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Inked Skin ~robertita and Bloodbunny~ {18+}


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"Do you really plan to go like that at work?" Bryan asked being curious. "Since you have more free time on weekend I suggest to do it then. Starting next weekend at 10 am...what do you think? I will work 2 or 3 hours on day. Your angel has lots of details" he explained smiling. "If you are ready it' s time for us to go". He petted other' s head and went to living room to take the draw.

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Alexander nodded"why not they can't see the ropes."Alexander stated.

"Yeah it would be best to have the work done over the week end." Alexander grabbed his bag.

"Alright let's go, I can't be late." Alexander said with a soft laugh as they went outside to the others car.


Timeskip( to the week end.)


Alexander was working on some a little different for his blog everyone on the blog had been requesting it so he was playing with toys, no rope just toys and a camera on the foot of the bed filming from his head down.

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Bryan was drawing again waiting for the hours to pass so he could go to Alexander's house. He decided it was better to work on other' s house than to his parlor. Alexander's flat were situated in a sunny area for most of the day. He needed lots of light to work expecially to a delicate tattoo like Alexander had. Finally it was 9:40 am so he left his flat having everything he needed into his car. He pressed the ringing bell waiting for other to answer the door. But since nobody was coming the tried the door. "It' s opened" he said entering inside and looking around "Alexander?"

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Alexander heard Bryan enter the apartment and quickly hid the "toys" under his pillow and ran around the room looking for his boxers.

"One moment!" He yelled from his room as found his boxers slipping them on and stopped the camera just in time as Bryan opened the door to his bed room.

"Hi...Bryan." It was clear how embarrassed Alexander was and the fact his erection was still standing up tall and he was only in his boxers didn't help.

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"I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?" Bryan apologised trying to look on other' s face and not on his erection. "I will be in the kitchen preparing breakfast until you are ready" he smiled getting out of the bedroom. "He' s sexy for sure. And he was pretty hard. Lol, should I helped him with it?" He thought as he started to prepared the eggs and some ham for him. The other didn' t forget to buy it for him.

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Alexander stammered embarrassed of the situation.

"N-no you didn't." Alexander spoke softly as the other looked away and he began to move around the room grabbing a towel and set of clothing.

"Ok I'll be in the shower." Alexander nearly tripped over his words as he spoke fastly. After the other left the room he headed to the shower and threw his boxers aside steeping into the shower turning on the cold water trying to calm himself and is body down.

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Bryan finished to prepare the breakfast and put the food into two plates. He could hear the water running - sign the other was still in the shower. He went to living room to prepare the things for the tattoo but he didn' t find his box. He approached Bryan' s bedroom again and looked inside. He found the box and wanted to get back to living room but something dragged his attention. He felt bad for doing it but looked under the pillow. "What the hell he was doing?" he thought running from the bedroom like he saw the devil.

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Alexander was still in the shower as the other went into his room and looked under the pillow, under the pillow was a bottle of lube, anal beads,a dildo and nipple clamps.


Eventually Alexander came out of the shower dressed himself in a pair of loose shorts and a crop top with a tank top make out of fishnets underneath it. Alexander walked into the living room still drying his hair when he noticed the other acting strange.

"You looked didn't you?" Alexander asked not knowing any other possible causes of action for the others behavior, a hint of embarrassment in his voice.

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Bryan was drawing on a paper when other entered into the living room. He didn't know what to say at first but he remembered about the breakfast. "Have a seat Alexander. I will bring the food". He ran to the kitchen and came back with the plates. He gave one plate to the boy without touching him. When he heard other's question he sighed. "I'm sorry. I saw something was under pillow and since you were aroused...I bothered you in the wrong moment" he excused himself.

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Alexander raised an eyebrow at the others discomfort which was showing.

"Your acting so jumpy, don't worry I'm not mad at you or anything, if I'm anything it's embarrassed." Alexander said before taking a bite of his food.

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"I'm happy you aren't mad on me and I simply hm...how to say it...last weekend in your bath...I did the same" Bryan laughed and leaned forward "If you need the REAL thing just say it babe" he then started to eat wondering what Alexander would reply. He was naughty boy when he wanted.

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Alexander's cheeks turned a deep red as he stuttered trying to get the words out.

"We'll start of a bit slower then that." Alexander finally managed to say.

"Perhaps something like a handjob or blowjob first?" Alexander gave Bryan a cheeky smirk.

