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Paradoxical world (Bloody x Perch)


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Goto felt Kanase pull away from him and let him do so. When Kanase stammered about finishing his bandaging the other nodded. Goto slowly turned back around so it was easier to bandage him. He even rose his arms up to the side of his head so that Kanase had better access to his upper body. However when the other didn't move he looked back at the younger male. Kanase had his eyes closed for a moment and his cheeks beaming with color. When Kanase looked back up, Goto was staring at him from glancing over his shoulder.


"Are you sure your okay? Your acting strange right now." Just rub in the hurt Goto. That's what he was doing. But the man was still completely oblivious to the other's feelings. Heck, he was barely understanding why his own heart beat was skipping or speeding up at times. Or why he liked to be touched or near the other. Poor Kanase would have to deal with his obliviousness a little while longer.

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Even though the other lift his arms in the air and all, Kana just had to take few more seconds for himself. He closed his eyes, doesn't even realizing how red he was. From parts, he was actually happy that Goto was so clueless about his feelings, that way it'd be easier when they were separated to try to push them down, yet from parts he wanted to just shout in the other's face that he was all fine and that he just liked him. Yet he didn't do it.


"I am just tired... Maybe I need some rest, don't worry." He smiled a little at the other, finally gathering his strength and coming closer, slowly and all carefully bandaging Goto's body, taking one last look at his wounds, rather looking kinda sadly at them. The Prime Minister had to be killed, like literally. Yet he also knew it wasn't the right time now. Taking a small deep breath again, Kana patted the other's shoulder, showing him that everything was done, yet making him a sign not to dress up yet. "Wait, I will go get you some other clothes. You can't put these dirty clothes on." After saying that, the younger got up and went to find Sato, seeing him talking with Goto's parents, whispering to him about the clothes, seeing him pointing at some small similar to closet thing. "There, you can find something." With a small nod, Kana ran to the closet and grabbed the first larger kimono he saw, then headed back to Goto, handing him the fresh kimono. "Come on, change quickly."

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Although Goto waited for Kanase to start bandaging him, the other ended up taking his time doing so. He had gotten back his answer of what was wrong with him and he nodded. Being tired, that was a perfect answer. Who wouldnt be tired after having to go through with what he has. Goto turned back around and kept his arms up. Finally he felt Kanase's hands around his body as he began bandaging his rounds. When he had finished he tapped his shoulder. Goto was going to try putting his kimono back on when Kanase told him to hold off on it.


Goto watched as Kanase left the room and went to get a new kimono for him. As he waited he looked around his body. Kanase really did do an excellent job on taking care of him when he was wounded. He was wondering if the other was starting to get used to it. His bandages where wrapping once again around his upper chest and went all the way down to just above his naval. Suddenly Kanase came running back in demanding he change now. Goto took the clean kimono from the other and started stripping himself of the wet one.

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Once he handed the kimono, Kana stepped back, though feeling his own clothes kinda wet as well, throwing a small disgusted look at the uniform he was wearing, sighing and peeking around, seeing the kimono he was wearing once he rushed in the village the first time, going to check if it was dry or still wet, yet seeing the cloth washed and fresh, smiling and instantly taking off his own clothes, slightly taking a hold of his side though, spotting few not so big yet all painful braises. It was normal. He fought god knows how many men all by himself, before to reach Goto and his family, puffing his cheeks though. He didn't like it when he was wounded, yet he was sure that from now on that was going to be something common. Realizing though he took himself too much time being naked, he blushed slightly and put on the white kimono instantly, for a moment peeking at the bracelet, tilting his head aside. It was odd, how it was stopping him from using his powers.


Once he changed his clothes though, Kana turned around to face Goto again, walking to him and clearing his throat. Just before to be able to say anything though, he heard his parents entering inside the room along with Sato, giving them a small bow and making his way to one of the chairs, plopping himself down. One more night almost passed, not even that calm...It made him give it a thought then: When was the peace gonna come? Probably never.

