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How to End a Frienship (Wolfdog 12 and hal7283, private, 18+)


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Aeldric was alerted when the fairy began to chant in his native tongue, and suddenly felt the earth beneath him began to shift, followed by a water dragon flying against him. "Making it hard for me to take a stand heh? Good call. But you forgot one crucial factor." Aeldric conjured up the flow of magic power inside him, feeling his energy touching the flow of air all around him body. What would normally take a long chant were condensed into a single word imbued with layers of pre-constructed magic.




The next moment Aelfric float slightly above the ground, and easily dodged the incoming water magic. Almost like a skater on ice he began to "slide" freely around the garden. "You gotta do better than that if you want to keep me in place!" with that said Aelfric reached out his hands, countless small balls of compressed air occurred around him and with a gesture they flew towards Arcane like a volley of bullet fire, causing countless holes around the ground Arcane was standing.

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Aelfric definitely had an advantage when it came to casting his magic. Arcane had to chant several words linked together just to cast a single spell and the higher the level, the more words he had to chant. Still, the disadvantage was that Arcane knew exactly what was coming since Aeldric's spells were in the language they all spoke. This made it easy to deal with the balls of air where the fairy summoned a small fire wall that exploded into a much larger flame when the air hit it. However, When the fire finally vanished, Arcane was nowhere to be seen. He had successfully managed to cast a chain link with illusion magic and that fire magic.


The fairy appeared a few moments later behind Aelfric, also in the air, and finished casting another spell that increased the gravity on Aeldric. It continued to get heavier and heavier trying to force him to the ground. Of course, Arcane had just gone from earth to water, fire to dark, and was now casting a type of earth/wind type magic. It was straining but not nearly as bad as the fairy thought it would be.

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Aelfric expected his wind blasts to be blocked, but when the flames ceased he was surprised to see the fairy was nowhere to be found. When he felt the presence of Arcane behind him it was already too late, and he felt his body became heavier and heavier by the moment.


"Increased...gravity? Since when did you learn that?" Aelfric said as it became harder and harder to keep himself afloat, and soon he was on the ground and gradually fell on his knee. However he wasn't about the give up so easily. He lowered his head and began to mutter quickly:


"I call to thee, beings from the of the dark, with my power I summon you to this earth to imprison my foe...Come forth! Hands of the Abyss!"


Suddenly Aelfric' shadow extended and covered the entire ground of the garden, and countless black hands rose from the ground, raising up quickly and surrounded Arcane from all sides, chasing the fairy until one of the hand grabbed on his ankle, another on his wrist, then all of the hands got there fingers on him and began to pull the fairy downwards and brought him in front of Aelfric, who by now is pretty much laying on his belly due to the weight.


"How about... we call it a draw?" Aelfric raised his head up with difficulty and looked up at the fairy, who was now being held by countless black hands.


It was then Aeldric rushed out of the room and said excitedly: "Hey guys I want to show something!" Then he saw the scene in front of him and froze momentarily, he then turned to Aeldric and said: "Looks like you guys had a lot of fun?"

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"It's easy to learn when you know the elements the magic is made up of!" Arcane quickly bragged. Of course, he wanted to stop Aelfric before he could cast his next spell, but the fairy was too late. There was no way to cast a counter spell powerful enough in time. The fairy quickly shot off trying to out fly the arms but they were coming from far too many directions and one latched onto his ankle, stopping him mid flight. The arms then leaped up and grabbed more and more of him until he was completely bound and brought face to face with the human.


"First off, the gravitation was a lesson to you showing how much you need to learn electric magic, and second, if you wanted to win you'd have to stop me from casting spells." He laughed and agreed to call it a draw. "Today is a draw but next time I'm kicking your royal butt!!" The fairy glanced up to see the two in a strange position. Arcane cast a couple words to lift the gravitation spell off his friend as he was also released. The fairy said the only way to win was to stop him from casting spells but at the same time, one of those hands could have covered his mouth before he could get away. It was a fair draw.


