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Sweet Temptation - (Exellda and StainedCrimson) (18+)


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This world was filled with many beautiful things. There are so many colors. Scents. Tastes. So many sensations, feelings... There was life. Peace and love. Times when laughter filled the air and was contagious. This was during the time when all of Alflan was in times of peace and serenity. When the great goddess made the land flourish with lush fields of crops. Fruit was plentiful. The water was so pure and clear that you could see the life that dwell beneath its surface. This was the time that life flourish, bloomed and grew vibrantly. These years were joyous, especially with the newest member to the Alflan kingdom. The gods sent a baby elf to the kingdom with a prophecy that would ensure long lasting peace and everlasting happiness would come.


That baby elfling was destined to grow up, see the world, and to return one day with a mate for the traditional magic ceremony. This ceremony represented the elfling's change into full adulthood. Even if an elf was of age to be considered an adult, they are not full fledged until the ceremony is completed with a pure mate. Each elf is sent out to find a mate, however some don't return. Some even mate within the tribe. However, it is not prophesied for the baby elf to mate within the tribe, no, his destiny is to travel far and wide for his perfect mate. Simply put, the baby elf is to look for his soul mate. However, if the elfling fails to return, dies, or does not find a mate, or even returns before he finds a mate, then destruction will plague across the land. All will be lost for many years to come. Alflan would be brought to the edge of extinction.


The little elfling grew up and became known as Kai. The elfling was loved by all his people, adored, taken care of and educated. Kai grew up well fed, praised and loved. Despite all of this, Kai never took anything for granted. As, when he was old enough, he was finally told about the prophecy. It was hard to miss Kai because he was marked with ancient tribal tattoos, forged by the gods themselves. He was taught the traditional style of healing, a style that had almost died out. Kai was one of the very few people whom could do it. He was certainly blessed and gifted. But also, as he grew up, Kai was taught the dangers of the world outside their enchanted kingdom...


So Kai was also taught how to fight, how to defend and heal himself. Most of all, he was taught how to meditate and told that he was not to give into temptation for all of Alflan rested upon his shoulders. Through meditation, he would be able to resist temptation easier. However, he would not have to worry about his pureness being taken from him. Unless, of course, it was by his pure mate, and through consent. If he was ever attacked, his enchanted cock ring would ensure that he could not be taken by force. For the realm that Alflan was enchanted by couldn't protect him for much longer. Outside of the forest, whence the enchantment no longer existed, Kai would be by himself with no guidance. The elders warned Kai of the dangers outside of Alflan. All of the temptation...


Which is why when it was time for Kai to leave, everyone was saddened. A farewell feast was held in his honor and he was sent off with two sets of clothes, weapons, and food for his long journey ahead...



It's been four months then... And Kai found himself on a faded grass trail, heading for the mountains. There was so much to explore... And he only got out of Alflan several months ago. Kai had been excited for this journey. His curiosity lured him to different places. However, travelling by foot took much time away from him. Luckily, the prophecy had no time limit. So long as Kai would return with a perfect mate, he would fulfill his destiny. Despite the short amount of time being outside of Alflan, he had learned a good deal. Like a couple of places he shouldn't go because succubi and incubi live there. They were the most troublesome to deal with.


This trip made him very wary, always paying attention to his surrounding. Heck, just the other day he had to fight off a imp. Luckily they were weak creatures otherwise Kai might have been dead sooner... There many imps in the forest. And yet, there were so much more beasts he hadn't had the pleasure of meeting yet. Certainly, there were some creatures he would avoid as well as some places. The scariest thing that happened to far was that he got grabbed by a tentacle plant. Luckily he was protected by his cock ring. Kai had never had his hear pound so fast before.


To think that his journey had just started...


This world was so beautiful... Yet so corrupted, Kai found out, once he was outside of Alflan... Thanks to the demons that seemed to be taking over the lands... Kai found himself wondering if he could do something about that... However, that was not the prophecy... He was to find a mate to bring back to his people. Someone that he would be able to bond with for the rest of his life and complete the ceremony with.


What surprises lay ahead of Kai was unknown. The adventure had only begun... And Kai was still very hopeful and still very innocent.



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  • Exellda


  • StainedCrimson





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"Elder! Elder! Come quick!" A young man runs through the village panting and covered with sweat. The eldest of the village turns with a raised brow and huffs at the other. "Come now, what is with all the fuss? Well? Speak!" The young man gulps for breath, taking a few moments to try and gather his breath. "A... child has... been... found... near the... caves." He manages to puff out.


Paling orders are shouted to gather able bodied people not busy with preparing for the planting and herding to gather quickly. Soon a small band is gathered to go into the dangerous paths few dare venture for the creatures that reside there are feared and given wide-bearth lest they be angered. Still, to ignore a child is almost unthinkable as so few have been born of late. As they gather closer they can hear the whimpers and cries of the child. Finding a body little bigger than a newborn, they quickly set about rescuing the barely covered form.


Once the baby is recovered, it is handed to the Elder who carefully pulls back the cloth to look at the newborn and make sure it is unharmed. Taking in the form within her arms, she gasps and nearly throws the form back to where they had just pulled it from. However, just as the motion starts to register within her arms, a ferocious scream of the creatures in the mountains is heard causing her to stop and pale further. Stumbling back she hurries back to the village, others close behind, and the babe is thus forth raised amongst them.



"...No. Though I thank you for your generosity." With a small smile, though hidden under mask and cloak, a figure is seen waving a hand to turn away an offer. Stepping closer, an odd sight can be seen. The figure is talking to a snake which has set a rabbit in front of the covered body. At the sight, a human female shivers in revulsion before stepping forward with a flat expression. "Maeron. The Elder has called for you."


Looking up at the voice, the cloaked figure nods before standing even as the snake hisses at the woman before climbing onto Maeron. The woman barely suppresses a shudder at the sight of the venomous snake being allowed to climb on the other's body. Turning, she swiftly leads back into the village. As they walk, only silence fills the space between them amongst the sounds of the mountains.


After a short time they enter the village. Upon entering it is easy to see nearly every person who lives there is gathered outside and staring as the two figures enter and go through to the house furthest back, one with the side of the mountain they dared to claim. Entering the home, Maeron slowly makes his way towards the main area and kneels awaiting for the Eldest to speak. Long heavy moments pass, seeming like an eternity, but in reality are but a mere two minutes.


Eventually, she speaks. "Maeron. We have taken you in and raised you with our own. It is time to repay that which we gave you and to take up the quest that others before you have." Facing the kneeling figure, no warmth or emotion is visible. "The land is dying and all those who depend on it are dying as well. Go now, and do what needs be done so that life may return here once more." Since the time Maeron had been found, oh so long ago, the lands prosperity had slowly declined until droughts, famine, and plague were all but the norm. It was not just in the mountains but lands far off as well. Many blamed Maeron for the calamity, but he was never killed or exiled from the village.


Kneeling there and hearing his fate, he now knows why. Bowing his forehead to the floor, he then waits until given leave to go. Straightening he goes to gather what little he has before heading to the shrine where the portal is kept secret and safe. A portal not so far from where he was found. Steeling himself he settles his one friend down before going to step through, not realizing that the snake bites onto the cloak to go with. Soon the two land on unfamiliar ground. "...! Shira, you were to stay behind." Maeron lightly scolds the snake before holding a hand out to let the snake slide up and curl around his neck and shoulders while almost seeming to lightly scold him for thinking that they'd stay behind.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The 'young' elfling found himself wondering though the woods, wondering if there was ever an end to it. The forest was so lush, filled with plentiful green plants, trees, flowers, bushes... With every breath of air, one could sense the life that poured out of the forest. It was alive, everything flourished with vibrant, colorful life. For the elfling, it was beautiful, a sight, a world to behold. He could now see and experience things that were all new and unique for him. Of course, not everything was nice and beautiful here, there were many dangers around each and every corner.


It was well into the afternoon, the day would surely come to an end soon. Kai found himself looking for a place to rest for the night. One that would allow him to sleep comfortably and knowing that he would not be harmed whilst he slept. Areas like those were actually harder to find, as certain creatures came out during the night. He had to be able to hide himself, yet be able to easily escape if he needed to. Kai had learned that this was necessary, despite his magic ring. He was well aware that elves like himself were all the want right now... Many slave owners were looking for his kind. In fact, that was a large reason many of his people never returned home. Because he was marked, it was easier to tell that he was from Alflan. He was indeed rare considering that he could use the traditional style of healing, and then there was the fact that he was god-sent. Literally, he might have well been the new king, or prince. The other elves warned him about slave traders. What pretty gems would be paid to have him... It was disgusting to think about.