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Goto stood still when Kanase brought him the kimono. He would have to thank Sato for the help he's given them. Perhaps he would get something for the monk in Kyoto as thanks for his hospitality. Goto noticed that he was still standing stark naked in the middle of the room and decided to put the kimono on then. It took him a while as to not over stretch his aggravate his wounds. But eventually he managed to get it on. He wasnt able to tie it closed very tightly however, due to the wounds on his abdomen. So half his chest was exposed to the air. Which of course showed most of the bandage.


Goto heard rustling and turned around to see Kanase taking off the wet uniform. He noticed when he flinched at the pain he felt and held his stomach. It was his turn bow to be treated. He had reached down to grab the ointment and heard a throat clearing when the door opened. His parents and Sato came walking through the room. The monk instantly plopping on a chair. He rose his brow at the three of them. His parents looked tired for sure, bags ran under their eyes. Goto decided he would let them rest the night before leaving as the sun rose.

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Kana was so ready to fall asleep on the chair any moment, the whole tiredness taking over him, yet Goto's parents were sure more of a need for a big rest, so he got up, rubbing slightly the back of his neck. "Um... Ms. and Mr. Mitsuhara, please go rest in the other room. I give my word that nobody will find you here as long as I am here." He gave them a small smile, showing with his hand where the room was, seeing them nodding and looking at Goto before to leave the room and enter the other one, once they were no longer in the room, throwing a look at both Sato and Goto.


"So, soon we will need to separate with Goto. But even though this, we should still be thinking of a plan of how to defeat the Prime Minister. I... found something while fighting with his men. Which is kinda worrying me. I am not certain sure, but... I think that there may be people there who... have a little bit of knowledge about magic. They were trying to use amulets against me." After saying that, Kana sighed silently, flopping back on the chair he was sitting on a second ago, clicking with his tongue. He could see Sato widening his eyes by the younger's words, shaking head.


"He most probably searched for them, because he found out that you are a demon fox - like your father. We must be careful... Magic, in the wrong hands, is very dangerous. And to be honest, I don't even worry that much about Goto, but you Kanase. Because you have magical powers within you, but seeing how troublesome you are... You may seriously burn us by mistake." Kana widened his eyes, looking all sadly at Goto, puffing his cheeks. "Gotooo, tell him it's not true. Nae? It's not, right?" He put his most innocent gaze, trying to win his friend on his side.

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Goto noticed the strong tired expressions of his parents. He knew they would fall asleep instantly, as soon as they entered the room. Then Kanase stood up from his chair he sat in and directed them towards the room where they could sleep. Goto caught the glance of his parents before they walked away into the other room. He could tell they were nervous to be here. But after receiving Goto's quiet nod they left to the room quietly.


Goto stared at the door until he heard Kanase speak up. He turned to find him talking to Sato. "As soon as the dun starts to rise we will be leaving for Kyoto. I have family out that way." Kanase continued on with trying to figure out a plan against the minister before he mentioned something about an item he had discovered. "Magic? They have mages looking for Kanase now?" Goto shook his head and sighed. Now he really didn't want to leave the other alone.


Goto heard Sato tell him how the minister was most likely looking for them and hiring them in order to capture Kanase. He looked at the younger male as Sato continued speaking. Then his eyes widened after hearing hoe the other could accidently burn them. "Well that's just because he can't control it right now, right? I mean, he'll get it correct if he trains with you."


Then Kanase turned to him, an innocent look on his face. Goto shook his head. "Even if you burn me, I'll stay by your side." It was true. Kanase could burn him, he could lose feeling in one whole side, but he would never leave the other alone. Well, except for now, as Goto heads to Kyoto before coming back. "But you won't burn me. You're going to train. Here. With Sato. He can help you control the magic within you. Right?" Then Goto looked at Sato. Determination set in his eyes.

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No matter how much he wanted it, knowing that this was the right thing, Kana was still feeling unsure about Goto leaving. Even though he knew it'd be the best that way, the fact that he would be separated from the other was making him feel slightly odd. Though Kyoto was indeed a better place then Edo right now. Tokugawa was having a full control of the capital and whoever stood between him and the ministry, he would kill them without even thinking twice. He wondered though how close was the minister to him. Maybe, just maybe, he could try to talk to... Hah, what was he even thinking? Talking to Tokugawa? He was nobody to do that.


