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Inked Skin ~robertita and Bloodbunny~ {18+}


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Alexander nearly drooled at the thought.

"I'd like that." He wonder what toy had interested Bryan but he would soon find out. Alexander -twitches as Bryans lips made contact with a sensitive spot in his neck.

"Ok...I'll be quiet." Alexander pouted softly

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Bryan started to work to the left wing of the angel. He worked slowly being sure he respected the draw he made it. He was expecting Alexander to cry because of pain but other was quiet as he asked him to. He finished a feather and made a pause for one minute to check it. Then started another feather and soon he forgot about time or where he was. "Done for today" he said at one point taking a bandage from his box and putting it on the area he worked. "You can' t have a shower today and be sure you will sleep on your belly. Tomorrow I will work to the other wing" he explained smiling.

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Alexander was gripping a large strip of cloth between his fingers as he laid on the pillows allowing the other to work in silence. It was almost a complete relief when he machine was taken away from his skin. After being cleaned and bandaged Alexander sat up.

"When is the next time you'll be coming in?" Alexander asked as he watched the other pack up.

"Also howd you feel about going to a cafe or a zoo?"

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"Tomorrow you mean? Or now? I will love to go out with you" Bryan answered as he finished to put everything back into the box and was taking his gloves off. "We will continue next weekend I think. I want to do the other wing tomorrow but no need to rush. I will go to wash my hands...I will like to have a pizza for lunch. Do you like it?" he asked as he headed to the bathroom.

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Alexander pondered for a moment before returning his attention to Bryan.

"Well it is still early in the day, do you want to go now or tomorrow?" Alexander stretched .

"Only if I get to help make the pizza." Alexander laughed softly.

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"I would like to go today. It's sunny outside and a walk will be good for my bones. Stop stretching or your bandage may drop. Not to mention no rope around of your body for a while" Bryan said before he gave a lightly kiss to Alexander. "Go and take some clothes on you. I suppose you don't want to cook just in your underwear. I will go and prepare the dough meanwhile".

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Alexander pouted after the kiss since the other had mentioned no bondage untill they were done and it was healed.

"Fine, no ropes but you owe me when the tattoo is done and my skin is healed." Alexander paused.

"I could probably do suspension bondage since it's usually around the wrists and legs....but of course l'll nee someone to help me." Alexander hinted playfully at Bryan.

"I could cook in my underwear but it would be dangerous I could burn myself." Alexander laughed slipping on his pants.

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"Hm, you are naughty boy Alexander. If you really want to play...I can help you tonight." Bryan suggested as he headed to the kitchen and took out the milk, eggs and the flour. He prepared the dough and waited for other to come and cut the vegetables, the cheese and the ham "I' m glad you have real meat and fake one for you too. Where are the olives?"

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"Perhaps, but I'll going to have as much fun as you." Alexander said playfully as he slipped on a a childish apron with a cat on it where the ties looked like a tail.

"I still don't eat meat, but don't worry I get enough protein and iron through my diet." Alexander explained as the other realized he had meat in the fridge.

"I have green peppers but not olives, we can do part of the pizza meat and the other no meat."

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"From what I see you have only cute things Alexander" he gazed on other's apron. "But the ropes and bows from the kitchen should be removed" he added being almost to fall on the floor thanks to them. "I agree. I will do my part with lots of ham and cheese and green papers. What about yours? What would you like on it?"

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Alexander hugged softly.

"They were in their boxes in the kitchen, you must have went through the wrong boxes looking for ingredients." Alexander gestured to the knocked over ribbons and ropes that had spilled out of the boxes with a soft laugh.

"I'm I'll do my side with cheese and green peppers."

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"It's not my fault Alexander. Your kitchen is a mess." Bryan teased the other as he prepared the tray with the pizza. "Please chop the peppers while I'm putting the ham and cheese on my part. I'm sad you don't have tomatoes and olives. I saw the ketchup in the fridge" he said working like a real cook. "Can you turn on the oven please?" he asked after a while.

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Alexander huffed softly.

"But I put them away so you wouldn't trip on them." He huffed.