So the elf was careful about everything he did. He always kept his eyes open, looking around and overly cautious of where he traveled. Yet, because he was foreign to this area, he could not predict the outcome, nor beast that could be hiding within these woods. Kai often glanced over his shoulder to make sure he was not being followed... And as he was travelling, he found that he was heading into a mountainous area, so he had to climb. This area in particular made him nervous as there were more vines... He had a bad feeling about this place.. As if- Kai grunted in displeasure as he tried to pull himself up the big rock in front of him. His eyes glance down and he saw that his foot had been caught in a vine. Right then, the elfling knew these vines were corrupted. He confirmed it as he watched the vine twitch. These vines, as he was told, had been corrupt by the demons that were taking over the lands... And as such...


Before Kai could even pull the vine off of his foot, it seemingly came alive, winding right up his leg in a quick manner. The alarmed elf let out a surprised squeak as he was caught of guard, suddenly pulled off his feet, hanging with one leg. A gasp escaped the elf as his world suddenly turned upside down. His bag left him as gravity pulled it down to the ground. "Let me go!" He exclaimed, slightly frightened and shocked by how quickly the plant had captured him. Then another vine reached out with lightning speed and tangled itself around Kai. "S-stop!" The elfling frantically struggled against the plant, knowing the dread that was to come. His struggle was all for not as the plant was strikingly stronger then him, able to pin him in the air in a matter of minutes. "No!" He cried out in frustration.


Kai felt the vines gripping onto him, tightening so that he couldn't move. And then, right in front of him, several vines with flower bloomed. While they were pretty to begin with, as soon as they bloomed, they literally became erect and phallic-like. The plant that had captured him was none other than a tentacle plant. It was vile and disgusting to look at. But Kai found that he couldn't fight any of it. He couldn't fight the way the vines rubbed against him in a weird manner, some vines even going as far to seep under his robes. "A-ah! No!" No matter how hard Kai struggled, he just couldn't shake them off. His heart pounded as he watched the phallic spurt at him, showing off its girthy thickness and hardness. So lewd! "Help! S-someone, please!" The elfling called out, but it was seemingly hopeless as his cried fell upon deaf ears. There was no one that would head his call... Let alone for free. Kai realized, much to his horror, he would be violated by this tentacle plant!


His magic ring only protected him from rape... Not from violation and lewd things.

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After getting some rest, Maeron gathers up his companion so it can ride comfortably on his shoulders under his cloak, he starts off to explore and see what this new world is like. Some time later he manages to find a cave that's somewhat hidden and appears to be without any residents in it. Well, aside perhaps from some bats. Overall, however, it seems to be a dry and decent size niche. Setting his bag down he goes about making this place his camp after thoroughly clearing it.


After setting up his bedroll and digging a pit for a fire, he decides there's enough time left to go find something for dinner and gather firewood. As he's out collecting kindling, he pauses and tilts his head. "..." Frowning under his mask he heads towards what sounds like yelling. Setting his stack down, he quickly but warily heads towards the sounds. Ducking behind a tree and some bushes, he peers around as he seems to reach the source of the yelling.


Upon seeing what the commotion is about, his eyes widen in disbelief. Stunned, he stares confused and a bit flushed at what appears to be a young male being assaulted by a plant composed of... penises. When the young man yells out again it helps Maeron to snap out of his dumbfounded state. Shoving aside his discomfort at the finding of such a plant, he swiftly draws his swords and moves around so he's behind the creature.


He shifts, waiting until the thing seems distracted as it shows off its... assets to the one in its grip, then lunges forward and with two swings slices through the vines holding the male and a good portion of its other vines flailing about as well. Not wanting to take a chance, he immediately puts distance between himself and the main body. Carefully he maneuvers himself to keep an eye on the form he'd just freed as well as the main body of this odd plant.


Waiting for the plant's next move, he distantly wonders if the Elder had any idea as to what exists in this world. When it seems the plant is going to attack again he quickly shoves those thoughts to the side and focuses on his opponent. Soon he realizes that it won't give up and run off to lick its wounds, so to speak, and so he resolves to fight it until it is defeated or dead. Eventually he comes out victorious though with some injuries of his own.


Cleaning off and sheathing his blades, he finally looks at the one he'd helped. The other male is certainly very slim and pretty, with some odd markings on his skin. Not that he can really talk about such things. Going over, but stopping a little ways away in case the other also proves to be dangerous or an enemy, he tilts his head as he speaks looking over for any obvious sign of injury. "Are you alright?"


As he waits for a response he keeps looking around. On edge after the sight of that disturbing plant, he's unsure as to whether it would have others nearby or if any other such creatures may be ready to finish what the thing had started.

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It was an incredible struggle to get away from the tentacle beast. Kai thought that he would be violated for sure. His heart was pounding. He felt like he wasn't thinking straight. The vines were everywhere! And still making their way past his robes- "Ah! No-" Kai yelled frantically. And just when he thought the vine would violate him, the beast suddenly flinched. The elfling found himself getting lower to the ground, the plant's grip becoming less and less. Kai's heart skipped for joy until he saw why the beast was releasing him. Some man with two swords! He was lashing that the fowl beast? To help? In the heat of the moment, Kai didn't care for the consequence. He really just wanted the help. Kai was thankful someone came for his aid.


It took the other male a while, sometimes Kai couldn't see him because the beast swung him the other way. He found himself holding his breath, hoping the other male could defeat the beast, rather than fall victim like Kai did. Such foul beasts were disgusting and Kai cursed every demon who was to blame for such corruption. Thankfully, after relentless effort from the stranger, Kai could feel the grip lessen until- He fell to the ground. Thud! Kai landed on his butt. The elfling made a yelp sound, huffing and softly cursing under his breath as he attempted to untangle himself. And while doing so... He notices the other male approaching him. Kai freezes for a moment, just in case, watching him. Much to his surprise, the other male asked if he was okay?


"I'm... fine." Kai says as he looks at the snake man with obvious curiosity and caution. The man had two long swords, that, Kai was sure would cut right through him. He had heard such people, much like the man standing in front of him... Legends he was told as a child about snake-like people. From what he knew, these people were as deceitful as the snake itself. They were renown for their stealth, silence, and secrets. However, the customs of the people within their walls were the opposite. In a literal sense, if you were family, you were treated well. And because of this, the people were often close to each other, yet anti social... These people were known for there scale-like skin, snake traits... and even the ability to talk to snakes. It is unknown what exactly happened to these people. But from what Kai was told, some say they went rogue and death ensued, whilst others say that their people were taken as slaves... Or at least that's what Kai heard. Kai couldn't remember the name of these people...


And here was this man, standing before him. He was quite intimidating to look at, if Kai was being honest. It was to the point that he thought he had hallucinated the question that was ask. When Kai had said that he was okay, he wasn't exactly sure. This man was surely very dangerous, a man who could possibly slit his throat right now... And frankly, that frighten Kai. His journey couldn't end so soon! However, when Kai entertained the idea in his mind, he realized that the other wouldn't have any intention to hurt him if he asked him if he was okay. That, perhaps this being really wanted to know his well being. But Kai knew that this world was more dangerous than that. How could he tell if this creature was worthy for his trust?


Then Kai began to move, pulling off the dead vines and straightening himself out before standing and repeating the process. Then his baby blue eyes glanced back at the other male, much to his relief the other didn't seem interested in taking him prisoner... Yet... Possibly... "Um, thank you." Kai says somewhat shyly, he does a little bow as he gives his thanks. Kai didn't want any trouble, and he was hoping that the other male didn't expect any... sexual advances... So to compensate, Kai simply looks around frantically whilst he stood there... "Ah-ha." He says once he spots his belongings that had fallen from him. He goes into his purse and pulls out a couple of gems. He then makes his way back to the deadly snake man, hesitates, then holds out a hand, offering the gems for the other male to take. "Here..." He said, knowing that nothing came free in this world. Once the other male would take his gems, he would be on his merry way...


And yet there was something that Kai couldn't wrap his mind around... The fact that...


His kind was extinct.


At least he would have a story to tell once he returned to Alflan...

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Nodding at the response he quickly sheathes his swords, eager to be on his way and continue gathering items for his campsite. Seeing and sensing the other's reaction to him, he makes no move to get any closer and actually turns to start walking back to where he'd dropped the wood he had gathered before all of this. Pausing at the thanks he gives a slow nod, unused to being thanked for doing anything, no matter how difficult or taxing the duty. "You are welcome." He says finally once he overcomes his shock.


Just as he is about to leave again, the slim male's actions startle him once more and he stares at the offered gems wide-eyed and more than a bit confused. Is that this land's currency system? If so, he might be in a bit of bind considering he has coins and not gems. Shifting, and becoming wary, he edges back a bit more. Even though the other doesn't seem like a threat, the offer of the gems could be a trap or ploy. "Thank you, but that is unnecessary." He finally manages.


