidney..." He was unable to complete a sentence, and the only word that came out was his navigators name. This had been the first time he'd been shot. The enemy captain laughed at Sidney's words, walking towards the planks and crossing them. "Ah, I see no need to dirty my hands such as that. Why do I have to exhaust myself when all I want to do is kill? It makes no sense to me." The enemy pirate stops right in the middle of the deck, his men forming around him. "This is a nice ship. I quite like it." He looked around in interest for the ship.

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Sidney clicked his tongue in disgust, a 'tsk' forming, following the man with his head. "You truly are a piece of shit then. Nothing sickens me more than a man like you," his anger hitting its peak. He saw many of his crew members widen their eyes, never hearing the usual bubbly, energetic use such vulgar words. He had swore very little in his life, unlike the others in the crew. Not that he felt shy, he just didn't see a reason to say such odd things in every other sentence. "Touch one thing on this ship, I fucking dare you." He felt his mind become clouded with anger. He wouldn't allow this pig to take the ship or anything on it, including the life of his captain. The young navigator was so angry he couldn't even think about the words spewing out of mouth, he just let them go. In a way, he was threatening the other man's life if he laid even a finger on something. How was he supposed to do anything when he couldn't kill a man? See, he was too angry to think a think about his actions that it was possible he'd try to do such a thing. He was so angry that the enemy captain has harmed Sosuke, only showing up when he knew he'd win the fight. He'd do anything to to take the bastard down.

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Sosuke was now leaning most of his weight against Sidney, unable to completely keep himself up. He could still fell Sidney against him, and still hear his voice. But his eyesight and hearing slowly got worse. "Si'ney" His words were slurring, he was becoming tired too quickly. "Po'et. Coat." He didn't knw exactly what he was saying, but he hoped Sidney would understand. Hidden inside his coat, Sosuke had been wearing a gun sling he had made at the last harbor they docked at. Sosuke wasn't one to use guns, thought of them as being to inhumane. But he figured it would come in handy at some point.


The enemy pirate danced in a circle around his men. "Ooooh, what a scary threat." He spit upon the deck before walking his way up the stairs towards Sidney and Sosuke. He remained silent the entire way until he came face to face with the two. "What a scene, a crew member, so dedicated is he to his captain. Such a touching sight." He looked down at his men when he stated this, laughed and then rose the gun he held straight at Sidney. "I'll kill you first, and let the captain watch his crew die before I finish him off."

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Sidney directed his attention to the other, listening closely to the words being spoken. Coat was all he really got, but it was easy to figure out what the other meant. He snaked a hand into the coast pockets, digging around, feeling the metal of a gun touch his finger. By then the enemy captain had already pointed his gun at the boy, the navigator acting fast. The gun was a multi-barrel pistol, able to be shot four times. He had to drop the cloth to be able to shoot the gun, feeling bad he did so. He raised the gun up, getting his aim centered the best he could, never having used a gun in his entire life. He cocked the gun, readying to shoot. He squeezed the trigger slowly, the recoil making him yelp in surprise. Luck was on his side for the day, the captain getting hit in the leg. He quickly moved the barrel, cocking the pistol once more, shooting with a a bit more precision, hitting the man's wrist dead on. He wanted to throw up when he saw the blood come out, hearing a snapping sound. "I-I told y-you, I wasn't... wasn't lying," he somehow managed to get out. The anger subsided, his stomach turning. He dropped the pistol, the enemy unable to keep the gun up with the assumed to be broken wrist. He held his stomach, trying to keep from vomiting anything that was left in his system. "I'll really kill you if you keep going." He picked up the pistol again, hearing Sosuke hit the boards on the deck, he needed to finish this up. Sosuke could really bleed out and die if this didn't go any faster. Everything he was doing was for the safety of his captain, nothing more, nothing less.