The younger nodded his head as he saw his friend's worried expression as he mentioned the magic part, yet tried to put on a small smile. "As much as he has mages, I have my powers and Sato. Also you, to win over him." He said the words all confident yet as soon as he heard the other saying the next words about never leaving him, Kana widened his eyes and blinked all surprised, his heart skipping few fast beats. Did Goto even realize how were his words sounding? He was unable to even answer anything back. Of course he wouldn't burn him. never. Yet... this guy.


Sato on the other hand was obviously barely holding his laugh, seeing the two of them. Kana wasn't even sure what was the other thinking in his head, but that playful smile he put again was creepy. He saw him nodding his head at Goto's words, then mumbling something about having some work outside. "I will leave you for a bit, kids. You obviously have what to speak out yet. Oh and Kanase, don't be so adorable, Goto may fall for you in the end." With these words, he saw the other leaving quickly the room, unfortunately for Kana who just got up, grabbing the first chair he saw all threatening, taking a deep breath and replacing it back in the end though, sitting down, while his face got to have a small pinkish color - he was embarrassed. Too embarrassed.

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Goto had realized that Kanase never took a step back away from him. In fact, he was glad. He was starting to like the close range of the other. He noticed the widening of Kanase's eyes as he told him he would never leave his side. Goto wondered why he was so surprised about this. Did Kanase think Goto was just going to up and leave him? Then Goto caught the nod from Sato. So his suspicions were correct. And Kanase would have the monk here to watch over him.


Then suddenly he stood up with a smile on his face. Goto did have more to say to Kanase, but the man didn't have to leave the room. But just before the monk left he turned back around, stating that Kanase should hold make on his innocent expressions or Goto would fall for him. To the monk it was a possible joke. But to Kanase it wasn't. Seeing how he charged for the chair the man sat on and held it up as if he were going to throw it at the man.


Goto however stood silently in the middle of the room. He had slightly tensed at the words Sato had chosen to say out loud. Fall for him? Exactly how? What did he really mean by that? Was he thinking that Goto would fall before Kanase as he had previously feared? Or did the man mean something else? Something...that didn't mean falling before, but falling in? Falling in what? For what?


Goto looked over at Kanase, noticing the slight blush on the other's cheeks. Oh, thought Goto. That's what he meant. Goto could be oblivious to some things, but with the right hints he understood more then he should. Goto was starting to wonder how he truly felt for the other. Sure his heart would leap at times. He felt more relaxed when he knew the other was near him, that the other was watching him.


Did that mean Goto had already started to fall for him? No, it couldn't have. Goto was just feeling what the sense of trusting another could mean. Trusting and believing in a friend. That was it, right? Goto cleared his throat and shook away his thoughts. "Well, then..."

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Even though he told himself that he was going to control this, that he was going to get rid of these feelings, was it even possible? How could you possibly stop loving someone you had feelings for from such a long time? Even though he, himself, was clueless about them until a day ago, he was certain of one thing: These feelings were there from a long, long time ago.


Seeing how Goto looked kinda confused, Kana could say that the other had no idea about what Sato meant. Of course, he didn't have such feelings for the other, how could he even know what this feeling was? Or... was it possible that he was just trying to hide it? It wasn't like Kanase didn't know his friend well enough, yet... sometimes he was unsure of what was the other thinking at all.


He took a deep breath, trying his best to calm himself. He needed that, he had to. Hearing Goto speaking though, he almost jumped from the chair surprised. For a second the younger forgot that he was even with him here. With a small sigh, he peeked at the older male, giving him a small smile. "Just don't mind Sato. He doesn't know what is he blubbering, right?" Kana tried to laugh at his words, yet the laugh sounded rather too fake. Not like he meant it to sound like that, just he was still slightly trying to win over the embarrassment of the monk's words.


"So... Um, were you going to say something though?" He looked at his friend, blinking a little.