"By the way, don't skip your next magic lesson and make sure the teacher teaches you about element basing and how certain elements are more effective then others." Arcane explained this as they followed the excited Aeldric up to the room. "Gravitation is earth and wind so it can be beat by fire and electric, also known as light magic." Of course, the fairy left it at that for now.


When they returned to the room, the fairy could only guess what it might be and figured he must have finally finished that strange flying machine. Did Aeldric want to be able to fly in it or did he expect it just to fly on his own accord? "So, what do you have to show us? I know it must be pretty important, you came rushing out." Of course Arcane was also really excited to see it none the less and wanted to see just how Aeldric would accomplish this.

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Aelfric got up from the ground and patted the dust off his clothes. He knew very well how to "win" against the fairy, or any magic user for that matter. Since only a handful of magic users can caste a spell without muttering a word, and most of them were not human, blocking their speech was certainly an effective method. But it wasn't about winning when it comes to Arcane, since it was more about practicing his spells while having a little bit fun with these friendly matches.


"Sure I'll try to expand the kinds of magic I can use. But I don't think the lessons would do me any good though, since they only give us the most basic knowledge on magic. Cause you know, princes aren't suppose to do stuff themselves, but rather command people to do things? Plus I don't think we have much time left in the capital. Now come on let's see what Aeldric had been working on."


They got back to their room, and Aeldric eagerly held up something covered by a large piece of cloth. "Allow me to introduce you to my latest invention! I call it Sky Eye!" Aeldric pulled the cloth off and it was a owl made out of metal. He pressed a button on the metal bird's back, and its eyes lit up, shining a faint blue light. Aeldric threw the metal bird upwards and immediately it opened its wings and began to fly.


"Now check this out!" Aeldric put on what appeared to be a glove covered by strange machines and wires. He extended out his hand and moved his finger around, and the metal owl began to fly in accordance to the movement's of Aeldric's hands. And after circling around the room a few more times Aeldric brought his hand back, and the metal owl flew flew back and landed on his working table.


"I can control it with this glove directly, or let it fly along a predetermined path. It also had a magic stone with recording spell in it so it can record everything i saw in the sky. Thus the name Sky eye. Pretty cool huh? Oh and also its shell had engravings of protective runes against magics, so it won't get destroyed as easily like the last experiment!"

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"Well, if you want, I can always give you a lesson," Arcane added before he walked into the room. He stood by and watched as Aeldric gave his presentation on the new machine. It was so interesting to see the metal owl jump to life and follow the commands of its creator. How Aeldric got a machine made out of metal to fly was beyond him. The fairy didn't understand anything like that.


"Sky eye seems like the perfect name. How'd you even do that?.... Actually, How'd you even manage to put it together so quickly? Aelfric and I weren't out there that long, that's for sure." He walked closer to observe the machine more closely. It fascinated him. Somehow Aeldric had made metal fly, and he could control it. To top it off, it was now immune to magic. This thing certainly was one of the most amazing creations Arcane had ever seen. "How does the glove connect to the bird itself? I don't sense any kind of magic coming out of it so that's not it. The only magical part are the stones to protect it."


Arcane may be clueless in these matters but he certainly showed great interest in them. He loved to see what Aeldric could make and the wonders of the impossible coming to life. For someone with magic, where the wonder was lost, this was almost like its own kind of magic, mystical and bizarre.

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"Well I didn't start from scratch. I had the frame and the power source done long time ago, just need put them together in the right way so it could fly. Of course the idea of anti-magic runes came because of the accident." Aelfric smiled patting the metal owl's head. He continued: "Well, the glove connects with Sky eye through electric magnetic waves. Actually I kind of cheated cause I used magic stones to power the glove and it. I could've created a power source without magic but the whole thing would be huge, like... I don't know... size of a carriage or something, and it would be unreliable. Speaking of power..."


Aeldric got to the table and picked up a small round object and passed it to Arcane: "It's a little....byproduct when I made the engine for the bird. There's a button on the wider end of it. Give it a try." Aeldric said with a weird devious smile.