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The last thing Sosuke was able to make out was the touch of Sidney finding the gun in his coat and hearing a few gun shots. Without the help of Sidney holding him up, Sosuke toppled over, hitting the ground hard. His breathing was starting to hitch and the wound was starting to worsen. Now that he had fallen on to the wound.


The pirate didn't know what had happened. He had just been ready to pull the trigger of his gun when other gun shots went off. Hitting him both in the leg and the wrist. He fell to the deck floor, unable to hold the gun right. He held his hand to his chest trying to scurry away from the angered navigator. "N=no, I'm sorry! Please spare me!" He waved his free arm at Sidney, hoping to get away without being killed.

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Sidney held back the tears that wanted to start flowing out again, needing to look strong. "Then you and your men get the fuck off our ship. Don't you dare ever come back here without thinking you'll get away alive next time. I'll personally finish you off," he forced the words out. He didn't like saying these things, they were wrong. Even if the man was a pig, he couldn't do this. Perhaps he should've killed the man, but his fit of rage was gone, his thoughts completely back. He was ashamed of himself, the man didn't deserve this much, just the leg would've done, it would've been a warning shot, but he went further. He wanted to prove that he was capable of hurting the other to make him surrender.


Sidney quickly got Sosuke up, once the enemy head fled, showing their surrender. With his strength and a couple of the other men, they carried him to the doctors room. The older man immediately shooed them out after getting Sosuke set up for the removal of the bullet. Everyone including himself had to go on with their own business, leaving the captain's hands up to the doctor and the fate of life. He got a rag, wiping off the blood from his hands and face. He would need to get his face looked at later when they were able to have supplies. Crow took it upon himself to steer the ship to the next harbor, needing to there as fast as they could. Medical supplies was low, the doctor barely had anything to work with. The young navigator helped clean some of the wounds, bandaging them with cloth, it would work for now. They wouldn't reach the harbor until morning, meaning any remaining supplies would be used on the captain.


After awhile of waiting, the doctor came out, announcing that Sosuke would be okay, he hadn't lost enough blood to threaten his life much. He would just need plenty of rest, right after the dinner bell rang. Sidney said he would watch over Sosuke, allowing the man to eat since he had skipped lunch already. The young navigator knew medical skills in case anything happened, he would be able to take care of it. He walked in the room, sitting in the chair. He stared at the man on the bed, tearing forming in his eyes once more. He was becoming an emotional wreck just by seeing the other in the bed. The doctors room, besides the captain's, was the only one with a real bed, though it was uncomfortable to sleep on, it worked. He saw the other's eyes flutter open after a bit, causing him to cry harder. "M' s'rry cap'ain," he spoke through his sobs.

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The pirate nodded vigorously, already in the process of limping away from Sidney. Some of his men came up beside him and helped him down the stairs. It was a task to get him over the planks, but they managed somehow and in moments their ship had removed itself from the Jade Dragon and was sailing away.


With already being uncouncious the Doc didn't need to drug him in order to null the pain. However, behind the closed doors when Doc tried removing the bullet, Sosuke's body subconsciously began to scream in agony. Who wouldn't with tools digging into your skin and muscle? By the time he had come to it was dinner. Although he wouldn't have known that without being told. He fought to open his eyes, and when he did he found a shadow sitting beside him. He couldn't make out who it was, at least, not until the small shadow began sobbing and apologizing the same way Sidney would have done. He smiled, still only able to see a blurred shadow, it would take a little bit longer for his eyes to adjust. He spoke harshly, his voice cracking from being so hoarse. "Hey, 'm fine. Just peachy." He wanted to reassure the navigator that he was going to be just fine.