Turning, Maeron swiftly heads back into the woods to get his bundle of kindling with the intent of gathering more on his way back to camp. Confused and on edge from being in a new and unfamiliar world, he is only focused on putting space between him and the strange male with pointed ears. Shira shifts against him sensing his unease and tries to offer comfort while remaining hidden under the thick cloak. He lightly touches the snake to show his appreciation before gathering up the scattered pile of wood when he reaches it. Noticing the late hour he goes about gathering more swiftly so he can still have time to check his traps or fish before dark.


Thankfully he'd already dug up enough roots and vegetables to get some sort of meal in addition to plenty of familiar herbs to help get him through even if no protein is able to be had. The trick then would just be finding a way to store water until he can manage to dig a small well or somesuch to get by. Sighing softly, he wonders just how he should go about gathering information he'll need to figure out what to do for his homeland to be restored.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Astonished. That was one way to describe Kai right now as he tried to comprehend the fact that the stranger did not accept his gems in exchange. Only for a brief second did he believe the other male would ask for something else, but no, he did not seem interested in Kai at all. In fact, he believed that the snake man was wary about Kai just as he was about him. It really looked like this man wanted nothing to do with Kai. Strange... That's all the elfling could think about the situation. Never in his life had he crossed paths with someone outside of Alflan and did not want anything in return. Given, that he had not been outside of his country for long... He just found it hard to believe, yet amazing at the same time, that the snake man did not want anything in return.


And if Kai didn't know any better, he would say that the stranger was new to this land too.


So out of pure curiosity the elfling decided to follow the snake man. After securing the rest of his things, he quickly followed the stranger, however stayed a good distance away from him. He stayed far enough that he could keep up, yet hopefully be out of the detection range of the snake man. He sincerely hoped that the other wouldn't be hostile towards him for following him. Kai just was curious... Plus... it was kind of late, so he figured that if he stayed nearby and needed help, the snake man might help him again if need be... There was also the fact that Kai might get lucky and perhaps camp nearby. He didn't have any resources... So maybe if he asked nicely, the stranger would at allow him to at least rest for the night. Ever since leaving Alflan, Kai hadn't gotten a decent nights sleep...


Ever since he left Alflan, Kai had been plagued with variety of demons, at every turn he had to avoid them... Rather than confronting them. As a result of the constant bombardment from the demons and other things... Kai could barely sleep at night... This lead him to feeling exhausted most of the time and at most he had about three or four hours of sleep the other night... The poor elfling just wished and hoped that the snake man would at least let him sleep in peace. That is why he was following the snake man. Because he figured if he was nice enough to save him, without pay, perhaps he could let him rest for a night at his camp? Kai could only hope.


So with that in mind, Kai followed the stranger until he was sure that he was near his camp. Once the snake man was at his camp, only then did Kai finally start getting closer. And then once he was within the snake man's sight, Kai hid behind the nearest tree, more out of nervousness and being scared... He called out to the snake man... "Excuse me..! But may I request something of you, please?" The elf carefully maneuvered himself around the tree, fully revealing himself but not approaching the snake man- for this was probably his territory. "I beg of you to let me rest at your camp, that is all. Just for tonight as I do not have a place to stay and I long for a goodnight's sleep. However I do understand if you do not want my company." Kai says, finally finishing what he had to say and then bows politely. He leaves the decision with the snake man.

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Sensing someone following him, having been left to fend for himself since a very young age making him more attuned to such things, he veers off near his campsite and sends Shira to watch the actual campsite. Should it be found his companion can tell him who or what has found it and whether or not a fight awaits his return. Making sure that he is able to at least drop the wood off near his campsite, he then secures his cloak before swiftly going off to hunt.


Surprisingly, despite having to cut down a few odd looking red beings, he is able to find a wild pig for dinner. Pleased he swiftly cleans and cuts off a majority of the meat. Bundling up the meat he jogs back to his campsite eager to get the meat cooking for dinner and smoke the rest for future use. As he gets closer, he slows down, keeping an eye out for the one who had followed him in the beginning. Not seeing anyone he goes into the cave and greets his companion. "...He was asking to stay at our camp you say?" The large snake hisses in responses while leaning into the caress from the male.


After a few moments he gives a small sigh. "Very well then. You say no ill intent was sensed so I will fetch him." Straightening he leaves Shira to guard the cave while making sure everything is in place to hide his 'condition', he goes to where his friend says the one he'd saved had been calling out. Looking around, he wonders if the other is still here or if he's given up after not receiving a response right away. Keeping an eye out for other dangers, he starts to try to track the smaller male until he finds him.


Upon finding the one he suspects had been following him, after all it was right as he'd left that he'd been followed, he stops so that the shadows help to keep him further hidden. This latter bit is more out of unconscious habit due to the villagers having flinched or looked visibly repulsed each time they caught so much as a glimpse of any part of his body. "It would be no less than you deserve for me to turn you away for having tried to follow me instead of making your request in the beginning." He states quietly but nothing other than wariness and distrust in voice. "No one ever follows another to dwelling secretly if they mean well or no harm."


Despite Shira's observations, Maeron has little reason to trust anyone. Particularly in this new world he's found himself in. After a few long moments of silence he turns to head back to his encampment. "For tonight I shall allow you stay in my camp, but should you try anything I will not give you warning or a second chance." Deciding that may be too vague, he clarifies. "You will die should you do more than merely rest and recover." Though he already plans to find a new place to turn into a permanent dwelling as taking an outsider to this cave means he runs the risk of its location being given to others. An irritated frown appears on his face, though hidden by his mask, at the thought of having to hunt for a new place as this one was all but perfect.


Biting back a hiss of frustration, they soon reach the barely visible entrance. Slipping in he quickly goes about building up a fire and starting to cook his meal. A small secondary fire was started to smoke the meat he isn't planning on using. In a matter of moments the smell of food cooking fills the cave as the stew and smoked meat are underway. There is no sign of Shira, however, but he isn't concerned as he knows the other is either hunting or hidden away to keep an eye on their guest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

At first, Kai thought he was so sure that he had been following the snake man... But once he had 'caught up' to him... The other male was suddenly gone! Had his eyes hallucinated him the whole time? More than likely it was because he was exhausted from his travels. Perhaps, even, the cloak of which the snake man wore hid him too well... Kai had to be careful following this stranger as he did not know if the other male was truly friendly. Interestingly enough, Kai had talked to a snake, one that seemingly looked at him... And then slithered away... Kai couldn't help but to think that maybe the snake knew the snake man... Hopefully.


Instead of leaving, Kai choose to stay there, standing next to the tree he had been hidden behind. Perhaps if he waited long enough the stranger would return... Until then, Kai sat down next to the tree. While sitting there he tried to meditate, calm his mind and channel his energy. Mostly, he was attempting to find a way to keep himself awake. However, meditation as of now was really lulling him to sleep. But Kai knew better than that. He knew he should stay up just in case... "My... My... What do we have here?" Kai's pointed ears perked as he heard a voice. His eyes scanned the area around him until he made eye contact with a small imp. Goodness he hated the imps... He would rather not deal with one right now... However, he had the feeling this imp wouldn't take no for an answer. "Found a pretty little elf-boy... Wanna take a ride on daddy's cock?"


Immediately Kai rose to his feet, ready to fight the pestering imp. "If you could please find someone else to pester that would be nice. And no, I am not in the least interested. Please leave as I do not wish to fight you." Kai warned but to know avail, the imp sprang forward revealing himself fully. An imp is short, only a few feet tall. An unkempt mane of shaggy black hair hangs from his head, parted by two short curved horns. His eyes are solid black, save for tiny red irises which glow with evil intent. His skin is bright red, and unencumbered by clothing or armor, save for a small loincloth at his belt. His feet are covered by tiny wooden sandals, and his hands tipped with sharp claws. A pair of tiny but functional wings occasionally flap from his back.


Kai knew it would be a short fight, but he was reluctant to fight the hideous creature... It was defiled! Kai pulled out a small dagger, swinging the knife and managing to cut the imp. This results in the imp jumping backwards in an attempt to dodge. But the damage is done, leaving the imp bleeding slightly. Had the imp been stupid, he probably would have fallen right onto the blade- effectively and simply killing him with little to no effort of Kai's part. However, once the nasty imp was out of Kai's striking range he made a sudden arcane gesture! Naughty images briefly flickered through Kai's mind. How utterly terrifying it was, and yet, it still unnaturally aroused him slightly. This was a special power that imps had. One that could trick the mind and influence the body to want unspeakably naught things...