As soon as the button was pressed the little egg began to vibrate, giving out a low buzzing sound.


"So....what's this thing really?" Aelfric asked again.


"What does it look like? A vibrating egg of course. It came to me when I test run the engine for the bird and it gave out a bit vibration, then I thought, you know what, I bet if I make something that's easy to handle, I can do some great things with it in bed. Rub it against your dick or even stick it in behind? Oh don't worry it's completely waterproof and safe."


Aelfric looked and Aeldric and said weakly: "That's about the greatest waste of potential for an invention I've ever seen." But after a brief pause he then tilted his head: "However I do admit it would be interesting to try out..."

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Arcane was at least able to understand how he managed to get it done so quickly and understood how magic had to be involved. The thing he didn't quite understand was that part about electric, something waves. It was strange to him and he wasted to know what was going on. Still, it may be called something fancy that he couldn't quite remember but at least he could think of it like electric magic as a type of basic manipulation magic. Let's hope that was the case.


The fairy turned and watched as the younger twin Aeldric walked over and scooped up the strange item off the table. He then tossed it to Arcane who caught it in his hands and gently held onto it. The words about the button had the fairy rolling the small egg in his hands until he found the button and pressed it. Arcane had nearly dropped it as it bounced to life and began vibrating. "The heck?!" It was all he could managed before gently tossing it to Aelfric to catch.


"I agree, waste of potential," Arcane stated flatly. The fairy didn't want to take part in it at first but then a sinister thought came to his mind. "Of course, we could try it. I know the best place for it," Arcane said in almost a snake like tone. He walked over and poked Aeldric's hip. "I bet it would feel great in you. I mean, you never even got to try the fingers so it's only right that you be the first to test run your new invention." This time, the fairy wasn't about to spread his legs and just listen to the twins. He'd not be caught up this time. Arcane would have to protect himself from these two or he'd seriously become weird.


"If you want, we could try it out right now." The fairy stood strong and motioned for Aeldric to start removing his clothes so he could give it a try. "I'll go get some kind of lotion for you and everything if you want." Completely determined not to be their little test rat.

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Aeldric looked suspiciously as Arcane approached him, and jumped slightly out of surprise when he felt the poke on his butt. "W... Well... I was more thinking of trying it on you guys cause.. you know... you guys seems to be enjoying it from behind so much..."


"Oh stop being such a chicken Aeldric. You were pretty much asking for it when you brought the egg up." Aelfric smiled teasingly and got closer to Aeldric as well. It would be a lie to say that Aelfric was not curious to see how that egg would feel inside him. But at the moment the naughty prankster inside him kicked in, and really wanted to see Aeldric helpless and moaning. Aeldfric lightly muttered a few words quietly then extended his palm towards Aeldric, a sudden gust of wind occured out of nowhere and Aeldric said: "Levitation!"


"What are you..woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah?!" Aeldric cried out as he felt his body floating up in mid air. Aelfric wiggled his dinger a few times and Aeldric began to float towards the bedroom.


"This is not cool bro, let me down Aelfric! Let me down!" Aeldric struggled in mid air in vain.


Aelfric turned back to look at Arcane and smiled: "Go and get the lubes. I think you can find those things with the palace doctor. I'll deal with Aeldric." Aelfric then walked into the bedroom himself, sounds of argument came from the room followed by what appeared to be their clothes flying out of the room door.

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"I know, seriously. This is your own fault Aeldric so suck it up and suffer the consequences!" Arcane smirked and watched as Aelfric began using his magic to manipulate his twin brother. He watched as the younger twin struggled to get free of the magical hold and was soon carried off towards the bedroom. He looked over at Aelfric who told him to go get the lube from the medical wing.


"Right, I'll be right back." And with that, Arcane was out the door. As soon as he did get out, he lifted his wings and flew straight for the medical wing. If anyone did have a complaint, it was hard to say anything since the fairy shot past like a bullet. Still, he slipped into the medics room and grabbed the lube before sneaking out again and flying off towards the twins' room. As soon as Arcane closed the door, he rushed over and got into the bedroom.


