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UEFA European Champions League|Copa América Centenario 2016


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Wales, said he was off-side. Looking at it, it's a tough call. I think he probable was a bit off-side. but the Ref didn't see it that way. Oh well.


Here's hoping they can at least tie it. Keep England to only a point.


That means, Slovakia plays England for the last match. Lets go Slovakia!




Dammit, England won. Now Slovakia really needs to beat England.

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NOoooo yoyo7 Wales, what happend.

Oh Well, They are still in the games, all is not lost.


there is a game in one hour but I am lookine more forward to tonights game With Germany and Poland :D

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Yeah i know, And Wales will meet Russia o_o that will be a tuff game, But maan I would love Wales to move further in the games. It would be so awsome for them. Hmm I Think slovakia will meet England. maaann so many games left o_O

i had no idea?

Well as soon as the groupe games are over it will go very fast to the finals.




Watching the game with germany now , i missed the first 30 minutes -_-

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I actually thought there would be at least two goal , but after 80 minutes i started to Think, perhaps this will be the first 0-0 . The game was Oki i Think lots of Changes to score but it was 0-0 at the end anyway.


Todays Result UEFA

England 2-1 Wales

Ukraine 0-2 Northen Ireland

Germany 0-0 Poland

Tomorrow it is Sweden, yay. And Also Spain and Croatia


And In COPA it will be the Host country to Play

Usa - Ecuador


It will be tuff for Sweden I Think too meet Italy ._. I hope they do well *Waves the football flag* But Wales was gooood . I will cheer for them :D

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It was a good match tho. I'm just happy Germany didn't win. XD Looking forward to Turkey - Spain!!! Though I'm sure that Spain will win. ^^"

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Oh man. The US vs Ecuador game is crazy. First half the US scored. Currently USA 1-0 Ecuador.


A. Valencia got a red card and is out of the game. J. Jones also got a red card. So both teams are playing with 10 men on the field.




Zardis scored off of a Dempsey Assist! US up 2-0!




Final Update!


US WINS! 2-1! They meet the Winner of the Argentina vs Venezuela game in the Semi-Finals!

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the game wasn't good, Germany played two rates to low, like they weren't really interested, it says enough that the best player on the field was boateng.


Milik needs to learn how to use his right foot, such a promising player but as long as he rely on his left foot he will never make it in the top competitions. If he could use his right foot, Poland would have won yesterday.

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Just because Germany was bad AF doesn't mean that the match wasn't good at all. Not sure if you've watched the whole game but Poland did a good job. Never underestimate your opponent. I've never seen an arrogant team like Germany. Sorry. This is just my opinion. (;


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And man don't be so negative, try to enjoy the games. It would so f–cking boring if only the "strong" teams would play and win. *chuckles* Pffft it's amusing seeing their pouting faces.

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this is about the strong team winning or anything, it was overall just bad, when I watch a soccer game I want to see good soccer, the game was exiting only because it was 0-0 for so long, but the passes were terrible, the tactic wasn't working. Poland was very apathetic too.


I was hoping for more action but both teams were playing under their rating, this is why I don't like these group phases, as long as there is nothing on the line all the matches will be half assed. I was wathiching the commentary last night too, and they conclude just the same as I did, it's a shame but this setup isn't doing the EK any good, at least not for the soccer fans who want to see some high standing games,

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You seems to know a lot about football, lot more than me at least :D No goals in last game :I But They looked very tierd at the end. Wasen't also the game with Ukraine where it started to "snow" .. um not really snow but i dont know the Word for it, that was weird :p


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Yay for you, Happy your fav team won. Must be a lots of happy people after that match :D Btw, l like your game updates *thumbs up*


Maann I just Woke up, tierd, why did I sleep so long .____. Well to day. soon I will cheer for Sweden, but I have a feeling Italy will 'crush them


Today UEFA:

Italy - Sweden

Czech Republic - Croatia

Spain - Turkey


COPA Quarterfinals 16June:

U.S.A 2-1 Ecuador


Todays match COPA 17 june:

Peru - Colombia


Com'on Sweden *Waves the football flag really hard* >.

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Well as a Dutch guy I follow soccer, but because The Netherlands isn't in the EK (which is very pathetic, knowing the players we have) Our country is much better then most of the countries in the EK. But it is our own fault, bad trainer and too many ego's not willing to play in a team. also our team isn't as good as it used to be, we probably won''t even make it to the WC.


