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The Beauty of the Beast Within - (Exellda and Cazuki) (18+)


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To start off such a tale would be ludicrous. Hell, Atsuki didn't believe in fairy tales, he didn't believe in love, none of the bullshit. He was a straightforward kind of guy. He knew what he wanted and then he got it. He even worked hard to get what he wanted. Any deal that was made, was made wisely, to benefit him more than the other party. Atsuki believed that he was always supposed to be on top, that he could never be conquered. He wouldn't bow down to anyone. There was nothing that would bring him down, he was sure. Sadly, this kind of lifestyle came with a price. Atsuki found himself more lonelier than ever. A one night stand could only give him pleasure for a night. It was easy for him to have a 'date'. It was even easier to ask for sex. But nothing really seemed to satisfy him. No, Atsuki wanted more, but what? He hadn't the slightest clue. Sometimes Atsuki caught himself daydreaming, his mind wondering what would actually make him happy. Just what in this pathetic world would make him less miserable. All he wanted was for his happiness to last longer than a night.


Well then a delicious idea occurred to him. Maybe he should get someone to keep him company all of the time. There were people he could hire. Someone would surely take the job. Considering that Atsuki was decently tall and strikingly handsome. Well, not many women, nor men could say no to him. And if he were being honest, he'd have to say he preferred men over women because in the end, women seemed to always be more clingier. It was dreadful. If he was looking for a fucking relationship, he wouldn't have paid to fuck you for a night. How hard was that to understand?


Besides, there was also a big issue with keeping people around. And it all started when he was on his way to work. A homeless woman stopped him, grabbing him with her filthy hands. It was utterly disgusting how dirty she was, how unclean her hair was. She even smelled ungodly. And when she spoke, her voice was ragged and fowl smelling. This hag of a woman wanted him to sacrifice some of his money to her in exchange for a ruby necklace. Atsuki ended up pushing her away, flipping the bird, and walking off. Fuck her. Atsuki didn't appreciate that woman getting his suit dirty. He basically left her to starve...


...and she cursed him...


It just so happen that Atsuki was plagued with a horrendous nightmares that night. The hag was in his dreams, chanting, cursing him for being so greedy and heartless... And when he awakened from his sleep, he swore he saw her in his room before a horrible pain took over his whole body. Bones cracked, his teeth protruded out, his nails became furious claws- Then Atsuki felt all consciousness leave him... When he finally awoke, he was naked... And his whole home was a wreck. There was that same stupid necklace that the hag had, laying right next to him. With an angry grunt he grabbed the necklace and made his way to the window to toss it out. But it was the sudden voice in his head that made him stop... Like an echo... He could hear the hags voice...


"...head my words. That necklace is now your life-force... Once the blood drains from it, so will your life...If you toss it, it would be the same as tossing your life away. Thanks to your greed and hatefulness... From now on you'll be cursed... For every full moon and every new moon, you will transform into a beast, much like your personality... And as every day passes, you will get weaker and weaker... Your only hope is to change... and figure out how to break my curse..."


And with that her voice was gone... That bitch fucking cursed him! No, that could not have happened. Cursed were in children's tales, not in the real world... However, the devastation in his home begged a differ. But for a couple days, he let it slide, not taking the hags words seriously... Atsuki let his arrogance guide him. He would not be fooled by some homeless woman... However, no matter how hard he wanted to deny her words, somewhere inside him knew that he was doomed... And when the new moon came around, Atsuki transformed...


So from then on, Atsuki took desperate measures. Another room was added, just for him to lock himself in for whenever his transformations would occur. Luckily, it seemed to work... And since having the room installed, it had been two months. Atsuki was feeling confident again. He had never changed his ways. No, he was still up to no good. Just because he was 'cursed' he wouldn't let that stop him. He still made greedy deals, slept with people, and avoided the homeless like the plague.


