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៙BL 'A L O N E'' ~Writer Contest~៙


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After being rich on contests for graphic, artists,

video making, we decided that it's time to make

a contest for people who love to write.


This month we will have a new theme set and

it's - "ALONE".


You have to present your masterpiece, which

describes love between two males. It's up to

you how you will interpret "ALONE". So show

us your imagination!

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Minimum 400 words, maximum 600 words.

Only stories are accepted, no poems.

The story must be rated as for 16+

No racism, no religious topics, no animal/child abuse.

Love must be between two males.

Title of the story is up to you.

Post the finished work on this thread.

Read the rules once again.

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2.000 points for all that applied

5,000 points for the winner + a Manga cover card from the iShop.

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Start of APRIL 2016

End of MAY 01 2016.

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Revisiting Aadil and Elias from my Stained Christmas writer contest story. 600 words. I HONESTLY WISH THE LIMIT WAS LONGER SO I COULD INJECT COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF DRAMA BUT I MISSED THE LAST LONG ONE so




Don't Stay Alone


“Hey, Aadil,” he said, and god, did this have to happen? In the middle of sex? But half of him was worried, so he stopped, and Aadil hiccupped and tried to wipe his eyes. “Why are you crying?”


“It’s nothing,” Aadil muttered.


Elias felt a burst of a temper flare through him. “It’s not nothing,” he snapped, and he grabbed Aadil’s wrists and pulled them from his face to stare at him. Aadil wasn’t looking him in the eye. “Tell me,” he ordered, gripping harder. “Or I’m gone.”


It wasn’t even a real threat—Elias always left the morning after; he didn’t stay, so there was no real meaning to him leaving even earlier because he’d always leave eventually. But Aadil looked at him, petrified, as though this was the worst thing Elias could’ve told him, and he said, hurried and rushed and out in a sob, “I’ve been trying.”




“To…” Aadil struggled. He usually was so well put together what with a job in the morning and classes at night. An adult who had everything handled, always just patient and indulging and ready to spoil Elias when he felt like shit. But now he seemed fucked up, and Elias had no idea what was wrong.


Aadil looked up at him.


“What,” Elias said shortly, impatiently. With the threat looming above them, it should’ve gotten Aadil talking, but it just got even worse. “Spit it out.”


“It’s hard,” Aadil murmured, and suddenly he was himself again, even with the tear-tracks on his face, just quiet and reflective, but clingy. Elias let him move his hands, and Aadil put his arms around his neck, pulled him tighter and hugged him, lips against Elias’s neck, Elias’s jawline, the side of Elias’s mouth. “Elias, I love you, but it’s so hard.”


Elias stiffened. Love. “What,” he managed out, feeling like he had hives, “so you want me to stop coming over?”


“No,” Aadil murmured. “No, never mind.”


Elias’s temper flared and he shoved Aadil away. “What the fuck do you want from me? I don’t play games.”


Maybe it was because Aadil sensed his thinning temper. He always worked with Elias’s moods like it was second nature.


He said, “I just want to wake up with you,” and his voice was shaking.




“I want to wake up and see you in the morning. I want to wake up and kiss you. I want to spend my entire life with you.”


Elias laughed, startled. “God,” he said, “you must be fucking lonely.”


He didn’t expect Aadil to laugh too, or cry again. “I am. I’m so lonely, Elias. You’re the only reason I come home every night. I love you so much.”


It was too much fucking drama and too much raw feeling in too short of a time span for Elias to even know how to comfortably deal with it. He sat back, looking at Aadil who just didn’t seem to know what he was doing either. Who just wanted Elias, and only asked that Elias stay the night.


With stunning clarity, he realized that everything reminded him too much of his mother. She’d never known how to function without him. She asked for too much.


“I don’t do morning afters,” he said, at last.


Aadil flinched like he’d been hit. “I know,” he responded, woodenly. He didn’t move when Elias went to grab his clothes. He didn’t leave the bedroom when Elias yanked on his jacket and stomped his boots.


