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UEFA European Champions League|Copa América Centenario 2016


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Oohh like, its only the goal keeper and one player that shoots/ kicks the ball. ahaaa . I like those the best.

Those are more fun and more thrilling :D . I have never Heard the English term for it .__.

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It's called Penalty Kicks worldwide. They even use PKs a lot especially in European football. But it doesn't happen all the time so they don't say it unless it actually comes to that.


I tend to have mixed feelings about Penalty Kicks. I both like and hate them. I get it from a point of view for trying to determine a winner. And it's nerve racking and exciting. But at the same time. It's such a sucky way to end the game. XDD So I have a love hate relationship when it comes to PKs. XD





Argentina up 2-0~! Both goals made by Higuain~!




Update 2:


Mexico is out with a terrible lost to Chile..... 7-0.


Semifinals will be Argentina vs US, and Columbia vs Chile.

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Aha yes I know what you mean now, I haven't Heard the English Word for it, we use Another Word in my language, but i know what you mean *thumbs up*

I do like it, its very thrilling, I only likes it if my team win XD I guess its a bit love and hate. Sometimes the extra time they is to littel cuz its a big field to run at. However lots of goal have been made in the last minutes and during that extra time, So it can still be done :)


woooww 7-0 o_O daam thats some high scores. I hope the game was still good. I do like sports with lots of goal, however in football u dont usally see that high number.

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: Ahh, I see. Well, It's always good when your team wins in PKs, but my love/hate for PKs goes beyond just that. Heh.


Yeah, I haven't seen a score like that since Germany beat Brazil in World cup. Sadly it wasn't a good game....it was just sad to watch. It's like Mexico game up playing after the second goal. I kept watching even though it was painful. *sighs*

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yeah I can understand that, and after so many goals it is hard to Catch up. Its a big field and lots of running :/and takes time to run back without loosing the ball. Well i just realized i am working next time sweden plays hahaha but i will be able to see the second half so its ok.

anyway tonight are two games i Think ??? not sure but it looks like that, but i will Watch France and Switzerland :)

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Mmm, true. But it's not just the running. It's the running and trying to catch up, and not lose the ball. But it's more than that. it's that feeling you get when you're in a hole. Initially there's hope because it's say, 1-0, or 2-0. But once it starts getting to three and up. That hill becomes harder to climb. It takes more energy to try and catch up. But also, mentally it's hard. You have to keep trying to motivate yourself that it's ok, and keep defending as well as attacking. But when a hole becomes that deep you start feeling like all hope is lost, you start to feeling like what's the point? It become a matter of just wanting the game to finish and just going home. I think that's what happened with Mexico. After it got to a certain point, you could see they just gave up, they didn't want to be there anymore and they just wanted the game to end.


Anyway! Yes! There are two games today! Both at the same time! Romania vs Albania, and Switzerland vs France. I'll be watching the Swiss game! Go Switzerland! Beat France! LOL!

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  KohakuShadow said:
I'll be watching the Swiss game! Go Switzerland! Beat France! LOL!

Switzerland didn't win but they played well so that's something. ;D Though..what's with their shirts? o.O Don't get me wrong, I like to see shirtless guys ripe with muscles just..they will run out of shirts this way. XD

France' third shot at the goal post broke my heart though..that would have been one hell of a goal. |:

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, Yeah, they didn't win, but a tie is acceptable. Haha. I mean France isn't exactly crap. LOL! LMAO!!!!! OMG! They were talking about that with the shirts and balls. Cause one of the balls just split. Split so bad it looked ike the soccer ball had a mouth. XDDDD So the announcer was like "Guess they're going to talk to the store owner when they go to get more balls and shirts." XDDD


Oh man, there were at least two balls that hit the cross bar that might have gone in. Both would have been beautiful goals!

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Switzerland and France , no goals hm hm, But I am glad France didint win. I do like france but they allready had lots of suport :p But Albania o_O Very nice that they won. Very nice.


You do know they also painted the grass green-er cuz it didnt look "green" enough XD Maaaan, the clothes, the football and the grass , HA!

Tomorrow it will be Wales :D I so want them to win over russia -____- I hope Wales makes goals.

Wales Wales Wales monkey064.gif

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  KohakuShadow said:
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, Yeah, they didn't win, but a tie is acceptable. Haha. I mean France isn't exactly crap. LOL! LMAO!!!!! OMG! They were talking about that with the shirts and balls. Cause one of the balls just split. Split so bad it looked ike the soccer ball had a mouth. XDDDD So the announcer was like "Guess they're going to talk to the store owner when they go to get more balls and shirts." XDDD


Oh man, there were at least two balls that hit the cross bar that might have gone in. Both would have been beautiful goals!

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It was pretty obvious that half of the time, Switzerland was aiming for the tie. They dragged the game, just passing the ball, not even attempting on the goal a few times. :/ Lol the ball, our announcer didn't know what to say about the ball, going on and on how rare that is and that it really must have been a hard chrash. XD Dude, chill, it's just the ball. XDDD
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LMAO! Yeah. It would have been interesting to see what some of the other announcers reactions to the ball splitting was. XDDD Ours were a bit surprised but then joked about it. XDDD Yeah, I mean Switzerland wasn't playing badly. They just weren't playing to win like you said. Oh well. Playing that way worked out for them. Haha.

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whhhaaaat. Are they ust honna send the England geame and not the game with Wales :'(

maaann Its only 10 minutes left, i need to find Another chanel >.



Maaann I cant Watch Waleeess. But They have made 2 goals and russia 0 so far :D :D :D

Man I happy for Wales





WAles MAde Another Goal, made by Bale, My mmaaann Bale!