However Kai was having none of that! He visibly cringed and shook his head, ridding himself of such thoughts. "Such defilement won't sway me nor bend me to your will." And then Kai started to muter under his breath, a spell that would easily cast the evil imp away. A vibrantly beautiful green light shined in the palm of his hand. In this time, the imp was coming for him again, ready to attack him. However, Kai was ready this time. He threw the ball of light right at the imp, cursing under his breath and then shouted, "Begone evil spirit!" The moment the little ball of light hit the devilish imp, he practically evaporated and disappeared as if nothing happened. Kai stood there for a moment, shaking slightly and panting a little. Not because of the imps spell... But because of the energy it took to do that spell.


Normally, it would have been nothing, quite easy to perform that spell... But as every day passed, Kai was getting less rest and less sleep. Lest he seek salvage with the snake man, he couldn't see himself lasting much longer before passing out completely. What worried Kai the most was what sight he might awaken to. He would be an easy target, one that could be captured and held prisoner. That would be fatal if that were to occur, as all of Alflan would cease to exist... It would be all Kai's fault... A heavy burden was sitting upon Kai's shoulders... He really hoped he could fulfill the prophecy...


The elfling glumly returned his dagger to the innards of his robes but was suddenly startled when he heard a voice. It was that snake man! He had come back. Although when he turned his head to the sound, he could not see the snake man anywhere... At first... But then his keen eyes spotted him, hiding among the shadows. He felt that he should explain his behavior. "Thank you for not casting me away so easily. I know my behavior is not acceptable but I must be sure I could trust you enough. I presume that's why you left me here. I understand why you would do such a thing. These lands are defiled with vulgar filth... The need to be careful does not need to be explained to me. I am very grateful both of your generosity and kindness. I... agree to your terms as well..." Although Kai did not intend to hurt nor attack the stranger, and that fact was evident on his face. Then Kai bows, uttering another thanks and proceeds to follow the seemingly kind stranger.


While walking, Kai's mind wonders about the snake man... Wondering also if the other would be opt to talking with him... Or maybe company was already asking for too much. Suppose he would see once he got to the camp. It didn't even take that long, if Kai were being honest. Upon seeing the camp, Kai's face lightened up. He was happier knowing that he would get rest finally! It didn't matter if it was small, nor how under developed it was... It was the fact that Kai had the chance to rest. He was unbearably grateful. Upon arriving at the camp, Kai became a little shy and nervous... As he did not know his place in the camp. It was the other's place and he did not wish to disrespect the other male. "Where would you like me to be... Um... I'm sorry but I do not know your name... Whether that's intentional or not... But my name is Kai." He says softly.

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Maeron glances at his unexpected, and begrudging, guest as he speaks. Defiled? He supposes that terms fits as much as any other. Though it seems more like a slow sickness that is taking over the land to him personally. There is still much untouched and enjoyable about this land. The land itself seems to be slow to react to this 'defilement' and it seems to be mostly creatures for the time being. He's even found some new friends of his own. Snakes here seem to be just as friendly and drawn to him here as back home. However other reptiles seem to be more interested in him as well as lizards and such have made more of an appearance.


At the question and awkward introduction, Maeron is startled out of his musings and making dinner. Glancing at the other he shifts, dipping his head slightly in acknowledgement. "You may choose your own space to put your things." He answers the unfinished question. "Maeron." He says after a few moments to Kai giving his name. He's not sure what to make of this odd person. First he tries to give Maeron gems for helping him, then tries to follow him to cave, and now is trying to converse with him. Is he really another of these odd creatures and merely looking to get him to drop his guard then attack?


Muscles tense as his mind spins, the thought that Kai merely wants to be friendly and companionable not once crosses his mind. After all, years upon years of thinly concealed contempt, fear, and aversion doesn't lend itself to one thinking that their company would ever be wanted or desired.


When dinner is finished he immediately fills a bowl out of his pack, then freezes. Should he share his food with the other as well? Is he expected to? Certainly the villagers back home expected him to contribute to the village supplies, but none would have willing accepted food made by him had any come to his dwelling for any reason. A few long moments pass, his body tense and his gaze at the bowl one of a life or death choice, before he cautiously extends the bowl to his guest. He is not one to sit and eat before another person who seemingly has nothing after all.


When the offered food is accepted, some of the tension goes away as he sets about getting himself a bowl. "Oh, hello there. Did you want to try some?" He asks looking down. It's a small snake that he'd come across earlier. Barely out of the egg it's so small. Letting it curl about one hand, he holds a spoon filled with brother to the small serpent after blowing on it a bit, though this mask cuts the effectiveness down slightly. The snake's tongue flickers out in curiosity before it leans forward to drink some. Giving a low laugh at the small creature deciding it liked it and gulped down the offered portion, it then turned to him as if demanding more.


"We'll take turns then." He tells his newest guest and true to his word alternates spoonfuls. Though only his holds chunks of meat and vegetables as the snake is too small to easily swallow the portions. He almost seems to forget about Kai, though not from being malicious or snubbing the other intentionally. Once the snake is full, it curls about his forearm to sleep off the meal leaving Mareon to finish filling his own stomach.

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  • 2 months later...

The elfling is glad to meet another acquaintance, whether good or bad. Even more relieved that the stranger would allow him to sit nearby. So the elf took the liberty to sit perpendicular to Maeron, as he both did not want to sit too far nor too close to the mysterious male. The other seemed almost reluctant to ease up and relax around him. And Kai couldn't help but to wonder why. If anything, the other male would certainly be at the advantage here... The two swords Maeron carried would surely bring an end to Kai's travels, or so he thought.


Still, he could not talk, he was just as bad, in a way... As he himself worried slightly that the other male would wake in his slumber and strike him whilst he slept. Unfortunate, it would definitely be. At the very least, the elf wanted the other to be at peace, at a truce with him long enough to last into the morning. He did not expect any help afterwards, which was acceptable considering neither male knew each other too well yet alone had any reason to protect one another. Although Kai would not judge this man right off the bat, after all, he did save him from a tentacle beast.


Lucky for the elf, food was now underway, being freshly prepared in front of him. What an interesting creature. Kai thought, intrigued by what he was seeing. Naturally, Kai was curious, it was always pulling at him, often guiding him as well. Maeron seemed to have an inner turmoil about his food. Even though the elf was certainly hungry, he did not foresee the other male willing to share his food. Surprisingly so, Kai raised a brow in amusement, wondering what Maeron was thinking that had him hesitating. When the bowl is offered to Kai, his eyes lit up with excitement, joy, and thankfulness. "Thank you!" And the elf gladly takes the bowl from the snake man. How lovely! The elf thought in satisfaction, his hungry belly agreeing with him eagerly.


Kai did not hesitate to dig in, happy to receive food. However, his pointed ears perked once he heard the other male speak up. His eyes glanced up to see a baby snake make its way up Maeron's hand. It was actually... Awfully cute. Adorable. That's what Kai thought of the snake, in fact, most animals. The snake was distracting, Maeron was distracting as well, to the point that Kai halted eating his food. He watched as the snake man offered his portion to the infant snake. A soft smile unconsciously found its way onto Kai's face. This was very heartwarming for the elf to see. Such kindness came few and far inbetween outside of Alflan.


"That's the sweetest thing I've seen since leaving Alflan three months ago." The elf comments without even thinking about it. "The little one is so cute." Kai giggles, his innocence knowing no bound. Truth be told, the small gesture made Kai reflect back to Alflan, missing the good old times when everyone was kind, just like he saw moments ago. "It was precious to watch you feed that snake, talk to it, as if it were your own kin by blood. How admireable." The elf nodded and complemented, still smiling softly. This was how he was raised, to be kind to others. Treat others how he wished to be treated. "Do you consider all of the snakes, reptiles, to be your family?" Kai asks out of of pure curiosity.


The elf was sure, especially after watching Maeron feed the little snake, that he had a soft heart under the facade that he was seeing now... However, most of the other male's face was hidden by the mask he wore to cover his face. This made Kai curious some more. "If you will allow me to ask and obliged me with an answer, I am also very curious to know about the mask upon your face? Do you not wish for other's to see your face? Perhaps- Er..." Kai stopped because he was getting way ahead of himself. "Sorry for imposing so many questions. I am sorry because I tend to let my curiosity drive me sometimes. Do not feel pressured in the slightest to answer my questions, if you do not wish to do so. Ah- And if curiosity strikes you with questions, if they are something that I know and can answer, please allow me to enlighten you."

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Hearing the other speak, Maeron tenses up and seems to curl into himself slightly. If possible, his head ducks down to hide even more of his face when asked about his mask so that little more than shadow is visible. At the offer of information in exchange, he glances over quickly while flicking his tongue out. To most it would seem as if he's merely licking his lips, if they ever saw his face uncovered and unshadowed that is, but really he's testing the air much like the animals he spends his time with. Seeing the open posture and true curiosity, as well as almost the embarrassment for the onslaught of question, some tension eases away though he doesn't look up.