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Goto watched the other flinch slightly at his words before awkwardly laughing off Sato's words from before. Goto sighed at the sudden flinch. Perhaps he was starting to let his feelings come off strongly in his expressions. He straightened his back before taking a breath and calming himself down.


When Kanase had also visibly calmed down he spoke up, asking Goto what he had meant to say. "Ah, i think your right about needing to come up with a plan first." He was looking straight at the other. Nit a hint of discomfort in his stance or face. "But i dont think we need to worry about that right now. We have other things to deal with." He looked behind him at the room his parents were in before looking back.


"I have my parents to worry about for now. And you have to train yourself before we can even meet with the minister again." Goto had to figure out more about him. Why his father had tried to take sides with the minister, despite hating the man. Luckily for him, his cousin worked for Tokugawa. He would know something about the minister that could help him.


Goto looked back at Kanase and sighed once more. "Its late. Well past the middle-night. Let's get some sleep. There isn't enough room for four of us to stay in the room with my parents so you go sleep on the extra futon in there. I'll sleep in the sitting room." He then started walking towards the other room.

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At first Kana was doing everything to avoid Goto's gaze, yet in the end he just gaze up and looked at his friend, nodding slowly. "You are right. Let's first concentrate on the other things and then think about the plan." He gave the other a small smile. Kana also had a lot of things to find out. Who was his father? Why did the minister kill both his parents? He had to also find his own powers, to get stronger.


Before to be able to say anything more, the younger heard Goto speaking, shaking head though disagreeing with his plan. How could he sleep in the same room with his parents? It'd be odd, also even though it may have been kinda mean, he didn't trust his friend's father yet. That's why the dark haired boy almost jumped up from the chair, running to Goto and grabbing him by the hand. "You should go sleep where your parents are. You will be traveling, silly. I will be fine even here, by the fire." He smiled and pointed with his head at the other room, yet... he kept the hold on the other's hand. As if... he wasn't able to let him go. Like a scared kid, that's sending off his parents. He just... wanted to stay a little bit more with the other.

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Goto would have left to sit in the sitting room. But Kanase had wasted no time running up to him and grabbing his hand. Goto flinched at the small contact, but soon relaxed against it. He heard Kanase tell him to sleep in the other room and Gtoo only smiled sigh a sigh. There was no way he was going to sleep in the same room as his parents. He hadn't done that since he was a kid afraid of the dark. Which, Kanase had still not discovered his slight discomfort with the dark. And Goto continued to keep it a secret from him. "Well, I suppose neither of us would be sleeping in the room."


He didn't shake off the other's hand. Instead he gripped it back and pulled him along to the sitting room. There was a small western sofa that he had noticed before. He was surprised to see such furniture in the monks house. But he never said anything about it. Goto pulled Kanase over to the sodpfa and pointed at it. "You sleep here then. I'll sleep in the chair." Goto then pointed to a large chair sitting just to the side of the sofa.


He let Kanase's hand go then so that he could sit in the chair. But he felt the slight grip before the other had also let go. Goto looked down at Kanase, uncertainty in his eyes. He was confused. About his feelings for this person, about his feelings in general and about the feelings Kanase was going through. He never understood love. And he probably never would. At least, not until he found the one person he could love. But he was sure that day would never come. But what was he to know about what would happen in the future?

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With a small sigh, Kana nodded at the other's words once again. He had no idea why wouldn't he sleep in the room his parents were at, yet what was to be done, they were going to share the same room again. What surprised him though was that Goto didn't let go of the other's hand, which just made him feel a slight wave of emotions taking over him. Gosh, it was hard to hold himself. He seriously wanted to do some things, yet he knew, it wasn't right. But nothing could be done: He liked it, to be close to the other. He liked it too much to be honest.


The younger walked behind Goto like a little puppy, seeing the sofa, he, himself, widening his eyes slightly. The monk after all had some taste for what to choose for his rooms. Kana looked at the sofa, then at Goto again, slightly gripping on his arm again. First, he didn't agree to be the one sleeping in the sofa, second... he didn't agree to let his friend go just yet. With a small sigh, he took Goto's hand and as the other was probably thinking something he used the chance and pulled him to the sofa, slightly pushing him down on it, though just as clumsy as he was before, he slipped on the floor and as his friend fell on the couch, Kana fell over him, just on few inches of his face.