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Sidney would've punched him if he wasn't injured so badly, but he would save it for later. It would be because of how reckless the other got, for being so worried another the navigator rather than himself. "No your not," he coughed out, trying to calm himself. He finally and a chance to let out the tears from everything that had happened, it just had to be in front of the captain, it was the wrong time to be crying be he didn't care. He kept wiping the tears from his eyes, his breathing slowing after a bit of just letting himself cry. He got up from the chair, walking over to the bed, leaning over Sosuke. "You are an idiot, you should've worried about yourself. I said I was fine." A frown formed on his usually smiling face, placing his hand on the ofher's head. He was checking for a temperature but he also wanted an excuse to touch the other. He felt so sick, wanting to feel Sosuke's hand on his head once more, but he'd deal with just being able to touch the other. "How much pain are you in? I can give you something for it."

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Sosuke couldn't stand seeing his navigator cry like this. He wanted his usually bubbly self to bouncing around again. He tried to keep a facade up, to prove to him that he was in fact fine. "Even you were fine." He stared straight at Sidney, not even a blink threatening to ruin it. "There was no way I was going to stand for you getting hurt. It's the captain's job to protect his crew mates." At this time Sidney had gotten and placed a hand to Sosuke's forehead. The coolness of his hand felt amazing. He want to sink into the touch. "Don't worry, I'll bounce right back before you know it." Sosuke attempted to move, to get up out of bed. But his wound prevented him from doing so. By tomorrow he would be able to walk around for sure.

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Sidney ran his thin finger's through Sosuke's hair, the young boy wanting to lean down and hug his captain. "You could've died," he snapped, tears starting to form in his eyes once more. "W-What would I have done then? It would've been my fault, we can't lose you captain." A couple of tears would fall from his eyes, but he tried to keep himself from crying like he did earlier, his hands becoming shaky. "I can't lose you," he muttered under his breath. He wiped away his tears with his free hand, getting control of his emotions once more. He forced himself to be happy, that's what the other might've wanted, not some weepy boy. A smile was forced on his lips, as he looked down at the other, not breaking their eye contact. "I protected the ship captain, I at least did something right. Those no good pirates won't bother us again," he laughed out. He was ready to vomit again, the scene playing over and over in his head. He pulled his hand away, sitting back down in the chair, holding his stomach. It was so hard for him to stay strong, he messed everything up today. Unworthy to have the title as a pirate.

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The feel of Sidney's fingers through his hair felt good. It had actually been the first time his hair was played with so softly, and he liked it. He wanted more. Unfortunately he didn't get more, Sidney removed his hand, beginning to cry again. He really hated seeing him like that. But the more he shouted and coughed out his words he knew what he did really upset the navigator. He had no words to tell him, so he just watched. But when Sidney sat down on the chair beside the bed, out of Sosuke's reach, then he chose to stay something. Sosuke sat up on the bed, ignoring the stinging pain and lecturing words of his navigator. He got up and practically shout himself at Sidney, even though it was just one large step towards him. He reached his free arm around Sidney and pulled him towards his chest. He felt the younger pirate shaking against him, and he wanted to stop it. "Don't you dare state yourself unworthy of being on this ship. Don't you dare tell me you can't do anything right." His words were harsh, but he meant them all. His grip tightened. "If it weren't for you this ship would have ended up in some ship yard at the bottom of the sea. Dammit Sidney I would have gone crazy without your existence! So please! Please don't think yourself as nothing and show me a fake smile!" It was the first time he'd ever spoken so harshly to his navigator, the first time he himself had shaken. Whether that was from the pain in his chest or something else.

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Sidney panicked when Sosuke got up, immediately beginning to snap for him to lay back down or he'd make the wound worse. He was ignored, the other even got up from the bed. When he was pulled from his seat, he lost his footing, wrapping his arms around Sosuke to protect himself from falling. He started to weep once more, any simple gesture, any simple word said by the captain just made him cry over and over. The navigator's body was shaking as he cried into the other's chest, hugging him tighter. The harshness of the voice didn't compare to the kind words being spoken by Sosuke, he meant each and every one of them. "Aye c'pta'n," the only thing he could muster out in a meek voice. His grip tightened, hoping he wasn't hurting the other any worse. Sidney could feel shaking from the older man, but he couldn't tell if it was from himself or the other. "Th'nk y'u cap'ain."