Shifting so his face stays shadowed, he slowly answers while cautiously shifting his mask so he can eat. After a few bites he decides answering the first question is the most harmless one to answer. "All reptiles seem drawn to me, but snakes more so. They're always friendly and helpful so I suppose 'family' isn't a wrong way to view them." Though they're also they only friends he's ever really known. Some may think that sad, pitiful, or even lonely. Maeron, however, couldn't view that as further from the truth. The animals were more true, loyal, and honest than anyone else he's ever been in contact with.


Setting his now empty bowl in his lap, he glances at Kai. He'd noticed them earlier, but thought it'd be rude to inquire about the various markings. Now he's been given the chance to possibly satisfy his curiosity about the markings. "What are all of those markings on you? Do they signify something particular or special?" The question comes out slow and cautious, almost as if expecting some kind of verbal or physical lashing out at his daring to having actually asked something of the other.


The small snake on his arm senses the change and rises up with a low hiss, looking up at Maeron in what could almost be concern or confusion at the sudden shift in the male. Shira, still hidden off in the cave but has been watching the exchange, rises up with a low hiss preparing to move swiftly if aggression should occur.

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Wow, if Kai had not known any better he would say that Maeron was shy? The way he hid himself from Kai clearly suggested the idea to be true. This only sparked more curiosity in the elf. Mostly he wondered why Maeron was so shy, or at least, why was he hiding himself? Surely Kai could be anything but a threat to the other male. Kai was more of a healer than a fighter... In fact, he would rather avoid most battles, albeit there are many times that he does have to defend himself. Kai was willing to attack if he thought it was life or death... Or impure versus purity.


When Maeron talks about the animals more or less being his family, Kai slouched a little, slightly bummed as he realized something. With that way the other male talked, it did not sound as if he had a family... And while Kai was happy the snake man could have animals as his family... He himself could not imagine a life without a family... Although, he technically did not have one, everyone in Alflan was his family, especially his elder brother Skai. "Well I am glad you have someone to look out for you." Kai said, mostly talking about the bigger snake that was with Maeron. "As traveling by one's self can be very lonesome." And by the sound of it, Maeron seemed to be use to being alone. And if that was the case, Kai felt honored to be a few or rare guest.


As he thought about Maeron, Kai eats his own food, not really paying attention until Maeron talks again. A light blush hues on his soft features before his tattooed hand meets under his tattooed eye. He barely notices Maeron's tension of the subject. "Ah... No worries. I'm just so use to them being there, that I completely forget that they exist, you know?" He says softly, a smile gracing his lips. "They are tribal markings that my people get- though we are born with them. Depending on how many you have or where you have them can determine your strength, uniqueness, and what exactly you can do in terms of healing magic." Kai started off slowly. "For example, a simple tattoo under the eye means that I am marked as a healer. In general, I can perform basic healing practices. I also have an 'eye' for medicine and poison, meaning I can tell which are marked for health and sickness, without any labels to tell me otherwise. The knowledge part."


The elf hummed to himself, nodding as he recalled all of the tattooes he already had. "The marking on my hand represents that I can produce healing potions. I can also heal through massage and spell casting." Kai finishes his food and then sets the bowl down. After a sigh of relief, Kai's eyes drift back up, looking at Maeron. "Some tattoos are obvious and plain to see, while other are askewed or hidden completely- mostly by clothing. I do admit that I have several other tattoos... And I will say that if you were to hang around me long enough, I am sure you will see more of them." Although Kai said it innocently, his words sounded like a perverted double meaning, even when he clearly was not intending it to be that way. "There are also elves not born with any tattoos and usually never get any. However, there is a chance that through time you can 'grow' or 'earn' a tattoo... But that's usually through practice or something like that. I hear stories about tattoos that grow in can be painful and are supposed to heal naturally without the aid of magic."


Kai could probably talk all day, however he was still very tired from his travels thus far. "I hope I do not exhaust your ears with my talking. I am sure you have had a long day of traveling and are wary, as am I. So if you will, I can retire soon, off to bed. Any other questions I may answer? Or save for tomorrow- Oh, but wait, I shall be off in the morning as promised." The elfling yawned, stretching his arms above his head.

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At the mention of more markings being under the other's clothes, he glances over in curiosity. He wonders if they all follow a similar design and if the layouts are sporadic or flow together somehow. When Kai continues to talk, his gaze snaps back up to the other male's face and feels himself flush slightly. For some reason he feels as though he's been caught doing something wrong, even though he hasn't.


When Kai yawns and stretches, he nods. "None at the moment." Standing up he sets about cleaning up after the meal and gathering the dishes to wash. Gently he unwraps the small snake from his arm to set down before walking off to go wash and dry the items. The small snake seems to almost happily follow behind Maeron as he goes out where he then nudges the small snake off to go to its own home for the night.Alone he has no problem relaxing slightly as he talks to small serpent. "Go on now. You've been spoiled enough for one day I think. It's time for you to go home." He lightly chides to which the snake seems to almost pout, but eventually leaves.


Huffing and shaking his head in amusement, Maeron quickly cleans and dries the dishes then heads back not wanting to run into any odd creatures in the growing dark. Once back in the cave, with little more than being high strung from staying on high alert, he goes about checking the smoking meat and rotating it before banking the fire so it helps to keep them warm but doesn't give off enough light to draw attention.


More comfortable and confident now that it'd be difficult for Kai to see him, he gets his bedding adjusted before settling down. Shira, having relaxed after everything had stayed calm, goes over to curl up with Maeron for the night. It's for warmth yes, but also to help act as an extra layer of protection and warning. Stroking the smooth scales on the snake's head, he gives a quiet but hard yawn. "Goodnight." He murmurs to Shira, not remembering that his guest may hear or is even there, who then gently bumps against Maeron's chin in return.


Eyes closing, he slowly slides off to sleep feeling worn from all that's happened. Once asleep, he sleeps soundly until it is nearly breakfast time. Shifting with soft sounds of protest, he slowly starts to wake up.

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After Kai had stretched, his eyes followed Maeron for a moment; watching him take the dishes, the baby snake and leave. The elf knew the other male would be back. So instead of waiting, Kai decided to get ready for bed now. He was very thankful to have come across such a generous stranger. Finally, he would actually be able to obtain a full night's sleep. The thought alone made him giddy with joy and much relief. Standing up, the elf got his bag, shuffling through it to make sure he did not lose everything. Good. It did not appear that he lost much. He decided that his bag would be his pillow. Then the elfling stripped out of his robe, leaving his under clothes- an old fashioned tank top and pantaloons, underneath that being his lacy man thong- out in the open, revealing slightly more skin than before. Kai even shed off his shoes.


Next, the white-haired elf found what seemed like a comfortable spot on the ground, brought his stuff with him, and sat down. Placing his bag behind him, Kai let out another yawn. He ruffled his hair a bit, making his already messy hair even more wild. Thanks to the fire, the cave was nicely warm and comfortable. Kai laid down, getting as comfortable as he could before pulling his robe over him, using it as a blanket. As his head rested, his eyes stayed open. He would at least await for Maeron's return before he lost to slumber. And by the time Maeron came back around, Kai was already half asleep. Tiredness was very overwhelming for him. As soon as he knew it was Maeron, Kai allowed himself to finally fall asleep. Maeron's voice could only be heard in Kai's dreams.


Morning came awfully quick, too quick for the elfling. Not only did he not want to get up, but the sun was barely peaking over the horizon... With a soft sigh, Kai looked over and saw Maeron still lost in slumber. He could tell that he was wrapped securely within the snake- what was its name again? Shira... Ah, yes, that's what the snake's name was. How lovely. They must have known each other a while. Maybe Maeron raised the big snake? Kai wanted to ask... But he also wanted to keep his promise to leave in the morning. So with that, Kai quietly stood up and pulled on his robe. After grabbing his bag, Kai looked over his shoulder and gave a silent 'farewell'. Then halting in his steps, Kai bit his lip. He pulled off his bag and opened it, reaching inside he grabbed a small potion bottle. He would leave this for Maeron, as his thanks... Because the man would accept his 'thanks', the payment, earlier... So he would leave this for him. He quickly marked the small bottle:


Drink only. Heals:

  • burns
  • poison
  • small cuts


Then Kai places the bottle next to the small embers of the fire, not too close of course. And then off he goes. Kai smiles, feeling better now that he had sufficient sleep. He was still tired and slightly stiff from sleeping on the ground funny, but that did not matter as Kai had rejuvenated his magic. A simple night's rest was all he needed to feel 'recharged'. He left silently, hoping not to disturb Maeron whilst he slept. Kai really did not know which way he should travel... So he went left...