Damn, damn, damn! His whole face was red... His breathing... he forgot how to breathe. His heart was skipping a beat after a beat. He wasn't even sure what to do, so frozen on his place, that he wasn't even able to move away. Gosh, he lowered his head, his long hair slightly covering his face.

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Goto thought he was in the clear to sit in the chair without hearing a complaint. But it was too late. He felt as the other let go of his hand, but soon after he felt his arm being gripped and tugged. He was pulled back and slightly pushed down in the sofa. However, what he wasn't expecting, was the clumsy trip of Kanase and the other topple on top of him. Goto lay in silence as he stared up at Kanase. He could feel he other warm against him, see the heat on his cheeks. Slowly his hand raised and had he not stopped himself, would have ended up wrapping around Kanase's waist.


Goto still didn't know what to say. He noticed how Kanase lowered his head, hiding his face. But this only brought him closer to his chest. Goto's hands stayed raised in the air close to Kanase, but not touching him. Goto started to wonder why he felt the way he did. Why he his heart was beating faster then normal. He really was starting to like the others warmth next to him. Or in this case, on him. In some cases, Goto wondered if it was just because he was starting to feel further relaxed against the shrill of the dark. But somewhere deep within him. Said it wasn't that.


Goto turned his head, slightly embarrassed himself. Now, now he was starting to understand. It wasn't because Kanase was his friend. He really started to find the other cute. Started to watch the other closely. Wanted the other to look at him. Goto finally realized, that he was in fact starting to fall in love with Kanase. But he wouldn't let ye other know. No, not now at least. Maybe it was just because of the near death experiences they both went through. After being away for a month, that's when he'd figure out what he was feeling.


He glanced up at Kanase, who was still laying on top of him, from the corner of his eye. "You okay?" He muttered out quietly.

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Kana kept repeating inside his head that he had to calm down. He knew that. He tried to do it a few times, yet his body, his mind, everything was just refusing to listen to him. He noticed Goto's hand raising for a moment, making his twitch and close his eyes, yet when the other didn't touch him at all, he took a deep breath, smiling slightly more like to himself. He had to take a hold of himself. That was for sure.


The seconds were passing one by one, non moving at all, the silence filling the room. Once Goto spoke out though, Kana managed to lift his head slightly, peeking at him for a second, almost nibbling on his lower lip, yet stopping himself, slowly pulling himself back. "I am. Sorry for making it uncomfortable for you." The younger spoke out all silently, sitting up and walking to the chair, as he sat on it. "Please, I insist you to rest on the sofa. I will be fine just here, okay?" He said and looked at his friend, giving him a small smile, taking his sit over the chair.


He couldn't let Goto sleep here, when he was going to travel tomorrow. Also, from here he could spend the night watching the other silently, enjoying the small moment he would have only for himself: To see Goto's peaceful face while sleeping. That would make me him twice happier then anything else.

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As soon as Goto had asked the younger if he was okay, Goto felt him move. Raising his head slightly to look back at him, Goto's heart made a silent beat against his chest. Soon though it stopped, as Kanase got off of him and went to sit in the chair. Goto looked back at the other, narrowing his eyes. "Why is it, I can never get you to think about yourself for once?" Goto laid back against the sofa and laid silently.


Goto never thought about himself. It was his personality. Others always came first before he himself did. Even if he was injured, hungry, dying....no matter what, he came as an after thought. Kanase however, remained stubborn. He never thought about himself just because he didn't. Which always made Goto angry. Goto wanted Kanase to think about himself once in a while. But he was never able to get it. Not unless he was forceful with the other. And Goto was not a forcing person. If Goto could be described as something, it would be a hand stitched teddy bear a mother made for her child.