Coming back on soccer in general, I want to see good combinations, completed passes. Tactics that are well thought off, players who use their head to think things through, Like Xavi or Iensta, they think 3 steps ahead. I love to see such soccer. Since it is hard to see good games these days in our competition, Eredivisie is a joke, all the talent is going either to UK or spain. And we never see them again.


I was looking forward to the EK but then they had to change the set-up to this only because the UEFA will earn millions of more money on this. so it comes to this, money rules all and now were all watching games which belongs to the Qualifier rounds, who are meant to wipe out these countries who do not belong on EC, or WC for this very reason.


Edit: When I look at it, for you guys it doesn't matter if it would be 16 or 24 you enjoy it anyway. For me it does because it lowers the quality of the matches. Also by allowing the best numbers 3 you destroy the importance's of the first game. for Example in the last WC Netherlands had to go up against Spain, we had to win that game to have a chance to getting to the next phase. We all know how that game went, if you take that stimulus away we would have never had such a game that early on in the WC.


I haven't seen one interesting game yet in this EC not one outstanding or surprising game. I might be negative but allot if people who I know agree with me on this. It lacks everything that the earlier EC did had.

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Well the fields are all in pretty bad shape so I can't blame them. I can't blame France either because of the heavy rain. I can't blame Poland cause if you were going to play against the World Cup Winner you would also be nervous and intimidated. So they did great. So you say they are playing half assed because of the small countries??? The small teams who didn't belong and deserve being part in the EC? If you say so. *chuckles*

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No I'm not saying they are playing half assed because they are small countries I'm saying it because it is to easy to get trough to the next round, even if you lose it doesn't mean it is the end. Bad weather hasn't got anything to do with the play style, the grass mats are much better then they used to be, and even with rain I have seen much better matches.


Poland and Germany are rivals, they don't care about Germany being the winner of the WC.


And yes there are to many countries who don't belong in this EC because of their poor quality, if you look at the qualifiers and with the old system, most of them wouldn't be playing right now. And I'm not talking about geographic wise small, just countries who are currently not good enough for these tournaments like my own country. Only the best should be standing here.

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Ahahhahaha you're talking to me like I'm retarded and don't understand about football at all. We just have different opinions. Can't be helped then. We just don't get along when it comes to football. You have a good taste in music tho. XD Rest well. (;

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no I'm not, (don't just jump to conclusions) sometimes I write so fast that my brain can't catch up, I'm born with autism so if one of us is retarded it should be me.


Anyway besides that, all I'm saying is that the best should be standing in the EC or WC whatever country it is, now it is just to many who don't deserve to be here. and it affects the matches.

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Dude please don't call yourself retarded because you have autism. That would mean that all ppl with autism are retarded. They are special in many ways like my cousin, he just amazes me. I always debate with folks about football, it isn't personal believe me. It's pretty normal that everyone has a different perspective. I actually think it's good and healthy to look at things from multiple viewpoints. (;

And yeap I do not agree sometimes and say my opinion which puts me in a bit of a spot. Sorry man.

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I'm not saying I'm I was just telling you I'm not thinking of you as one.


And I wouldn't dare to insult of what I'm myself, anyway when it comes to passions I tend to get aggressive when voicing my opinion (sorry about that) it's not that I want to force my opinion on you or anything that is why I tend to avoid soccer discussion. :p


Lets just leave it at that, it is a good thing we have different opinions don't let it bother you, I'm not feeling well and have a terrible headache so I guess I lost my cool there.

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I had a root canal treatment today. Beat that! XD See, we have something in common. XP *high fives* Anyway hope you will get rid of your headache soon. :/

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Italy vs Sweden has started, another interesting game. I think Italy is going to win since Sweden doesn't look so good.

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The game is on :D I just started to Watch it, I felt an urge Before to vacum Clean my flat Before the match XD

So its Clean now, I hope it will... help the team :/ . Hahaha.

i hope this goes well >.

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oh you have headache again :( Oh man I do hope you will feel better soon. Perhaps a pill or resting will help?

Im sure you know what works best for you. I hope you will get well soon :)



HAhahaha I am affraid you are right about who will win this, Rebel Heart, I also Think Italy will win this but I will cheer for sweden , and Hope :)

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Zlatan Ibrahimovic :p but i Also had too google his name, its a bit different his name, not like Olsson, andersson or eriksson and so on HAHAhaha. So far I Think Sweden looks good, But italy will probably come back in the secon half with ninja Powers.





Nooooooo sweden lost. But i it was a fun game. So nexttime sweden plays will be against Belgium :D

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