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Inked Skin ~robertita and Bloodbunny~ {18+}


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Alexander laughed softly feeling Bray ruffle his hair as he petted his hair.

"Maybe if you drop hints? " Alexander suggested to Bryan, he watched as the other headed to the kitchen.

"I don't eat meat but I do have eggs, butter and toast, I have meat replacements though."

Alexander turned on his stereo putting a mixture of techno and rock on.

"Frying pan is under the sink." Alexander said over the music

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"I thought it's real meat" Bryan said sadly. He was a meat eater. He found the pan and started to cook their breakfast in silence. He heard the music coming from the other room and smiled. "It's nice to have a friend after so long" he thought taking two plates from the counter. He tidy the table and went into the living room "Breakfast is ready. Please bring our cups of tea too".

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"it tastes like real meat." Alexander felt like he had done something wrong Bryan was like a pouting puppy.

"I'll make sure to pick some up later for the next time you come over." He stated.


Soon Bryan came out into the living room and told Alexander that breakfast was ready and to bring the cups which he quickly complied and sat down with Bryan.

"It smells realy nice."

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“Thank you. I tried my best. I’m used to cook only for me so I hope you will like it. I prefer a home made breakfast than to eat on restaurant” he explained starting to eat. “If you have a pen and a paper I can start to draw your tattoo. Then I will colour it and show you exactly how it will look on your skin. I wanted to take you to my parlor but since we are here…the music…perfect for me to draw”.

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Alexander took a bit of his food and hummed.

" It's good, don't worry I can barely cook at all." Alexander laughed softly.

" There's a few places I like since they made everything themselves from scratch." Alexander stood up upon hearing the request.

"Alright I'll be right back." With that he left the room and soon came back with a sketch pad and pen and handed them to the other.

"Hope these will be OK." Alexander said before finishing his food.

"I'll need to take off my shirt won't I ?"

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"I like to cook. Or I should say I like to eat" Bryan explained eating his breakfast and sipping from his tea. "I will wait you here" he said as he other left the room. He looked around to see where was the best place for him to draw. He smiled as the other was back and nodded "They are perfect. Mines are on the parlor or at home. I forgot to take some. Yes, you have to take it off and to stay on sofa and I will draw".

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Alexander smiled softly.

"The sofa? I'm guessing so it'll be easier for me to stay still?" Alexander replied as he began to take his shirt off.

"When ever you ready." Alexander smiled.

"This is going to sound so chessy but I'm really happy that your going to do this for me."

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"You may even take a nap if you want" Bryan said looking on other' s body. "Do you have only 2 tattoos? The one from neck and the one from back?" he asked being curious. "I have only one on my arm. Mark did it for me" he explained taking the paper and the pen and trying to find a perfect place to draw. He took a pillow from the sofa and throw it on the ground. He sat on it and smiled "I'm ready. It' s my pleasure to finish it".

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Alexander nodded.

"I only have the two...so far." Alexander said with a chuckle.

"Yeah I'll probably have a nap, haven't sleep well in the last couple days." Alexander said with a yawned simply at the thought of sleep.

"Wake me up if you need anything OK?" Alexander looked up at Bryan looking for a sign of approval.

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“Oh so you plan to be one of my costumers?” Bryan asked wanting Alexander to be more than just a simple client. He boy was his type for sure. “Maybe you are working too much and not sleeping enough” he added gazed on other’s half naked body. “I will. But I think I have all I need to draw the tattoo. “ he answered starting to draw the angel in silence. He already had few ideas about how it would look when it was ready.

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Alexander laid their fast asleep, his tattoo on his back was one beautiful and detailed wing that faded into the middle of his back, the wing was so detailed it was as if you could reach forward and feel the feathers. Alexander was woken up by his phone going off which nearly made him jump out of his skin.

"H-hello?" Alexander said as he picked up his cell phone, His eyes grew for a second then narrowed the person on the other side of the phone said that they were mark and that he was ok, without saying a word Alexander hung up thinking it was a prankster.

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Bryan dropped the pen as the phone rang. He decided to go at the loo as the other answered. He couldn' t believe he was hard just by simple drawing a tattoo. But he knew the cause of his erection was the cutie from the other room. He came back after few minutes and looked on Alexander. "Do you want to see how is going?" He asked handing the paper to the other. "I only draw what' s on your skin now. I will add later my ideas".