In fact, Atsuki had an interview scheduled today to do something he had always wanted to do. Finally he could get someone to company him, all of the time. Oh yes, he had this set up perfectly. It would be beneficial for him because he would have access to this person at all times. A contract would be signed so that Atsuki would be guaranteed the best deal. As far as he was concerned he was going to a meeting right now... Over the course of two weeks he had denied 50 people of this job. Yes, Atsuki was very picky... He had to have the right person, this job wasn't just for anyone... After all, they would be living with him. Whomever go the job, must be tidy, stay out of his way, and very willing to have sex whenever Atsuki wanted it. Although he couldn't deny that he liked more feistier men than simple submissive ones...


Now, Atsuki was in his office, ten minutes early for the interview that he was about to have. His office had everything a CEO would be expected to have. A sleek wooden desk, a plush office chair (with wheels), there was a decent sized book shelf, two comfy chairs in front of his desk and a leather love-seat couch- And a large window behind his desk, a wondrous view of the city below and behind him. Everything about the office screamed of wealth and money. Tidy was an understatement. Everything had a place within the room. Atsuki liked having control, that's how it always was. He wouldn't give into anyone. It was all his and only his...


With a quick glance around, Atsuki took a seat in his 'throne' chair. With a pleased smile he looked at the contract in front of him, one that would look so much better with someone's signature on it. He sighed softly. Maybe today would be the day that he would hire someone... Who would basically be his slave, really. This would be so enjoyable once he had a puppet to play with.




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Name: Hajime Koitetsu


Nickname: Beggar Rat


Age: 22


Height: 5'8"


Weight: 148


Personality: Hajime is kind of a hard person to pin down in terms of personality. The kid has made a habit of changing himself according to the situation he's in. He need to be quiet? He won't say a word. He need to be persuasive? He'll talk your ear off. He need to be threatening? Well, he does that very well, all things considered. Hajime is quite anti-social, often sitting alone on roof-tops and street corners and back alley's, baring his fangs to anyone who he doesn't like. In fact, he doesn't seem to like anybody except his family. They're the only ones he shows any ounce of warmth too and he spoils them, lavishing them in whatever love and gifts he can. He has a smart mouth and an adept body capable of many different professions.


Bio: Hajime, quite naturally, can't remember where he was born. All he knows is that he started life in an orphanage, so he doesn't care to have an answer who his parents were. For 8 years, all he had was the meager protection and food of the orphanage and the companionship of his fellow orphans. Their existence was rough, but became even more so when the owner died and the orphanage was scrapped. The whole entourage was forced out onto the streets. Those that didn't die of hypothermia got picked up by lecherous bastards. Those that didn't get taken as slaves stuck together and Hajime was one of those. Overall, him and 5 other orphans survived and these 5 became his 'family' through-and-through. Anyway, years later and him and his family are decently set-up, they live in some spare rooms underneath a tavern. When Hajime sees an advertisement of a position offering good money. He just thinks of it as a normal job.


Meanwhile, Hajime stood outside the lavish office building, taking deep, calming breaths. In his hand he held the now crumpled advertisement he'd seen three days ago on the town noticeboard. It wasn't that he was particularly nervous, per say. After, he'd done stuff like this hundreds of times before. Ever since he was 8, he'd done several odd-jobs that constantly swapped and changed. Interviews and applications were second nature to him by now. However, this job had been different.Unlike every other job Hajime had ever applied for, this one didn't have any part-time position.


A few days ago, when he and his younger 'brother', Naga, had been walking home with groceries, they'd both seen the advertisement:

Help Wanted: Personal Assistant for CEO.

The annual payment was published below the title and honestly it was more money than Hajime had ever conceived of in his life. His eyes almost popped out of his skull when he saw the amount, but he promptly controlled himself when he saw the position was full-time. Despite knowing full-time positions paid more, Hajime had always steered clear of them. He liked to swap and change jobs as was necessary and full-time employment was always more trouble than it was worth.


Naga, however, had thought otherwise. The young man had shot forward, snatching the advert from the board, running back to Hajime.

"Bro, you have to apply for this! You'd be perfect for this job!" Hajime sighed, rubbing his temple.