"I Got it!" he happily exclaimed and tossed the lube to Aelfric as he walked over and took his place on the bed as well. The fairy settled in and looked at the scene before him, Aeldric still being controlled so he can't escape or stop the two from what they were about to do to him. "Sorry about this Aeldric but you can't blame us!"

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When Arcane got back with the lotion Aelfric had already strip themselves bare. The major difference was that Aeldric was pretty much paralyzed by Aelfric's magic and could hardly move a finger on his own.


"Come on guys we don't have to do it like this. Let me go!" Aeldric complained.


"And you promise you won't try to run away?" Aelfric asked.


"Yeah I promise." Aeldric answered.


"Alright then." Aelfric smiled and lifted the magic holding Aeldric in place, and immediately he tried to crawl off the bed.


"Not so fast buddy." Aelfric was one step ahead of Aeldric however and held him down rather easily. "Why are you so against this anyways? I mean Arcane took both of us, and you don't see him being a bitch about it?"


"Well it's just... just...." Aeldric muttered, having difficulty to find a proper excuse given what they've done to Arcane the night before. Seeing this Aelfric chuckled then turned to Arcane and said: "Since there seems to be no further objection from him, how about we start loosen him up a bit? You wanna do the honors?"

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"Seriously Aeldric, we won't hurt you. At least you're getting proper lubrication unlike with us. Besides, if you're trying it and you realize that you really hate it that much, then we will stop. Alright?" Arcane's voice was gentle but that didn't mean he planned on stopping. He grabbed the lube and poured some over his hand first, gently sliding a finger in. The fairy shifted it around a bit before entering a second finger. He used the two to gently spread Aeldric enough so they could try and slip the egg in.


Finally, Arcane got Aeldric spread out enough and get the egg to fit. "Alright, Aelfric, I'll leave putting in the actually egg to you. Please, go ahead." The fairy motioned for Aelfric to take over as he got up off the bed again and began stipping himself. It seemed they were going to go for it, and even if they didn't go all the way, the fairy's clothes would at least be spared from the disaster that was to come. "We ready?" He whispered to the others. Finally, Arcane wasn't the one getting it and hopefully he could be as spared as his clothes.

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Aelfric chuckled seeing Aeldric tense up when Arcane began to touch him at his rear. It's rather interesting to see his always cocky and confident brother be so helpless for once. "Relax Aeldric relax... you know how talented Arcane is with stuff like these..." Aelfric whispered gently into Aeldric's ears, and teasingly bit on Aeldric's earlobe. It was strange, and felt a bit wrong doing this to his own twin brother. But at the same time it was quite....exciting.


"You.. you guys need to calm down a bit..Ah..!" Aeldric groaned feeling Arcane's finger entering him, and when his ear was bitten by Aelfric he was really caught off guard, as even they've done these things to Arcane for so many times together, he haven't imagine touching for being touched by his twin brother in a thousand years. That being said, Aelfric's moves were honestly quite helpful as a distraction from the discomfort he felt being intruded.


"Really Arcane? You want ME to do it?" Aelfric looked at the fairy with a surprised expression. Taking the egg from Arcane he looked down at Aeldric and said: "Well apparently out fairy friend here have a thing for watching incest." Aelfric put a bit more lube all over the egg just to be safe, then he reached behind Aeldric and put the egg at his entrance. "Here it goes..." Aelfric said as he began to push the egg in. Immediately Aeldric groaned due to the discomfort. Before the egg completely submerged inside Aelfric pressed on the button at the end, making it to start vibrate. When the widest part of the egg passed through the rest simple slipped in on its own, and Aeldric moaned out loudly.


'Ah...Ah eh...aah..eh..Au..A!" Aeldric began to moan uncontrollably due to the sensation, but it was hard to tell whether he was in pain or in pleasure, or both. Aelfric said to Arcane: "Let's try to make it more enjoyable for Aeldric."


Aelfric leaned down again and after a moment of hesitation, covered Aeldric's lips with his own, intruding into his twin brother's mouth while his hands roamed all over his body. He looked back at Arcane and pointed at Aeldric's hard erection, gesturing him to start playing with it.