Where a bear is tough and strong, sticks to there own path in life. A teddy bear is soft and gentle, hiding its secrets in the clean stitches at its side. Goto sighed before closing his eyes against the dark and the flickering fire light. He did have to get up early tomorrow. And he was traveling tomorrow. But hat didn't mean he should be given all the attention. But Goto remained silent as the night overwhelmed him. Soon enough he had fallen asleep.


This had been the fastest he had ever drifted. Maybe he was tired. Maybe it was from the seas of his wounds that still ached. But just maybe, it was because of the comfort knowing Kanase was there with him. Watching over him like he knew the other would.

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"Because you are more important now. Because... just, because you need it, Goto." Kana mumbled silently not even able to explain his own actions right now. Why wasn't he thinking of himself? Because others needed to be thought of more then him. Because others were more important then him. Because Goto was... He let out a small sigh, peeking at the other, realizing how angry he probably was. He would accept that, just to have the other listen to him, at least now.


Kana watched as the other was falling asleep, mumbling a silent 'good night', before to lay back on the chair and just stare at the fire. It was like a lot of people were dancing at once. It was beautiful how the flame was moving slowly, twitching, as if the silence itself was making it move like that.


The time was passing, yet Kana couldn't find himself to fall asleep. He was tired that was for sure, yet, his eyes were just glued at his friend. He was like a real angel when he was asleep. He was handsome. He... was everything good in one for Kana. Without even realizing when, he found himself getting up and walking all silently to the sofa, kneeling down and reaching out his hand. So even Goto could look like a real kid, when asleep?


The younger couldn't help but smile at the view in front of him. He reached down his hand, just on an inch from his friend's face. He wanted to caress it... just for once. Yet he was afraid. Kanase was literally pulling back and reaching his hand down again and again, until he finally found his fingers gently, all slightly touching Goto's cheek, a small all childish smile popping over his face. "Only if you knew... How much you mean to me, silly Goto." He mumbled silently, pulling his hand back and going back to the chair, closing his eyes and soon after finally falling asleep.

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Goto had never slept so peaceful before. Not even in his own home had he slept so soundly, so deeply. So much so, that he had never once felt the eyes of the younger male on him. He never heard him rustling as he left the chair and knelt down next to him. Never heard him breathing as he leaned close to him, nor did he feel his touch as Kanase gently touched Goto's face. He had also not heard the soft whispered voice as Kanase spoke out to him before returning to the chair.


The following morning Goto was first to wake. His parents had continued sleeping and even Kanase had slept in. The sun had just yet broken over the sun rise. But as he quietly decided to step outside he noticed the break through the trees. He had stopped first however at Kanase's chair, peering Down at him. Some how he felt that his deep sleep was because of the other next to him. But he shrugged away the thought.


Goto leaned down, running his fingers throug the hair that fell into Kanase's face and pushed it away. The other slept peacefully in the chair. And he would certainly miss seeing the others innocent sleepless expressions. Goto pulled away and left for the door. He left the house and the morning brisk hit him for a moment. Goto decided to head for the river they had found themselves out just yesterday. When he got there the sun was already starting to warm up the surface of the river. He knelt down beside it and watched as fish began swimming past him.


Goto wandered when he would return. Kyoto was a long distance from Edo, but he would have to stop for rests because of his parents. He smiled down at the river remembering the bathing he and Kanase had done. This place would be remembered now as his most favorite spot. Not only because of how perfect the sun cast upon it. But because this was where his feelings had started growing. Although he still wouldn't tell Kanase. "We will be leaving soon, huh" Goto spoke out quietly to himself. Not expecting an answer back.

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Maybe because he was so tired, Kana fell asleep all deep as soon as he closed his eyes. Even though the chair wasn't the best place to sleep on, he was still finding it comfortable enough, from time to time slightly hugging himself into his sleep, until he managed to fall asleep all peacefully. The younger didn't even feel when the next morning has come. He kept sleeping, not even hearing when Goto woke up, only twitching slightly by the small touch of his hair, mumbling something about leaving him sleep a little bit more and turning slightly aside as he kept his peaceful sleep.