He left Aadil alone in that apartment.


Fuck him.


He had to ruin it. Aadil had to ruin everything.



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Choice of A Weak Heart


Shinichi stood beside near the bus stop waiting for a guy. His heart was beating like crazy.


It wasn’t that long that Kuda arrived. He was walking on the sidewalk with his two friends.


He stopped from breathing when Kuda look at him. Their eyes meet and just like before he felt like the world had stopped from spinning. Kuda even smiled at him before he looked away laughing with his friends.


Shinichi was happy even with that just simple glance.


The three climbed to the bus. And in that moment, Shinichi covered his head with his hoody running toward the bus.


When he was on the door, Kuda was already seated to his usual spot. Shinichi carefully took his step because he’s afraid he might fall because of fear. The fear of being discovered that he’s somewhat like a stalker for Kuda.


Shinichi got more nervous as Kuda turned his head at him as he walks. He planned to sit on the farthest seat but this might be the last chance that he could observed Kuda from a far. With all his courage he occupied the seat behind Kuda.


As he bowed his head, he didn’t notice Kuda’s smile got wider.


He only looked up when something fell to his feet. It was Kuda’s phone.


“Can you pick it up for me, please?” said Kuda with his sweetest voice. Shinichi ears turned red after hearing Kuda speaking to him. He couldn’t help it. It was the first time.


“Ah, sure,” he managed to say to him. He carefully picked Kuda’s phone and handed it to him.


“Thank you.” Kuda smiled brushing hand to Shinichi’s. Shinichi didn’t want to think there’s something behind about it but he couldn’t ignore the sensation.


As Shinichi went home, he kept on staring on his hand where Kuda touched him, grinning like an idiot.


The next day Shinichi was into it again. He waited again for Kuda. But there’s no Kuda.


He still waited for almost two hours and gave up at the end. He felt like Kuda would never be riding the bus there anymore. The only reason he thought of was maybe he was discovered that he like him when their hands touched.


With his heart swelling Shinichi ran away from the bus stop. He only stopped when he reached the fountain wiping the single tear on his cheek. He looked to the water for a minute.


“Why didn’t you wait for me longer? I have to buy gifts for you.”


Shinichi turned when he heard Kuda speaking those words. It was really Kuda standing in front of him holding a chocolate bar on his right hand and a single balloon on the other.


“What did you say?” he asked though he heard him clearly.


“I’m sorry I didn’t know what to give you.” Kuda smiled widely showing his teeth.


“I can’t understand you.”


Kuda took a deep breath. “You know Shinichi. I’ve been waiting for you to tell me what you really felt. I’ve been looking at you since summer. I ride the bus here even though I don’t have to just to see you. But you’re taking so long. So, I’ll be the first one to confess since I know you’ll be moving. I might sound selfish but I have to this.”


“What are you trying to tell me?”


“You’re really dumb but that’s what I like about you. I am going to say I like you. I’m repeating it Shinichi. I really like you.”


After hearing him says those words Shinichi walked away not planning to go back.

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  • 3 weeks later...


s p e c t r e.


(footsteps, small and gentle. a child’s voice, calling, calling—his feet, running lightly across wet concrete. a distant, worried shout; an extended silence, broken only by rain. water splashes gently over the earth.


then there’s a quiet snap. for a moment, the scene is still. then he, tickled by rain-battered grass, turns around and laughs. in his hand rests a beautiful white lily.


“mother, look—a flower!”)


He pushes the curtains back, raises the windows, and breathes.


The air is fresh, pure, and innocent. Inhaling, he closes his eyes; there’s the scent of chrysanthemums, sharp and clear, drifting easily in the air—the scent of roses, sweet and tender, ever-present and everlasting—the scent of lilies, clean and warm in every way. Everything is perfect—too perfect. (The world doesn’t feel real.)


He escapes out of the window and steps into the garden. It’s every bit as pristine as it usually is. Eventually, he finds himself standing by a rainbow of color, brilliant with its spectrum of red, shifting to yellow, shifting to green, shifting to blue and beyond. The wind blows. The grass ripples.