"You know we them over." He sulked cutely, after being asked to chop the peppers he obliged although he cut himself countless times and but the time the other had asked him to turn on the oven he was running his hands under cold water.

"I got pepper juice in my cuts." Alexander groaned.

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"You are a disaster in the kitchen Alexander. Why you insisted to help me? I will turn on the oven and finish to prepare the pizza. You should go and take care of your wounds" Bryan said finding cute the fact other was so clumsy. He finished to cut the peppers and throw everything above the dough. He took the tray with the pizza into the oven and smiled. He missed to cook for someone else.

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Alexander huffed.

"I'm usually not this clumsy." Alexander stated as he washes his hands with soap in the kitchen sink.

"I usually use a special knife to cut vegetables but it's in the wash." Alexander explained as he turned off the stove.

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"Hm, maybe you are clumsy just around me Alexander?" Bryan teased the cutie smiling. "Ï will let you to cook for me next time I'm coming" he added. Once the pizza was in the oven he approached Alexander and looked on his hands. "You seem to be ok my silly lover. Do you have movies? We should watch one while eating pizza".

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"maybe~" Alexander said playfully as he grabbed two sodas from the fridge.

"Or at least try to." Alexander laughed softly at the thought of himself trying to cook.

"Yeah I got a couple movies what type do you like?"

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Bryan looked on the sodas and smiled "Your fridge is full of things but you don't cook much. Let's go into living room and look on the movies until our pizza is ready. I like comedies but maybe you have better movies to watch" he leaned forward and asked slowly "Like porn?" He was teasing the other. He was curious if Alexander would blush again.

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Alexander laughed softly.

"Most of the time I just eat things raw since I don't eat meat." Alexander handed Bryan a soda.

"Sure I have comedy." Alexander raised an eyebrow as the other leaned in closer but soon his cheeks were growing a deep shade of red.

"Porn....yeah I have porn." Alexander laughed softly.

"I even made one, if you haven't guessed why there was a camera hovering over my bed." Alexander grinned.

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Bryan took the soda and laughed "So you really have naughty things in your house. I'm sure I will discover everything soon". He opened the soda and sipped from it "What? Did you do a porn movie? I have to see it" he simply ran to other's bedroom to look for the camera. "So that's what you are doing on mornings".

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Alexander laughed at the others excitement.

"Not always but I decided to do something different for my blog then usaul." Alexander said as he walked in.

"Why not reenact it with me." Alexander said as he gently guided the other to the bed.

"I'm sure it'll be much better." Alexander smirked as he leaned in and kissed Bryan.

"Besides you owe me one, you walked in and I had to stop everything." Alexander pouted as he played with the collar of Bryans shirt.

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Bryan blinked "Do you really plan us to do it in front of a camera?" He pulled other closer and laughed "So it's my fault and you want to punish me don't you? Do you want it now or later babe? What should I do first?" Bryan asked slipping his hand into other's pants.

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Alexander gave a soft laugh.

"Don't worry the cameras not on although I can turn it on if you'd like." Alexander moaned quietly as the other slipped his hand into his pants causing him to brush agansit his slowly hardening member.

"What I'm saying is you owe me some steamy time." Alexander bit his lip grinding agansit the others hand slightly.

"I want it now." Alexander moaned once again as he continued to grind agansit the others hand.

"Do as you please with ms, you know where the toys are if you want them."

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"So until our food is ready I should have my dessert" Bryan said smiling to other. "I told you - you will be mine sooner than you thought" he smirked and used his finger to teased other's cock through the underwear. "I don't want to use toys for now. Just to make you mine" he leaned forward and caught Alexander's lips into a rough kiss.

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Alexander laughed softly.

"That true although it's happening after unexpected events." Alexander let out a chuckle that was cut short by a moan as Bryan teased his cock through his underwear.

"That isn't playing fair." He huffed as he pushed the other agansit the mattress as they kissed each other with passion and roughness. Alexander began grinding agansit Bryan pinning the wrist of the hand that was once in his hand agansit the mattress.

"I can play unfair too." Alexander smirked as he pulled away.

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