By the time he was sleeping, everybody has been awakened already, once Sato entered the room, slightly shaking the dark haired boy. "Kanase, wake up. Goto and his parents are leaving soon." It took him like few seconds to realize what did the monk just say, yet as soon as he managed to understand them, Kana opened his eyes, looking at first all shocked at Sato, before to remember that they had to leave. Gosh, few of the memories of last night were kinda missing at the moment.


Kana rubbed his eyes, blinking a couple of times before to lazily get up from the bed, looking around. "Where are they?" He saw Sato pointing with his head outside, without even waiting for him jumping from the chair and heading all quickly outside the house. He had to at least see them one last time... to see Goto once again, before his leave.

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By the time he had returned to the house, Sato and his parents had woken up. Kanase was still sleeping soundly in the chair. Goto had caught to rabbits in the forest while the morning sun grew higher. He had brought them back and stuffed them in a bag that Sato had given to him. Inside were a few other supplies. Goto had stepped inside the house and watched Janase sleep soundly. His parents had stayed to speak with Sato longer.


Soon time had come where the three would venture off. Goto didn't want to wake Kanase, finding it nesseccary for the other to sleep if he was this tired. But Sato had fought against his leaving without saying goodbye and had run back into the house to wake up the other. Soon enough Kanase had come bounding out of the house, eyes wide, breath shaky. Clearly he had slightly forgotten about the fact they were leaving him behind. Not long however, as Goto would return soon after.


Goto smiled down at the other as he looked up. Setting his hand on Kanase's head, he gently Ruffles his hair. "Well, we're leaving now. But I'll be back as soon as I can. You just concentrate on training and getting stronger. Let me figure out a plan." He let a small grin form on his lips as he tried to comfort the other. They had never grown up apart from each other. And even as they grew older, they never left the village without the other. Now it was different. For an entire month, Goto would leave the village, the city and the country of Edo with his parents. Leaving Kanase alone with Sato and still within the clutches of the minister. Goto made sure to hide his frustrations at leaving him behind.

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Sure it wasn't a good idea to run out like that. Kanase knew pretty well that it was just for a month. Yet this one month, sounded like forever somehow, now. Still barely awakened the younger narrowed his eyes as soon as the small sunlight hit him, making him let a small irritated sound. Yet as soon as Goto ruffled his hair, he flinched by the touch, yet smiled lightly, nodding at the other's words. "You will see how strong I will become! I will even win against you next time." Kana pointed at his friend and let out a small giggle.


He then bowed to his parents, handing the first blanket he could grab while rushing outside to Goto's mother, bowing once again to her, throwing a quick peek at his father, taking a deep breath. He was hoping that nothing would go wrong. It better didn't.


The dark haired boy leaned against the wall of the house, looking as Goto and his family was ready to go, as soon as they took their leave, slightly clinching on his kimono, watching them until they were no more able to be seen, as he felt Sato's palm over his shoulder. "He will be back. You should believe in that." Kana raised a brow at first, though after a second nodding at the monk's words, heading back inside the house. It was time for him to start his training.

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Goto smiled at the other as he chirped up. He was glad Kanase was enthusiastic about training as he had hoped he would be. Goto hadn't thought of not being able to watch him. Somewhere deep inside, he was afraid of losing Kanase. Not from death, but from changing. He didn't want to gunk the other would change so much that Goto would hardly Recognize him. Not that he would change physically either. But the air around him would be different. And Goto was afraid of that.


Soon after their good byes Goto and his parents left. They bowed to Sato for his hospitality. Goto's parents bowed to Kanase, his mother leaving a smile on her face. Goto however stayed standing, staring down at the other. He still couldn't shake this feeling. His parents turned first, leaving Goto standing there. But it took Goto five steps from his parents before he was turning away and leaving with them.


Goto and his parents walked until they were no longer seen from the house and the house was no longer seen from where they were. He felt the forest drawing around them, exposing them to the clutches of the minister. Until the left Edo, they would have to be on their guard at all times. Goto hoped nothing would happen to them. He looked once more behind him. He hoped nothing would happen to that of Kanase and Sato. With one final look and sigh in the direction of the house, Goto turned and left on his journey.