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Arcane didn't really watch much as Aelfric slipped the egg into his brother because he was too busy getting his own clothes off. When he turned back, Aelfric wanted to make things more pleasurable for his brother. Of course, that meant a lot more touching. He watched as the twins kissed and could quite handle it himself. "Ya, I think you guys should back off.... I don't know how much I can take of this...." of course that meant Arcane would have to take a bigger roll and do more work but if it stopped this, he was all for it.


The fairy still leaned down and began licking the tip of his length, gently holding it in one of his hands. Arcane then sucked on the tip for a while before taking it into his mouth. He sucked on just the top before taking his mouth off and licking up and down while sucking and nipping at it. Finally, the fairy took the whole thing in his mouth and began sucking on it, shifting his head up and down. He used his hand now to play with his balls a bit. Glancing up, Arcane was hoping Aeldric really enjoyed this and wanted to know if he was ready to come of not. Arcane was certainly feeling it in his lower area.

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Slowly but surely Aeldric was getting used to the egg inside his rear, the pain he got from being stretched by the egg had gradually seized, allowing him to feel better the strange sensation spreading inside him. His moans became sweeter as time went on, and waves of pleasure began to spread due to the vibration. The initial fear he had was long gone, replaced by the desire to feel more pleasure.


"Aelfric....Arcane...!" He called out the names of the two men on top of him helplessly, being lost in the sea of desire. When he felt Arcane's warm and moist mouth around his erection he moaned even louder. The sensation from Arcane's blow job adding to the pleasure from behind was simply too much to bear, and soon enough he arched his back up while letting out a high pitched moan. Reaching climax he released his desire inside Arcane's mouth, then dropped down on the bed weakly, panting. But even then he couldn't rest, since the egg was still vibrating violently inside him.


"Take....take it out!" Aeldric cried weakly, having just came his body was over sensitive, which made the stimulation almost unbearable.


Aelfric nodded and reached his hand down Aedric's rear, yet whenever he tried he only managed to push the thing further in. He looked at Aeldric and shook his head saying: "Sorry brother. I think you have to do it on your own."


Aelfric could almost see the despair on Aeldric's face when he heard that. Mustering all the strength left in his body Aeldric held his breath and tried to push the egg out, letting out a painful groan as the vibrating toy slowly stretched his entrance wider and wider, until the widest part exited his body. The moment the egg completely slipped out of Aeldric's body he came again, spreading his cum all over his belly.


"...........Improvement needed..." Aeldric muttered weakly before passing out, completely exhausted from the whole ordeal. Meanwhile Aelfric picked up the egg and turned the thing off, putting it aside he said to Arcane: "I guess Aeldric is out for the night, what about us?" He moved close to the fairy and touched on his erection with a seductive smile: "How do you want to deal with this? If you want to get even with me I'm all for it."

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Arcane jolted back a bit and swallowed the hot come shot into his mouth. He probably shouldn't have taken it in like that but the fairy was getting surprisingly use to the taste and his body now burned from the pleasure it brought to him. When it was clear that Aelfric couldn't get the egg out, Arcane was about to suggest using magic but that could make things worse. Sure the fairy was an expert in spells but in order to do it right and be able to get the egg without missing or hurting Aeldric, he would have to open the other up enough to be able to see the egg in person. There was no way that was going to happen.


The fairy waited patiently while the egg was pushed out and Aeldric ended up coming again as it slipped to the bed. The younger twin then passed out right away. Of course, there was another problem still itching at the young red head and it became very apparent when the older twin touched him and began teasing him. "Sorry, Aelfric but I don't think I can watch that same face wriggling in pain again until pleasure eventually takes over. You take me tonight but you can bet you're getting it back soon." Arcane smirked a bit but after watching what Aeldric went through, it was nearly impossible to do the same thing to his identical twin.