"Naga, you know how I feel about full-time. 'sides smells fishy to me." Hajime had good instincts if nothing else, and instinct told him if an advertisement was printed with an ungodly amount of money on it, the work involved would be very unsavoury. However, his words had been in vain.


Over the next three days, his family had been constantly fussing around him. He'd been bought new fresh clothes just for the occasion and notices had already been sent out to all his other employers, asking for references which they were happy to give. Hajime was a good worker, if sometimes dishonest and his skill range extended from cooking to cleaning to manual labour to basically anything. His family had walked with him to the office gates and offered him their luck. Naga had given him a lucky golden coin he'd found earlier that day while his two 'sisters', Hanako and Satchiko had combed his unruly hair and given him big hugs.


Now Hajime stood alone in front of the offices, walking through the gates and directed to the CEO's office. He still felt uneasy and chocked in his suit, but he kept moving until eventually he ended up outside the CEO's office. He took a final deep breath and knocked strongly on the door. He'd make a good impression, sign the contract, get in and get out. Easy, right? He slowly creaked the door inward, peeking his head through to see the dark haired, tall man sitting behind a sleek desk in the middle of a plush room. Honestly, the decor made Hajime sick, but he ignored it as he spoke, keeping his voice monotone.

"Are you the interviewer I was told to see?" He creaked the door open more, slipping in and closing it quietly behind him. He stood tall, puffing out his chest slightly to make himself slightly more impressive. "I am here for the job... name's Hajime Koitetsu. Mr...?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

The moment the door opened, the handsome beast felt his insides churn with excitement, although his face showed otherwise. He always was usually excited to see new meat. There was plenty of potential to be had, especially when there was so much to learn. Truly, Atsuki enjoyed his job. He enjoyed frightening people, he enjoyed his power and authority. These qualities were probably made him known as the beast in the first place. Simply, Atsuki Kouiichi was a beast of a man, mean, powerful, and seemingly uncaring. He had never known anything different, nor had been dominated by anyone before, nor did he plan to.


However, upon the door opening, Atsuki hadn't expected such a young-looking face. Hell, this man had to be barely legal, that's how young he looked. According to his papers, though, they stated that he was the fine age of 22. So he was 4 years younger than Atsuki? This was probably the most entertaining thing he had ever seen. The younger male had confidence... But how long would it last? Especially if Atsuki pegged him down a couple of notches? Atsuki was always one to test the limits. If someone couldn't handle his assholery, then they couldn't even dream of being his personal assistant. Preferably, Atsuki liked men who had some feistyness to them. It was awfully boring when they played submissive and didn't even fight back. One would think that because he was the CEO, he would like obedience... But no, that was not the case. Sure, to an extend he did, but... He liked personality. Usually younger men had more spunk. Suppose he could at least humor him.


With a nod, Atsuki acknowledged the newcomer. "Yes, that would be me... Hajime Koitetsu..." He hummed, the newcomers name as if testing it, seeing if it should be a new vocabulary word for him, something to memorize... "You may address me as Atsuki for now." Then he gestured to the couch, "Have a seat." He said even though he wasn't expecting the male to stay for long. Bottom line, the new meat would have to keep up with Atsuki's shenanigans, if not, out he went. Atsuki had no time for amateurs who were not up to part. "So you have intentions of being my personal assistant, Hajime... What makes you think that you would be the one for the job?" The CEO asked.


"...Because... From what I can see, you don't look like the type to apply." Atsuki said bluntly, leaning back in his 'throne' chair. "In addition, you also look awfully young, are you sure you want to sell your life away?" An arrogant, yet seemingly taunting and teasing chuckle escaped Atsuki as he looked at the other male. The beast had no filters usually when it came to talking to people, especially if he believed them to be under him. He had the intimidating role and he would fulfill his duties. "All of your 'half-time' jobs seem pretty amateur to me... They also tell me that you are not fully committed to anything... You don't invest..." Atsuki paused for a moment, giving Hajime a cold stare. "So do tell me... What makes you think that you would be a sufficient assistant?" Oh he couldn't wait to see how the other male would react, nor to see his priceless face...

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