Walking further into the flowers, he sees someone kneeling in a clover patch. His brown hair is light and faded, and he’s so pale that he seems otherworldly. There’s a small mole on the nape of his neck. It’s the only thing that looks solid.


The boy turns. He’s smiling that usual heartbreaking smile, face drawn with innocence and naivety. Right then, he looks almost ethereal, knees folded neatly underneath his form and his eyes shining a pale, phantom green. A sea of Irish bells, he thinks. Not a sea of roses.


(His heart hurts a little.)


“Hey.” The boy in the meadow smiles. “How are you doing?”




Another soft smile. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” His expression is serene as he sits down, cross-legged, framed symmetrically by clovers and daisies. He doesn’t seem real.


“It has.”


The wind whistles gently, stealing through the trees. “So, how have you been?”






“What do you want me to say?”


The boy fiddles with his clovers. “I want you to be honest with yourself.”


“...I can’t.”


There’s a small pause. “You know, it had to happen.”


“It didn’t.” He doesn’t even notice when he stands up, but he does. “It didn’t have to happen.”


The other boy rises with him, approaching. “But it did,” he whispers. A hand, ghostly white in color, threads a lily through his hair. “It did, and I’m sorry, but it’s done.” He closes his eyes. “You have to learn to forgive and forget.”


His shoulders are trembling. “How?” He wants to know so badly. (But he also doesn’t, because he doesn’t want to forget. He never wants to forget.)


“My name. Remember?” He meets his eyes. “Please, be at peace with yourself.”


Something drips down from his face. “I…”


“Asher.” The boy looks down, and he’s shaking slightly. “Let me go.”


There’s a long silence. Then finally, he speaks. “...I will.”


The boy smiles. “A hug, before we part?” His eyes are shimmering.




Asher already knows what’s going to happen before it does, but he watches anyway. So when Haydn passes right through his arms, he whispers three words. The boy gives a last bittersweet smile before fading away into oblivion, a soft “thank you” resting upon his lips.


That night, the garden catches aflame. The flowers burn down into ashes, and the world becomes gray.


But decades later, a boy races into the wasteland and gasps. There, blooming alone, is a small white lily. Opening his mouth, he calls.


“Mother, look—a flower!”



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Word Count: 536





I thought that if I ever be blessed enough to love and be loved then I would ask for nothing else. But how such philosophy can change in such a short span of time I have spent with you, I will never know, not when my heart is broken to even think of another day I have to spend breathing, alone.



You only have a few months.


Those were the words that have shaken us up. Our gazes met, wild and unbelieving. Who would have thought we’re going to be in such situation? I am lost for words and for once you have been lost of anything to offer. I don’t blame you, I blame myself for causing you pain. I am not worthy of your tears, of your agony.




Please, find another love.


Those were the words that I often used to tell you, over and over. I have never wanted anything than to stay beside you, grow old together, laugh silly, smile endlessly and make love until we forget who we are. Time is not on our side. Our moments are numbered. Our kisses counted. We were rallying against everything yet we stand strong, undefeated, or so I thought.



Let me go. Leave me. Forget me.


Those were the words that clogged my throat. The words that I refused to say but were uttered by my betraying lips. My strength is crumbling. I have never wanted to see you distress but I would rather hurt you myself than make you suffer for a love that will only bring you pain. Of the love that you will lose soon. What’s the use to stay beside me, counting the days until I withered away? What’s the use to stay beside a person who will leave you behind, make you cry even when he’s not even there? A person who will continuously haunt you yet will never be caught? What’s the use to love me when you can love someone else? Someone whole? Someone more deserving? Someone who’s— not dying?



I love you, I love you, I love you.



You are a very selfish man. A very insufferable person.