"You have my permission to do just about anything you want to me for now but don't think it will last. This is only until we are both satisfied. Deal?" The fairy wanted to make sure the rules were straight because he did plan to thrust into Aelfric, just not yet, not after what they went through. In a way, Arcane felt like he had to take responsibility for the suffering they had caused Aeldric. He was their friend and technically servant so he did feel a bit guilty even though it was all just a bit of fun.

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"You worry to much, but... thanks." Aelfric smiled and pressed a gentle kiss at Arcane's lips, after mingling for a short while he moved on and began kissing the fairy's cheek, his jaw line, then all the way to his ear. "It was so painful for Aeldric because i was his first time being entered, and because he forgot to make a handle or attach a strong on the egg to pull it out. So you don't have to worry about hurting me if you want to do it tonight. But if you don't, I'm fine with it too. I mean 'permission to do whatever I want'? That's attractive!"


Aelfric took the tip of Arcane's pointy ear in his mouth and began to suck on it gently, while with one hand he caressed Arcane's wing and the other roamed around his chest, squeezing on the breast before picking the nipple between his fingers, pressing, flickering, rubbing and pulling gently. Then Aelfric moved off from Arcane's ear and began to nimble on the fairy's neck, he said: "Since you haven't completely recover from last night yet, so how about we go a bit easier on each other tonight?"

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"I know that but still... I just don't think I can do it anymore... not tonight anyway." Arcane wasn't sure what was going on with him but he just couldn't think about hurting the twins anymore. "Hey, if you don't want to do it then I can just jerk myself off and head back to my room for the night," the fairy said giving Aelfric a sideways look knowing that he wasn't going to stop. The fairy took a breath and kissed the older twin back before being released and kissed all over. Of course, Aelfric felt the need to go straight to two of his most sensitive parts, his ears and wings. Then, the other hand was playing with his nipples that were getting more and more sensitive every time they got played with.


"Easier is fine," He moaned slightly in that sexy voice. "I'm about... to come..." Arcane was already reaching his limit since he was already on the edge when they started this and now he was feeling it in his wings, ears, and nipples. That was almost too much for him to bare. The fairy grabbed onto Aelfric and his back arced slightly as he couldn't hold back and came, spraying right onto the other. "Sorry," he grumbled clearly coming early.

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Aelfric smiled and held up Arcane's chin so he could kiss on the fairy's soft lips. Afterwards he said: "No need to apologize, cause I love to see you reaching climax. You have no idea how alluring your expression looks whenever you come. Perhaps I should let Aeldric teach me how to record stuff with magic stones, so I can see it over and over again?"


Aelfric waited a while for Arcane to catch his breath, suddenly he showed a devious smile and said:" I have an idea."


He lead Arcane to lay on his belly. While he got behind the fairy and reached for the bottle of lube. Pouring an excessive amount on his hands he began to rub all over Arcane's butt, spreading lube all over the butt cheeks and even in the butt crack.


"Don't worry I'm not gonna enter you." Aelfric said as he pushed his erection against Arcane's rear so his length was being sandwiched in the middle. Getting down again he began to work his waist so his erection rubbed against the softness of Arcane' bum, moaning slightly from the pleasure he was getting. His movement inevitably also pressed Arcane's length against the soft bed sheets. At the same time he held up Arcane's wings and began to lick and kiss on them lovingly. When his movement became fiercer he leaned down and held Arcane tightly in his arms, and as his breathing became more and more rapid, he also let out one blissful groan after another. It wasn't long before he moaned loudly and released his cum over Arcane's lower back.

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Arcane looked up at Aelfric, panting, his face weakened from being tired and yet, that face looked so alluring as well, it being filled with the pleasure that just came to him. "It's not like I'm going to vanish. *Pant pant* Please, no embarrassing videos...." Who knows what the twins could do with such recordings and Aelfric was already suggesting that he wanted to do something dirty with them.


That devilish smile spread across his lips and the fairy quickly because worried. Arcane had just regained his breath and now he was being laid down and soon lathered in lube. Being told that Aelfric had no intention of sticking it in, brought slight comfort to the fairy but that didn't mean much since Aelfric was planning something he was unaware of. Of course, he went along a bit and laid on his stomach as he was then covered in the lube.