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Sosuke felt the other tighten his own grip around him. He felt a sharp sting from the pressure, but he quickly ignored. Nothing was going to separate him from Sidney now. He chuckled lightly to himself, hearing the small voice in an attempt to make out full words. He loved the voice of his navigator, no matter if it was filled with sobs in the middle or not. He didn't let go of the younger pirate, but he loosened the grip around him enough so that Sosuke could peer down at Sidney's face. He wanted to see it, he wanted to know he wasn't forcing himself again.

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Sidney was smiling through his tears, happy the other was there to comfort him. He had to let go of Sosuke to wipe away the remaining tears, feeling all tuckered out from crying so much. Seeing the other was looking at him, his cheeks immediately heated. "D-Don't look at me! I'm a m-mess," he laughed. "Lay back down now, or I'll bring dock in here to do that for you." He didn't want to leave, but he needed to go help the other's out and let them know how Sosuke was feeling. He wanted to have the bigger hand in his head, just for a bit. He grabbed the captain's hand, placing it on his head like he did once before. "It'll make me feel better." He was being a bit more greedy than he needed to be, he wasn't the one hurt, but he really wanted to feel the gentle touch. It was surely make him feel better after all the tears he was come out, or the need to vomit would dissipate. Those were all just excuses to feel the hand on his head once more.

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Sosuke laughed heartily when Sidney declared him to look away, having looked a complete mess. Which was true, Sidney's face was covered in tears and sweat and maybe some snot. This didn't bother Sosuke one bit though, in fact, he liked the look. Sidney grabbed his free hand, placing it on his head. Sosuke knew lately that Sidney had wanted the touch more then usual, so he came to think it was just a reassuring touch. He did just that, he rubbed his head, running fingers through his hair. Just before sitting back down on the bed he pulled Sidney close again. Sosuke rested his chin on Sidney's head for only a few seconds, whispering to him at the same time. "I'm glad your okay." He let go and sat back on the bed, very slowly returning to his laying position.

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Sidney loved the touch, it was nice and calming. It did help him relieve his stress and worries, but unjust liked the feel of the hand. He was a little disappointed that Sosuke had stopped, but he didn't let it affect him, the other needed to rest. His face got hotter as the other hugged him once more, whispering the sweet words. "Same for you!" He laughed as the other let him go, trying to play off his reddened face as nothing. He nodded in approval as the captain slowly returned to the laying position, happy he had listened. The navigator skipped out, informing everyone of how Sosuke was doing. He even informed the doctor he woke up then decided to stand up, obviously agitating the older man. The doctor stormed off into the room, readying to give the captain a major scolding. He most likely would give him a large amount of sleeping medicine so the other wouldn't be able to stand up for the rest of the night.


The sea was calm, the night sky reflecting off of it. The stars twinkled in the view, making the navigator smile. It was nighttime and Sidney offered to take watch, making up for the night before. The crew skipped out on drinking since Sosuke would not be able to join them, but it was only fair. The young navigator enjoyed the quiet night as everyone went to bed early. At least most of them would be able to help out once they docked the next harbor in the morning, but the navigator would most likely stay and watch Sosuke. He knew they needed medical supplies, meaning the doctor would leave to go collect them. He didn't mind doing a night and day watch without sleep, he got a lot of it anyway. He was more worried about if he fell asleep then the captain would take the opportunity to sneak off the ship. He was definitely not going to let that happen while he was still serverly injured.


Morning did not come soon enough, the night long and slow for the tired boy. He had managed to avoid a few sea rocks, returning their course quickly. He jumped down the deck, heading down the stairs when the breakfast hell had rung. A crew mate had already prepared to switch out for Sidney when he ran past. He grabbed an apple, glad they had not run low on the delicious fruit. He saw the doctor carrying a bowl of something creamy, he was most likely taking it to Sosuke. The boy decided to stop him before he left the eating quarters, volunteering to take it himself since he's be heading up there soon anyway. He held the apple in his mouth as he took the bowl and spoon, heading up to the doctors room on the main deck. The young navigator stepped inside, pulling the apple from his mouth and setting it on the doctors desk. "Rise and shine, food's here," he laughed. Sosuke was still sleeping, but not for long. His eyes seemed to open with the boy's loud voice.