It was not until the sun was staring straight down at Kai, high noon, did he finally stop for a moment. Much to his relief his travels had been peaceful- other than the occasional imp coming out. Honestly, it was the sound of running water. What a glorious sound! Or so Kai thought. He immediately dashed to the place. Low and behold, the glorious bed of water was that of a small lake and a waterfall at its head. Kai was going to take this opportunity in stride. First, he made sure the area was clear, as he did not want to be ambushed when he was most vulnerable. Once the coast was all clear, Kai jumped in excitement. He was so darn excited right now. He would get a nice bath! The sun was so hot that Kai was sure that the water would be nice and warm.


Kai stripped out of his clothes with vigor, folding each item until everything was off of his body besides his magic ring. The elfling smiled, chuckling softly as he embraced the sun's warmth upon his skin. Then without further adieu, Kai hopped right into the clear water.

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Maeron pauses when he sees that his guest is already prepared for bed, and seemingly waiting for him before falling asleep. Blinking in surprise when the other seems to pass out the moment he returns, he tilts his head while frowning in confusion. Not once has anyone ever waited up for him besides his companions, and certainly no one ever felt comfortable enough in his presence to fall asleep so quickly and easily. This person is more confusing than anyone else he's ever met. Though he inwardly acknowledges the disappointment at missing seeing the other tattoos when he notices the discarded clothing near the bedroll.


When Kai starts to move around, Shira shifts and watches the elf while its tongue flicks out periodically. Shortly after Kai leaves, Maeron wakes himself and looks around in confusion when the other male is nowhere to be seen. Getting up he looks around and notices the potion. Picking it up he reads the note feeling a bit baffled, flustered, and pleased. He's never been given anything in appreciation before. Despite still being wary of receiving something from a stranger, he tucks it away carefully and makes a quick meal to break his fast.


After eating and cleaning up the cave, he decides to make his base for now. Leaving the remaining wood and the fire pit in tact, though the fire is low enough to keep the cave warm but not not strong enough to about, he leaves the cave to explore. Finding an area to bathe and then scout around are top on his list for the day. Heading off he goes to find a good spot that's hidden away but easy to defend in case a creature tries to attack him while he's in the water.


Eventually he finds a smallish cove that the river connects to, and after securing the area, Shira of course acting as lookout and security, he undresses then slides in. With a soft happy sigh, he slides into the waters to swim and wash off the grime of the last few days. The sun and water glint off his lightly tanned skin, and make the scaled areas seem to shine while the odd yellow and white coloring of his hair making odd designs in the water.


All too soon the serenity fades as he hears Shira hiss and attack something. Moving quickly he gets out of the water and assists his companion attacking what appears to be a two-headed dog. Letting out an almost hiss like sound himself, he grabs his weapons and lunges all the while ignoring the fact that he is still naked and even damp. He doesn't even seem to notice how the beast appears to eyeing him down and growing aroused at the sight of his exposed flesh.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Ahhh...!" The elfling sighed as he relaxed into the water. Goodness it was so hot out today! He was so relieved to have found this wonderfully convenient lake. He swam around for a while, enjoying the peace and quiet that surrounded him. This was vastly different than when he was at home. Everyone usually bathed together, it was considered to be a normal thing. They would even wash each other's backs, hair and so on- depending on how well someone knew the other. But then again, everyone was family to Kai... Especially his older brother.


Just thinking about his brother brings a soft smile to Kai's face. He really did love his brother... But the fates would not allow him to stay in Alflan... Besides, he was destined to travel outside of Alflan as well, he was to find a mate as well. It would have never worked out for them. Oh well. He really hoped Skai was okay. Three months out and he had been plagued with demons left and right... He was sure he had it worse... As he wasn't even protected by a spell. Kai dreaded when the spell would ware off. From what he was told... It should last a good deal, as long as he didn't die anytime soon of course.


This is what he deserved! Kai deserved a nice bath after everything he had been though! Yay! He felt so good right now. He was well rested, fed and now- clean! Man... He could just fall asleep... However it was not time to do so. No one would be watching his back for him, so he had to resume being alert-- Kai bolts straight up, startled when he suddenly hears a howl. Frantically, he looks around. He knew that sound, elders forewarned him of such beasts... Luckily, it doesn't seem to be around him but it was close! Kai besides that he should investigate, just in case.


After getting out of the water, Kai neglects his clothes for now. He casts a spell to hide his belongings. If he wore his clothes, they might burn- Or even worse, the hound would catch his scent! He climbs up near the fall, going upstream because that's where he swore he heard the hellhound. On a normal occasion, he might have just left the dog alone... But to his astonishment the hound was after Maeron of all people! He gasped climbing up quickly. He was sure the other male didn't know how powerful a hellhound was. A couple hits and he would be defeated! Kai couldn't allow that, no, not after Maron had been so kind to him.


The elfling approached, weaponless, to the fight, yelling out to Maron. Kai, in all his naked glory, almost had a hypnotic glow to his skin. His tattoos in particular were vibrantly green in the sunlight. On top of that, he was damp, so literally, he looked like he was some kind of pure god. He like a beautiful, pure, gem. "M-Maeron! Watch out! Hellhounds are very dangerous! Don't let their fire touch you! It will burn your insides!" Or so he was told by his elders. "The water would be your best bet. You have to run or use pure or water magic to scare it off-" Kai halted suddenly. The hellhound was looking right at him. Being naked was the least of his worries.


It would seem that the elfling's purity was more intoxicating to the hound because it turned its head, howling and then running after Kai. The elflings reaction was to head for the water, about knee deep. Before facing the dog before him. It growled at him and made him uneasy. Immediately Kai started chanting something under his breath. At the same time, the hound huffed fire at him. A mysterious light appeared around Kai, and for a moment he seemingly vanished- And then when the light disappeared, he was there still. The fire was gone... The fire hadn't burned Kai! He was... Surprised that his skin didn't burn-? Oh... Oh! Kai cursed under his breath. So that's what the elders meant... The hellhound had flames of arousal! Intriguingly disgusting!


The elfling chanted a spell under his breath and the water rises around him, coursing into a strong wave and riding out towards the hellhound. The dog yelped, barking, and then coming back for more. Kai sent a waterball his way- Popping right in its face! For a moment the hound is blinded. It yelps again, for now, retreating. The elf releases a breath he didn't realize he was holding. He stands still for a moment before looking around. He walks casually out of the water, looking about. Ah! "Maeron! Are you okay?" He asks, closing the distance between them with a small jog.


It was only then that the elf realized Maeron is naked. He's innocence is openly expressed on his face as he gasps. "Wow, Maeron, your scales... They are so pretty in the light! So shiny." The elf was practically gawking at them in amazement and curiosity. The elf doesn't seemed bothered that they are both naked, no, it almost seems as if this was the norm for him. He so dearly wanted to touch the other males scales, "C-Can I?" He extends his hand about halfway and stops, wanting permission first.

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Maeron had been dodging the flames and getting hits in on the odd beast, and Shira of course getting some strikes in as well. When he hears someone yelling out to him he stumbles a bit surprised and nearly gets hits by another flame attack. When the beast goes after the figure, belatedly realizing it was his brief companion, lets out an angry hiss-like sound while rushing after the hound.


As the small male starts his magical attack on the creature, he can only stand and watch stunned by the display. He's not just stopped by the display of magical power, no. He's also stunned by the stunning sight of the water swelling and moving around the shining form. Catching himself thinking thoughts best left alone, he shakes his head to rid him of them. This place and its creatures are already having an effect I see... I'd best be on my guard. Maeron thinks to himself, not at all aware that admiration and attraction are normal.


When the hound is blinded and appears to retreat, he whips his arm out to give the hound another remainder that not all it hunted was easy prey. Reminded of Kai's presence when asked if he's alright, he turns slightly to nod. "I'm fi-.." His voice catches remembering he's naked and when the other mentions his scales seems to lose all color as he flinches then rushes back off to where his clothes are. Shame and anger at having let someone see his deformity swells within him as he roughly pulls the layers of clothing around himself. So instant was his reaction that anything after the words 'scales' went unheard.


His hand shakes slightly as he pulls the half-mask up around his face as the words of the villagers go through his mind. His scales mark him as a freak and a monster. Something good for nothing except to possibly spend his life helping the village in whatever way he can to atone for the sin of existing. Never should he dare hold out hope for the possibility of being accepted and loved by another, for his sin is there for all to see on his very form. The scales, unnatural hair and eye color, and then the way cold-blooded animals flocked to him.


Glancing at Shira though, as the snake calmly approaches him before climbing up to wraps around his shoulders, he can't help but wonder how anyone could view the animals and evil. Stroking the snake along the ridge of its skull, he slowly gets lost in his thoughts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well that reaction was not expected. Kai could only watch as the other male paled and scurried away from him. Had he insulted the other male? For some reason he had a hunch that the other male had not even heard his compliment. It would appear that Maeron was quite sensitive on the topic regarding his scales. This had Kai guessing as to why Maeron would react this way. He did not see his scales as any form of handicap. No, on the contrary, Kai thought they were a nice asset. In resemblance to own tattoos, Maeron's scales were both relieving to see and very relatable. So for Kai to see someone who was wary of their markings, to say the least, was shocking for him.