"What are you planning?" the fiery red head asked. Of course, his answer was given in the form of the twin pressing his hard, hot member right between his butt cheeks, sandwiching it in nice and cozy. "W-wait," He whispered onto to have his whimpering ignored and could feel his own body being forced back and forth along with Aelfric's. The added simulation of being rubbed by the sheets and the terrible pleasure that once again consumed him from his wings, it was all too much. The fairy's member stood hard as a rock and each rub, touch, it was all just him unable to take much more.


Soon enough, the two both ended up coming and dropping onto the bed clearly exhausted. As soon as Arcane caught his breath though, he wanted to just pass out but slowly he began forcing himself upwards. "I have to return to my room. I've been in here for nearly four nights in a row, the maids will get upset and suspicious." The fairy groaned loudly as he slowly got out of the bed and reached for his clothes.

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After reaching climax Aelfric laid down onto Arcane, feeling the warmth of his skin, pulses of his veins, hearing the sound of his breathing. It was quite a marvelous feeling to be so close, almost conjoined. But soon realizing it's probably uncomfortable for Arcane he quickly rolled off the fairy and laid beside him, panting heavily himself. When Arcane said he had to go back to his room Aelfric wanted to stop him. For some reason he felt this bed became too spacious for just the two brothers.


"Ah wait a second Arcane." Aelfric asked: "After we move to Pocar, we'll be able to make our rooms more freely. Would you like to sleep with us? I mean share the bedroom with us. Of course you can still have your own quarters and study room and such."

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Arcane was quickly stopped and looked over at the other. At this point, they seemed to be in way too deep to refuse. "Sure, I'll sleep with you guys but not every night. I will need to find some time to myself if you don't mind." The fairy leaned in and kissed the other on the forehead. "But for tonight, Aelfric, I have to return to my room." That was all he had left to say before quickly throwing on his clothes without even cleaning up and took off out the door. It was nice to be able to walk and all but the fairy felt so dirty, wet and sticky.


Luckily, most of the maids and servants had gone to bed so wandering about the castle to not be seen was surprisingly easy... or so Arcane thought. Just as he made it down the stairs, Arcane ran into the crowned prince clearly having taken a walk around the castle to check on the guards and everything and was now heading back to his room. The fairy quickly stood to the side and bowed hoping to be left alone, and he probably would have been if not for the strong smell of sex that covered his small body.


The crowned prince took one smell and stopped Arcane right in his tracks.

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Alaron noticed Arcane standing at the side of the hallway and bowing. He was about to simply walk by the fairy until the strong scent of sex coming from the fairy stopped him in his track. "Ah Arcane, I didn't notice you there." Alaron said pretentiously as he turned around and got close to the fairy: "What are you doing being up so late?" He got closer and sniffed on Arcane's neck for a few times and said: "Let me guess, you've just slept with the twins? Ha ha ha! I didn't think the twins had it in them to make you have sex with them. Perhaps I should tell the prince to let me joint you guys next time? Or... should I just take you now?"


Alaron pushed Arcane against the wall and pressed himself against he fairy, licking slightly on the his ear while his hand roamed down Arcane's body. "Your clothes are all wet and slimy... did you not clean up after playing with the twins? Or do they actually prefer you being stinking and filthy?"


Just as Alaron was about to reach into Arcane's pants the sound of footsteps got closer to the two, and it was no other than Alaron's servant Barton. "My apologies Crown Prince Alaron, I didn't know you were... fornicating with the fairy." Barton said as he bowed down. While Barton's gestures showed proper respect, strangely though his tone was less so, which was really out of character for the submissive servant.


Alaron on the other hand didn't seem to mind. If anything he looked rather amused as he pull away from the fairy: "It's alright Barton, we were just...fooling around."


"Of course. Your highness, you should get some sleep. You have a full schedule tomorrow morning." Barton said.