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Just as soon as Sidney had left for the night, the doctor had come charging in. Clearly Sidney had told Doc about his endeavor to stand up and aggravate his wound. Due to the medicine the doc gave him after removing the bullet, Sosuke wasn't all that hungry. But seeing how he wasn't eating that gave the doc the opportunity to drug him right away with sleeping medication. It was a bit of a struggle, but the doc managed to keep the captain down and give him the medicine. Sosuke cussed at the doctor, even though he knew the doc was only doing his job. He hated medicine, hated the taste of it. It wasn't long before Sosuke had fallen asleep.


The following morning Sosuke woke from a dead sleep as a bright a cheerful voice came bounding into the room. He groaned as he woke up, his right side stiff from laying still all night. His right arm had ended up in a sling some time in the night. Sosuke looked down at as he sat up in bed, rolling his eyes. However the moment passed when Sidney came into his view, holding a dish and spoon in hand. His stomach growled as the smell overwhelmed his senses. "God that smells good."

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Sidney saw the sling they Sosuke's arm was in, it just had to be his dominant hand as well. It meant that the captain was going to have to bed fed by someone, getting spoiled. The navigator was already prepared for the arguments that would come from it, Sosuke had to eat. "Sleep well? I bet the doctor gave you a good scolding," he hummed. He could hear the mean snapping at Sosuke from the main deck. He set the bowl down real quick, helping Sosuke to a comfortable sitting position, trying to avoid making him feel pain. Once the captain was in an upright position he grabbed the bowl, dipping the spoon in and bringing it close to the other man's face. "Say 'ah'!" He was deciding to tease the other a bit, making fun of the position he was in. It was a little cruel, but he was going to get on the other, because he was so reckless, in some way. "Just kidding, eat up or its going to get cold."

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Sosuke thanked Sidney for the help in sitting up. He clicked his tongue when he heard him talking about the scolding he got from the doc. "Bastard drugged me last night. I've been sleeping since." He wasn't entirely pissed off that the doc had drugged him. It was his job, he had just wished he could deal with the pain himself instead of relying on medication. Sosuke watched as Sidney sat in the chair beside the bed and held a spoonful of...whatever it was that was in the dish. Upon hearing the 'ah' speech, Sosuke raised a brow. Surely Sidney wasn't going to treat him like a child. Although, he sort of liked the idea of being pampered like this. Of course he wouldn't let anyone else do it. When Sidney commented with a just kidding, Sosuke let his mouth fall open, allowing Sidney to feed him. He swallowed it, luckily the food was good. So he decided he would be good and finish it.

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Sidney put the spoon in Sosuke's mouth, letting him eat the mysterious food. "He had a right to, you didn't listen to me. That was your punishment," he laughed, getting another spoon full of the food. "You shouldn't have gotten up. I had to tell him, even though I knew you wouldn't like it." Putting the spoon in front of Sosuke, he allowed him to take another bite. He repeated this until the bowl was empty, glad the other didn't put up a fuss about being hand fed. After the bowl was emptied, he leaned back in the seat to set it on the desk, not willing to leave Sosuke alone while he was awake. He heard someone from outside of the room yell that they were approaching land. He looked at his captain, seeing he was a bit eager to get out of the bed. "Your not going anywhere, you get to stay here with me." He felt bad the other was going to be confined to the bed when they reached a new land, but at least he'd have some sort of company having the younger navigator around. He court hear the rushing of footsteps on the deck, everyone was preparing to leave, and they were stuck on the ship all day.

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