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Once Goto left, the hard days of training started. First, he decided it was time to cut his long hair, leaving it not that short, yet not even a bit of how long it was. After that he started learning not only how to fight, but also how to read people' movements, how to be as silent as a ghost around, how to use not only his fists, but swords and sticks even better then before. Sato also decided to give him some knowledge about History, Geography. It wasn't like Kanase hasn't studied them before. Just the opposite - he was an excellent student, yet a little bit more knowledge wouldn't be that bad at all.


He also started learning about the magic itself. Dark one, white one. Everything he needed to know. At first he totally sucked at this though. He almost burnt the forest once, making Sato almost give up on him. Then he was the reason for one week full with rainy days. He was a real disaster and first, yet with the time passing he managed to get hold of his own powers, even making Sato surprised of how good he was at this. He called him a natural talent.


Even though that, even though the days were passing full with training and all, once the one month he had promised to meet after with Goto, passed, Kana started feeling all worried. He didn't know if the other was fine. He hasn't received a single letter. Well, yeah, they couldn't risk sending such, yet... What the hell was the other doing?? Taking himself two freaking months already to show up? Was it... because he actually gave up on Kana? Maybe he realized that he should stay away from Kana... He... he preferred to think that then that his friend is dead somewhere. Even though that, the younger male was still feeling furious. He was angry. He even broke the table inside Sato's house, causing himself a punishment of sleeping outside for three days, even bringing himself to tears. Maybe, he was at the fault? What if he has pushed on him his own feelings or something?


Another sunny, yet gloomy for Kana. He was outside, training with his sword, yet instead of enjoying the training he was more like taking his anger at the tree in front of him. "What the hell is taking him so long to come here already?!" He was mumbling to himself, while the poor tree was receiving a cut after cut.

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As soon as Goto and his parents left the safety of the village, the troubles that had come to follow them changed their course. In order to avoid suspicion, Goto made them camp out. They had eaten the hares Goto had first caught and lived off bread that Sato had provided for them. Half way through the week it would take them to get to Kyoto, they had to fight for their lives. They had been robbed of their things and had no money to buy food or supplies. The scavenged and hunted with Goto's knife. When they were about a day away from reaching the boarder of Kyoto, they were attacked on more.


Goto had defended off the attackers while his parents escaped, but he had suffered great injuries. Besides the scars that he now had from Kanase's accidental attack on his back, Goto now had a scar across his right rib to his right hip and a scar from the bottom of his left eye down his left cheek. His wounds took a week to properly heal, but luckily by that time hey had been living in there families home. They had allowed there stay until all was settled. After Goto's injuries healed, his cousin brought him to Tokugawa where he had announced the man of most respect about the deeds the minister was doing.


He left out word of Kanase's true self and just told him he was a normal villager being attacked. They had worked out a small plan to deal with the situation. But they pull need more help from Kanase to go any further. The month dragged on for Goto, he desperately wanted to be back in the forest, standing beside Kanase. He had come to the realization fairly quick, that his feelimfs were not changing whenever he thought about the other male. In fact he realized all to soon that he had actually fallen in love with the other or had just realized that he'd always been in love with Kanase.


By the time Goto was to return to Kanase once again, calamity struck Kyoto. A great sickness fell upon the people and many lay dying or had Lready died. Goto's carousing was forced to leave his family behind and live secluded from the sickness with Tokugawa. Goto however had watched as his family was torn apart. His aunt had passed from the sickness and so had his father. The man had left no other words besides an apology to Goto. About two days later, Goto had fallen to the sickness. And for another three weeks he lay suffering in bed.


On the fourth week the sickness had fled else where, leaving behind a wave of destruction. Whole families were mourned, loved ones, elderly, children, men and women. Goto mourned for his family members as he had over come the sickness by sheer force. He was not ready to die, and therefore fought against it. After mourning his family he left for Edo once more. And after a week of traveling he had finally made it back to the forest and to the house. He found Kanase hacking away at a tree. The expression on his face held a good amount of anger. When he heard the other mumble out Goto took this moment to speak up as well. "Whose taking so long to come here?"

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