Perhaps if he so dared to hang around Maeron long enough he would indeed find out. Since this was Maeron's... Issue, Kai thought it would be best to approach him at his own pace. And on the of chance that he insulted him, he would watch and select his words more carefully next time. The elfling tucked a lock of his pure white hair behind his ear. He sighed in relief despite Maeron's reaction. At least they were both okay. First and foremost, Kai always checked on the wellbeing of the people he was with. If the people of his country taught him anything, it was to look after others before himself.


Although, the one thing that Kai would not forget was how beautiful Maeron's scales were. How they glistened under the golden sun. He was indeed a very handsome man! Kai could only wonder in confusion as to why Maeron would want to hide his beauty from the world... But then again, maybe it was for the best. It was actually a rather smart idea now that he thought about it. Hiding his own features might fool other foul beasts... As Kai thought about this, he had mindlessly walked at his own pace to the place he left his clothes. He merely picked them up, wanting to quickly catch up to Maeron.


An interestingly peculiar idea hit him, and if it was okay with Maeron, he was hoping to benefit both parties. He could not ask if he got away from him, so Kai made a quick return to the other male. As soon as he was a couple feet away from Maeron he tossed his stuff down near his feet and because to dress. As he did so, Kai began to speak, "I did not think I would see you again... So soon." He hummed, slipping on his lacy underwear first, not even thinking anything of it. "I could have swore I went a different direction..." He huffed, fumbling with his trousers and trying to pull them up. "...unless." Kai sighed as he picked up the top he had. Pulling it on he smooths out the fabric. "I went around in a whole circle!" Oh... Now he was embarrassed.


That was certainly inconvenient. When it came to travelling, Kai was good at navigating through towns, cities, or villages... But the woods, forests, almost anything that was not civilized he... Often got lost, unless otherwise familiar with the area. Kai quickly pulled on his robe, the only clothing item that he actually hurried to put on. Now fully clothed, slipping on his shoes, he smiles at Maeron. "I suppose you were bathing too?" He asked, although he could already guess that he was right considering that he saw Maeron naked. "If you were down the stream a little farther-" He points towards the location that he had been bathing. "There is a pretty view of the waterfall over there, you know?"


Kai paused for a moment and picks up his bag, holding onto the strap and tossing the bag over his shoulder. They were still strangers... However Kai could not help but to feel obligated to befriend the other male. It was not often that he could meet someone, by chance, twice outside of Alflan... And on top of that, Maeron was seemingly a nice man. So Kai figured, why not attempt to befriend him. "Did you see the healing potion I left you? Since you would not have me thank you otherwise, I left that for you- And I will not accept it back. I would feel more at ease if you kept it. Please use it... It was the least I could do." He wanted to make it clear that he wanted Maeron to keep it and use it for himself.


"Oh..." Kai hesitates, placing his right hand over his chest, near his heart, while he thought about what he wanted to say- carefully ask Maeron. "If I may... Suggest... Um... Take this how you will, but I would wish to obtain your companionship while I travel. I... Am not a swordsman like you but-" Kai bows deeply at the waist, closing his eyes for a moment. His heart races, from what, his is unsure... "I can aid you with my healing magic... Of course you can decline my offer, by any means you see fit... I just beg you to consider. Allow me to travel with you." It was like a truce. Someone who could watch his back, and he could watch Maeron's back... If the other male got injured, he could be there for him. Kai would not be so defenseless anymore. Maeron looked to be of a valuable friendship and companionship to travel with. He knew the other male might not trust him, yet, so he decided to make the move to initiate a possible friendship.

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Maeron jolts slightly hearing the muffled thud of Kai dropping his things. Turning around, he can only stare wide-eyed as the other dresses in front of him. Lace underwear? He mentally asks while his breath hitches slightly though he's unaware of it. Being able to do nothing more than watch mute as the other continues to dress and talk, though confusion continues to build up more and more. The other sees his scales and asks to touch them, and then continues to talk to him despite his deformity, and now even wants to travel with him.


It isn't until Shira bumps his cheek that he blinks, unaware that his brows had furrowed as he had started to frown in his growing confusion, face clearing slightly he tilts his head while looking at Kai. "You... wish to... travel with me?" He asks slowly as if not understanding the other and even as though he worries something may be wrong with the other male mentally. Inwardly he struggles between the desire to have another person around to talk to, the beaten in reflex of giving in to a request/order given to him, and the desire to flee from this odd creature. Without realizing it, he was nodding "Very well. Even if you can't use a sword it is better to be in a group than alone."


What. The. Hell?!


Eyes widening as he hears what comes out of his mouth, he inwardly starts to panic. What is wrong with him? Did he get his by that hound's attack after all? Sensing his inner turmoil Shira rubs it's face against his cheek and jaw to offer comfort and support. Smiling slightly he pets the snake back feeling himself calm down. "We should head back to the cave for now. It'll be a safe place to converse and staying here after our encounter with that beast would be foolish." Turning, he moves to pick up his own things and lead the way back to the cave.


Once there, he carefully checks to make sure nothing else came by and took up residence while he was gone. Soon a small fire and meal is going. Shira having gone to wander around for a bit. Probably getting dinner Maeron muses while taking a seat by the fire and looking at Kai from under his hood. "I suppose before we get too settled in our new alliance we should learn what the other is doing to make sure our goals align enough to make it sensible to travel together."

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Hearing the uncertainty in Maeron's voice made Kai a little nervous. He held still for a moment longer and then- Relief poured over him when Maeron accepted his request. Kai's eyes lit up and a smile formed on his face as he stood straight up. He clasped his hands together and giggled happily. "That is great to hear. I am very glad!" How lucky was he! The gods must be looking out for him, surely, otherwise he would have not been so lucky! Of course he was still wary that Maeron might have not be friendly...


But to be honest... As Kai looked at the other male, he could not help but to smile slightly as he watched the interaction between Maeron and Shira. He did not know... But something told him that Maeron was kinder than he looked. There was also a special bond between the two. Surely someone who had such a deep bond with a snake could not be heartless. No, Kai rather thought that Maeron had untapped potential. The elfling would love to see that potential grow and bloom. Curiosity was growing within him, the more he saw of Maeron, the more curious he grew. He did not even know the male very well, they only met just yesterday... So he hoped that they would make compatible partners.


The elfling gladly followed Maeron back to the cave, softly smiling the whole time. He was so grateful that Maeron agreed to being a potential travel partner. And who knew? Maybe they would go on an epic adventure together. Perhaps find out things about the world. Maybe Kai would get to know more about Maeron, his life and the reason behind him hiding his lovely scales. However, he had the feeling that gaining this knowledge would definitely take time. But Kai thought it would be possible to get it out of him. The smaller male looked forward to learning Maeron's secrets, and he even looked forward to sharing some of his secrets as well.


Following Maeron back to the cave was easy, relieving in fact. Within a matter of minutes they were all settled and now, there was food cooking. Kai's stomach made a low growling sound. Oh man, Kai thought he had it good, all thanks to Maeron. This would be a good deal for him. Sleep. Food. Companionship. The elf looked at the other male, smiling softly as they sat across from each other. "Our... Goals?" Kai asks slowly, tilting his head. For a moment he thinks about what Maeron means- Duh. "Oh! Right! That would probably be wise. Although..." Kai places a hand under his chin while he thought.


"Alright, I suppose it would not be a bad thing if I told you why I am traveling." Kai said, shifting so that he was sitting cross-legged. "I have traveled from my country of Alflan in search of a pure mate. Or to put simply, I am looking for someone who I will eventually take home to perform a ritual with me... Like being married. So... I guess I can travel anywhere you want." Kai said softly, thoughtfully. "I know I what I said probably sounds strange to you... But that is our customs. If you have any questions, I would be delighted to explain." Kai smiled, "What are your plans for travel, Maeron? Please tell me about yourself as well."

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Maeron blinks slowly when the other seems confused by his desire to exchange reasons for traveling in this tainted land. He didn't think it was that strange of a thing to ask, nor all that confusing. When Kai seems to understand what he's asking, and after some thought agrees to tell him, he relaxes slightly. However, upon hearing the other's reason he can't help himself from frowning in confusion and surprise. "You're traveling to... find someone to... marry?" He repeats softly. Only his furrowed brows and tone convey his confusion at the answer.