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Alexander dismissed Byran as he went to the bathroom not suspecting a thing at all. Although when Bryan took longer than most people do using the bathroom. Upon seeing Bryan come back his calm expression had changed to one of concern.

"Are you alright you took pretty long in there."upon being ask if he wanted to see he nodded as the paper was handled to him.

"You draw really well." Alexander stayed ad he handed the paper back to Bryan.

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"I'm ok" Bryan said hopping other won' t realised what he did in the bathroom. "I still have a wing to draw so please stay quiet on sofa. You may sleep again" he suggesting taking his seat back on the floor. He grabbed the pen from where he dropped it and continued to draw in silence. After a while he finished drawing the tattoo as it was on other' s back and started to draw his own ideas. It was already afternoon when he finished and he felt hungry. "Alexander?" he called the other.

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Alexander puffed up his cheeks and laid back down on the sofa. Alexander tried to stay awake for as long as he could but soon fell asleep once more. Eventually Alexander was woken up by Bryan.

"Mnnn?" Alexander yawned as he rubbed his eyes looking at the other.


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"I finished" he said showing the paper again to the other. "It' s 4 pm already...if I remember well you have to go to work on 5. I will prepare something to eat while you are getting ready. I will take you with my car at work" Bryan said smiling. "I hope you like pastas. I saw some on your counter. And I will use the vegetables for sauce" he explained standing up and heading to the kitchen. Bryan felt happy with no reason. Or maybe he felt this tattoo will change his life.

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Alexander felt a little guilty that Bryan was doing all these things for him but didn't want to be rude.

"Sounds good." Alexander smiled , as the other left he grabbed some ropes and began doing all types of knots around his body the rope gracefully adding onto his body, Alexander made sure to get a medium sleeved shirt so he could cover himself up before work

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Bryan dropped the pastas into the hot water and let them boiled for few minutes. Meanwhile he chopped the vegetables and prepared the sauce. Once the food was ready he prepared the two plates and headed to living room. “Lunch is served Alexander. I hope you enjoy it” he said starting to eat. “Do you want to meet me tomorrow again? I will use colours on the draw tonight…maybe you want to see” he asked hoping to see other again.

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Alexander thanked Bryan before begining to eat,

"It's good." Alexander stopped as Bryan asked him a question.

"You don't have to make excuses to hang out your welcome any time...I can see the eagerness in your eyes theirs no hiding it." Alexander let out a soft laugh.

"Your welcome to come over as long as you ring me before hand."

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Bryan was surprised the other could guess his intentions. "I simply like your tattoo and I wish to finish it...We are friends after all" he managed to answer after a while. He finished to eat in silence and looked on Alexander. "I will go to wash the dishes" he stood up taking the plates and ran to the kitchen. "What' s wrong with me?"

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Alexander was shocked as the other ran out of the room before he could protest.

Alexander walked over to the entrance of the kitchen why are you acting so suspicious?" Alexander walked towards Byran, you can tell me.

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"I'm not acting suspicious. Maybe I'm just a little tired" he answered but seeing the other was gazing at him he simply confessed "I think I like you Alexander. I mean my body likes you". He remained silent after it waiting for other to say something.

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Alexander stood there processing what Bryan had said and what it meant, upon realizing his cheeks slowly turned a deep red.

"We just met though..." Alexander paused.

"I mean your hot yourself and I thought that the moment you walked into my shop...but I never thought you'd think the same...maybe as we hang out that will grow from more then a physical attraction?" Alexander said with a smile.

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“I know we just meet but I feel I know you for long” Bryan explained and smiled on other’s words “So you aren’t mad on me? I can come here anytime I want…plus you have to come on my parlor for the tattoo…we will have to hang out for a month or more. I hope you don’t mind” he was happy because other found him hot. He was sure the cutie would be his after a while.

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Alexander smiled letting out a soft laugh.

"Yeah it really does seem that way." Alexander slid on his shirt over the ropes on his body.

"We'll have to plan that so it doesn't intrupt any of your booked customers."



shall we skip to a bit further into the week where they have started the work on Alexander?


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