" I must say, I really do like my toys though..."Alexander wrapped an arm around Bryans neck.

"The feeling of being stretched is simply amazing." He said with a smirk as he pulled away from Bryans ear.

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“Hm, be sure babe when I will make you mine you will forget about your toys” Bryan answered looking to other’s pants “From what I see your muscle isn’t stiff anymore but next time I will take care of it properly “ he laughed enjoying other was a naughty boy. “And you are wrong…we should start by this” he leaned forward kissing Alexander’s lips slowly. He simple wanted to tease the cutie.

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Alexander blushed deeply at the others comment about the toys, soon Bryans lips were pressed agansit his, without hesitation Alexander kissed back biting the others lip playfully as he pulled away.

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Bryan couldn’t believe other bit his lip “So you are naughty boy…good to know” he thought smiling to the boy “Would you blush everytime I will kiss you Alexander?” he teased the cutie. He continued to eat in silence wondering how long it would pass before other will be under him.

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Alexander laughed softly.

"If your as smooth as you are right now all the time? Maybe." Alexander took at bite of his food.

"Should I switch to a lower waisted pair of pants since my tattoo ends around the bottom of the torso or are these shirts fine?" Alexander stopped his tea before smiling.

"I could just take them off but I don't think we'd have the privacy."

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"You love to tease me, don't you?" Bryan replied standing up and petting other's hair. "Take your pants off, I suppose you have underwear on you? Or you wear nothing under your pants just to tease my eyes?" he teased other again taking the plates and going to kitchen to wash them.

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Alexander let out a soft laugh.

" Don't worry I'm not that cruel, I'll definitely wear something underneath them." Alexander followed along.

" You don't have to always act so kind, I can do dishes myself." Alexander stated feeling guilty that Bryan was always doing the dishes.

"Do you want some coffee in a travel mug?" Alexander asked knowing that the other hadn't had any and that they were probably going to be leaving for the parlor soon.

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Bryan laughed "I'm not kind, this is me. You let me be in your house so at least I have to do the dishes. I know I cooked too but I can't let you to eat only restaurant food". He leaned forward whispering "You can be even naked if you want...I took my box with everything I need to work in your house. The light is very good here. So go and get ready...turn on the music. I will make a coffee myself."

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Alexander blushed softly.

"Oh...well at least from now on at least let me do my dishes." Alexander placed the coffee on the counter and a cup.

"Alrightly I'll leave you to it." Alexander said before walking into the living room turning on the music as the other had asked him to do so.

" Do you want me to sit up in a chair backwadds, or lay on the couch? Or are you adding details to the drawing?"

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"And for the lunch we will order pizza" Bryan said smiling. He was happy he won in front of his stubborn friend. He prepared the coffee and poured it in the cup Alexander put it for him. He went back into the living room and let the cup on the table. "Ok, I'm ready to start" he said taking out of the box the autoclave, his mask and his gloves, the needles, the ink and tattoo machine. "On the floor Alexander. Take the pillows from the sofa and lay down on them. I can work better that way".

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"I'll learn to cook.... through time and then we'll be able to have a schedule."Alexander took the pillows from the couch and laid down on the floor after taking of his clothing except his boxers.

"Don't get to distracted." Alexander said with a soft laugh as he made himself comfortable.

"I might even introduce you to the ropes after time, you'd probably look pretty hot steering in them."

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“I can teach you how to cook Alexander” Bryan said giggling. “Hm, I’m serious when I’m working cutie. I won’t get distracted by you. All I need is music and my tools to create magic tattoos. I really love my job” he explained smiling. “I don’t mind you to tie me as long as you ride me babe. I suppose we are lovers now?” he teased the other as he put his mask and then his gloves.

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Alexander smiled softly.

"I'll set up a date, we'll start off boyfriends not straight to lovers." Alexander relaxed closing his eyes.

"One day I'll ride you, but first I get to tie you up." Alexander giggled.

"Or you get to tie me up."

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Bryan laughed "I like both...one day I will tie you...other day you tie me...plus you can use your toys too. I saw some interesting there...we would have a spicy sexual life". He leaned forward and kissed Bryan neck "I will love to go to a date with you my cutie.. after you will be mine" he teased the other. "Enough teasing Alexander. I will start to work so be quiet" he asked preparing the skin for the tattoo.

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