Shaking himself slightly, he refocuses on the other. It's not his place to judge another's customs. "I'm here to find out why my homeland is being stricken by various plagues and tragedies such as droughts, pestilence, and so forth. And upon finding the cause, do what I can to either destroy it or fix what is wrong." It's a hedged almost vague reason, but he barely knows more than that. The only other thing he knows in addition to it is that there is a portal connecting this land with where he came from and no other 'hero's' have returned who have gone through.


Glancing over at the fire, he notices the food is about done. Standing up, he finishes the simple meal and the hands Kai a plate before sitting a bit further back to eat. Making sure his face is hidden by shadow, he lowers his face mask to start eating. As he eats he starts to think about how he's going to try and figure out what is causing the disturbance back home. He has no clues and other than life getting tainted here, there's no sign so far as to what is the source of it.


Sighing softly he wonders how to even begin beyond wandering aimlessly. Glancing over at Kai, he wonders if the other might know of anything. "Would you happen to know of when or where the taint here began?" He asks without much hope that it would be so easy. As he waits for a response, Shira appears looking content and having obviously eaten.


Shoving its head under Maeron's plate, obviously uncaring of the content, the snake curls up into his lap much like a pet dog or cat would. Laughing softly, Maeron moves the plate out of the way then pets the snake for a few moments before continuing to eat and wait to see if Kai can think of anything that might help him to learn where to go next.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Yes... Exactly. To marry. It might seem strange, but I assure you that is my country's custom. Male or female, gender is not important. Talk of love is almost the equivalent of crazy talk here in Merath. It is not a strong belief, one could say." Kai says softly, almost sadly. In Alflan, Kai had known nothing but that of love and kindness. So for the rest of Merath to be about lust and sexual encounters... The elf felt like there was no hope for the corrupted. Then there were few people, like Maeron, who seemed so pure and untouched by the corruption of this tainted land. Kai could only hope that he could aid Maeron, keep him away from corruption. Upon hearing Maeron's tale of mishaps at his home life, Kai's brows furrowed, he unconsciously clutches his hand over his heart. He truly felt sorrow for Maeron and his people. He believed that no one should suffer like that. "How dreadful... Maeron I am sorry to hear that... And I would be honored to aid you in your quest to bring relief back to your people." After Kai says this he bows his head politely. He could not help but to feel bad for him and his people.


The elf watches the other male rise to get the food that was prepared. "Thank you." He says when Maeron gives him a plate. How generous was he? Kai was very grateful. The elf gladly started to eat the hot meal placed before him. He was in the middle of eating when Maeron asks him about what might have caused his homeland so much suffering. The elf ponders the thought for a moment. "Well..." He starts out, "The information I can give you might not be sufficient. But I will try my best to aid you in any way I can." With that being said, Kai started to recall what his elders taught him, and even some of his own experience.


"My elder told me a lot about the world outside of Alflan... There is so much corruption... From what I am told, demon have been taking over these lands, corrupting it, soiling it in ways that would make you retch. They have some from seemingly nowhere and aim to taint any creature they come by. Succubus and Incubus, even Omnibus... They all have worked together, capturing people... Slavery, rape, manufacturing sexual fluids... All of it comes into play. Everything is now out to get you. Being a virgin is awfully scarce. Love is now a vial word... Grounds are literally soiled by the sexual fluids the demons collect at their nearby factory..." Kai says in one go. "Remember the tentacle plant you saved me from? That is one of the many effects those retched demons have on this place. Almost nowhere is safe anymore... So maybe you should start there... If the demons have that kind of effect here, it probably affects your homeland as well." Kai looked at his food and felt like he could not eat anymore.


Placing the plate in front of him, he pauses in thought. The elf felt... Unprepared for the reality that was Mareth, the condition of which her lands were... They are almost all the way corrupted. Kai felt slightly hopeless... His baby blue eyes flickered toward Maeron, as if asking for some kind of comfort. The world that Merath was... Was not the pure, pleasant place Kai grew up in. Quite the opposite. "I really... Thank you for your company..." He said softly. Maeron was really reassuring to have around right now. Now that Kai was all by himself, he had not one person to help him. The elf was not sure if he could handle being all by himself forever. "If there is anything I can clarify for you, I would be happy to aid you farther..."


They sat in silence for a while with Kai glancing over at Maeron, frowning softly. "Hey Maeron..? Can I ask you why you sit so far away fro me? Are you shy? Oh, do not tell me that you are intimidated by me? Or perhaps it was from earlier?" Kai ponders out loud. "I did not mean any offense I assure you." He says, patting the ground next to him. "Just look, there are many spots near me. I promise I do not intend to hurt you. I do not bite." Kai smiles softly, attempting to welcome Maeron over if the other male was comfortable enough to do so... Maybe also inviting him closer for his own sanity. "I know you do not know me too well... And I understand if you wish to stay there. So do as you wish, but know that you are very much welcome to have closer company." He said, offering.

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Maeron mulls over the bit of information Kai is able to give him. A factory that produces... sexual fluids and corrupts the land by saturating it with the fluids ceaselessly. That's disturbing on various levels. It would seem that going there and trying to destroy the factory is at least one of the things he'll need to accomplish if he's ever to undo the damage to his homeland. With a soft sigh he prods at his food, the plate resting on top of the snake on his lap. "I suppose that it's a place to aim for at least. Though doing anything to a place such as that is going to take a lot of planning and stealth."


His shoulders slump slightly as if there's a physical weight on them now at the thought of what he must do. If nothing else he has the company of Shira and now Kai. Though he's not sure of how he feels essentially being a bodyguard until the other either a) finds someone to marry, or b) the corruption is dealt with enough to where the other can travel safely alone. Or that is how it has settled in Maeron's mind at any rate. The though that maybe Kai would continue to travel with him beyond what the strictly necessary length of time doesn't even cross his mind.


It's while he's pondering the dual concerns of getting to this factory and the possible count down until Kai and him part ways, that Kai's questions startle him out of. Jerking, he looks at Kai with slightly wide eyes. "...." After staring for a few moments he looks back down at his partially eaten plate. He supposes answering the questions is only fair considering the information the other has given him so far without asking anything in return. "It's what I've always done. The villagers didn't like my being too close to them so after awhile I just started staying as out of sight as possible." He pauses for awhile and then continues in a nearly inaudible whisper. "Especially when it comes to my scales."


His scales and coloring were the biggest issues. They always reminded them that he wasn't like them. He was different. A monster. A freak. Yet he had his uses so they tolerated his existence, but no more than strictly necessary. As such he wasn't permitted to live in the village and was only tolerated to linger during special festivals and such, provided he still kept his scales and presence as minimally noticeable as possible.


When Kai invites him to sit beside him, Maeron jerks again looking around almost panicking. What is the other thinking? Is this some kind of trick? Morbid curiosity after having seen his scales? Trying to keep his confusion, panic, and wariness internal, he looks down focusing on Shira who's starting to look at him in concern but not yet moving. Taking a few slow breaths, he shakes his head and takes the coward's way out. "N-no thank you. I don't want to disturb Shira."


He stares down at his lap choosing to focus on his plate and the snake without really seeing them. After a moment he forces himself to take a bite of the food despite it now tasting wooden and like ash in his mouth.

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  • 1 month later...

Kai can't help but to be entertained by Maeron's reactions. They were so peculiar, different, odd and maybe even a little strange. He wonders if he can somehow help the other male... The way he carries himself, the way he talks about himself... That was not worthy of him... Or so Kai thought. "You must not look down upon yourself, Maeron. I am not anyone from your village. No, I am but a strangers whose fate has intertwined with yours. I swear and promise you that for long as we accompany each other, you will not receive such behavior from me. I am not like them and as such, I will not treat you like them either. My company gladly welcomes you very warmly, Maeron." Kai says politely with a small head bow at the end.


"Allow me also to be blunt with you, but I think your scales were absolutely breathtaking in the sunlight. I bet they glimmer in the moonlight, that is, if you were to generously show them off." He said softly, catching the obvious hint that Maeron was not comfortable about talking about his scales. "Please do not look down on those either. They are forever a part of you- They make you unique and beautiful! Why would you dislike something so worthy of the eye? Those villagers of yours be damned for planting a vile seed of doubt in your mind. I would certainly hope those villagers are grateful for the journey you have embarked on, to save them no less."


And then Kai could see the way Maeron reacted to his question of sitting next to him. The elfing couldn't help but to frown. Okay. Fine. So be it. The elfing arose from his spot slowly and mostly without even hesitating, he was standing in front of Maeron with his plate. "Shira is too precious to move, then I shall make the effort to sit next to you instead... If that is okay." And Kai waited to get approval from Maeron to sit down. The more he talked with this male, the more he felt inclined to help him. He wanted to heal him, the wounds that were on the inside... The ones Maeron got from the village that he called home. Kai was an awfully sweet elfling, it was just in his nature to be so... Nice.

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