"Oh, silly me, I almost forgot about them." Alaron patted on his head slightly and looked at Arcane: "Sorry but looks like I can't play with you after all. Oh and please tell the twins our father is gonna assign them their land tomorrow. Remind them of our last meeting."


Alaron waved farewell at Arcane and walked down the hallway towards his room, and Barton followed closely, not even looking at the fairy as they passed. Once they were far enough from the fairy Alaron chuckled.


"What's so amusing, your highness?" Barton said with a surprisingly cold tone.


"What's so amusing? The fact that you came to the surface just to interrupt me playing with the fairy. How adorable." Alaron answered.


"....Don't push me too far Alaron, or some day I'm really gonna break your neck." Barton said and closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again he looked confused, looking around in a panic not knowing what was going on. Then he noticed Alaron standing in front of him and hurriedly bowed down: "Your...Your highness! I.. I didn't see you there."


"Dream walking again? You really need to fix that problem of yours." Alarron said as he resumed walking.


"Ye..yes! Your highness. Goodnight!" Barton said as he hurriedly ran off towards his quarters. Seeing him disappearing behind a corner Alaron smiled and muttered: "You should really learn how to hide what's important to you, Aelfric, Aeldric."

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The moment the prince paused and turned his attention to Arcane, he grew very nervous and yet, was careful to keep his cool. The crowned prince advanced and smelled him, even the fairy could smell it so there was no way to really hide the fact that the alluring scent of sex covered him. Arcane just had to hold himself there as the prince then pressed him against the wall and leaned against him as well. "Please sire," The fairy was desperate to get away but there wasn't anything he could do other then plead desperately.


He probably should have bathed before leaving but didn't expect to run into anyone, especially not this guy. Arcane pressed his hands against the wall behind him and nervously stood there as he felt the hands cross over his body and attempt to get into his pants. Thankfully, some footsteps stopped the prince from advancing anymore and of course, it was none other then the prince's servant Barton.


While would have found Barton's tone with the crowned prince rude and odd, Arcane thought it was his fault since Barton was one of those that highly disapproved of a fairy being around. He was one that the fairy had to be extra careful not to fly around or he'd tell Alaron to lop off his head. It was good to see that the prince didn't get angry as he spoke again towards the fiery red head that hadn't moved an inch. "Yes your Majesty," Arcane mumbled. They left without too much trouble and Arcane just stayed with his back still against the wall, looking down. He felt horrible for what happened and ended up standing there for almost 15 minutes before finally moving and running back to his room.


Once he managed to get back, Arcane took the time to shower, frowning at his small quarters. Still, he got ready for bed and laid down to sleep. It seemed tomorrow was the day all their warm fun in the sun was going to end to a life of fighting for their lives. The twins should have picked Ocea. They only didn't because of their fairy friend but still, they will probably get sick of the cold and snow quickly. Plus, a world of dark and snowy days, day in and day out, that was no place for a Salamander fairy who's specialty was fire. He was like a flower, needing lots of warmth and sunlight in order to survive. Still, they'd figure it out somehow. With that in mind, Arcane drifted away to sleep.

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The next morning the twins were awoken by the sounds of knocking coming from the door, and it was a messenger from the king telling them to come to the main hall of the palace after breakfast. for the enfeoffment ceremony. Quickly taking a bath and put on their formal clothing. Not even waiting for breakfast to come the twins went to wait at the main entrance of the great hall, as they didn't really had the appetite.


An hour later all the ministers, nobles, and princes had gathered in the great hall, with the king himself arriving the last. After some formalities as Alaron had told them beforehand, the twins were offered the land of Pocar or the island of Ociea, to which the twins said the name of the former in unison, creating a wave of quiet ridicule in the great hall. Ignoring the chit chat the twins got up to the throne and received the seal of enfeoffment of the land of Pocar. With that the ceremony ended and the usual court meeting begun.


The twins got back to their room somehow feeling absolutely exhausted, collapsing on the sofa weakly. "We gotta start packing..." Aelfric said: "If we don't hurry it's gonna start snowing in Pocar, and it would be hell trying to get there."

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