I knew that "extra member" would do the trick hehe


Edit ..again

I cant belive they actually won over russia. But oh man i am so happy. Go Dragons! Go Dragons Yeeaahh!


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I wish the group phase would be over already, France/Switzerland was a gentleman agreement game. Tonight England and Slovakia was terrible to, like they knew they didn't had too when Wales was winning.


This whole set-up is pissing me off, in 2012 there were more goals made then in the group phase now with less teams.


Just heard about a new system some guy made up in our Soccer program, sounds interesting much better then this system were using now.

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I couldent see the Wales match, coulden't find a chanel that send it. I was watching England a littel but maaan my internet was buffering the whole live >.

Of what i undesrtand , Russia didnt play good. But Is Russia Out?! I mean If this was their last game. That would mean, no more football for them and also, The yare not allowed ( not exactly sure how many th is) in the summer Olympic games either. But im not sure in what categories they are not allowed to be in.


What A happy day for the dragons however. And Haku, Yes I also thought their would be a goal in the England match.

Results Today UEFA:

Russia 0-3 Wales

England 0-0 Slovakia

Heads up: Poland, Germany and Spain


COPA will have their next game 21th June

U.S.A - Argentina

At: NRG Stadium in Houston


I bet the next COPA game will be thrilling :D


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wt new system would that be?

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: Awww, Don't worry, I couldn't watch the match either. I had to work. Haha. My mom watched it for me though. She said it was a good match. It sounded like Slovakia was trying to go for the tie, cause at least they still have a chance to make it to the Round of 16. Course it sounds like England didn't play all that well so It'll be interesting to see if they can even make it out of the round of 16. Haha. Yeah, Russia just sucked the entire time. They end the tournament with a total goose egg (Means they had Zero points in the Group) So yeah, they are out of the tournament. No, I don't think so. This is a tournament that is under UEFA. This tournament has nothing to do with the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The IOC is along with each sports International Federation is what determines which countries go to the Olympics or not.


I'm looking forward to the matches tomorrow! Especially with the Copa. I fully expect Argentina to win. I also kind of hope they do even though the US is my country. Mostly because I love Messi. LOL! But we shall see what happens! LOL!

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yeah i know its different but I Heard, well read there was Another reason, that a lot of their ..um "athletes" has been cheeting, with drugs. They have been ..dont remember the Word.. um.. Not allowed to be in games, like running and so on. And now they are not allowed to be in the Olympic games, Only one is allowed under "neutral" flag. Its in the news but i haven't followed them that carefully.


Oh so russia is also out of the football, its sad for the team, but for the "fans" i Think its good, they behaved bad anyway, well some of them -__-

I understand the next COPA game will be intresting, host country and all :D wish you good luck


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: If that's the case, that's probably from something else like doping. But that doesn't have anything to do with them losing the tournament. That's a separate issue. If they're out of the olympics because of doping, then good. Too many people doing that. -_- There are also countries and athletes who aren't wanting to compete because of the the Zika Virus. But that's also something completely different. Haha.


Yup, we'll see what happened. Either way I'll be happy with who wins. Haha.

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Problem with Russia is that there is still so many links with the Soviet time, KGB for example are still living the Soviet dream, Putin is the monster that came to be because of it. It's a good thing they get punished because it's just the same in DDR time where athletics where given Doping my the government.


And I'm glad their soccer team is going home, although there are rumours that the UEFA asked them to lose because they didn't want any more trouble, because you know the WC is being held in Russia.

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, yeah thats what i meant. I wasent sure if it was the same Word, Yeah about the doping problem. Its a bit sad that some people use drugs or things that are against the rules, in general. Oh i didnt knew that some people have decided not to go to Rio. But i can understand people are worried. Perhaps it would be better to have those games somewhere else, cuz of the situation I mean.

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: Yeah it's something that's gone on for years and years. It's one of those things where they should either do more to stop doping. Or just stop saying all these drugs are illegal. Cause while doping isn't good, it's still not enough to make you a good player or whatnot. Still gotta train.


Oh yeah. the Zika virus is a big thing right now. It's bad especially for women who are pregnant. But I think a big part of it is, even if you aren't pregnant. You could get the Virus and still not even know you're sick. Some people get flu like symptoms. and other people don't get any sickness at all. So you can walk around infecting people without even knowing it. Scary stuff.


I think they're either trying to, or they're trying to think of things they could do to keep the athletes safe without moving too much. Not really sure, since the olympics are just around the corner. Haha.




Lets go Northern Ireland! Lets see what you can do!

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I cant Watch it, the website that sends it is lagging like shhhiiittt -____-

So i am litsening to the radio :D I feel like i am back in the 30's, sitting next to the radio and drinking tea.

But Next game i will be able to see cuz that is sending from a "better" channel. I see. Germany made a goal .


ooh The virus sounds very very bad. Yeah its scary i you walk around not knowing if you are effected or not. I did read that people in Rio said that the games should be moved to a later date or Another Place. sounds very scary anyway :S

I feel very bad informed about the virus,


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Yeah, I mean, it's not bad to people, other than flu like symptoms. But the danger is to pregnant women, cause it causes birth defects in babies, and I think it's even killed babies too. So it's bad in that respect.


Oh man.....Damn Germany..... -_- Oh well. I'm happy Slovakia will move on to the Round of 16.

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Haku, maaan I realy hope noone gets sick during the games, that would be very sad.


Watching the game now. I do hope spain wins.

And they made a goal, how nice :) But I do Think spain would look more.. Spannish in red :p

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