This was never supposed to be. Why? Why are you the one lying on the dirt? Why am I the one burying you? Why are you there, not breathing when it was me who has his time numbered? Why are the tears refusing to fall? Why am I still alive? What’s the use of this life in exchange of yours? I have never wanted this. If I have to rip my heart, your heart, I will do it just to let you live. Maybe—


Yes, that’s it. The desire to do everything in your power to make the person you love live. But what’s the use if it is at the expense of your own?


Is this happening at all?



You are my everything. You own my heart. I love until my last breath.


Yet I am never alone. Not when I have your heart with me. I can never say goodbye to you, who’s living inside of me. We are to spend the rest of our lives together, unbreakable and inseparable.



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Here's mine~

Word count: 600




Last December Night


It was a cold December night. People everywhere were hurrying in their winter clothes, excited to return to their homes and spend the Christmas Eve with their families. All except the lone figure standing beside a lamp post. He wasn’t very tall, only reaching about five feet eight, but handsome. His left hand is inside his coat’s pocket while his right is clutching a phone. On the ground beside him is a dark blue suitcase and after every few seconds, he’d glance at his phone before proceeding to look around him.


One would expect that after standing there for more than an hour, the young man would be frustrated. That person would be disappointed to find a small smile on his face instead. It was a smile of someone in love. Of someone waiting for someone he loves. It was a smile that I had seen countless of times.


I met him back when I was a young boy who didn’t know any better. He would be sitting there in the park bench while the rest of us played. Given his small stature and this perceived deviant attitude, us boys had teased him a lot. We called him names and hoped he’d cry but he stayed silent, not making any ruse. One day I decided to follow him and saw him enter a small, dilapidated house. I found out that his mother was a whore and his father a drunkard. How very cliché of him, I thought. And yet, despite all this, his green eyes held spirit. Then before I knew it, I was captivated. I never strayed from his side since that day. He ignored me at first but I was persistent. We were then inseparable. I confessed my love for him when we were in college. He laughed and said he loved me too. I have never been happier. But we were young and therefore too stupid to realize we weren’t “normal.” We held hands, kissed and stared at each other a lot. In a small town like ours, rumors spread like wildfire. Soon, my father, the mayor of our town, forbade me to see him and paired me up with a kind, beautiful girl named Rose. He was devastated but I told him I love him and only him. There was anxiety in his green eyes for the first time but he nodded and agreed on my decision to keep ‘us’ a secret. However, fate was against us. Before long, my father has made an agreement which ended in me being engaged with Rose. That’s when he said we should run away. I agreed.


I stepped out of the coffee shop and started walking in his direction. His wandering green eyes soon landed on me and the smile on his face grew.


“Nick!” he shouted happily before noticing I didn’t have a bag with me. “You… packed light?”


It was a moment I’d remember forever: the strength in his eyes fading into nothing. And I was responsible. Tears began to form in my eyes. “I can’t go Alec,” I said. “Rose is pregnant.”


“H-how…? D-did you…?” He bit his lip before, “You’d leave me alone? B-but you said–!”


“I know what I said!” What am I doing? “But I can’t leave Rose alone too!” Stop. “I thought you’d understand.” Goddamn it.


He became silent. His eyes shone with tears but are otherwise dead. “Oh, Nick.”


I hadn’t seen it coming. Before I knew it, people were screaming, car horns are blaring, and Alec is on the ground, bleeding. I was on the curb, my heart… dying.




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|| END OF ៙BL A L O N E~Writer Contest~៙ ||

[YaoiOtaku Writer Contest]





Thank you all for taking part in our seventh Writer Contest!

The choice has been really hard since all of you are skilled and talented. So, this month everyone wins!

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The winners get as follows:

- 5,000 points

- 1 Manga Cover card (please state which card you'd prefer)


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Yeyyy! This is so awesome :D. And wow, we get a manga cover card of our choice too? Can I have the Ouji no Hakoniwa card please? Thank you!!! :Excited:

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ouji no hakoniwa as well ^^ also, thank you so much for holding the contest! reading everyone's entries was really fun, and everyone's super talented c:

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Where can I choose card sire

Please Register/ Sign In, in order to see the links.
? Thank you letting us all win.

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